For twenty-five years Fox News has aggressively pursued its mission to advance an extremist conservative agenda and the partisan interests of the Republican Party. And for the past four years that has meant propping up Donald Trump, the most corrupt, dishonest, and incompetent president this nation has ever produced. It’s a record rife with lies, propaganda, and an almost proud aversion to ethical journalism.
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Within that framework of deliberate disinformation, the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends managed to stand out as Trump’s most loyal and shamelessly obsequious devotees. Prior to his election he even had a weekly segment on the program called “Mondays with Trump.” However, now that Trump has been booted from the White House, there have been some baby steps toward sanity in the realm of Trump’s “Friends” on Fox News.
This course correction may have something to do with Trump’s increasingly unhinged behavior as he seeks to persuade his dimwitted cult followers that he actually won reelection by a landslide. And the release of his phone call threatening Georgia election officials to get them to falsify the election results probably didn’t help him.
Consequently, on Monday morning the Fox and Friends crew took a surprising turn by presenting their viewers with a relatively realistic analysis of Trump’s preposterous and unproven claims of election fraud. With regard to the efforts by Trump and his congressional confederates to challenge the Electoral College vote, co-host Brian Kilmeade acknowledged that “It’s got no shot at success.” Co-host Steve Doocy rebutted Trump’s bizarre assertions, including his claim of thousands of dead people voting, by noting that there are only two current allegations of it.
The brief segment went on to explicitly call out Trump’s weak case for election irregularities and his demand that he be crowned President-for-Life, as illustrated in these excerpts:
Doocy: That’s the case that Donald Trump and his lawyers have put out. They said there is all this evidence. But they haven’t really produced the evidence. […]
Kilmeade: I just worry about you have that along with the protest the president is calling for on Tuesday and Wednesday. I mean, this is the type of anarchy that doesn’t work for anybody, Republicans or Democrats in the big picture. And I just think it’s up to the president’s legal team to produce what they are telling them they have. […] So far there is no proof of it. […]
Doocy: There have been a number of the president’s supporters who have said things on TV or on social media that have, you know, clouded the waters where it’s like wow, thousands of dead people. Dominion machines and all that stuff. But interestingly enough, that information is never entered into a court because you cannot present information to a court if you do not have the evidence. And so far we haven’t seen the evidence.
Brian Kilmeade says Ted Cruz's election audit & Trump's call for protests are "the type of anarchy that doesn't work for anybody" and calls yet again for Trump's lawyers to produce evidence of their many lies. Steve Doocy tells viewers that online rumors are inadmissible in court
— Bobby Lewis (@revrrlewis) January 4, 2021
Like WOW, indeed! The Fox News Trump-fluffers may have finally have come to the realization that Trump has utterly failed to produce the evidence that he keeps claiming to have. And while it’s one thing to rant on TV and Twitter about flagrantly fake election crimes, they cannot be introduced in court without exposing oneself to criminal charges. That explains why the sixty-plus lawsuits filed by – and on behalf of – Trump have result in defeat and dismissal.
There appears to be a mini-trend developing among some of the properties in Rupert Murdoch’s media empire. His New York Post recently published a front page story exhorting Trump to “Stop the Insanity.” His Wall Street Journal’s editorial board wrote that Trump should “Give it up, Mr. President — for your sake and the nation’s.” And a select minority of Fox News personalities have strayed slightly from their usual unflinching adoration of Dear Leader. That has caused Trump to viciously attack the network that made him president and to promote some even more sickly fawning media toadies like Newsmax and OANN.
But don’t let that fool you into thinking that the Murdoch worm has turned. Fox News’ “Judge” Jeanine Pirro just hosted a Trump flunky who proposed a blatantly seditious act, which she was happy to embrace.
Nevertheless. Trump’s desperate, delusional, and pathetic grasping at ludicrous conspiracy theories might be making some Foxies nervous. They may see that he’s engaged in a futile and impotent attempt to retain power to avoid the certain legal peril he faces as a civilian. And some of them may want no part of that. It’s likely that in the next few months Fox News will be trying on new personas for the post-Trump era. Eventually they will settle on flipping from a pro-Trump network to one that is virulently anti-Biden. And so it goes…
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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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All the people, Congressional people, news persons and other Political people, including the pretendent, publicly advocating sedition should all be investigated and indicted and be left to prove they did not recommend sedition in a court of law.
The fact that a sitting/leaving U.S. President would be calling on what is essentially, his own private army (armed & dangerous militia groups)…to GO TO WAR AGAINST AMERICANS AT HOME, on his command ~ how can this NOT BE a criminal act by said president?!! Unprecedented, like most everything Trump has done, but do we HAVE TO have precedence for every dam* thing? Cuz’ as we’ve seen, that leaves a vast field of bad acts that Trump can do & apparently pay no penalty for whatsoever. That is just stupidly batshit-crazy!!
Trump is a clear & present danger to this Country & everyone in it!
This is a man who feels NOTHING over the fact that 300,000+ fellow Americans have died SO FAR from Covid-19. He had a lot to do with that, but was not held culpable. As a result, the vaccine not getting done like he said it would & Trump’s saying “that’s on the States” & washing his hands of it all, will cause even more deaths. He does not care. He totally IGNORES the deaths from virus, all the while promoting not wearing masks & while having rallies & Xmas parties with large numbers of people packed in together.
Anyone who thinks that this monster will not really call out his armed & ready militia buddies to make war against American citizens, better think again!
He would indeed do so & without a 2nd thought, or moment’s hesitation! “Hell yes!”
If you think not, you don’t know what you’re dealing with! Bloodshed against us upon his command is NOT A BAD THING, in his very disturbed mind. He & his family will be gone, out of harm’s way & he doesn’t give a dam* about anyone else.
What can we do to stop him from doing that? I don’t think there’s anything we CAN DO at this point. Things have been allowed to go to far, unchecked. Hope for the best? Pray for peaceful outcome?