There has never been a more divisive president of the United States than Donald Trump. He wakes every morning with the intent to demonize his fellow Americans and dehumanize those with whom he disagrees. Trump embraces the tactics of his fascist heroes who perfected the use of projected hate to marginalize his opponents and unite a rage-filled base of cult followers. And he employs infantile insults, nicknames, and the coarse rhetoric of bullies to achieve his ends.
If you criticize Trump you don’t just have political differences with him. In his diseased brain you are a destroyer of everything virtuous, and are in league with Satan to destroy him personally. This is evident in the acutely hyperbolic extremes he goes to when describing any person or event. It’s always the “worst ever in history” rather than merely a different point of view. And it was evident in Trump’s recent cult rally in Arizona where he typically went berserk over the presence of Democrats in the country that he thinks should only be occupied by his most zealous fanatics (video below):
“Anybody that votes for a Democrat now is crazy. When you look at what’s coming up, you gotta be crazy.
Note that Trump isn’t talking about just some Democrats that he believes might have gone over some ambiguous line. He explicitly maligned as mentally defective “anybody that votes for a Democrat.” That’s an awfully broad condemnation for someone who lost the popular vote to 65 million Democratic voters. He’s saying that more than half the nation is insane. And judging by the expectations for the upcoming midterm election, that number is going to increase significantly. What’s more, this was a planned attack as is obvious by the pre-produced signs in his crowd.
What’s interesting is that there has been so little push back on these comments. Especially considering the heat that Hillary Clinton took when she characterized only a portion of Trump’s supporters negatively. In her now famous remarks tagging some of Trump’s most fervent devotees as “Deplorables,” she said that:
“You could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic – you name it. And unfortunately, there are people like that. And he has lifted them up. […] But that other basket of people are people who feel the government has let them down, the economy has let them down, nobody cares about them, nobody worries about what happens to their lives and their futures; and they’re just desperate for change.”
She was actually being generous. The true percentage of Trump’s Deplorables is way more than half. But Clinton was sensitive to the fact that she was talking about fellow citizens and deliberately avoided painting them all with a broad, disdainful brush. That’s the sort of thoughtful consideration that Trump is incapable of. But he is fully capable of rank hypocrisy when it comes to slandering his foes and exalting himself. Take, for instance, his swipe at Clinton shortly after the Deplorable remarks:
"She calls our people deplorable and irredeemable. I will be a president for ALL of our people." – @RealDonaldTrump #BigLeagueTruth #Debate
— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) October 10, 2016
So does Trump think that being a president for everyone means contemptuously disparaging more than half the country as crazy? Let’s face it, he never intended to be a uniting figure in the presidency. His entire campaign was built on hatred and bigotry. And he has carried that over into the White House. In his remarks immediately following the “crazy” talk he said that:
“The Democrats don’t care about what their extremist immigration agendas will do to your communities, your hospitals. How ’bout your hospitals are being overrun. Your schools. California, they wanna give you free education, free healthcare, open borders. I mean we’re gonna have ten million people move to California. This is the craziest thing. So here’s what we do. Let’s get these people out of there. There’s something wrong. They’re cuckoo.”
Oh my. Democrats are in favor of the American people having access to healthcare and education. Lock them up! Quick, before they become too healthy and smart to ever vote for a Republican again. But Trump wasn’t finished. He felt the need to make sure that his insults were directly aimed at the most vulnerable people, who he belittled in the racist manner to which he is accustomed:
“That’s why Democrats want to give illegal aliens free welfare, free health care and free education. Give them a driver’s license, next thing you know, they’ll want to buy them a car. Then they’ll say the car’s not good enough – how about a Rolls Royce. Democrats want to give illegal immigrants the right to vote.”
And Trump says that Democrats are crazy? This is all nonsense of the most ludicrous variety. None of what he’s saying is remotely true. It’s the blather of a reality TV reject who can only think in terms of childish smears. And Trump topped it all off by saying that “The Democrat Party has become too extreme and too dangerous to be trusted with power.” So Trump concludes his petulant tantrum by asserting the aspirations of a wannabe dictator who conserves all political power for himself. And the audience cheered. Talk about extreme and dangerous.
How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.
Trump is a grotesque stain on our history. He is the bottom of the barrel along with his idiot supporters!