The Cult of Trump is continuing its apocalyptic crusade across red America with yet another one of his traveling salvation shows. Following his humiliation in Georgia last month, where the paltry crowd was seen exiting while he was still in mid-rant, Trump ventured to Michigan to give it another go.
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One of the reasons that Trump’s circus is drawing fewer fans is that he insists on replaying the same tedious bits at every fan-fest. His set list consists solely of shouting at the “fake news,” chanting “lock her up” whenever Hillary Clinton is mentioned, and his interminable whining that the 2020 election was “rigged” and “stolen” from him.
The “Big Lie” was once again featured on Saturday night. The evening’s fare was foreshadowed in the event’s opening prayer, delivered by a fully ordained minister of Trumpism who warmed up the audience with this appeal to the Lard:
“So we pray. Father in heaven, we firmly believe that Donald J. Trump is the current and true president of the United States. You have raised him up for this season of time to be used and be part in saving a nation. Bless and protect him and his family from any physical, spiritual attacks and may his voice stir the people to righteous action to bring godly men and women into elected office, in Michigan and across America.”
So now God is being recruited as a witness to Trump’s divine ascendency to the throne of America. You would think that a pastor would be reticent to lie so blatantly to God’s face by calling Trump the “current and true president” when he clearly is not. Contrary to God raising Trump up, he very plainly slammed him down, which is why he’s still holding these pathetic freak shows. But the minister of lies continued saying that…
“We declare he will be back in office soon. VERY soon. In Jesus’ name. Amen. We pray the fraud in the 2020 election will continue to be exposed and the election decertified in Michigan. The battleground state in our nation. In Jesus’ name.”
Opening prayer begins with their belief that Trump is the current president
— Acyn (@Acyn) April 2, 2022
With that declaration the affair was off to a bizarre and sacrilegious start. The audience was now ready for the main abstraction. Donald Trump. And he didn’t disappoint – well – no more than usual. As expected, Trump addressed the “Big Lie” in a tirade that he pretended would be brief (video below):
“And just to cover it quickly, because I don’t want to take a lot of time, but it’s coming, out this ‘Truth to Vote,’ where they found all the thousands and thousands of ballot harvesters. You’ve seen that. ‘Truth to Vote.’ But when you see that – that’s coming out in two weeks – when you see those numbers, I think it’s four or five million people cheating. Those numbers are coming out.”
That should satisfy the deadenders that showed up for this spectacle. After all, everyone recalls how trump delivered on his promises to produce a healthcare plan in two weeks. Or his infrastructure program. Or his border wall. He is nothing if not consistent – consistently wrong. He’s had more than a year to produce evidence of election fraud and has utterly failed to do so. Not that any of his glassy-eyed disciples will notice or hold him accountable to his word.
RELATED: Trump’s PRAVDA, er, TRUTH Social Twitter Clone Flops as it Misses Another Yet Launch Date
By the way, when Trump referred to “Truth to Vote,” he was mangling the name of the wholly discreditable conspiracy crackpots at “True the Vote,” who have never produced anything remotely related to the truth. Undaunted, Trump continued saying that…
“Now the press hates like hell to cover it. Oh, they go crazy cause they have a lot of live television. I’m talking about this, they don’t know what to do. They’re saying ‘Should we turn off the cameras?’ Who cares? But right here, just quickly, in Michigan your corrupt state officials sent out 7.7 million unsolicited mail-in ballot applications to everyone on the rolls. Including people who are dead and those who no longer live in the state. Other than that it was wonderful.”
Trump frequently claims that the media covering his rallies are turning their cameras on and off depending on what he’s saying. That is, of course, delusional. Although it is true that most of the TV news networks (including Fox News) stopped carrying his rallies live long ago. They realized that there was nothing newsworthy about his vein-bursting rage-a-thons. They are just full of nonsense like “When you hear ‘mail-in ballot’ you can guarantee you have a corrupt election.”
Never mind that Trump himself votes by mail-in ballot. So do all of the voters of five states (Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Utah, and Washington). So does most of our military deployed away from home. And even in his remarks Trump notes that the voters of Michigan received applications for mail-in ballots, not the ballots themselves. So there is no opportunity for voter fraud.
RELATED: Connecting the Dots: Trump Begs Putin for Dirt on Biden While Russia Calls Trump Their Partner
Not that any of that matters to Trump or his cult followers. For them it is all about stirring up anger and hatred and irrational fears. And by that measure, Trump is doing a pretty good job of terrorizing his ever shrinking flock.
NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly.
Trump hints at an upcoming report on election fraud revealing "4 or 5 MILLION people cheating"
— RSBN ?? (@RSBNetwork) April 3, 2022
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Wow! Trump sure does pack alot of shit in his speeches ~ nothing but shit, in fact. Guess he knows that if he overwhelms with his bullshit lies, there’s simply too much of it to unpack it all, since takes 2-3x longer to dig thru the stinkin’ poo.
“If ya’ can’t dazzle ’em with brilliance, baffle ’em with bullshit.” Trump has made that old saying his only talent & his voters slurp it all up with a crazy straw! (How pathetic for both!)
For example: ‘Truth to Vote.’ (Trump-a-chump & fan club don’t know or care what it is.)
Expounding on 100% BS:
“…they found all the thousands and thousands of ballot harvesters.” ~&~
“…when you see those numbers, I think it’s four or five million people cheating. Those numbers are coming out.”
~ What a truckload of stinking manure he off-loads there. Mindlessly numb, they’ll all believe him & never notice that his BS doesn’t happen; by then he’s moved on to new lies, knowing his peeps too dumb to remember, or to care. He constantly feeds them new 100% false bullshit in a blender & they suck every bit of it up! How do those folks walk w/o constantly tripping over their shoelaces?!? (Slip-on shoes?)
60 court cases tossed…
Same lies, no proof, cuz’ NO truth…
Raised 100’s of Millions of $$$ off his rotating menu of Lies, with GOP’s help. With all that big $$$ + 17 mos. since 2020 election… you’d think that’s plenty of time & $$$ for his criminal elements to have manufactured excellent quality FAKE evidence by now!?! Where is it? They had their fake electors signing & sending fraudulent official documents (& they aren’t even in prison for it)…I mean, how hard can it be to come up with some fake, ‘signed’ ballots by now?? Frankly, I’m surprised they haven’t done that yet! Must be saving ’em to use in next election, as needed.(?!?)
After all, the ONLY PROVEN attempts at Election Fraud in 2020, were the ones DONE BY TRUMP & his traitorous co-conspirators!! Those ARE provable & proven by facts, with evidence aplenty!
Trump & his partners-in-crime have fought, stalled & obstructed the legal investigations & still doing that, while refusing to implement or confirm REAL Voting Rights & Election Security in Congress. Instead, are TAKING AWAY the Condtitutional Right To Vote for millions of Americans who aren’t likely to vote for Rethugs.
The world watches in amazement as democracy is murdered by the Party who demands the power they cannot win, after blatant, violent attempt to overthrow failed. They know if that shit was pulled in their Countries, heads would’ve rolled immediately & none of this other crap would be going on right now! Best to remove & punish the obvious ones right away & then let investigation uncover the sordid details.
Their way is the smart & correct way to handle such things. We just don’t have the experience they do to know that. Yet. Gettin’ schooled now tho! What a shame, for all of us will pay dearly for it!
This at the bottom of Aust news this morning…why Jen Psaki is REALLY leaving the WH: honestly, if a dog was this mad it’d be shot:
Yes they are & many should know better ~ know fake when they see it. You’d think so anyway.
How about the Pastor in his “prayer” saying to God, “We declare that he will be back in office soon. VERY soon.” Excuse me? YOU are declaring what is to be??
Bad enuff to bring God’s Name into contact with Trump’s, asking that God Bless & Protect him & his family… when Trump thinks he is Chosen One & follows the ways of the “other one”! But then to “declare to God” what is your Will to be, not His…?!? Wow! I guess things have changed alot in the church of today. At least that one & that pastor has.
Bible also foretells that in The End Times, many a wise & learned man will be fooled, blinded (heart/soul) by the devil. (Woe is he.)
That would explain heretofore Christians of good faith turning “Trumpy” & blinded to reality.
That, or drinking way too much of that wine for The Sacrament!?
OMG! Jo…I can’t believe how delusional & full of himself that man is! “Pretty red hair” (hands off her!) & his reason they’d be hiring her is such a projection of why he would, not MSNBC! Once a big fat jackass, always a big fat jackass! I think he gets off on hearing the words come out of his mouth, no matter how utterly stupid they are! Looks out in audience & sees glassy-eyed droolers hanging on every word, as IF he were a god. Maybe they should record it & listen later, when sober?
Thank you Jo, for that. Trump, you lying son of a bitch!!! You say you’re from Australia, Jo? At least Australians, reading that news, can see what we Americans have to put up with!
Yeah, that’s Trump’s own criteria for hiring women – hair color, and other physical attributes.
The chief bullshitter 2nd only to Trump, invoked the name of the Lord 1 too often in his supposed prayer. Reminds me of the Jesus Freaks, Holy Rollers, and bible thumpers back in my home state of Pennsylvania. All of them very misguided. Wonder what they think of Trump. They were weak and feeble minded. Exactly the kind who latch onto Trump.
Yes they are & many should know better ~ know fake when they see it. You’d think so anyway.
How about the Pastor in his “prayer” saying to God, “We declare that he will be back in office soon. VERY soon.” Excuse me? YOU are declaring what is to be??
Bad enuff to bring God’s Name into contact with Trump’s, asking that God Bless & Protect him & his family… when Trump thinks he is Chosen One & follows the ways of the “other one”! But then to “declare to God” what is your Will to be, not His…?!? Wow! I guess things have changed alot in the church of today. At least that one & that pastor has.
Bible also foretells that in The End Times, many a wise & learned man will be fooled, blinded (heart/soul) by the devil. (Woe is he.)
That would explain heretofore Christians of good faith turning “Trumpy” & blinded to reality.
That, or drinking way too much of that wine for The Sacrament!?