REALLY? JD Vance on Fox News: Polls are ‘Fake’ and ‘the Trump Campaign is in a Very Good Spot’

The delirium that has set in at the Donald Trump campaign is reaching ever deeper depths as polling and enthusiasm for Kamala Harris grows. In the mere three weeks that she has been a candidate, the joyful campaign of Harris has raised record amounts of money, signed up tens of thousands of volunteers, and inspired a nation that is anxious to move past the doom and gloom that Trump has made his hallmark for nearly a decade as a political grifter.

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Donald Trump, JD Vance, Dr. Evil, Mini-Me

For months Trump has been posting the results of polls that showed him leading President Biden. Every poll released that had him ahead was featured on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social. Trump made sure that each opportunity he had to brag was prominently noted and promoted. However, since Harris has entered the race, Trump has been conspicuously silent with regard to election surveys. He’s either shut up entirely, or is resorting to dismissing them as “rigged” and/or “fake.”

SEE THIS: Polls Show Trump Losing to Kamala Harris Now, So He’s Calling them ‘Fake’ and ‘Dishonest’

So it should come as no surprise that Trump’s Mini-Me, JD Vance, is parroting his stance on polling. In a panic, Vance rushed to his safe place at Fox News where he was greeted with a question that was uncharacteristically challenging. Fox’s Shannon Bream asked Vance why “every other poll that’s been released has shown great momentum in [Harris’] direction?” After suppressing his shock and swallowing hard, Vance replied/lied that “There are a lot of polls showing her stagnating or leveling off.” Those must be the polls conducted by MyPolling, an election denying subsidiary of MyPillow.

Vance then sputtered desperately some rote responses that had no resemblance to reality: “We can’t worry about polls. […] The media uses fake polls to drive down Republican turnout and to create dissension and conflict with Republican voters. […] The Trump campaign is in a very, very good spot.”

So now they are suddenly not worrying about or interested in polls? Now the polls are fake and engineered to harm Republicans? And this abrupt about-face occurred spontaneously three weeks ago? Prior to which the polls were all irrefutable as they registered unabated adoration for Hair Trump. According to Vance, the media now has some sort of bias in favor of Harris that they didn’t have for Biden.

What’s more, Vance expresses his consecrated confidence that Trump’s crusade …er… campaign is in tip-top shape and bound for glory. His evidence of that must be the reception that Trump is getting at his recent cult rallies…

Later in this interview Vance told Bream that “If you talk to insiders in the Kamala Harris campaign, they’re very worried about where they are.” And you can count on the validity of that due to Vance’s well known connections to Harris and Democratic insiders. They like nothing better than disclosing internal secrets and dissing their candidate to their GOP opponent.

If this is the best that Trump and Vance can do, they are going to suffer an even more devastating defeat than previously imagined. And this was with Fox News. Wait until they are interviewed by legitimate journalists, if they ever allow that to happen. In the meantime, settle in for a season of MAGA dishonesty and delusion as their Dear Leader stumbles into well-deserved obscurity behind a curtain of shame.


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