REALLY? JD Vance on Fox News: Polls are ‘Fake’ and ‘the Trump Campaign is in a Very Good Spot’

The delirium that has set in at the Donald Trump campaign is reaching ever deeper depths as polling and enthusiasm for Kamala Harris grows. In the mere three weeks that she has been a candidate, the joyful campaign of Harris has raised record amounts of money, signed up tens of thousands of volunteers, and inspired a nation that is anxious to move past the doom and gloom that Trump has made his hallmark for nearly a decade as a political grifter.

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Donald Trump, JD Vance, Dr. Evil, Mini-Me

For months Trump has been posting the results of polls that showed him leading President Biden. Every poll released that had him ahead was featured on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social. Trump made sure that each opportunity he had to brag was prominently noted and promoted. However, since Harris has entered the race, Trump has been conspicuously silent with regard to election surveys. He’s either shut up entirely, or is resorting to dismissing them as “rigged” and/or “fake.”

SEE THIS: Polls Show Trump Losing to Kamala Harris Now, So He’s Calling them ‘Fake’ and ‘Dishonest’

So it should come as no surprise that Trump’s Mini-Me, JD Vance, is parroting his stance on polling. In a panic, Vance rushed to his safe place at Fox News where he was greeted with a question that was uncharacteristically challenging. Fox’s Shannon Bream asked Vance why “every other poll that’s been released has shown great momentum in [Harris’] direction?” After suppressing his shock and swallowing hard, Vance replied/lied that “There are a lot of polls showing her stagnating or leveling off.” Those must be the polls conducted by MyPolling, an election denying subsidiary of MyPillow.

Vance then sputtered desperately some rote responses that had no resemblance to reality: “We can’t worry about polls. […] The media uses fake polls to drive down Republican turnout and to create dissension and conflict with Republican voters. […] The Trump campaign is in a very, very good spot.”

So now they are suddenly not worrying about or interested in polls? Now the polls are fake and engineered to harm Republicans? And this abrupt about-face occurred spontaneously three weeks ago? Prior to which the polls were all irrefutable as they registered unabated adoration for Hair Trump. According to Vance, the media now has some sort of bias in favor of Harris that they didn’t have for Biden.

What’s more, Vance expresses his consecrated confidence that Trump’s crusade …er… campaign is in tip-top shape and bound for glory. His evidence of that must be the reception that Trump is getting at his recent cult rallies…

Later in this interview Vance told Bream that “If you talk to insiders in the Kamala Harris campaign, they’re very worried about where they are.” And you can count on the validity of that due to Vance’s well known connections to Harris and Democratic insiders. They like nothing better than disclosing internal secrets and dissing their candidate to their GOP opponent.

If this is the best that Trump and Vance can do, they are going to suffer an even more devastating defeat than previously imagined. And this was with Fox News. Wait until they are interviewed by legitimate journalists, if they ever allow that to happen. In the meantime, settle in for a season of MAGA dishonesty and delusion as their Dear Leader stumbles into well-deserved obscurity behind a curtain of shame.


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Pete Buttigieg Gives a Master Class on Truth-Telling About Trump on Fox News Sunday

As the newly re-energized Democratic campaign for president rolls out in support of presumptive nominee Kamala Harris, surrogates for the party and the candidate are making the rounds on television news programs. And most of them are exhibiting a measure of optimism and excitement that hasn’t been seen since the Obama campaign of 2008.

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Pete Buttigieg on Fox News

Among the surrogates braving the hostile environs of network and cable news are several who are also on the short list to be chosen as Harris’ vice-presidential running mate. They include Arizona Senator Mark Kelly, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper, to name a few. All of whom would be outstanding candidates and leaders. But one of whom stands out as spokesperson with the unique gift of being able to tame the wild beasts of Fox News.

SEE THIS: Fox News is Officially an Arm of Chinese State Media, Regurgitating its Attacks on Kamala Harris

Secretary Buttigieg has appeared on Fox News several times, and always manages to deliver a message that actually stumps the Trump-fluffing Fox interviewer. He expresses himself so plainly and compellingly that it’s even possible that he can get through to some of Fox’s viewers. And in an interview this Sunday Buttigieg demonstrated that ability in grand form. What follows are few choice excerpts from the interview (and a thread of the videos)…

“The idea that somebody hasn’t been tested or vetted when they have been vice president of the United States for nearly four years just doesn’t make any sense. [Harris] is in obviously one of the most visible leadership roles in the country and she’s demonstrated both her effectiveness in that job and a vision for the country that Americans agree with. And that’s the real reason I think she’s going to win.”

“[Trump] actually did keep two promises: He kept his promise to destroy the right to choose in this country, and he kept his promise on tax cuts to the rich … he lies all the time.”

“Unlike Republicans who in Trump’s personality cult will take a look at Donald Trump and say he’s perfectly fine even though he seemed unable to tell the difference between Nikki Haley and Nancy Pelosi, even though he’s rambling about electrocuting sharks and Hannibal Lecter. Even though he is clearly older and stranger than he was when America first got to know him, they say he’s strong as an ox, leaps tall buildings in a single bound. We don’t have that kind of warped reality on our side.’

“Crime is down under Joe Biden and crime was up under Donald Trump. Now, I don’t know how often that gets reported on this network, so if you’re watching this at home, do yourself a favor and look up the data.”

Throughout most this interview, Buttigieg had to cope with host Shannon Bream repeatedly interrupting him with attempts to push the Republican narrative (i.e. lies). And he still managed to smack down her weak efforts to dilute the impact of his facts and reasoning.

Buttigieg may not be at the top of the VP short list. He doesn’t have the ability to bring along a victory in a swing state. And being gay will probably (and unfortunately) be seen as too much of a progressive lean on the Democratic ticket. But there is no one better to face independent, and even right-leaning, voters on the campaign trail. He can continue a sort of residency at Fox News, while holding rallies in swing states such as Michigan and Wisconsin, and other Midwest neighbors to his home of Indiana.

Buttigieg would also be a good candidate for another Cabinet post in the Harris administration. He has experience and credentials that would qualify him for Housing and Urban Development, Education, Veterans Affairs, and Health and Human Services. And although he doesn’t have a background in journalism, he might make a darn good Communications Director.


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Trump VP Hopeful, Stefanik, Goes Whacko When Fox News Reminds Her She Called Him a ‘Whack Job’

The race for who will be Donald Trump’s vice-presidential running mate is getting more heated as the election cycle proceeds. Names like Kristi Noem, Tim Scott, Marco Rubio, Vivek Ramaswamy, Byron Donalds, Kari Lake, and JD Vance, have all been floated. And every one of them have been less than subtle about their craving to be chosen to be the next Mike Pence, whose loyalty to Trump nearly got him hanged.

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Donald Trump, Woman, Fear

That sort of unflinching fealty to Dear Leader Trump is on full display by the prospective veeps. And for the most part, Fox News is playing its role in helping Trump to decide which contestant will get the rose. One Fox News host, Mark Levin, has gone so as far to deliver a blatant ultimatum to Trump himself with regard to who he might select…

SEE THIS: Blurring the Lines: Fox News Host Warns Trump: Do Not Choose a VP Who Won’t Appear on My Show

On Sunday, Fox News host Shannon Bream interviewed one of the top tier candidates, Elise Stefanik (NY-MAGA), about her aspirations to be Trump’s running mate (video below). Bream noted that Stefanik was among the Republicans who had abandoned their duties in Washington to join Trump’s cheering section at his criminal trial in Manhattan. Then Bream brought up a New York Times article wherein Stefanik was revealed to have been a harsh Trump critic when he first announced his candidacy. Bream said that…

“They say you called him a whack job at one point. They added this: ‘In August 2015 she told a New York radio station that he was insulting to women and that his candidacy would hurt the party’s efforts to attract female voters. According to her former friends,’ they continue, she thought ‘Mr. Trump was too awful and ridiculous to be taken seriously.'”

That’s an opinion that was shared by many Republicans (e.g. Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, etc.) prior to their becoming indoctrinated into the Trump cult. Shaken by being confronted with her own views, Stefanik led her response by lashing out at Bream for having the gall to quote actual associates of Stefanik to whom she revealed her aversion to Trump. Stefanik raged that…

“This is a, this is a false smear. And let me tell you a fact. In 2016, I was attacked as the only elected Republican from the Northeast who voted for President Trump. Democrats spent hundreds of thousands of dollars attacking me for that fact. So to say that I didn’t support him is just false. I have been proud to be one of his strongest supporters.”[Adding that] “It’s a disgrace that you would take a New York Times article and just read negative quotes.”

That’s right! How dare Bream ask Stefanik to account for things that she actually said. Especially since Stefanik is such a proud, unquestioning, glassy-eyed disciple of the Trump cult, whose support is all consuming and never ending.

Bream then asked Stefanik about whether she had said that Trump was “insulting to women,” and that his candidacy would hurt the party’s efforts to attract female voters. Stefanik admitted that she had said it, but complained that it had been “leaked out” by Democrats. Which doesn’t change the fact that she said it at all. She went on to say that she, nevertheless, stood by him, despite his grossly misogynistic insults.

It’s a rare phenomenon to see a Republican get grilled by Fox News. But when it happens it generally winds up with the Republican whining about being treated unfairly by the notoriously GOP friendly network. They never seem to be able to take responsibility for their own prior remarks or behavior. Which is a character trait they may have picked up from Trump, whose entire public life has served as a masterclass in dodging responsibility, denying reality, and lying about his own past. And in that respect, Stefanik is good learner.


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Rep. Clyburn Tells Fox News Viewers All About How Trump and MAGA Resemble Germany in the 1930’s

In the closing days of the 2022 midterm elections, Democrats have been making the case that the Republican Party is putting American democracy at risk with their baseless election denialism and outright refusal to accept any election results wherein they are the losers.

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Donald Trump, Adolf Hitler

President Biden made that case in an address to the nation this week. He Spoke in stark terms about the fragility of democracy and he didn’t shy away from the root cause…

“Recent polls have shown that an overwhelming majority of Americans believe our democracy at — is at risk, that our democracy is under threat. They too see that democracy is on the ballot this year, and they’re deeply concerned about it.” […]

“American democracy is under attack because the defeated former President of the United States refuses to accept the results of the 2020 election. He refuses to accept the will of the people. He refuses to accept the fact that he lost.”

RELATED: GOP Chair Ronna McDaniel Can’t Give a Straight Answer on Whether Republicans Support Democracy

Biden isn’t the only political figure to notice the peril our nation faces from people who who don’t respect the will of the people or the law. On Sunday Democratic Rep. Jim Clyburn was interviewed on Fox News by Shannon Bream. And in spite of Bream’s loaded questions and interruptions, he delivered a righteous sermon directly to the Fox News flock of Trumpian cult disciples (video below).

Bream: You’ve repeatedly made comments about Hitler, about Nazism, about Germany in the 1930’s, in recent years. You’ve gotten a lot of pushback from that from Jewish organization and others who way that it belittles the suffering of the Holocaust, of the millions who were lost. Your response.

Clyburn: I’ve talked to many Jews. There are many Jews in my congressional district. And they are supporters of mine. They know that this is the stuff that causes those kinds of deterioration to democracy. This was not anything about how difficult it was.

I’ve talked about slavery and how difficult it was. But to discuss the facts of what’s going on here – election deniers setting up procedures by which rule committees by governors can overturn the results of election; to call the press ‘the enemy of the people;’ to coopt evangelicals. I grew up in the Christian faith, grew up in a parsonage, born and raised in a parsonage. I know a whole lot about religion, and I know that there is always an attempt to co-opt religion, and that is what’s going on here.

If people want to deny it, that’s fine, but the facts are very clear. I’ve studied history all of my life. I taught history. And I’m telling you, what I see here are parallels to what the history was in this world back in the 1930s in Germany.

Bream: Are voters, though, out there listening to this message to infer from what you’re saying that if they don’t vote for Democrats in this election that they are somehow supporting something akin to the rise of Hitler?

Clyburn: No. If they don’t vote against election deniers. If they don’t vote against liars, people who lie, know full well they’re lying, we all know they’re lying. This was the cleanest election in the history of the country. Donald Trump’s own appointee said it was the cleanest in the history of the country.

Clyburn made exactly the right point. He drew a distinction between voting for Republicans, and voting for election deniers. The former were once a legitimate political party with arguably principled views from a conservative perspective. The latter is what the GOP has become: A party devoted to a wannabe tyrant who brazenly lies to acquire and retain power and wealth. Clyburn also correctly noted that Trump’s own officials had told him that … well, them tell it…

SEE THIS: AG Bill Barr on Trump’s Big Lie: We Realized From the Beginning it Was Just Bull****

Clyburn’s message is one that Fox News viewers need to hear. Will it have any effect on their views of Trump and Biden and America? Probably not in any broad based manner. But they still need to near it. They need to know that they aren’t fooling anyone if they choose to continue to support the fascism of the Trumpian GOP. And they need know that they will someday pay a price for it.

In the meantime, there is some small hope that a few of them can be peeled off from mob and see the light. But Democrats and independents cannot rely on them. They need to turn out in massive numbers on election day to avoid sending this country down the path that brought so much suffering and ruin to Germany and the world nearly a century ago.

RELATED: Tucker Carlson Hysterically Hypes Bogus Election ‘Fraud’ Film By Convicted Election Fraudster

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GOP Senator Tells Fox News that Support for Gun Reform in Polls is Because People are Stupid

This year there have been an appalling number of horrific mass shootings that have weighed heavily on the hearts of the nation and brought untold grief and loss to the communities in which they occurred. These tragedies are even more gut wrenching when children are the victims, as they were in Uvalde, Texas.

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Fox News, Guns Logo

Yet somehow America’s representatives in Washington can’t manage to take affirmative action to address this epidemic of senseless bloodshed. And the fault lies squarely on Republicans who are beholden to the NRA-theists, and unwilling to even compromise on reforms that they agree on in principle.

RELATED: POLL: 44% of ‘Law and Order’ Republicans are Totally Cool with All the Mass Shootings in America

This resistance to advancing common sense solutions is ingrained in the GOP despite the overwhelming support for reforms in the populace at large. And that dichotomy was painfully illustrated in an interview on Fox News Sunday wherein Sen. Mike Lee of Utah degenerated into a babbling bowl of jelly as he struggled to justify his betrayal to his constituents. Fox’s Shannon Bream asked Lee about recent Fox News polling that “shows that there is a lot of strength behind some of these proposals at this time.” Bream then displayed a graphic of the poll’s findings…

Then Bream gave Lee an opportunity to respond, pointing out that “There is a lot of momentum, at least among the public sphere,” and asking “Are you out of step with your constituents?” Lee awkwardly dodged the question with a reply that was even worse than merely being out of step. He said that…

“First of all, what’s important is that we look out for the rights of constituents. Constituents are asked poll questions, they are not asked questions about specific language within legislative text. It’s the job of the lawmaker to look out for the interest and the rights of the law-abiding citizens they represent. And so with each of those provisions — I understand how they can get high popularity readings when they don’t define them. For example, you talk about banning assault weapons. There is no universal definition of what an assault rifle is. […] So that text does matter here, because it is that text that will determine whether we are intruding unduly on the rights of the American law-abiding citizen.”

To summarize Lee’s response, he believes the legislator’s job is to disregard what the public wants because they are too stupid to answer simple, straightforward questions in a poll. He even provides an example of how idiotic he thinks people are by asserting that they can’t form a coherent opinion about “assault weapons” because they don’t know what they are. Really?

Lee’s tortured doubletalk is just an attempt to evade the fact that he and his Republican confederates are purposefully betraying their constituents. The American people know what assault weapons are. They also know that legislation is written in legalese, but that that doesn’t make their opinions on these issues invalid. And they know that Lee is an arrogant horse’s ass who thinks he’s smarter than the dimwitted deplorables that he purports to represent.

For the record, the Fox News poll covered several aspects of the gun reform debate. And nearly every question revealed that significant majorities of the American people want substantive reforms. Here are a few of the poll’s findings…

  • “In general, a 56% majority believes that having tougher gun laws would reduce mass shootings in the United States, while 39% do not.”
  • “On specific gun proposals, voters are most supportive of requiring background checks on all gun buyers (88%) and improving enforcement of existing gun laws (84%).”
  • “Another 8 in 10 favor raising the legal age to buy assault weapons to 21 (82%), passing ‘red flag’ laws that allow police to take guns from people shown to be a danger (81%), background checks on buying ammunition (80%), mental health checks (78%), and raising the legal age to buy any gun to 21 (78%).”
  • “Seven in 10 favor banning high-capacity ammunition clips (70%), while slightly less (63%) support banning assault weapons.”
  • “The only proposals tested that lack majority support are allowing teachers to carry guns at schools (48%) and encouraging more citizens to carry a weapon (45%).”

With poll results like this – and from Fox News yet – the smug superiority of Republicans like Lee, who think that they know better than the people, is all the more repugnant. And it’s all the more obvious that their allegiance is to the gun industry lobbyists and the ammosexual perverts, rather than their own constituents.

RELATED: Ted Cruz Babbles that if All Firearms in America Were Eliminated there Would Be More Murders

Until that bond is broken, the United States will continue to suffer the most mass shootings of any nation on the planet. And the most effective way to break that bond is to vote out every Republican at every level of government. Hopefully voters will recognize that that is the only way they are ever likely to get true representation on this issue, as well as so many others, including healthcare, the environment, fair taxation, reproductive choice, civil liberties, and even the right to vote at all.

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Fox News Accidentally Says that Donald Trump is An Unelectable Slimeball

Some of the best moments on Fox News occur when they have no idea what they are talking about. This happens with some frequency considering the low bar that Fox sets for hiring pundits and commentators. The prerequisites for a job at Fox News are primarily the willingness to lie effusively on behalf of Donald Trump and his Republican Nationalist Party, and blond hair.

Donald Trump, Fox News

On Monday morning’s episode of Outnumbered there was a perfect example of this tendency that Fox has to stumble onto something truthful without ever knowing they did so. The program had a segment on the just announced candidacy of radio host and, former Tea Party Republican, Joe Walsh, for the GOP nomination for president. He’s a longshot challenger to Trump, but his conservative credentials and passionate denouncements of Trump could take a toll on the embattled and mentally infirm incumbent. While discussing Walsh’s prospects in the race, Fox host Shannon Bream sought to itemize his weaknesses by revisiting some his previous abhorrent statements (video below):

“This is what Joe Walsh said: ‘Obama’s a Muslim. He’s an enemy and a traitor.’ He said this about Kamala Harris: ‘If you’re black and a woman you say dumb things, lowered bar.’ He also got duped by Sacha Baron Cohen about arming toddlers and kindergartners with guns. […] I think critics might say it’s astonishing that he even thinks he can run right now.”

Okay, then. That’s now the Fox News criteria for establishing when someone is unfit to run for president, There were four standards laid out: Calling Obama a Muslim, calling Obama an enemy, saying black women are stupid, and getting punked by a hoaxster. Let’s see how Trump stands up.

In March of 2011, Trump was interviewed on the Laura Ingraham radio show prior to her joining Fox News. Among Trump’s noxious remarks was praise for the racists who insisted that President Obama was not an American. “A lot of the so-called Birthers,” Trump said, “these are great people. These are really great American people.” Much like the “very fine” Nazis Trump gushed over a few years later. He went on to say of Obama that…

“He doesn’t have a birth certificate, or if he does, there’s something on that certificate that is very bad for him […] perhaps it would be that where it says ‘religion,’ it might have ‘Muslim.’ And if you’re a Muslim, you don’t change your religion.”

One down. Moving on, there is always a Trump tweet that manages to demonstrate his utter idiocy and/or hypocrisy. And in this matter there’s one where he literally posted a comment that said: “Obama is our worst enemy.”

Two down. Moving on, Trump is a well-known misogynist who’s past is replete with harassment, assault, and ceaseless bullying and insults. But specific to the standard set above, he has been especially demeaning to women of color in Congress and the media. His remarks about sending several congresswomen “back where they came from” was only the most recent incident. On many occasions he blatantly attacked African-American reporters for doing their job. For instance, he shouted down Abby Phillip of CNN saying “What a stupid question that is. What a stupid question. But I watch you a lot. You ask a lot of stupid questions.”

Three down. Moving on, Trump was also the victim of a prank call. Comedian “Stuttering” John Melendez (of Howard Stern’s radio show) got through to Trump on Air Force One by pretending to be New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez. The call was directed to Trump by his son-in-law and senior advisor, Jared Kushner.

So that’s all four of the criteria enumerated by Bream that make it “astonishing that he even thinks he can run right now.” Of course there are innumerable other reasons that Trump’s campaign is astonishing. They include his brazen violations of the law by welcoming and encouraging Russia’s attack on our election; his obstruction of justice; his breach of the Constitution’s emoluments clause; his overt racism and support for white nationalists; his coziness with brutal foreign tyrants; and his 12,000+ lies to the American people.

And that’s just for starters. Trump has disparaged American intelligence agencies. He has sided with Vladimir Putin against the U.S. His economic idiocy (tax cuts for the wealthy, benefit cuts for Social Security and Medicare, trade war, bullying the Fed, etc.) will likely lead to a severe recession. So it will be interesting to see if Fox News will hold Trump to the same standards they laid out for Walsh. Or even if they will hold him to the principles that the GOP used to advocate. Don’t hold your breath.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Hillary Clinton’s Fox News Problem

This evening on Fox News Shannon Bream, filling in for Megyn Kelly, did a segment about how dismal Hillary Clinton’s future is now that her poll numbers have descended to unfathomable depths, particularly with regard to favorability.

Hillary Clinton Favorability

Like much of the rest of Fox’s recent coverage of Clinton, the impression made is that Clinton has about three weeks before she will drop out of the race and report to prison. To open the segment Bream gleefully reported that…

“A new poll now showing Clinton may be more disliked than she has been in decades. As a brand new survey from CNN shows her unfavorability rating is now at a whopping 53%. A number that Clinton has seen just one other time in twenty-three years of polling.”

What the “fair and balanced” propagandists at Fox are leaving out is that Clinton’s favorable rating in the CNN poll that they referenced is better than all of the Republicans that were polled. Clinton scored 44% favorable. That compares to Donald Trump at 36% and Jeb Bush at 34%. What’s more, Clinton’s unfavorable rating is lower than her most likely opponents. She pulled 53% while Trump and Bush were higher at 59% and 56% respectively.

Clinton has had the honor of being ranked as the most admired woman in the world nineteen times in Gallup’s annual survey. She received that honor the last thirteen years in a row. It is not particularly surprising that in an election year where seventeen Republican candidates are bashing her relentlessly her public image might suffer. Add to that the effect of the smear job that Fox engages in every day and it would be a miracle if her numbers didn’t decline a bit.

Notwithstanding those assaults, Clinton is still faring better than her GOP rivals who have had very little mud thrown at them. She is still beating them in head-to-head match-ups. And her support in the Democratic Party is unwavering.

What Fox News is trying to do is project their open disgust for her in the hopes that it will harm her electoral prospects next year. That’s also why they keep promoting Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden. They obviously hate them just as much as they hate her, but for the time being they are happy to use them as wedges to create chaos for the Democrats.

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If Clinton’s 53% unfavorable rating can be characterized as “whopping” by Fox News, then what would they call Trump’s 59% or Bush’s 56%? Of course the answer is that they wouldn’t call it anything at all because they wouldn’t devote a segment of a primetime program to their “favorability problems.” In the Fox world everyone loves Republicans and they always will win every election. At least that’s how they present it to their dimwitted audience who are later shocked when they lose.

Despite Their Own Conceit, Fox News Is About As Scary As Honey Boo Boo

As America’s number one network for extreme, right-wing political bias and propaganda, Fox News relishes every opportunity to disparage their ideological foes and to sanctimoniously exalt themselves as protectors of their twisted versions of the truth. One of the favorite tactics of Fox News is to taunt public figures who make the completely rational decision to avoid the abuse that they would endure were they to submit to being interviewed by the network’s bullies and ignorant partisans. This week there was another example of that attempted intimidation by Fox’s media reporter, Howard Kurtz.

Fox News

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Kurtz appeared on The Kelly File with fill-in host and terrorist profiler Shannon Bream, a former beauty pageant contestant and graduate of Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University with no journalism training. The topic of the segment was departing Attorney General Eric Holder’s scheduled interviews with some news networks that did not, as of yet, include Fox. Bream queued Kurtz up by asking “Does he help himself at all by walking out the door and slamming it in our faces.” That totally unbiased question got this response from Kurtz:

“I think that it’s a sign of confidence when any politician, political figure, cabinet officer, congressman, is willing to sit down and take tougher questions from those you might perceive to be your harshest critics. […] Is the nation’s top law enforcement officer really afraid of [Fox News anchor] Bret Baier?”

Any suggestion that Holder, or anyone else who chooses to keep their distance from Fox News, is afraid of them is utter nonsense. That’s like saying you’re afraid of being interviewed by Honey Boo Boo, when the truth is you’re just smart enough to not waste your time. Notorious liar Bill O’Reilly has used the accusation of fear repeatedly, but frankly I’d be more afraid of Honey Boo boo.

Furthermore, if Kurtz even bothers to take his own analysis seriously, then why doesn’t he apply it to Republicans? He seems so disturbed that a single administration official is waving off Fox News, but he doesn’t seem bothered at all that the entire Republican Party is boycotting MSNBC. Reince Priebus, the chairman of the Republican National Committee has stated publicly that there will be no GOP presidential primary debates on that network. There will be four on Fox. Therefore, according to his own logic, Kurtz is implying that that every single one of the GOP candidates for president are afraid of Rachel Maddow?

What’s even more interesting about this is that the GOP candidates are even afraid of the friendly venues they have chosen for themselves. The RNC has drastically reduced the number of debates and assumed control of who will moderate them and ask questions. That was done to avoid a repeat of the embarrassing displays put on by Republicans during the 2012 election cycle. On one hand that may be a wise decision on their part considering the proclivity for Republicans to say stupid things. On the other hand it shelters them from the real world of political brawling that might toughen them up for the general election. And it exposes them as fearful of letting their candidates express themselves by taking positions for which they would later be held accountable.

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Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

After being left off of a preliminary list of networks that would be interviewing Holder, Fox News VP Michael Clemente whined that Holder’s reluctance to subject himself to the petty carping of Fox’s confirmed haters does a disservice to “the interests of a free press.” Apparently he doesn’t understand the phrase “free press.” You have to wonder where he gets the notion that a free press requires every public figure to submit to every media outlet, no matter how disreputable and hostile. It would be more correct to applaud Holder for showing respect for a free press by declining to validate Fox’s deceitful brand of pseudo-journalism.

Whether or not Holder grants Fox News an opportunity to malign him in person, it is clear that neither he, nor anyone else, is afraid of Fox. They just show it the measure of respect it deserves. But Republicans are demonstrating that they terrified of MSNBC and every other media outlet, including Fox, by implementing a policy that prohibits them from engaging in any public debates that aren’t sanctioned by the party apparatchiks. That’s a story that Kurtz will never report.

The Handy-Dandy Fox News Terrorist Color Chart

For Americans concerned about how to identify the terrorists in your neighborhood, Fox News has created a convenient tool to be certain that nefarious characters are not overlooked and permitted to wreak havoc.

The Fox News Terrorist Color Chart

Fox News Terrorist Color Chart

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Inspired by the comments of Fox News anchor Shannon Bream during an episode of Outnumbered, this chart is an essential part of every patriot’s anti-terror toolkit. Bream was responding (video below) to co-host Kennedy’s observation that ordinary profiling may not be an effective prevention policy because “sometimes bad guys don’t look like bad guys.” Whereupon Bream offered this bit of wisdom:

“That’s my question about these guys. If we know they were speaking unaccented French and they had ski masks on, do we even know what color they were, what the tone of their skin was? I mean, what if they didn’t look like typical bad guys as we define them when we think about terror groups.”

Yeah, what about that? Obviously the only way we can be sure to keep America safe from bad guys is to have a reliable means of categorizing them so that they can be segregated from the rest of the population and punished appropriately. And thankfully the folks at Fox News are on the case and looking out for us good (i.e. white) guys.

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Bream comments begin at 3:10 in this video:

h/t/ Alexander Jones

Seriously? Fox News Complains About Liberal Media Attacking Fox News

The Fox News interview of Reza Aslan, author of Zealot, was one of the most pathetic displays of journalistic bias and incompetence in recent memory. The interviewer, Lauren Green, has been roundly and deservedly criticized for her amateurish attempt to ambush her guest and foment a fake controversy. The response from media professionals has been been nearly unanimous that Fox botched the affair.

However, Fox, true to form, stiffens their back and refuses to accept responsibility for an embarrassing episode and slink away with some sense of humility. They have characteristically fought back with ferocious intensity, defending their anchor and slandering their guest. Numerous articles have already appeared on, but the full-on blitzkrieg took place on the air with anchor Shannon Bream fluffing the head of the uber-rightist Media Research Center, Brent Bozell.

Bozell led off his sycophantic exculpation by declaring that “I’ll be the first one to applaud Lauren Green for the question that she asked.” Bozell insisted that it was entirely appropriate to impugn Aslan repeatedly while ignoring any actual discussion of his book. He further asserted that Aslan should have confessed to having a bias, saying that…

“If he is going to take the attitude that he is just a scholar, he just happens to be Muslim, that he really doesn’t care about this issue so much, he’s not a very good Muslim.”

Bozell, a devout Catholic, may not be the best person to make that judgment. But more to the point, Aslan is indeed taking the attitude that he is a scholar who happens to be Muslim. Therefore, according to Bozell, he is not biased. Bozell actually seems to be complaining that Aslan isn’t more deferential to his faith, in which case he would be a “good” Muslim and biased. But Aslan isn’t cooperating with Bozell’s conspiracy theory.

As for anchor Shannon Bream, she could not have been more complicit with Bozell’s determined smear tactics. She opened her report saying…

“It started out with very far-left media questioning Lauren, criticizing her, saying she shouldn’t have asked the question, or that it was any of her business what his prerogative may have been on writing the book. It then trickled out into more and more mainstream media and it’s taken on a life of its own – the discussion about Lauren versus the book or the author.”

In point of fact, not a single critic ever suggested that Green should not have asked Aslan about his faith or his motivation. The criticism was that she never stopped asking about it. She obsessed over it despite his having answered her several times. Then Bream has the gall to complain that the story in the media was more focused on Green than on the book. That’s exactly what Aslan complained about throughout Green’s ridiculous interview.

The blockheaded incoherence exhibited by Green, Bream, and Bozell, was illustrated perfectly by the graphic that Fox displayed during Bozell’s segment. It read, “Liberal media attacks Fox reporter.”

Fox News
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In case you’ve been stationed on a lunar base for the past several years, Fox whining about attacks from the liberal media is evidence that their cerebral cortexes have atrophied. Fox has been on a non-stop campaign of attacking every other media outlet as dishonest, dangerous, even treasonous, since the day they launched. Fox’s slogan, “fair and balanced,” is itself an assault on the integrity of their competitors. For a sampling of how Fox deals with their media peers…..

  • Liberal media spin Benghazi scandal to protect Team Obama
  • Scandals raise new questions about liberal media bias
  • Gosnell had an accomplice in murders — the liberal media
  • Liberal media will ‘shut you down, stab you, kill you, fire you’ if you disagree
  • Liberal media lash out at Romney for daring to criticize Obama
  • Liberal media lavish praise on Obama but mercilessly mock Rubio
  • Did Liberal Media Plot Against Sarah Palin?
  • Bias Bash: Liberal Media slam possible conservative suitors
  • Bozell: Liberal Media Censoring Information About ObamaCare
  • Liberal media attacks as Woodward ‘threat’ seen as political threat to Obama
  • What the Liberal Media Are Missing
  • Racism charges a first-class way for liberal media to attack
  • Liberal media’s hateful obsession with Sarah Palin
  • Liberal Media Admits ‘The Democrats Have Lost on Sequestration
  • Liberal Media’s Dilemma Covering Obama’s Libya Decision
  • The Liberal Media’s Assault on Christianity
  • Opinion: The Liberal Media Loved Obama To Death
  • Liberal Media Panic Reaches Boiling Point

This list could go on and on. And it doesn’t even include the personal attacks leveled by Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, Eric Bolling, the Fox & Friends crew, etc. Fox spends more time on attacking the rest of the media than they do on reporting the news. But to be fair, they hardly ever report actual news, so that isn’t a particularly revealing criticism.