Trump and the GOP Show Their Fear of Veterans By Suing to Make it Harder for Them to Vote

The Republican Party has never been particularly interested in democracy. For decades they have endeavored to suppress voting and place obstacles in front of citizens (primarily Blacks and other minorities, and Democrats in general) who wish to exercise their rights. It was so bad that, until a recent Supreme Court ruling, states with a history of racial discrimination were subject to a “preclearance” requirement in the Voting Rights Act mandating federal approval before changing election policy.

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Donald Trump WTF

The core tactics employed by Republican campaigns have been to obstruct voting by imposing pointless voter ID laws, prohibiting opportunities to vote via early access and mail-in ballots, and challenging election outcomes. All of which were designed shrink the electorate to just the privileged few who Republicans approve of. They justify it by making wholly unsupported allegations of rampant voter fraud for which they have never been able to produce a shred of evidence. Well, except for GOP fraud…

SEE THIS: WARNING: Lara Trump Swears to Track Down and Prosecute Election Cheaters – Like Donald Trump?

This week the Donald Trump campaign, along with the Republican National committee (RNC) that is headed up by his daughter-in-lawlessness, Lara Trump, filed a lawsuit to prohibit voter registration of fully eligible citizens, and specifically veterans. As reported by Talking Points Memo

“The Republican National Committee and Donald Trump’s campaign have filed a lawsuit in federal court against Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson over their efforts to make voter registration more accessible. […] More specifically, the legal challenge takes issue with a directive Whitmer issued last year, which, under the National Voter Registration Act, designated local Small Business Administration (SBA) offices as well as the Department of Veteran Affairs offices as voter registration sites.”

What better way for Trump to demonstrate his support for veterans – the folks he regards as “suckers and losers” – than to make it more difficult for them to register and vote? And not only veterans, but small business owners as well. Trump surely doesn’t want hordes of “mom and pop” shop owners getting in the way of the wealthy corporations that fund his campaign and pay his legal bills.

More to the point, this is the MAGA GOP’s effort to keep those they consider “undesirable” from voting. They have also opposed voter registration at the DMV, or at colleges, or at public assistance offices, or anywhere else that ordinary Americans might have cause to go. However, they have never objected to voter registration drives and luxury hotels or country club golf resorts.

The lawsuit is also an attempt by “Trump and his allies [to] set themselves up to cry voter fraud in any state the former president might lose in the fall.” He has already begun his incantations of voter fraud in expectation of his defeat. He and his cult devotees are insisting that the only way he can lose is if Democrats cheat. In other words, Trump and his MAGA disciples have no intention of respecting the election results unless he is the winner. Which means that they might attempt another January 6th style coup to prevent President Biden’s reelection from being certified.

America’s veterans and active military must recognize that Trump is is not on their side. At best he is using them for his own benefit. Which is true about every other voter group in the country. Trump has never cared about anyone but himself. And his actions, such as this lawsuit, continue to confirm that.


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Trump Issues An Impotent Threat of Mass Incarceration of Imaginary Migrant ‘Election Fraudsters’

The authoritarian compulsions of convicted felon Donald Trump have exhibited themselves in his frequent and public declarations of overt intentions to seek “retribution” against his perceived enemies, including all Democrats, insufficiently worshipful Republicans, independent judges, domestic and foreign diplomats, disloyal business leaders, and, of course, the media that he refers to in Stalinist terms as “the enemy of the people.”

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Donald Trump, Immigrant, Child

Trump’s obsession with getting revenge on those he believes have wronged him has been the single most motivating factor in his campaign to reoccupy the White House, with the possible exception of his fear of being sent to prison himself for his multitude of crimes. His response to that fear is to threaten his foes with prosecution, including charges of treason that carry the death penalty.

SEE THIS: The Supreme Court Immunity Case is Even Scarier Knowing Trump Threatened to Execute His Critics

On Tuesday Trump extended his threats to a group of people that he has long detested: Immigrants. On his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, Trump posted a comment in support of a new Republican bill aimed at making it illegal for undocumented immigrants to vote in federal elections. Which is a blatantly transparent political stunt because, of course, that is already illegal. Trump wrote that…

“Republicans must pass the Save Act, or go home and cry yourself to sleep. Non citizen Illegal Migrants are getting the right to vote […] Our whole voting system is under siege.”

To no one’s surprise, Trump is lying. There aren’t any “Non citizen Illegal Migrants [who] are getting the right to vote.” And his baseless assertion that the “whole voting system is under siege,” is utterly delusional. If that were true, why didn’t Trump do anything about it in the four years that he was pretending to be president? Where is his evidence that it is happening now? But despite his complete departure from reality, Trump went on to issue a foreboding threat…

“If I’m elected President, we will pursue Election Fraudsters at levels never seen before, and they will be sent to prison for long periods of time. We already know who you are. DON’T DO IT! ZUCKERBUCKS, be careful!”

So Trump is specifically threatening to arrest and imprison Facebook founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, along with hundreds (thousands?) of others whose names he allegedly already knows, but whom he has declined to report to the authorities. Are you one of them?

This threat is consistent with Trump’s often hyperbolic proclamations that immigrants are running rampant throughout the nation, committing crimes with the approval of the Biden administration. He has promised to deport some 15 million people whose immigration status he can’t even certify. That would undoubtedly lead to untold numbers of American citizens being shipped off to foreign lands that they never knew.

Trump has never explained how his deportation scheme would be carried out. But for the record, it would take some 75,000 flights to transport 15 million people to other countries around the world. That would cost at least $7.5 billion. And that isn’t counting the billions it would take for law enforcement to round them up, or to build and staff the internment camps where they would have to be housed until their status and country of origin were established.

Trump is also advancing the virulently racist “White Replacement Theory” that posits that Democrats are trying to import foreigners in order to shift the balance of the electorate. Never mind that it would take many years for any immigrant, much less an undocumented one, to be granted legal status and eventually citizenship.

Trump is engaging in another impotent threat that is based on solely on his seething hatred and perverse perspective of the world. He couldn’t carry it out even if he were reelected. And reality has shown us that nearly every legitimate case of election fraud in the past several years was the work of Republicans. But Trump has never been one to allow facts to interfere with his fetid fantasies.


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WARNING: Lara Trump Swears to Track Down and Prosecute Election Cheaters – Like Donald Trump?

Ever since Donald Trump lost the presidential election in 2020, he has been obsessed with disseminating his “Big Lie” that there was massive voter fraud on a national scale that was successfully orchestrated by the evil genius, President Biden, who Trump says “can’t put two sentences together.”

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Donald Trump, Woman, Fear

Never mind that Trump and his confederates went to court more than sixty times trying to prove their crackpot conspiracy theories, and they lost every case. That’s mainly because they were never able to present a shred of evidence of any fraud. He was so humiliated by the decisive defeat that he suffered, that he just can’t accept the fact that American voters soundly rejected him. And neither can his cult followers in Congress, the MAGA media, and what remains of the Republican Party base. That rests in stark contrast to the majority of the American people…

SEE THIS: LOCK HIM UP: After Guilty Verdicts, Poll Finds that More Americans Say Trump Should Go To Prison

Undeterred by reality, Trump’s daughter-in-lawlessness, Lara Trump, persists in her family’s delusional disinformation campaign. Although her Sugardaddy-in-law installed her as the co-chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC), she spends most of her time on Fox News, and other extremist propaganda outlets peddling flagrant falsehoods and gaslighting the gullible. To that end, Lara appeared with white nationalist provocateur, Charlie Kirk, to advance the lie that the 2020 election was “rigged and stolen.” And in the process she delivered a sharp warning to aspiring ne’er-do-wells…

“I also want to send a loud and clear message out there to anyone who thinks about cheating in an election. If you cheat in an election, we will find you. We will track you down. We will prosecute you to the full extent of the law.”

Your hear that, you election cheaters? There is nowhere to run or hide from Lara the Law Giver. Let’s just set aside the fact that after four year she hasn’t tracked down a single case of election fraud by Biden or any other Democrat. And where she gets the idea that she has the authority to prosecute anyone is a mystery that will remain securely locked in her bleached blond head.

However, that doesn’t mean that there weren’t some cheaters that were discovered and brought to justice. And they were all Republicans. Which gives Lara’s warning new meaning. Was she threatening her own father-in-law, the MAGA ring leader, with prosecution? The list of those indicted also extends to some of Trump’s closest associates including Rudy Giuliani, Mark Meadows, Jenna Ellis, Sidney Powell, Jeffrey Rosen, Kenneth Chesebro, Jeffrey Clark, and John Eastman. They had all better watch out because Lara is on the case now.

Ironically, Lara may have to prosecute herself. In the same event with Kirk, she proposed illegally buying votes. She told the audience that “take everyday up until Election Day taking somebody to vote. Drive them in your car if you have to. Buy them a sandwich if you have to after.”

You would think that the chair of the RNC would know that enticing people to vote with money or other gifts is against the law. It is, in fact, cheating. So while she isn’t personally buying the sandwiches (so far as we know), she is suborning a crime by encouraging others to do so.

All of this should make Lara’s promise to track down and prosecute election cheaters a lot easier. She doesn’t even have to leave Mar-a-Lago. She can find most of the cheaters there, including herself and and the already convicted felon, Don the Con. And if she tells what she knows to Attorney General Merrick Garland, we can get some of these prosecutions going.


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In Desperation, Due to Guilty Verdicts and Flagging Polls, Trump Flip-Flops on Mail-In Voting

From the beginning of his misadventures in politics, Donald Trump has opposed any form of voting other than a same day presence at a physical polling place. He has insisted that all forms of early voting and mail-in balloting are schemes contrived by Democrats to contaminate elections with fraud.

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Donald Trump, Vote By Mail

As a result of his relentless anti-early and mail-in voting campaign, Trump’s glassy-eyed cult disciples now refuse to dirty themselves with the practice that their Dear Leader has decreed is infected with nasty, democratic corruption. Never mind that there has never been any evidence of the widespread fraud that Trump and his MAGA GOP confederates fear monger about with such ferocity.

SEE THIS: THANKS DON: Trump’s Bashing of Mail-In Voting Has Created an Enduring Advantage for Democrats

Which makes Trump’s newfound embrace of early and mail-in voting all the more peculiar and blatantly hypocritical. In a post on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, Trump proudly announced that

“Today we launched Swamp The Vote USA. Whether you vote absentee, by mail, early in person, or on Election Day—We will Secure Your Vote. JUST VOTE! They are all good options. The way to win is to Swamp Them with Votes!”

OH! So now “They are all good options”? That’s funny. Because prior to this they were all swindling and cheating and villainous tricks to steal your vote. They were what Trump insisted were “totally corrupt” cons where you “automatically have fraud.”

Trump was so adamant about his opposition to early and mail-in voting that he warned that it would be “a disaster for our Country and for conservatism,” and that if allowed “There will never be a Republican elected to high office again.” Which actually sounds more like a reward than a threat.

SEE ALSO: GOOD NEWS: Trump Warns That With Mail-In Voting There Will Be No More Republicans

There was, however, some notable pushback to Trump’s trepidation. Among the GOP officials encountering his objections was his daughter-in-lawlessness, Lara Trump, who he recently installed as co-chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC). She took the completely opposite view saying that

“If we want to compete with the Democrats, we cannot wait until Election Day. If we want to compete and win, we must embrace early voting. The days of waiting until Election Day to vote are over.”

Surprisingly, despite her disobedience, Trump never attacked Lara as a RINO who is aligned with the radical left Marxists, thugs, and vermin, working to destroy the country. Instead, Trump has adopted her view and now is imploring his cult followers to employ the voting methods that he previously denigrated as evil. Although, even with his new position, he is still denouncing the practice. In a video on his new “Swamp the Vote” website, he promises that right after this election…

“I will, once and for all, secure our elections. We’re going to go to paper ballot. We’re going to have same day voting, voter ID.”

Clearly, Trump is only concerned about this issue because he sees that his support is waning in the wake of his 34 felony guilty verdicts. So he doesn’t want to take any chances on losing even a single prospective vote. It’s actually the continuance of a pattern. Trump did same thing just prior to the last presidential election in 2020, when he also ditched his position on anti-early and mail-in voting just a few weeks before election day.

AUGUST 4, 2020: In Desperate Reversal Trump Pleads with His Supporters to ‘Vote By Mail’

For Trump, this is a principle that relies more on convenience than faith. Because the only things that ever matter to him are what happens to be in his best interest at a specific moment in time. When that moment passes, so does his conviction. Well, except for the ones he just got in New York for paying off a porn star to steal an election, then covering it up by falsifying his business records.

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THANKS DON: Trump’s Bashing of Mail-In Voting Has Created an Enduring Advantage for Democrats

Donald Trump has been especially upset lately over the criminal trials that he is subject to as a result of his compulsive misconduct and disrespect for the law. For the most part his outrage is expressed in pitiful whining that he is the victim of corrupt and/or biased prosecutors and judges who are engaging in “election interference.”

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Donald Trump, Vote By Mail

To be clear, what Trump regards as election interference is merely that he is finally being held accountable for his many crimes – at least 88 felony charges so far. And that’s not counting the defamation and rape, and financial fraud civil lawsuits that he has already lost, and for which he has had to post a quarter of a billion dollars in appeal bonds. Needless to say, that has triggered another Trump tantrum…

SEE THIS: Trump Attacks Judge’s Daughter in Wild, Whiny, Rambling Rant, After Gag Order Was Issued

In light of Trump’s conviction that “OUR ELECTIONS ARE CORRUPT” (as he posted Tuesday morning), this would be a good time to reexamine Trump’s ideas for ensuring fair and secure elections. For years he has insisted that early voting and mail-in voting are irreparably contaminated by fraud and must be terminated. However, that position is creating some serious problems for the republican Party that he is supposed to be the leader of. NBC News is reporting that…

“National Republicans are attempting a shift to embrace mail-in and early voting to match what’s been a Democratic advantage in recent years.

“But interviews with nearly 20 Republican officials and voters across the country say there is lingering, and sometimes fierce, resistance to the idea — from Trump on down. The schism signals potential peril for the party in the fall if it once again fails to match Democrats’ on-the-ground ballot organization.

“It starts at the top. As the leader of the Republican Party, Trump has used his position to blast, without evidence, mail-in voting as a Trojan horse for widespread voter fraud. In the process, the former president has eroded trust in a method that was once widely embraced by many people in his party, putting Republicans at a disadvantage against Democrats.”

Indeed, Trump’s anti-mail-in voting obsession is making it harder for the GOP to bank votes in advance of an election. That results in lower turnout and higher campaign costs attempting to reach voters on election day and get them out to the polls. As GOP officials try to encourage early voting, Trump’s glassy-eyed cult disciples refuse to engage in a practice that their Dear Leader has instructed them is infected with nasty, democratic corruption.

Among the GOP officials encountering this obstacle is Trump’s daughter-in-lawlessness, Lara Trump, who he recently installed as co-chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC). Lara herself has been busy alienating her fellow Republicans. And she recently told the CPAC crowd that…

“If we want to compete with the Democrats, we cannot wait until Election Day. If we want to compete and win, we must embrace early voting. The days of waiting until Election Day to vote are over.”

Too bad her Sugardaddy-in-Law doesn’t agree with her. As recently as February Trump has been making the rounds of MAGA TV to warn his supporters to refrain from early and mail-voting.

“Mail in voting is totally corrupt. Get that through your head. It has to be. The votes. I mean, it has to be.” […And…] “If you have mail-in voting you automatically have fraud.”

Trump, of course, has good reason (in his warped mind) to oppose mail-in voting. And he isn’t afraid to reveal it to the world. Just to make sure that there wasn’t any confusion, Trump laid out specifically what the problem is with it.

“Any effort to dictate national Mail-In Voting will be a disaster for our Country and for conservatism. There will never be a Republican elected to high office again.”

And there you have it. However, what Trump seems oblivious to is that what he regards as a warning is likely to be viewed with delight by most Americans. The prospect that “There will never be a Republican elected to high office again,” is really more of a reward than a threat. So as for early and mail-in voting – bring it on. And let the Trumpies honor their hero by staying home and not succumbing to the corruption of American democracy.

SEE THIS: GOOD NEWS: Trump Warns That With Mail-In Voting There Will Be No More Republicans


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OH REALLY? The Truth Slips Out as Trump Brags that ‘I Worked Very Hard on Voter Fraud’

Donald Trump made an appearance Tuesday at the Federal Appeals Court that is hearing his ludicrous claim of “presidential immunity.” He was not required to be there, and he contributed nothing to the proceedings, except for his infamous scowl at the defense attorney’s table. It’s safe to assume the the judges weren’t impressed by that.

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Donald Trump Red Face

Like everything else Trump does, his court cameo was a staged stunt for the press so that he could make another one of his incoherent, post-hearing harangues that are invariably rife with lies and self-exaltation. And on that level he did not disappoint.

SEE ALSO: Trump’s Fear and Desperation Kick Into High Gear in Bonkers Rant About the Supreme Court Appeal

Immediately following the hearing, Trump and his legal team assembled in the hallway to hold court with the press. Why the press continues to accommodate these purely political stump screeches is a mystery. But every now and then there is some morsel of news, or at least gossip, that escapes. And on this occasion Trump was inadvertently honest about his connection to voter fraud…

“It’s a very sad thing that’s happened with this whole situation. When they talk about ‘threat to democracy,’ that’s your real threat to democracy. And I feel that as a president, you have to have immunity. Very simple. And if you don’t, as an example, if this case were lost on immunity – and I did nothing wrong. Absolutely nothing wrong. I’m working for the country. And I worked very hard on voter fraud. Because we have to have free elections. We have to have strong borders. We have to have free elections. Those two things, almost above all.”

It’s notable that Trump began by whining about how sad he is. Although that was more than apparent in his despondent demeanor. Then he dives right into his inane assertion that the accurate observations of his overt acts that threaten democracy are somehow the “real” threats. That nonsense led to his tedious, and legally baseless, insistence that he is entitled to absolute immunity for any crime that he wants to commit.

Among Trump’s crimes that are already included in his 91 felony charges, are his attempts to undermine democracy by inciting a violent coup, recruiting fake electors, and threatening state officials into altering vote counts. So it is ironic that Trump’s statement included the confession that “I worked very hard on voter fraud.” Yeah, we know!

Of course, what Trump meant to say was that he worked against voter fraud. Which he never actually did. And his remarks came out in an ironically honest gaffe. However, what Trump does say without errors is often even more repulsive. For instance, his recent adoption of Nazi rhetoric such as “vermin” and “poisoning the blood” in reference to his political foes and/or immigrants.

What’s more, Trump’s attorney made arguments before the appellate court that would effectively indemnify Trump – or any president – for political assassination:

To be clear, Trump’s lawyer is saying that a president who had not already been impeached and convicted in the Senate (which is a political body, not a court) could not be prosecuted for ordering a hit on his political opponents. In other words, President Biden could have Trump whacked tomorrow, then resign from office making Kamala Harris president, and the law could not touch him.

That’s the sort of foreboding argument one might expect from someone who idolizes totalitarian tyrants, who has called for terminating the Constitution, and has already declared publicly that he would be a dictator (for one day?) were he to be reelected. And anyone who believes, that after becoming a dictator on day one, he would relinquish his dictatorship the next day, is terminally naïve – or a MAGA cult disciple. Which, I know, is redundant.


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Dotard J. Trump is ‘Pleased to Share’ a Report Filled with Already Debunked Election Fraud Lies

As the January 6 anniversary of the violent insurrection that Donald Trump incited approaches, Trump is still yammering that he believes it was a justified action by “patriots” who were angry that the 2020 presidential election was “rigged and stolen” from Trump. Even though he has never produced any evidence to support his utterly unfounded allegations.

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Donald Trump, Insane, Straight Jacket

Trump’s tedious obsession with the election he lost to President Biden remains uppermost on his mind despite the fact that he has lost more than 60 court cases contesting the results, and virtually everyone of his own administration’s advisors on election matters told him that there were no irregularities. They include his FBI director, Chris Wray, his DHS chief of cybersecurity, Chris Krebs, and his Attorney General, Bill Barr, who called such claims “bullsh*t.” The only people standing by Trump’s “Big Lie” are Ultra MAGA Republicans, biased right-wing media, and Vladimir Putin…

SEE THIS: Traitor Trump Posts Video of Putin Supporting Him and Attacking the ‘Rottenness’ of U.S. Politics

On Tuesday morning Trump took to his failing social media scam, Truth Social, to present another of his parlays into pure propaganda regarding his humiliating defeat in 2020. This episode consisted of three posts wherein he linked to what he called a “fully verified” report entitled “SUMMARY OF ELECTION FRAUD IN THE 2020 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION IN THE SWING STATES,” about which he said…

Page One: “I am pleased to share a Report that is fully verified […] and compiled by the most highly qualified Election Experts in the Country.”

It will surprise no one to learn that the report was neither verified, nor compiled by experts. In fact, there were no authors identified, nor any organization taking responsibility for compiling it. It was a completely anonymous pile of rubbish. And most of it was old and had been completely debunked long ago.

Many of the claims in the 32 page document were attributed to notoriously untrustworthy, Trump-fluffing fringe characters like the Gateway Pundit, Just the News, the Epoch Times, Georgia Star News, and random videos from the rightist YouTube ripoff, Rumble. Trump continued…

Page Two: Remember, I was not campaigning – The 2020 Election was LONG OVER. What I was doing is bringing to light the fact that the Election was, without question, Rigged and Stolen. As President, and Commander-in-Chief, it was my duty to do so! […] Therefore I am entitled to Total Immunity.”

Wrong again! First of all, Trump was bringing nothing to light. Certainly not any proof of election fraud. Secondly, it is not the “duty” of the president to assess or reform the administration of elections. The Constitution places all of that within the jurisdiction of the states.

Trump falsely claimed that “I would have been in violation of my Oath of Office, and the Take Care Clause, which requires the President to ‘take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.'” Nope! The “Take Care” clause refers to Federal laws. None of which applied to the matters that Trump was unlawfully injecting himself into. By Trump’s definition he would be responsible for every state law from murder to jaywalking.

What’s more, Trump is clinging again to his perverse interpretation of “presidential immunity,” that he seems to think absolves him of any accountability for committing any crime. If he were right, that would give Biden the power to rig the next election, or even to treat Trump the way that Putin treats his political opponents, who seem to keep falling out of windows. And Trump continued further…

Page Three: Please study these numbers carefully […] Because the Democrats are already trying to [use] the DOJ, FBI, and local Attorney Generals and D.A.’s to go after Crooked Joe Biden’s Political Opponent – ME.”

No amount of studying will make Trump’s numbers worthy of consideration. They come from well known discredited sources, and have been proven to lack any connection to reality. And despite his desperate and repeated attempts, Trump has never been able to associate Biden or other Democrats with the prosecutors who are trying his cases. The indictments were all brought by citizens sitting on Grand Juries.

Trump is starting the new year the same way he ended the last one: With delusions of election fraud, mired in persecution and victimhood, and fraught with fear of what the future holds for him as result of his unconstrained criminal activities. That bucket of psychoses is going to be at the heart of his presidential campaign straight through until November, if he makes it that long without winding up in a prison or an asylum.


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Trump Blows Blatantly Racist Dog Whistles to Motivate MAGA Voter Intimidation Squads in 2024

Three years after the presidential election of 2020, Donald Trump is still whining about having decisively lost to Joe Biden. He is clearly obsessed with not being able to beat a candidate that he tried to dismiss as a senile communist. And Trump has made his delusional despondency over that defeat the foundation of his current campaign to reoccupy the White House.

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Donald Trump, MAGA

Never mind that Trump failed to produce a shred of evidence of any his unfounded allegations that the election was “rigged and stolen,” despite repeated promises to do so. He had plenty of opportunities to provide his evidence in the 60+ court cases that he lost, and innumerable media appearances. But for some reason he has chosen to keep his alleged “proof” secret and just keep making unfulfilled assurances that it will all be revealed soon.

SEE THIS: YEAH, RIGHT! Trump Promises an ‘Irrefutable,’ ‘Completely Exonerating’ Report on Election Fraud

In a speech in Iowa on Saturday, Trump once again declined to expose the rampant election fraud that exists only in his fevered imagination. However, he did repeat his complaints for the umpteenth time, while babbling about “millions and millions of votes” that he pretends to believe were swiped from him, even in states run by his Republican supporters (video below).

“You know, the one thing they don’t want to talk about is the election. Because they’re guilty as hell. They cheated like hell. They know it. And you’ll never find out all the ways. But we don’t need all the ways. Because I think it was 22,000 votes separated it. And we have millions and millions of votes. It’s a very sad thing.”

Instead of delivering any proof, Trump warned his glassy-eyed cult followers that the election in 2024 is likely to be “rigged and stolen” as well. And in order to prevent that, he offered some particularly offensive advice…

“So the most important part of what is coming up is to guard the vote, and you should go into Detroit, and you should go into Philadelphia, and you should go into some of these places, Atlanta, and you should go into some of these places, and we have to watch those votes when they come in. When they’re being, you know, shoved around in wheelbarrows, and dumped on the floor, and everyone’s saying ‘what’s going…’ We’re like a third world nation.”

Notice that Trump is telling his rally attendees in Iowa to go to specific cities – Detroit, Philadelphia, and Atlanta – to “watch those votes.” Then he paints a frightening picture of villainous wheelbarrows rolling around with evil intent to whisk away any ballots marked for Trump.

It’s important to recognize what the cities Trump named have in common. They are all precincts that have a high percentage of Black voters in states that could swing either way. You’ll notice that he didn’t demand that votes be “guarded” in Des Moines or Louisville. So what Trump is asking is that his disciples travel to places with diverse electorates and set up shop to intimidate the voters there.

Trump is signaling that he already believes that he’s going to lose in 2024. So he needs to lay the groundwork for another few years of yammering about nonexistent election fraud. And his strategy is to try to suppress and/or invalidate the votes of minorities. Which is a interesting considering that he recently told his own supporters not to bother with voting at all because “We’ve got plenty of votes”

That’s right. Trump doesn’t want his own people to vote for him. They just need to “watch ‘those’ voters.” And somehow that will result in a victory for Trump. It’s actually a great piece of advice if his intent is to reelect Biden. His voters stay home and “watch” the rest of the nation – especially minorities – vote in droves for Biden and other Democrats. 2024 can’t come soon enough.


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HUH? Trump Claims He Wanted to Go Back to the Capitol on January 6th to ‘Stop the Problem’

It has been three years since Donald Trump decisively lost the 2020 presidential election to Joe Biden. But he he is still whining petulantly about it and making preposterous, unsupported claims that the election was “stollen” and “rigged.” His obsession with his humiliating defeat is clearly gnawing at his humongous, yet fragile, ego. And he doesn’t intend to let it go.

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Donald Trump Insurrection

Trump has repeatedly promised to reveal the “massive” and “Irrefutable” evidence of voter fraud that he has stashed away somewhere, but for three years has refused to present to either the press or the courts. Either he is withholding it for the dramatic effect of a reality TV cliffhanger or, more likely, it doesn’t exist. (Spoiler: It’s the latter).

SEE THIS: YEAH, RIGHT! Trump Promises an ‘Irrefutable,’ ‘Completely Exonerating’ Report on Election Fraud

The farcical voter fraud fiction that Trump persists in peddling to his cult followers continues to grow in both deceit and decibels. The more dishonest his blather, the louder he bellows. New permutations keep arising from the trash heap of his warped imagination. And the latest is a doozy.

Trump has long justified the violent insurrection in Washington, D.C., on January 6th, 2021, as a reasonable response by citizens outraged by the tales of voter fraud that Trump and his media mouthpieces manufactured. That “Big Lie” was so egregious that Fox News was forced to settle a defamation lawsuit for nearly a billion dollars brought by Dominion Voting Systems. And the criminal indictment currently pending against Trump in Washington includes charges related to his incitement of the riot and his neglect in restoring the peace.

Now, a book by Jonathan Karl, Tired of Winning,” includes an interview wherein Trump offers a heretofore unheard account of what happened on January 6th. Apparently Trump believes – or wants others to believe – that he was a foiled hero. And Lordy… Karl has tapes. Trump was recorded saying that…

“If you look at the real size of that crowd, it was never reported correctly. There were – it’s the biggest crowd I’ve ever spoken in front of by far. By far. That went down to the Washington – That went back to the Washington Monument.

“I was going to [go to the Capitol] and then Secret Service said you can’t. And then by the time— I would have, and then when I get back, I saw – I wanted to go back. I was thinking about going back during the problem to stop the problem. Doing it myself. Secret Service didn’t like that idea too much.

“And I could have done that, and you know what? I would have been very well received. Don’t forget, the people that went to Washington that day, in my opinion, they went because they thought the election was rigged. That’s why they went.”

Setting aside Trump’s typical narcissistic delusions about crowd size, he is claiming that he intended to ride to the rescue of the besieged Congress and save everyone himself. Only a brain-dead, cult-indoctrinated, paste-eater could swallow that bullpucky. The evidence provided in testimony, documents, and video, shows that Trump was at the White House cheering on the rioters as they smashed their way into the Capitol, vandalized public property, and terrorized members of Congress and their staffs, in an attempt to obstruct Congress from certifying the election.

When Trump finally did record a video to ostensibly calm the crowd – nearly three hours after the assault began – he slathered his StormTrumpers with affection, telling them that he “loved” them and understood their anger. He also tweeted that “These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away.”

Trump’s phony account of his heroic aspirations is pure fantasy. He supported the obstruction of Congress and the insurrectionists who engaged in it. To this day he holds those same positions. He recently promised to halt the prosecutions of the January 6th mob if he were to be reelected. And he continues to disgorge his grossly distorted versions his reality as to what took place that day.

The only way to interpret Trump’s claim that he wanted to “stop the problem” at the Capitol is to recognize what he considered the problem to be. It wasn’t that a hostile horde of his hooligans were on a frenzied, anti-democratic rampage. It was that Congress was about to certify that Biden had won the election. And in Trump’s mind he was called not to “stop the problem,” but to “Stop the Steal,” which was what his rally at the Ellipse was titled. If he really wanted to go back to the Capitol, it was only to plant a Trump flag and declare himself president-for-life.


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Trump Bombs on Meet the Press, Behaving Like a Petulant Toddler Who Couldn’t Stop Lying

In what will come as a surprise to virtually nobody with a functioning brain, Donald Trump humiliated himself in another interview wherein he tried desperately to defend his twisted perceptions of a world that only a severely malignant narcissist could manufacture.

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On Sunday morning Trump’s interview with Kristen Welker of Meet the Press aired. It was an abbreviated version of the full encounter that was rife with lies, paranoia, and wholly undue self-exaltation. Trump behaved throughout like an obstinate child who didn’t get his way. He couldn’t answer a single question without diverting – over and over again – to tangential matters. He incessantly repeated his delusional distortions of reality as if in a broken loop. Welker had to keep dragging him back to the subject of her question as if he were a mental patient who refused to pay attention.

SEE ALSO: Wannabe Messiah Trump Claims to Be Standing Up to the ‘Demonic Forces’ Destroying Our Country

The failure of Trump to coherently express himself was not a result Welker’s masterful interviewing skills, She struggled to keep him track, missed opportunities to correct his blatant dishonesty, and showed him a measure of respect that is entirely inappropriate for a disgraced former leader who is under multiple criminal indictments on dozens of felony charges.

Nevertheless, Welker’s shortcomings didn’t prevent the real deficiencies of Trump from coming through. Anyone who has the time to waste should scan through the transcript to see how pitifully bereft Trump is of intelligence and integrity. He misrepresented the truth on every issue that was discussed. And NBC News only bothered to fact-check him in a separate article that was published only online. A few examples include…

On Immigration:
Trump: I saw some statistics and it said in 2019, there were no terrorists. They caught no terrorists. And now this year, it’s a record number like they’ve never seen before.
Fact: 216 people on the terrorist watchlist were apprehended this year. There were 280 in 2019 during the Trump administration.

On Pardoning January 6th Insurrectionists:
Trump: These people on Jan. 6. Some of them never even went into the building, and they’re being given sentences of many years.
Fact: Those who received the longest sentences were leaders of the insurrection, including Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio and Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes. And others who didn’t enter the Capitol had committed assaults on police officers outside.

On Election Fraud:
Trump: If this were ever before a court, we would win so easy. There is so much evidence that the election was rigged.
Fact: There were over 60 court cases that Trump and his allies lost for lack of evidence. And he hasn’t bothered to produced any in three years.

On Abortion:
Trump: The radical people on [abortion] are really the Democrat that say after five months, six months, seven months, eight months, nine months, and even after birth, you are allowed to terminate the baby.
Fact: No Democrats have ever advocated for abortion after birth. And late term abortions are extremely rare and only performed under dire circumstances.

On Ukraine:
Trump: They don’t report about the war [in Ukraine] anymore. You don’t find much reporting. That means that Ukraine’s losing. Okay?
Fact: HUH? Trump must only be watching Newsmax and reruns of The Apprentice.

One especially disturbing part of the interview was when Trump went on an extended rant about election fraud, alleging falsely that tens of thousands of ballots were stuffed into ballot boxes. Welker repeatedly told him that that wasn’t true and that those assertions – including the bogus “2,000 Mules” crocumentary – were all thoroughly debunked. But Trump was determined to persist with his lies even after Welker tried to move on to another subject ten times.

SEE THIS: Trump Hypes Convicted Election Fraud Felon’s Crocumentary About Election Fraud

Another feature of the interview was Trump’s uncharacteristic reticence when discussing the January 6th insurrection that he incited. He made a few preposterous assertions such as his attempt to blame it all on former Speaker Pelosi. He told Welker that “They (the January 6th Committee) destroyed all the evidence about Nancy Pelosi.” That, of course, is a provable lie. But on several occasions he simply refused to answer direct questions…

Welker: Tell me how you watched this all unfold. Were you in the dining room watching TV?
Trump: I’m not going to tell you. I’ll tell people later at an appropriate time.

Welker: I want to know who you called on that day.
Trump: I don’t have — why would I tell you that?

Welker: Did you call military or law enforcement at the moment the Capitol was under attack?
Trump: I’m not going to tell you anything.

However, later in the interview, Trump may have said too much. Welker asked him about his personal responsibility and decision making with regard to his efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election. And while he frequently tries to shift any wrongdoing to others, on this occasion he seemed to confess, placing the blame on himself, where it actually belongs. Welker inquired as to who Trump took advice from on the matter. He replied…

Trump: You know who I listen to? Myself. I saw what happened. I watched that election, and I thought the election was over at 10 o’clock in the evening. […] I was listening to different people. And when I added it all up, the election was rigged. [NOTE: at 10:00pm ET polls weren’t even closed in the western U.S. Also, mail-in and military ballots in many states are not counted until after the in-person votes]
Welker: Were you calling the shots, ultimately?
Trump: As to whether or not I believed it was rigged? Oh, sure. It was my decision.

To top things off, Trump made a pitch for his reelection next year saying saying that “In six months to a year, many of the problems, almost all of the problems that you and I have just spoken about, will be solved.” Which makes you wonder, if it’s so easy, why he didn’t solve all of these problems in the four years he already had? And why would any sane person believe that he can solve them now?


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