Trump AG Bill Barr Says ‘He’s Like a Defiant Nine Year Old Kid’ and Trump Proves That’s True

Among the most prominent characteristics of Donald Trump’s toxic personality is his unrelenting outrage and his tendency to throw infantile tantrums whenever he feels he has been treated with insufficient adoration. He is a textbook example of a malignant narcissist who has an obsessive compulsion to exalt himself at every opportunity and to fiercely denigrate his perceived foes.

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William Barr, Donald Trump

Trump promised make appointments in his administration from among “all the best people” that he pretended to have personal relationships with. As it turned out, his appointees were notoriously – according to Trump himself – weak, incompetent, unqualified, and utterly unfit for the jobs to which Trump appointed them.

RELATED: Trump is Running for President So He Can Appoint More People He Will Eventually Call Losers

On Sunday’s edition of Face the Nation on CBS, Trump’s former Attorney General, Bill Barr, was interviewed by Robert Costa and provided some insightful observations of Trump from the perspective an insider who worked closely with him during his occupation of the White House.

Barr was one of Trump’s many appointments who were intended to run their offices with loyalty only to Trump rather than to the Constitution or the nation. He was also one of the many suckers who Trump later maligned in the most offensive terms. And no wonder Trump was furious. In this interview Barr gave a particularly accurate of description of Trump…

“He’s like a defiant nine year old kid who’s always pushing the glass toward the edge of the table defying his parents to stop him from doing it.” [and…]

“He’s a very petty individual who will always put his interests ahead of the country’s.” [and…]

“Our country can’t be a therapy session for a troubled man like this.” [and…]

“He is a consummate narcissist. He constantly engages in reckless conduct.”

For his part, Trump has been trying very hard to validate assessments like these. In just the past 24 hours, Trump has posted a series of utterly deranged harangues attacking law enforcement, Republicans, Fox News, and of course, President Biden. For example…

“[Special Counsel Jack] Smith is a sick and deranged sleazebag.” [and…]

“This is all about Election Interference by the Communist Misfits and Thugs.” [and…]

“[Mitch] McConnell and RINO Republicans are a disaster for the Republican Party.” [and…]

“Do not broadcast negative ads against Republican and Conservative Candidates. […] Only “TRUMP” can save Fox News.” [and…]

“Long live the King. The only solution for Fox News is to bring back Trump.” [and…]

“CROOKED JOE BIDEN pressed deranged Jack Smith to do this FAKE INDICTMENT on me.”

It’s clear that Barr is right about Trump’s stunted emotional state. And it’s equally clear that he’s gotten under Trump’s thin skin. This has been festering for quite a while. But it has gotten worse in recent weeks. For instance, referring to Trump’s indictment, Barr recently said that “If even half of what it says is true, HE’S TOAST!” And you can lay odds that way more than half is true, just by going on Trump himself has said.


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Trump’s Attorney Tells Fox News He’s Not Facing Reality, He’s Denying the Prospect of Prison

No rational observer is ever going to characterize Donald Trump as someone who has a firm grip on reality. He lies with extraordinary abandon, and constantly presents a version of the world that is in stark contrast to the one that the rest of us live in. However, it is still rather astonishing that his own lawyer takes the position that he is something less than cognizant of the circumstances he faces and the legal peril that is looming.

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Donald Trump, Prison

After being indicted on 37 felony charges ranging from obstruction justice to violations of the Espionage Act, Trump is suffering a severe mental meltdown that is evident in his remarks in public and online. And he isn’t getting much help from his legal team, two of whom he dismissed immediately after the indictments were announced. One of his remaining attorneys, Alina Habba, has been making the rounds of right-wing media to attempt to state his case. But she has not been particularly effective.

RELATED STORY: HUH? Trump’s Lawyer Accuses Special Counsel Jack Smith of ‘Scaring’ Mark Meadows Into Testifying

On Sunday morning Habba was interviewed by Shannon Bream on Fox News, who actually asked a pretty good question. She did not, however, get a very good response…

Bream: “I know you’ve been with the president. What is his mood? I mean, a conviction here on any number or multiple of these charges could be decades in jail. Has that sunk in?”
Habba: No, I don’t think he’s thinking of it that way, and I don’t really think that’s a realistic way to think about this case. He’s done nothing wrong. He said that this is completely politically motivated. It’s election interference at its best by a political opponent.

For any criminal defendant to approach a case this serious with the view that it’s not “realistic” to consider the prospect of decades in prison if convicted, is bizarre, to say the least. It’s an admission that Trump isn’t facing reality at all. And the defenses that Habba floats (“politically motivated,” “election interference”) are equally distant from reality. But then again, she is not an especially qualified lawyer. She went on to say…

“So to his credit, and the world should understand, an indictment is a one-sided document. He has a defense. The defense is real. He had the Presidential Records Act, which only he has in play. Hillary Clinton didn’t have that. Biden didn’t have that. And we’ll put that defense on. The team he’s going to have will be strong and knows exactly what they’re doing.”

Habba’s assertion that the Presidential Records Act is a defense ignores the fact that Trump’s indictment doesn’t charge him with anything related to that. It is never even mentioned. What’s more, it wouldn’t exonerate him if it were included. And her deflecting to Hillary Clinton and President Biden is just plain pathetic. Whatever crimes she thinks they committed, it wouldn’t have any bearing on Trump’s guilt or innocence. Although, she has apparently coordinated with Trump as to what their legal strategy should be…

SEE THIS: Crybaby Trump’s Indictment Defense Strategy Revealed: Whine Endlessly About President Biden

Habba also praises Trump’s legal team, which currently consists of just one newly named lawyer, Todd Blanche, who has yet to actually assemble a team. So she can hardly pretend to know that Trump’s team “knows exactly what they’re doing.” However, another lawyer who has had some history with Trump – his former Attorney General, Bill Barr – has an opinion that diverges significantly from the Trump defense. Barr now says about the Trump indictment that “If even half of it is true, HE’S TOAST!”

Consequently, Trump is running around crying about being a victim and the target of “Deep State” persecutors who hate him. He’s trying desperately to rile up his cult followers and incite them to commit more acts of violence on his behalf. So far, that isn’t working. But it’s still too soon to rule out the harm that could be done by the crackpots who have devoted themselves to his malicious MAGA movement. He is a clear and present danger to the nation, and has already predicted a political apocalypse should he be held to account for his crimes.

SEE ALSO: Trump Warns of ‘Death and Destruction’ if He is Indicted for Crimes that He Actually Committed

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Scaredy Trump Praises Convicted Seditionists as Patriots, Maligns American Justice as Gestapo

The closer that law enforcement comes to indicting Donald Trump for his multitude of crimes, the more dramatically his fear is expressed in frantic posts to his floundering Twitter scam, Truth Social. And this week saw the conviction of five of his militia leaders – The Proud Boys – for seditious conspiracy and/or other serious felonies.

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The convictions of the Proud Boys follows prior convictions of the Oath Keepers for many of the same crimes. And all of these Trumpian mob soldiers rested their defenses on claims that it was Trump who led them to commit their treasonous acts. So it is just a matter of time before the law bears down on the mob boss. No wonder Trump’s Russian allies are reaching out to him to help…

SEE THIS: Why is a Russian Arms Dealer Advising Trump to Flee the U.S. and Take Refuge in Russia?

For his part, Trump is in a hysterical frenzy as he can’t escape contemplating the foreboding future he faces. So he responds in a cartoonishly predictable manner with furious insults aimed at his perceived foes. Trump’s insults also happen to be malicious assaults on American law and values. He began by embracing the Proud Felons who were just found guilty of heinous crimes against America…

“The DOJ and FBI are destroying the lives of so many Great American Patriots, right before our very eyes. The Court System is a RUBBER STAMP for their conviction and imprisonment. […] GET SMART AMERICA, THEY ARE COMING AFTER YOU!!!”

For the record, these “patriots” are the thugs who stormed the Congress and assaulted the police officers who were defending it and the public servants inside. And the “RUBBER STAMP” was the jury of their peers, not some government overlord pronouncing a state-mandated verdict. However, Trump’s warning that “THEY ARE COMING AFTER YOU,” is accurate if “YOU” are violating the law and plotting insurrection. Trump then elaborated on his hatred for the law and allegiance to the nation…

“These people are thugs and criminals who allow ANTIFA & BLM to thrive and flourish, but who use full Gestapo force to shut down opposition and Interfere in our Elections.”

Does Trump even know what the Gestapo was? The only force applied to the Proud Felons was their arrest on well-defined charges and a fair trial by jury with a team of lawyers to mount their defense. The Gestapo would have just executed the defendants in an alley and dumped their bodies in a river. Yet somehow, Trump aligns the American justice system with that of Nazi war criminals.

For good measure, Trump also posted a couple of swipes at his former Attorney General, Bill Barr, who he called a “weak & slovenly man who was ill equipped to be Attorney General.” So Trump is confessing that he appointed a “weak & slovenly man” to the nation’s highest law office. Which isn’t surprising, considering that he has disparaged most of his prior White House team in the same ugly terms.

RELATED: Trump is Running for President So He Can Appoint More People He Will Eventually Call Losers

Trump also bragged that “I got very tough with Bill Barr, and pushed him hard to do his job, but he just couldn’t overcome his fear of the Radical Left.” So Trump is admitting that he improperly pressured his AG, but even failed at that. He then posted criticism of Special Prosecutor Jack Smith, who he called a “Trump Hating SLIMEBALL.” Which, minus the “slimeball” reference, would put Smith in agreement with the majority of the American people.

And that is what Trump fears most. The fact that he is despised by millions and considered to be a pathetic loser. It’s a reality that he just can’t shake off.

SEE ALSO: Americans are Unsatisfied with Politics in General, But Specifically Despise Trump and the GOP

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HUH? Fox News and Trump AG Bill Barr Defend Durham Debacles as Successfully Exposing Russiagate

After more than three years and tens of millions of dollars, special counsel John Durham has finally flamed out, suffering another humiliating loss in court with the acquittal of Igor Danchenko. The investigation was from its outset a contrived political ploy aimed at absolving Donald Trump of his conspicuous guilt for colluding with Russia during the 2016 presidential campaign.

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William Barr, Donald Trump

Donald Trump and his Republican Party cult claimed for two years that Durham would finally prove that the investigations of Trump and his unsavory associations with Russia were a “hoax.” They insisted that Durham would secure convictions of everyone from Hillary Clinton to James Comey to Robert Mueller, and more.

RELATED: Trump Whines that the Media Didn’t Fall for the Durham Nothingburger About Clinton ‘Spying’

Now that Durham has failed to secure a single conviction in court, Trump and his panderers for Putin are attempting to spin the Durham probe as a Bizarro World success. They claim that Durham never really wanted to convict anyone, and that his real goal was to tarnish the reputation of the FBI and the courts as corrupt, “Deep State,” anti-Trump provocateurs. Trump’s former Attorney Genuflect, Bill Barr went on Fox News to declare victory saying that, although he was “disappointed”

“The real public interest here was served by exposing the full extent of the corruption that was involved in the ‘Russiagate, and the abuse by the FBI in that whole episode.”

That’s a peculiar perspective that contrasts entirely with reality. By acquitting Danchenko the jury was explicitly rejecting Durham’s arguments that the FBI engaged in any corruption or abuse. However, Barr was not alone in his delusional assessment. Trump weighed with a posting on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social. He whined that it was…

“A very sad result for our Justice System, but so much has been exposed—far more than anyone thought possible.”

Trump’s post linked to an article on the Fox News website by notorious Trump-fluffing legal hack, Gregg Jarrett, who made the same bogus argument that Barr made. He said that the trial “was never really about Danchenko at all. [and that it was actually] a damning indictment of the FBI’s gross misconduct.” But neither Trump nor Jarrett provided a scintilla of support for their preposterous claims.

Joining these legal deceivers was another former Trump attorney, Joseph DiGenova. He told Newsmax that Durham had “decided he was going to embarrass the FBI,” and that “He wanted to dirty up the FBI.” If that’s true, than Durham should have his license to practice law revoked. That is a wholly unethical exploitation of the court. And Durham, who in his role as an attorney and special counsel is an officer of the court, is oath-bound to comply with legal protocol.

These arguments defending Durham’s failures seem to be uncannily similar. It’s almost as if they were coordinated. And there are more where they come from. Sen. Marsha Blackburn said that “the latest loss by Durham shows that the justice system is biased against MAGA and Hillary was behind the whole thing.” And Margot Cleveland, Senior Legal Correspondent for the Federalist wrote that “Russia Hoaxers, not Durham, Should be Embarrassed.”

But piling on synchronized narratives doesn’t mean that they make any more sense. A more rational assessment was made by constitutional law professor Lawrence Tribe of Harvard, who observed that Durham is just the latest casualty of associating with Trump:

“One more formerly reputable lawyer bites the dust on a mission for Trump, this one doubly doomed by its handling by Barr.”

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Trump Truthfully Tells His Cult Rally Rabble that ‘I Think They’d Like To See Me In Prison’

Pathological liar Donald Trump doesn’t tell the truth very often. He has a record for blatantly lying during his occupation of the White House that President Biden – nor any future president – can ever hope to match. So when he does manage to say something truthful he deserves to get credit for it.

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Donald Trump, Prison

Trump has spent the past two years whining about his having lost the 2020 presidential election. However, his efforts to prove any of his claims that the election was “rigged and stolen” from him have failed in more than sixty court challenges for lack of even a shred of evidence. It is that campaign to undermine democracy that has come to be known as the “Big Lie.” Even his own Attorney General, Bill Barr, said it was “bullshit.”

RELATED: AG Bill Barr on Trump’s Big Lie: We Realized From the Beginning it Was Just Bull****

At his latest travelling salvation show, Trump rattled off his tedious litany of complaints and perceived victimhood. He repeated his well worn lines about the media, the election he lost, and always his seething hatred for all things democratic and his nemesis who bests him on all counts, President Biden. But on one matter Trump actually got something right at the end of a lie-riddled rant when he sobbed that…

“They’re trying to wipe out free speech, crush religious liberty, confiscate your guns, indoctrinate your children, criminalize dissent, and even put their political opponents in prison. I think they’d like to see me in prison. Can you imagine? I think they’d like… You know why? You know why? Because they’re sick. They’re sick people.”

Can you imagine? Can you imagine that law abiding Americans want politicians who commit crimes to be punished? Is it within your ability to grasp that people who incite violence in the process of staging a coup should be held accountable? Do you really believe that stealing highly sensitive national security materials, hoarding them in your hotel/home, and lying to the FBI about it should be prosecuted? Would you want authorities to investigate someone who committed bank and tax fraud for millions of dollars?

For the record, most Americans would answer all of those questions in the affirmative. Recent polling shows that nearly six in ten voters think that Trump should face charges over the January 6th insurrection. Even a Fox News poll shows that voters think Trump’s theft of classified documents was wrong by a whopping 39 point margin (65% to 26%).

As usual, just about everything else in Trump’s rally harangue is flagrantly false. It is Trump and his Republican comrades who have threatened free speech, literally proposing to ban books and censor media. They have fouled the notion of religious liberty by forcing their beliefs on everyone else. Their love affair with guns puts Americans at risk every day. And their idea of education is a true form of indoctrination that excises any historical facts that make conservatives uncomfortable, such as slavery and discrimination against minorities, immigrants, women, and LGBTQ.

RELATED: Biden Was Wrong to Call MAGA Republicans Merely ‘Semi’ Fascist

Trump’s complaints about people wanting to see him in prison run in stark contrast to his own advocacy of prison for his political opponents. He routinely accuses others of crimes without any facts to support his charges. His rallies regularly feature chants of “Lock [him/her] up,” for unidentified crimes and without trial or conviction. And just to demonstrate his raging hypocrisy, that chant was even taken up within minutes of his prison whining at Saturday’s rally. You really can’t make this up…

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Tucker Carlson of Fox News Secretly Lobbied for Trump to Pardon Convicted Felon Roger Stone

The lines dividing Fox News from the ultra-rightist Republican Party and the abominable Cult of Donald Trump were erased long ago. There is no discernible distinction whatsoever between Trump’s GOP and Rupert Murdoch’s propaganda network. They work hand in hand to undermine democracy and advance the authoritarian aspirations and agenda of their Dear Leader Trump.

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Donald Trump, Roger Stone

The latest revelation affirming this nefarious coupling of wingnut media and wretched politicians comes in a passage from the new book by New York Times reporter, Maggie Haberman, “Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America.” The book exposes numerous depravities from the Trump presidency, including that Trump “resisted denouncing White supremacists,” “made light of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s declining health, “ and his Chief of Staff John Kelly describing Trump as a “fascist.”

RELATED: Crybaby Trump Dumps on His Favorite New York Times Reporter for Telling the Truth About Him

Haberman recounts Trump’s efforts to absolve his criminal co-conspirators of any responsibility for their crimes. Specifically, she reports that Tucker Carlson of Fox News personally lobbied the White House to pardon convicted felon Roger Stone. According to Rolling Stone

“During Trump’s fourth year in office, Carlson also held a secret meeting at the White House with Jared Kushner as part of a pressure campaign aimed at forcing Trump to pardon Roger Stone, according to the upcoming book Confidence Man.”

Haberman wrote that…

“If Trump failed to deliver, Carlson made clear, he would press the issue publicly. Kushner was noncommittal, and a few days later Carlson launched what became a monthslong campaign on his friend’s behalf.”

So Carlson was going far beyond merely urging the Trump administration to pardon Stone. He was actually extorting them with the threat of using his program to attack them if they didn’t comply with his demand. That says something about the weakness of Trump’s White House, that it could be manipulated so easily, and that squeaky cable pundits weren’t afraid to push them around.

Not that Trump needed much pushing. He was already leaning toward pardoning his accomplice, Stone, who he thought was being treated too harshly by his own Justice Department. And that was after then-Attorney General Bill Barr had overruled and lessened the prosecutors’ penalty recommendation.

Stone had been found guilty of witness tampering and lying to Congress, crimes that carry prison terms of up to nine years. Barr got that reduced to 40 months. But Trump later pardoned Stone, along with his confederates Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, and Steve Bannon.

RELATED: The REAL Criminal: Roger Stone Was Prosecuted for Covering Up for Trump

Tusker Carlson injecting himself into White House political and criminal matters is blatantly inappropriate. No reputable journalist would ever consider it. So it’s a good thing that Fox News doesn’t consider Carlson to be either reputable or a journalist. In fact, Fox News lawyers argued in court – successfully – that he couldn’t be found to be guilty of defamation because no reasonable person would believe anything he says. Sadly, there are way too many unreasonable persons who watch Fox News every day.

See… Fox News Court Ruling: No ‘Reasonable Viewer’ Takes Tucker Carlson Seriously

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Trump’s AG Bill Barr Has Been Subpoenaed in Billion Dollar Dominion Lawsuit Against Fox News

The billion dollar defamation lawsuit against Fox News by Dominion Voting Systems continues to build steam. And Dominion’s case keeps getting stronger. The core complaint is that Fox News hosts and guests relentlessly made baseless charges that Dominion voting machines were used to “rig” the election. And there’s a mountain of evidence to support Dominion’s case.

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William Barr, Donald Trump

The latest twist to the increasingly compelling plot is that Dominion has subpoenaed Donald Trump’s former Attorney Genuflect, Bill Barr. According to ABC News

“Former Attorney General William Barr has been subpoenaed as part of an ongoing 2020 election defamation lawsuit against Fox News brought by voting machine company Dominion Voting Systems, according to the court docket in the case.”

This shouldn’t come as surprise considering that Barr has already affirmed that Trump’s efforts to undermine democracy were wholly without merit, and that Trump was told that repeatedly. In the book Betrayal, by ABC News Chief Washington Correspondent Jonathan Karl, there were some choice quotes by Barr regarding Trump’s “Big Lie” that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him. Barr told Karl that…

“My attitude was: It was put-up or shut-up time. If there was evidence of fraud, I had no motive to suppress it. But my suspicion all the way along was that there was nothing there. It was all bull—-.”

And specifically commenting on allegations that the Dominion voting machines were rigged to switch votes from Trump to Biden, Barr said that…

“We realized from the beginning it was just bull—. It’s a counting machine, and they save everything that was counted. So you just reconcile the two. There had been no discrepancy reported anywhere, and I’m still not aware of any discrepancy.”

RELATED: AG Bill Barr on Trump’s Big Lie: We Realized From the Beginning it Was Just Bull****

Barr’s testimony enhances the already airtight case case against Fox News. In several pre-trial hearings Fox has tried unsuccessfully to get the suit dismissed. That’s gone so badly for Fox that in one of those hearings the judge remarked that Fox had acted with “actual malice” in their crusade to advance Trump’s “Big Lie” that the election had been “rigged” and “stolen” from him.

Barr is fortunate that he’s only being called as a witness at this time. Also named as defendants in Dominion’s lawsuit are Trump attorneys Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell. And in a similar lawsuit by Smartmatic, Fox News hosts Maria Bartiromo, Jeanine Pirro, and Lou Dobbs are named as defendants. More defendants could be named in both suits going forward, including Trump. Which seems like an obvious addition considering that he is the instigator of the entire mess.

RELATED: Read Smartmatic’s Gripping Introduction to Their 2.7 Billion Lawsuit Against Fox News

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Bill Barr Tells Fox News that Durham’s Failure to Railroad Clinton Lawyer Was a Victory

Fox News is well known as a brazenly partisan and dishonest purveyor of propaganda that exists only to serve the political interests of the Republican Party and that panders to Donald Trump and his cult disciples. It was never intended to be a legitimate “news” enterprise, and in that respect it has lived up to its mission.

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Among the skills that Fox News has honed over the years is one that facilitates turning bad news into some ludicrous reimagining of reality that better fits their preordained narratives. And on Wednesday there was a textbook example of their mastery of that method of mangling the news during an episode of Jesse Watters’ program. Watters invited Trump’s former Attorney Genuflect, Bill Barr, on for a segment of misinformation regarding the acquittal of Michael Sussmann, a Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer who was hounded by Barr’s special counsel, John Durham.

Durham’s mandate was to invent legal distractions in an effort to vindicate Trump by fabricating phony charges of misconduct related to his unsavory connections to Russia. Durham never had a shred of evidence to justify his probe, which the jury recognized and quickly found Sussmann not guilty.

RELATED: Crybaby Trump FREAKS OUT Over the Durham Nothingburger Resulting in Acquittal of Clinton Lawyer

The typically softball interview of Barr allowed him paint a preposterous picture of the outcome of the trial. In the retelling of the story by Watters and Barr, Durham was actually victorious:

Watters: Do you feel in any way responsible for how this Durham situation is unfolding, and are you disappointed in John Durham?
Barr: No, I’m very proud of John Durham and I do take responsibility for his appointment. And I think he and his team did an exceptionally able job both seeking out very important facts and presenting a compelling case to the jury. And while he did not succeed in getting a conviction from the D.C. jury, I think he accomplished something far more important. Which is he brought out the truth in two important areas.

First, I think he crystalized the central role played by the Hillary campaign in launching as a dirty trick the whole Russia-gate collusion narrative, and fanning the flames of it. And second, I think he exposed really dreadful behavior by supervisors in the senior ranks of the FBI who knowingly used this information to start an investigation of Trump, and then duped their own agents by lying to them, and refusing to tell them what the real source of that information was.

It’s nice that Barr takes responsibility for the debacle that he so terribly mismanaged. However, his assessment of the results is purely delusional. If losing the most important case that the special counsel has brought to trial is representative of “an exceptionally able job,” you really have to wonder what Barr’s notion of failure is.

What Barr is arguing is that it isn’t important that his prosecutor’s case was entirely dismissed by the jury. What’s important in Barr’s view is that, in the process, a bunch of lies were propagated that he believes will have a negative effect on Clinton specifically, and Democrats generally. He’s outright admitting that the entire Durham probe was just a scam to harm his political foes.

However, what Barr identified as accomplishments that are greater than conviction were figments of his imagination. Durham utterly failed to “crystalize” Clinton’s role in launching dirty tricks. At best he revealed something that everyone already knows: that political campaigns – all of them – engage in opposition research. And there is no way that Clinton’s reputation was hurt by this show trial, because the right-wingers who paid any attention to it already regard Clinton as Satan in a pant suit.

Finally, Durham failed in his prime directive to deflect from Trump’s myriad criminal activities. If anything, he reminded people that Trump is still the subject of numerous investigations that are likely to lead to indictments. And he triggered an outraged Trump, who felt compelled to vent on his failing social media website, TRUTH Social.

RELATED: Trump Baselessly Accuses Hillary Clinton of a Capital Crime and Wishes He Could Put Her to Death

In the end, the only thing that Barr and Fox News accomplished was to affirm that their motives are entirely partisan and have nothing to do with the law. It’s a deception that may tittilate Fox News viewers, but will have zero impact on the population at large. Just as Barr’s and Durham’s fictions had zero impact on the Sussmann jury.

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Tucker Carlson Hysterically Hypes Bogus Election ‘Fraud’ Film By Convicted Election Fraudster

A year and half ago, Donald Trump decisively lost the presidential election to Joe Biden. But the sting of that humiliation continues to torment the twice impeached, former reality TV game show host, and failed real estate con man. And in his desperation, Trump persists in peddling his “Big Lie,” the delusional, factless allegations that the election was “rigged.”

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Fox News. Tucker Carlson

Throughout that same period of recent history, Fox News has embraced and dispensed Trump’s lies to their willfully gullible viewers. And now a new film is being pitched that purports to blow the lid off of the election fraud scandal. Surprisingly, its title, “2,000 Mules” is not a reference to the numerous jackasses who produced it. But unsurprisingly, it was featured on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News program on Thursday night, between segments where he is fawning over Russian dictator, Vladimir Putin.

RELATED: Tucker Carlson: US is Only Aiding Ukraine to ‘Punish Russia’ for ‘Stealing Hillary Clinton’s Coronation’

Carlson introduced this segment with a trio of Democrats asserting, correctly, that “the 2020 election was the most secure in history:”

Rep. Adam Schiff: The American people chose Joe Biden to be their next president by an enormous margin. The successful conduct of that election, among the most secure in American history, was not an accident.

Rep. Zoe Lofgren: The 2020 election was the most secure conducted in modern history.

Rep. Eric Swalwell: You’re gonna see states like Arizona and Georgia learn the wrong lesson from 2020, the most secure election ever.

To which Carlson replied with a maniacal laugh…

“That’s just the most secure election ever. Really hair hat? Tell us how. He can’t tell us how. He’s just lying. Maybe it was the most secure election ever, but we have a right to determine for ourselves if it was the most secure election ever. Period. We have an absolute, god-given right.”

And the video of this malarkey was posted by Donald Trump’s Twitter ban defying spokes-shill, Liz Harrington:

“Hair hat”? Let’s just set aside that boneheaded attempt at an insult. Carlson is complaining that those who claim that the election was secure can’t confirm it. Of course the obligation to confirm rests with those who allege fraud. And they have had a year and a half, and more than sixty court cases, to prove their allegations and have failed entirely. It is Carlson and his cohorts who are lying. If he is so intent on “determin[ing] for ourselves” whether the election was rigged, what’s stopping him? Why hasn’t he, or Trump, or Fox News, done so yet? Perhaps because they know they are lying.

RELATED: WTF? Tucker Carlson Mocks Biden for Believing that He Won in 2020, Which, of Course, He Did

On this episode of Carlson’s propaganda-fest, he interviewed the film’s producer, Catherine Englebrecht. She’s the president of True the Vote, a rabidly partisan and thoroughly disreputable band of wingnut activists. Englebrecht worked with the convicted felon, Dinesh D’Souza, on “2,000 Mules.” For the record, after pleading guilty, D’Souza was convicted of – wait for it – campaign finance fraud! A crime so heinous that, naturally, Trump pardoned him. Now he’s using his experience as an election cheat to make false allegations about election cheating.

Needless to say, the film that Carlson and Fox News are promoting contains no evidence of voter fraud whatsoever. If they had anything incriminating they would have already presented it in court, under oath, where legal remedies could be addressed. But they continue to have nothing but wild accusations without a shred of proof. In fact, all the proof is held by those who certified the election.

The New York Times contacted election officials in all fifty states, including Republicans, and every one said that there was “no evidence of widespread fraud or irregularities in this election.” That’s the same conclusion made by a “voting integrity” commission formed by Trump himself. And several members of Trump’s administration also upheld the legitimacy of the election. For instance, the director of the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), Chris Krebs, said that

“The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history. […] There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.”

And that’s not all

Christopher Wray, FBI Director: We have not seen, historically, any kind of coordinated national voter fraud effort in a major election, whether it’s by mail or otherwise.

Benjamin Hovland, of the U.S. Election Assist­ance Commission: Time and time again, when the rubber hits the road, there’s no evidence — whether that’s in court cases, whether that’s in the presidential commission that was … an embarrassment.

Ben Ginsberg, Veteran Repub­lican Party Election Lawyer: As he confronts losing, Trump has devoted his campaign and the Republican Party to this myth of voter fraud.

Karl Rove: Mr. Trump must prove systemic fraud, with illegal votes in the tens of thousands. There is no evidence of that so far.

Attorney General William Barr: To date, [DOJ invest­ig­at­ors] have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a differ­ent outcome in the elec­tion.

Attorney General Barr later elaborated on his view telling ABC News correspondent Jonathan Karl (in his recent book “Betrayal”) that “My suspicion all the way along was that there was nothing there. It was all bullshit.” Which, come to think of it, is actually a pretty good description of Carlson’s crackpot conspiracy theorizing, as well as the whole four years that Trump was occupying the White House.

RELATED: Trump Hypes Convicted Election Fraud Felon’s Crocumentary About Election Fraud

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Bill Barr’s Utterly Ridiculous, Anti-American Reason for Why He Would Still Vote for Trump

Donald Trump’s Former Attorney Genuflect, Bill Barr, is currently making the media rounds to peddle his new book about his disservice to America as the chief Trump-fluffer of the Justice Department. So far it’s been a vain spectacle aimed at rehabilitating his hopelessly stained reputation as a partisan hack.

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Donald Trump, Bill Barr

Barr’s efforts to further muddy the historical record include some rather preposterous assertions such as claiming that “The media chose to weave a narrative that I was a toady to the president.” That wasn’t so much weaving a narrative as it was factual reporting.

However, Barr also had some more accurate comments about his former boss. For instance, he described Trump as having “obnoxious personal characteristics.” And he told a story about how administration insiders joked that all you had to do to distract Trump when he was wigging out “was mention Russiagate” and Trump would “take it and run for quite a while. … He’d rant and he wouldn’t remember what he was angry about.”

When the subject of the January 6th insurrection came up, Barr waffled saying that he believes Trump is morally responsible, but isn’t legally culpable. Nevertheless, despite conceding that Trump was lying about the 2020 election, and that his actions at least contributed to the deadly riots on Capitol Hill, Barr remains loyal to Trump and supportive of his future political aspirations:

Barr: Because I believe the greatest threat to the country is the progressive agenda being pushed by Democratic Party, it’s inconceivable to me I wouldn’t vote for the Republican nominee.
Guthrie: Even if he lied about the election and threatened democracy as you write in your book, it’s better than a Democrat?
Barr: It’s hard to project what the facts are gonna turn out to be three years hence. But as of now, it’s hard for me to conceive that I wouldn’t vote for the Republican nominee.

So Barr thinks that Democrats are are “the greatest threat to the country”? Greater than violent mobs attacking the United States Congress? Greater than undermining democracy itself? Greater than Russia interfering in elections? Greater than Republicans suppressing the votes of Americans? Greater than a president who subjugates himself to foreign dictators? And for that matter, greater than an economic collapse, a deadly pandemic, or environmental destruction?

Does Barr really think that the Democratic agenda of fair taxation, more jobs and higher wagers, greater access to healthcare, expanding education, and preserving the environment, are the greatest threats to America? Well, yes, he does!

In response to Barr’s PR parade, Trump posted a rambling, incoherent, three page harangue on Twitter. And when he wasn’t flagrantly lying about nonexistent election fraud (or as Barr called it, “bullshit”), he was castigating Barr as “lazy and cowardly, he just never quite understood what was going on.” Trump also claimed that “I realized early on that he never had what it takes.” But he left him in place anyway? It’s interesting how so many of Trump’s appointees turned out to be, in Trump’s opinion, incompetent idiots from the very start.

That post was just one of eleven desperation tweets about Barr posted by Trump’s Twitter ban defying spokes-shill on Sunday. The sheer quantity reveals that this is something that is consuming Trump’s pitifully constrained cognitive capacity. But it’s not the first time that Trump has gone off on Barr. If there is one thing that Trump is consistent about, it’s lashing out petulantly at any of his former lackeys who failed to remain unflinchingly worshipful. In Trump’s cult it is simply verboten to express anything less than total adoration, now and forever.

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