The one thing that Donald Trump excelled at throughout his failed, one-term, twice-impeached presidency, was his unassailable record for pathological lying. It’s a safe bet that no future chief executive will even approach his 30,000+ lies. Certainly, Joe Biden’s slow start in that regard will never be competitive – thankfully.
Consequently, it’s fitting that that the phrase “Big Lie” came to be associated with Trump. It’s descriptive both generally, as well as a reference to his relentless whining that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him by a colossal conspiracy for which he and his confederates have failed to unearth a shred of evidence after six months. And tragically, the “Big Lie” led directly to the deadly Capitol riots by Trump’s Insurrectionists.
As Trump’s impotent complaints about being the victim of nonexistent election fraud have faded into irrelevance, he has now begun an effort to rebrand the “Big Lie” to better suit his delusions. It’s a favorite tactic of the former reality TV game show host to pretend that his definitions of common words and concepts supersede those of the rest of the English speaking world. So on Monday morning he issued his latest edict from on high (aka Mar-a-Lago) to his glassy-eyed disciples declaring that “The Fraudulent Presidential Election of 2020 will be, from this day forth, known as the BIG LIE!”
I hate sharing these dumb statements but will make an exception in this case given that the clear intent to keep on lying about the election really clarifies Facebook's decision that is coming this week on his account.
— John Whitehouse (@existentialfish) May 3, 2021
It’s cute that Trump believes he has the power to order what everyone else will think “from this day forth.” He can’t he even post his “orders” on Twitter or Facebook due to his rampant dishonesty. Although he is threatening to launch his own alt-Twitter to satiate his voracious ego. Even members of his warped Republican Party are mocking him:
The 2020 presidential election was not stolen. Anyone who claims it was is spreading THE BIG LIE, turning their back on the rule of law, and poisoning our democratic system.
— Liz Cheney (@Liz_Cheney) May 3, 2021
Worst of all (or best, depending on your perspective) is that Trump has absolutely no idea how pathetic he looks. Just last week he performed his clown act before a tiny audience of doting upper-crusters at his Palm Beach resort. “I wouldn’t be surprised,” Trump babbled, “if they found thousands and thousands and thousands of votes, […] Because this was a rigged election. Everybody knows it.” CNN’s Jim Acosta (who recently tagged Fox News as a “Bullshit Factory“) provided precisely the right visual for Trump’s pitiful appearance:
CNN's Jim Acosta just called Trump a sad old Elvis who sounds like an animatronic figure speaking at the Hall of Discredited Presidents at Disney.
— Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) May 2, 2021
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When I saw that, I was absolutely flabbergasted. So, I posted the following in a couple of places (but not on Twitter because one of Charlie Jerk’s followers got me suspended because I spoke the truth to Charlie Jerk, and Tyrant Worshipers don’t LIKE that),
Oh, I really do wish we could ask those MAGAt brainwashed disciples some questions & they’d share ’em with others who’d actually THINK, or just answer. No other way that I, for 1, will ever know WTH they’re thinking — if thinking at all!?
My 1st question would be simple enuff:
Did Trump really “MAGA” & if so, what did he make “great again” during his 4yrs in WH??! (Or are we worse-off?)
Of course, since they either don’t watch news at all, or only the 3 networks known for blatant lies & propaganda, I don’t expect they heard the truth about anything!
By Trump-the-chump declaring “the Big Lie” to now be opposite of what it has referred to all this time ~ HIS ‘Big Lie’ that election was stolen by fraud…the Big Lie that Rethugs everywhere are now repeating, even tho they know it’s a LIE!
But, by Trump taking that over, declaring it “his” now, to use for his own evil purposes, he is able to confuse the easily confused, at very least. The man IS evil.
But more than that at work here if Dem Party stays silent, as they have been against other Rethuglican BS. The “Big Lie” is well-known to be about Trump’s Big Lie.
But now, whenever his ignorant disciples hear the term used BY ANYONE, it will serve to reinforce Trump’s version of it & diluting the real meaning behind it. He just, effectively, stole the “game ball”.