The desperation of Donald Trump continues to present itself with virtually every public comment he makes. As his legal peril escalates with investigations in progress in New York, Georgia, and Washington, D.C., Trump is amping up his attacks on anything and everything in order to wipe the slime from his brow and/or deflect attention from his crimes.
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In the two weeks since the FBI retrieved numerous boxes of classified material from his Mar-a-Lago bunker, Trump has frantically fabricated a stream of increasingly bizarre excuses for his illegally hoarding sensitive national security documents in the insecure basement of his Palm Beach hotel/home.
RELATED: Trump’s Lawyers Have a Shiny New Excuse for His Hoarding Classified Documents at Mar-a-Lago
Now Trump is lashing out wildly to change the subject again. On Sunday morning Trump took to his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, to whine about the “Fake News” correctly describing his social media scam as “little used.” He sobbed that…
“It’s amazing, I’ve had two stories — one in Politico, one in the Fake New York Times, where in the midst of the story, they say that I put my message out on Truth Social, a ‘little-used’ site with ‘few’ people watching. More Fake News. They know it’s now one of the hottest sites in the world, but they will never admit it, that’s why they call them the Fake News. Everyone is watching.”
What’s amazing is how brazenly Trump can lie without a hint of shame. The charge that Trump is making against the New York Times and Politico are based solely on the fallacies that fill his feeble mind. If Trump truly thinks that Truth Social is “one of the hottest sites in the world,” and that “they” know it, he is more cognitively collapsing than previously known. Also, the only ones calling the media “fake news” are Trump and his cult followers.
Trump’s post links to the ultra-rightist Washington Examiner as his source for these flagrant falsehoods. The Examiner just quotes an article on Vice News. Vice reports accurately that downloads of Truth Social did spike following the FBI search of Mar-a-Lago. But that was hardly anything to celebrate:
“In the week prior to the August 8 search of Mar-a-Lago, the Truth Social app was downloaded less than 20,000 times, averaging around 2,500 downloads per day from Apple’s app store.
“However in the week after the search, details of which were first announced publicly by Trump himself on Truth Social, it was downloaded 107,500 times, an average of 13,400 per day.”
Let’s put that into context. Twitter currently has more than two hundred million active daily users. Truth Social is hovering at about half a million. Which doesn’t really qualify it as a “hot” site. What’s more, Truth Social’s user data is sketchy at best. They report Trump as having three million followers, which is two and a half million more than the site’s total. He had 80 million on Twitter. Vice went on to say that…
“From the beginning, Truth Social has been beset by technical problems. There was initially a huge backlog of users who simply couldn’t get onto the platform. It was also only available on Apple’s platform; there is still no Android app available (it’s ‘coming soon,’ the company says) and registrations are currently closed for new users, according to the platform’s website.
For the record, the New York Times article that Trump appears to be referring to was about his childishly sarcastic “endorsements” of Democratic candidates Carolyn Maloney and Dan Goldman, who immediately rejected him. However, there doesn’t seem to be any Politico article that makes the claim that Trump is yammering about.
The bottom line is that if Trump really wants to spread his lies that Truth Social is a hotbed of online activity, he’s going to have to post them somewhere other than Truth Social where hardly anyone will see them. The site is ghost town. Which is, ironically, what Truth Social’s CEO, Devin Nunes, called Twitter on Fox News.
RELATED: SRSLY? Trump’s TRUTH Social Boss, Devin Nunes, Tells Fox News that ‘Twitter is a Ghost Town’
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Seems like baby TUMP missed his bottle time this Sunday. Or could it be he shit his diaper and it made his smelly ass raw? Either way. nothing he ever says contains the truth. He will lie and back it up with a million more lies and then back it up with a million more lies. TUMP is a pathetic excuse for a human.