Whiner-in-Chief Donald Trump is Freaking Out About Polls Because He’s at Another New Low

It really is pathetic when the President of the United States is so obsessed with his polling that he can’t keep from whining – and lying – about it to his Dimwitted Deplorables on Twitter. But then again Donald Trump is, in his own words, “the most fabulous whiner.” It’s just too bad that he has to prove it at every opportunity, usually over something that is petty and otherwise forgettable.

Donald Trump

On Friday an ABC/Washington Post poll was released with some data that was bound to trigger Trump’s acute insecurity and malignant narcissism. The poll showed that Trump had notched a new high in his disapproval rating of sixty percent. Considering everything that has been going wrong, he’s lucky it isn’t worse. But not known for being rational enough to appreciate that reality, Trump went off on a Twitter tirade against the poll:

First of all, two weeks before the 2016 election, the ABC Washington Post poll had the race at forty-seven percent to forty-three percent in favor of Hillary Clinton. That’s right on the mark since the final election results gave Clinton a three million vote lead. This polling measures voter sentiment, not the electoral college. So Trump’s complaint that the poll was “by far the least accurate one” is just another of his innumerable untruths. Will he ever learn? Don’t bother to answer that. Just take a look at his next tweet:

Rasmussen does currently have Trump at forty-eight percent, but Rasmussen is a notoriously biased outfit that Republicans lean on for positive news when all the reputable pollsters are providing more credible numbers. And Obama’s ratings on August 31, 2010, were also forty-eight percent, so Trump was not higher, as he claimed. As for Trump’s assessment of these two pollsters, the experts at FiveThirtyEight have ABC/Washington Post at A+, while Rasmussen is much farther down the scale at a mere C+.

It’s no wonder that Trump is concerned about his polling. As his presidency continues to be mired in scandal, the results on several other topics are just as bad as his approval. For instance, sixty-three percent of voters support special counsel Robert Mueller. Sixty-four percent oppose Trump firing Attorney General Jeff Sessions, which he is threatening to do after the midterms. Fifty-three percent say that Trump is already guilty of obstruction of justice for interfering with the Mueller probe. And a plurality of nearly half (forty-nine percent) of Americans say that Congress should begin impeachment hearings. That includes thirty percent of conservatives.

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Trump is a walking disaster and he knows it. So he’s trying to gaslight the public with his ludicrous Twitter tantrums. And all of this bad news is coming as Trump is preparing to hit the road to campaign for Republican candidates. You have to wonder how many of them still want him to show up. He just announced that he’ll be holding a “major rally” in Texas for Sen. Ted Cruz. That freak show ought to be a real humdinger considering all the awful things they’ve said about each other. Be sure to have plenty of popcorn on hand.
