The wild speculation surrounding the death of pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein continues to unravel. Unfortunately, most of the unraveling is occurring in the tangled mash of broken synapses in what remains of Donald Trump’s scattered and paranoia-racked brain. The fact that an American president has sunk into such an abyss of madness is both embarrassing and frightening.
The latest evidence that Trump has stepped off the sanity train is his defense for having retweeted a preposterous rant by a lunatic conspiracy crackpot. The tweet alleged that Bill and/or Hillary Clinton were conspirators in the death of Epstein. To add fuel to that fire, Fox News embraced this lunacy in an effort to provide cover for Trump. But on Tuesday Trump rushed to his own defense with a bizarre tirade that was littered with lies and appalling foolishness (video below). Speaking of the original tweeter, Terrence K. Williams,Trump said:
“He’s a very highly respected conservative pundit. He’s a big Trump fan. And that was a retweet. That wasn’t from me. That was from him. He’s a man who has half a million followers and he’s respected. And as you know, Bill Barr wants to do an entire investigation of the whole Epstein Matter.”
First of all, Williams is neither highly respected, nor a conservative pundit. He’s an aspiring comedian and devoted Trump cultist. So he is indeed a “big Trump fan,” which speaks to his poor judgment. Secondly, Trump seems to think that having retweeted Williams’ idiocy relieves him of any responsibility for it. But Trump himself affirms his agreement with the tweet, so whether he wants to admit it or not, he owns it. Trump then goes on to suggest that Williams’ 500,000 Twitter followers is some sort of validation for his blather. If that’s true, then Stephen Colbert – with 18.6 million followers – should be the next Secretary of State. This just shows that our reality TV president is still obsessed with ratings.
Finally, Trump says that his disreputable Attorney General, William Barr, is investigating all of this. Really? Barr is investigating the Clinton murder allegations? That would be a troubling signal that our justice system has completely collapsed. To be fair, at least, Barr would also need to probe the possibility that Trump was the mastermind behind Epstein’s death. After all, Trump had much greater access and opportunity, as well as far more to lose if Epstein talked.
Also on Tuesday morning, Trump was asked outright if he thinks the Clintons were involved in Epstein’s death. He replied, “I have no idea.” Let that sink in. The President of the United States is allowing for conjecture that a former president, and political foe, committed murder. He went on to implicate Clinton with allegations about trips on Epstein’s plane. What Trump isn’t saying is that those trips were often to attend charitable events, and there is no evidence of any hanky panky. Unlike what we know about Trump’s pussy-grabbing, porn star chasing, and Miss Teen America dressing room invading.
Trump also isn’t saying how many times he flew on Epstein’s plane and partied with Epstein in New York and Florida. There may not be as many plane rides because Trump has his own plane. But their relationship is well documented and much of it revolved around affairs with young women.
While the President regards Trump-fluffing comedians as “highly respected” pundits, he continues to malign professional news enterprises. He quote-tweeted a notorious wingnut from Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post saying that the New York Times is “no longer a news organization. It is now an agenda driven organization out to change the Country (for the worse!).” What’s more, Trump retweeted several posts from Breitbart, felon Dinesh D’Souza, and the disgraced and pathetic hack, James O’Keefe. So what we have residing in the White House is a psychotic conspiracy theorist who values cheesy comics and propagandists over experienced journalists. Is it any wonder why the nation is so ashamed of Trump?
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Trump argues his retweet of a @w_terrence tweet suggesting the Clintons murdered Jeffrey Epstein "was fine" because Williams is "a highly respected conservative pundit. A big Trump fan. And that was a retweet … he's a man who has half a million followers."
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) August 13, 2019
I keep thinking when it comes to the Orange Tyrant — and his genuflecting minions — maligning the press; Mark Levin (f*cking moron) has a new book called “The Unfreedom of the Press,” and there is nothing the Reich loves more than promoting the “unfreedom” of any press that will not worship Their Beloved God Tyrant. You look at Levin’s (f*cking moron) Twitter page and 90% of his posts are attacking the press the same way the Tyrant does on his. I tackle Levin (f*cking moron) on this every chance I get, but he doesn’t respond.
But, of course, when there is a press that is willing to worship the Lord God Tyrant, naturally BOTH have nothing but good things to say about THAT press, especially when they were quick to attack it when it DOESN’T say anything good about the Tyrant.
What does it say that we treat the comedians (Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Trevor Noah) with more respect than we treat any press in this country? Half the “news” media are kissing the Tyrant’s butt, and the rest are finding excuses to give him the benefit of the doubt. What is there about the media that we can TRUST?!
Try Free Speech TV, Amy Goodman, Thom Hartman, and try to remember Walter Cronkite’s ability to treat our Nation with respect. Now it’s all about that ego maniac from Australia who owns FOX Tripe News. Australia hates him for what he did there, Britain too, so he bought American Citizenship with money.
It is a little odd that Epstein was able to a) have more than two hours alone without being checked, b) have the materials easily available to hang himself, c) have already had a suicide attempt a couple of weeks ago which he said was an attack, d) be able to scream while hanging himself, and e) want to hang himself in the first place since his millions of dollars would have assured a fairly luxurious prison term and he hadn’t even been convicted yet.
I doubt it was suicide.