How did America get to be so lucky as to have its own personal savior fighting a solitary battle against the armies of Satan who are seeking to annihilate all traces of goodness and light from a nation of blind believers? It surely is a blessing that the prospect of a dystopian future has been foiled due to the divine deeds of the deified Donald Trump.
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That’s how Trump has been presenting himself and his mission ever since he descended from the heavens on a golden escalator. He views the country as being in a downward spiral that only he can prevent. America is, in his diseased mind, a hell-hole wherein its suffering citizens are too scared to venture from their besieged abodes into a world of terror and pain.
SEE THIS: Trump’s Fear Mongering Lies About ‘Streets Drenched in Blood’ Reach New Depths of Depravity
Coming to the rescue is Dear Leader Trump, who has been anointed by god to confront the evil that has enveloped the nation. And it’s a role that he takes on with pride in order to free his people from perdition and servitude. He told his cult followers at the “Pray Vote Stand” summit sponsored by the ultra-rightist Family Research Council that…
“I wanted to, and had to, stand up to the communists, the Marxists, and the atheists, and the evil and demonic forces that want to destroy our country. They’re destroying our country. I took their fire and I did it gladly. I’m protecting the people in this room, I’m protecting the people of this nation. And I have to tell you it’s not easy. But it’s something that’s such an honor to be doing.”
Trump says he’s protecting the people in the room from “demonic forces”
— Acyn (@Acyn) September 16, 2023
If anyone is a “demonic force” that is trying to “destroy our country” maybe it’s the guy who was impeached twice and is currently awaiting trial on four criminal indictments with 91 felony counts, including conspiring to overthrow the government and undermine democracy. And it’s hard to argue that you are “gladly” taking fire, when all you ever do is whine and lie and unleash hostile assaults on dedicated public servants in law enforcement, the Justice Department, the judiciary, the media, and any politician that doesn’t kiss your…let’s say ring.
As an example of Trump’s commitment to battling evil, consider his outburst on Friday at the same summit wherein he attacked special counsel Jack Smith saying that…
“He is a deranged individual and he wants to take away my First Amendment rights. They went to court to get an order that I can’t speak.”
Trump: As an example today. we had this. Prosecutor Deranged Jack Smith. I wonder what his name used to be. Jack Smith sounds so nice, doesn't it? He's a deranged individual, and he wants to take away my First Amendment rights.
— Acyn (@Acyn) September 16, 2023
What Trump is referring to is the special counsel’s request that the court instruct Trump to refrain from threatening and intimidating persons connected to his indictments. The motion asserted that…
“Like his previous public disinformation campaign regarding the 2020 presidential election, the defendant’s recent extrajudicial statements are intended to undermine public confidence in an institution [and] intimidate individuals — the Court, the jury pool, witnesses, and prosecutors. […] The defendant knows that when he publicly attacks individuals and institutions, he inspires others to perpetrate threats and harassment against his targets.”
It’s notable that Trump’s attack on Smith came after the special counsel’s motion. So in effect, Trump has bolstered the argument that his comments should be constrained. Also, contrary to his pathetic yelping and delusions of victimhood, Trump’s First Amendment rights are not being infringed. The Constitution doesn’t protect threats and intimidation, especially against court officers, witnesses, and potential jurors.
However, when you regard yourself as a holy warrior and disciple of god, anything you say and do is within the realm of divinity. And that is how Trump sees himself and his messianic mission. Or at least that’s how he wants his tiny klan of glassy-eyed disciples to see him. And sadly, too many of them do
- IT’S A CULT! Poll Shows Republicans Trust Only Criminal Messiah Trump to Tell Them the Truth
- Wannabe Messiah Trump Claims that Only He Can ‘End the Bloodshed and Bring Peace to the World’
- Trump Says ‘I Am the Chosen One’ After Tweeting that He’s ‘The Second Coming of God’
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I still cannot understand why they don’t just put him in jail to await his trials (all of them). It seem to me that they are just slow walking these trials. Any other average person would have already been tried!
Trials can take a while. What I don’t get is, why haven’t they remanded him? You or I couldn’t go around making publicly threatening and intimidating comments directed at judges, prosecutors, and witnesses. Oh no, someone might think it’s … gasp … political. I’m tired of watching him get special treatment. Time to either enforce the gag orders or admit they’re never going to.
I am in total agreement with your comment. TUMP should actually be in jail now awaiting trial. He is making all kinds of threats against DA’s, potential jurors. and Judges. This is unacceptable, he is potentially putting innocent people in danger from his deluded and out of control followers.
TUMP says he is protecting the people of our nation? He sure hasn’t protected me or anyone in the nation. He has made a lot of effort to only protect himself. When he keeps saying, ”Deluded Jack Smith.” he is really referring to himself. It’s his usual projection tactic. He has only caused misery and anger to us Democrats.. The judge in his Federal case has really been too lenient with him, She has said earlier that if he didn’t refrain from his vulgar and threatening posts on his pitifully floundering site, ” Lie Social” that he would go to jail. Jack Smith has also ordered a ”Gag Order” on him. I just wonder what they are waiting for?? He should be in jail right now and not allowed to have a smart phone of any kind of electronic device. Silence him until his trials. When TUMP speaks of ”Demonic Forces,” it’s not Democrats, it’s the wingnuts in the Fascist GQP Congress, and Donald TUMP himself and Qevin McCarthy. They are actually the real” Demonic Forces.” Destroying our nation is their ultimate goal.
Oh MarkNC!
The 1st section of this posting almost made me vomit! Luckily, I hadn’t eaten yet.
Just reading the sickening, totally deranged thoughts of Trump & cult seeing Trump as anything even close to God-like, is literally, very nauseating to me! Don’t ask me why it’s worse than the usual shit spewing out of him, but somehow, it just IS!
Maybe it’s just that someone who spreads hatred & personifies human evilness in so many ways, dares to take upon himself the opposite of what HE IS & represents in the here & now!? That evil would portray itself as “goodness & light” is to be expected ~ very few will blindly follow a person proudly claiming to be a man of evil intentions. People like to think they’re on the side of righteousness. Even when they’re not. (Maybe…especially when they’re not?!)
But, the reality of DJT’s claiming to be some kind of God-like ‘savior’; a godly warrior doing everything for “good” & that he’s being picked-on by those he portrays as evil (which is almost everyone in his version)…’but fear not, for I am here to save you from the evil ones that are all around us & trying to destroy us.’ WTF?!!
Trump is a Malignant Narcissist & just 1° away from believing he is a God-like, God-sent, diety. HE IS NOT & WILL NEVER BE, THAT! His cult of brain-dead followers need to stop cheering when he says that crap! They know not the monster they be feeding! The evil they support & encourage is real & if it would only hurt them, I’d let it go…but that deranged psycho will hurt everyone ~ in & out of his cult! He is dangerous to all of us & to the world! If, Heaven Forbid(!)…he should ever be put in power again! Trump belongs in hell, but for now, prison will have to do. He needs to be locked away, alone ~ not seen nor heard ~ for a very long time.
Anyone have a castle with a dark, dank dungeon they aren’t using? (& Iron mask?)
That’d be perfect! MAYBE then we can BEGIN to heal from the damage he & his GOP minions have done to our nation & our fellow Americans!?
He has exposed many loopholes & weak guardrails in our system. We will need to fix those & strengthen laws, cuz’ no relying on only “the best people” to rise to the top! (That much is crystal clear!) The American electorate & our broadcast newsmedia have proven to be faulty filters, unable to filter out the garbage among us…”the wheat from the chaff” [or is it the deadly mold?!]