Trump Spokesmodel Tells Fox News that ‘the Left is Godless’ in Post-Shooting Play for – Unity?

Republicans have spent years proclaiming themselves to be the party of Jesus. They regard their people and their policies as the divine product of pure Christian conviction. And therefore, whatever they do and say is sanctioned by god and elevated from merely the political to the pious.

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Flaming Trump

The fulfillment of that feeble faithfulness has finally been achieved with the descent of Donald Trump to the Earthly realm. His MAGA cult disciples revere him as a messenger from heaven, despite his alignment with a place much farther down. They believe that he was sent to slay their foes (i.e. Blacks, gays, and all manner of liberals). The MAGAtists see him that way because he sees himself that way, and who are they to disagree? They will obediently comply and bequeath unto him their funds to purchase his Trump-branded bible and cover his legal expenses incurred from his communion with porn stars and committing fraud. And then there’s this…

SEE THIS: Immaculate Birther: Donald Trump Says He Doesn’t Have To Ask God For Forgiveness

In the days that followed the shooting in Pennsylvania that resulted in Trump’s “Earlobe Stigmata,” many of Trump’s devotees have testified on television that he is the beneficiary of divine intervention by virtue of his having survived. They apparently believe that the Trump fan who died deserved it, so god forsook him. And on Tuesday morning, the preachers on Fox News visited with Trump’s Deputy Director of Communications (aka Propaganda), Caroline Sunshine, to glory in the light of the Don. Trump’s Sunshine engaged in the following exchange with Fox’s Harris Faulkner…

Faulkner: People are praying for him. People have tapped into that. How does the left come against that? What are they gonna do?
Sunshine: I think the left is godless. And I don’t feel like it’s hard to say that. I don’t say that from a place of malice. I say that as a woman of deep faith myself.[…]

The MAGA movement is full of people that love our country, but love god. What president Trump survived is divine intervention. […] It’s good to remember that good does defeat evil.”

Harris is correct that people have been praying for Trump. Including President Biden, Kamala Harris, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Hakeem Jeffries, and many more of the Democrats who offered their prayers, but who Faulkner never mentioned, and who Sunshine believes are evil.

Sunshine claims that her accusation that “the left is godless” comes from being “a woman of deep faith.” That is an explicitly anti-Christian attitude. She might want to refer to Matthew 7, that warns “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” And despite her denial, she is speaking purely with malice. There is simply no other way to describe it. Particularly when she elaborates by implying that Democrats are “evil.”

It’s also notable that these malicious comments come so soon after many Americans of all political persuasions have expressed their desire to turn down the harsh rhetoric and seek to unite the country in its common goals. Both Biden and Trump have publicly promised to do so. But only Biden has kept that promise. Trump, on the other hand, has bizarrely defined “unity” as giving him the freedom to commit crimes at will. and his MAGAtists have gone full bore into blaming Biden and Democrats for the violence that Trump has incited for years.

The phony piety of pseudo-religious Republicans has long registered abnormally high on the hypocrisy scale. But now, with Trump’s resurrection from near – er, make that ear – death, it is completely off the charts. Their adoption of Trump as messiah is complete. And they will proselytize that blasphemy from now until November 5th, and probably longer. Especially if he loses. That’s what cults do.


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WHUT? Fox News Drools Over the Distemper Tantrum Tirades of Trump as ‘Respecting the Court’

The extraordinary ability of Fox News to justify any and every atrocity of Donald Trump has been well documented from the first day that he descended on his goldish escalator to announce his American Carnage campaign to occupy the White House and gather all glory unto his exaltedness.

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It would be difficult to rank the abominations that Trump has been responsible for over the years. But whether it was his deadly mismanagement of the COVID pandemic, or his crashing the U.S. economy, or his abhorrent bigotry and assaults on civil rights, Fox News was always there to try clean it up and present his failures as miracles by the messiah of Mar-a-Lago.

SEE THIS: Fox News Hack Joins the Trump Cult Choir Proclaiming that ‘We’ve Always Seen Honesty with Trump’

On Monday morning Trump was in a New York courtroom as the first ever former U.S. president to be tried for criminal acts. He was typically furious and frightened as he lashed out the judge, the prosecutors, and the witnesses. Beginning at 5:39 AM ET, Trump posted more than 60 comments on his floundering social media scam, Truth social, in a pitiful display of desperation and impotence. So leave it to Fox News to rush to his rescue with a crackpot commentary provided by Harris Faulkner, co-host of Fox’s Outnumbered…

“One bottom line for Donald Trump today. this is the weakest of the cases. So no matter how he goes forward it is rather uphill. And I liked what he said earlier. I like when any defendant talks this way. ‘It is my honor. It’s a pleasure to be here.’ Respecting the court.”

First of all, Faulkner is in no position to grade the strength or weakness of Trump’s legal cases, since she regards all of them as unwarranted. In her view, like that of all MAGA cultists, Trump is the epitome of purity and innocence. But more to the point, Faulkner’s slobbering praise of Trump as someone who is “Respecting the court” is downright delusional.

Has Faulkner ever heard anything that Trump has said about the courts and the prosecutors that are conducted his trials? He has repeatedly maligned them as “corrupt” and “crooked” and “biased” and “Trump-hating” and “conflicted” and generally unscrupulous and unfair. He has attacked the judges, attorneys, and witnesses personally, resulting in his being slapped with a gag order (that he may already have violated). And he has even attacked the as yet unnamed jurors who he assumes will be anti-Trump.

So where is Faulkner getting the idea that Trump respects the court? Well, from her statement she is getting it from comments he made Monday morning before court. She lauds him for saying that it is his “honor” and “pleasure” to be there. There’s just one problem with that. He never said either of those things. What Trump did say was another attack on the court that he portrayed as a “political persecution” that he was “proud” to be battling against.

“It’s an assault on America. And that’s why I’m very proud to be here. This is an assault on our country. And it’s a country that’s failing. It’s a country that’s being run by an incompetent man who is very much involved in this case.”

Where is the “respect” in calling the proceedings “an assault on America”? Where is the “respect” in falsely charging that the judge is improperly coordinating with President Biden? In short, what the f**k is Faulkner talking about?

Trump doesn’t know the meaning of “respect,” unless it’s intended to be lavished on him by glassy-eyed sycophants like Faulkner, despite his having done nothing to earn it. Although Fox News deserves some respect for being able to dispense this kind of bullpucky with a straight face.


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Watch Fox News Host Prove that She’s Lying About Democrats Using A.l. to Alter Trump’s Words

The mission of Fox News from its inception has been to promote far-right politics and the Republican Party. However, in recent years it has shifted to an even more extreme bias in favor one Republican in particular. The Fox News devotion to Donald Trump and his MAGA cult has been an all-consuming obsession that abandons any connection to journalism or even patriotism.

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Fox News, Bullshit Factory

Consequently, Fox News has never felt compelled to provide any factual basis for their flagrantly dishonest propaganda. It’s why they produce stories like the the one this week about President Biden allegedly prohibiting religious symbols on Easter eggs during the White House holiday event, when that was a rule that’s been in place for 45 years, including during Trump’s occupation of the White House. It’s why Fox News often winds up inadvertently slamming their own GOP allies who they regard as insufficiently committed to lock-step party uniformity, like good fascists…

SEE THIS: Has Fox News Finally Figured it Out? ‘This is Why Conservatives Call the GOP the Stupid Party’

On Thursday morning, Fox News host Harris Faulkner unleashed a segment wherein she disgorged her outrage at Democrats who she accused of distorting Trump’s words. Of course, Democrats have no need to distort anything Trump says, because his rhetoric is heinously offensive without any artificial alteration.

Nevertheless, Faulkner made the wholly unsupported allegation that some unnamed nefarious Democrat employed Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) to alter what Trump said at his cult rally in Michigan.

Faulkner: It didn’t happen the way the Dems say it did. Here’s a clip that Team Biden posted from Trump’s speech in Michigan this week…
Trump (Video): Democrats said “Please don’t call them animals.” I said “No, they’re not humans. They’re animals.”
Faulkner: Here’s what he actually said. Trump’s words. Actually said this…
Trump (Video): The 22 year old nursing student in Georgia who was barbarically murdered by an illegal alien animal. The Democrats said “Please don’t call them animals.” I said “No, they’re not humans. They’re animals.”
Faulkner: First of all, how in the world did they edit all those words together to even put something like what they had. That’s amazing. […] What are they using? A.I.?”

OMG: Did everyone notice that Faulkner’s video of Trump’s blatant racism said exactly the same thing as the video that Faulkner said was the work of Democrats? The only difference was Trump’s preface about the tragically murdered student (about whom he lied saying he had spoken to her family). But that didn’t change the racist context of his remarks at all. He didn’t call just the alleged murderer an animal. He said that “THEY are animals.” It was a clear reference to all migrants.

Contrary to Faulkner’s deliberate lie, there was no modification whatsoever, A.I. or otherwise. Her amazement at how Democrats supposedly “edit(ed) all those words together” is bizarre, considering that the words were identical. And this was her own video “proof” of some sort of Democratic deception? The real question is not “What are they using?” It’s “What is SHE using?”

And yet, the Fox News viewers will likely fail to see any problem with this bullpucky. They will swallow it whole and come away believing that Democrats manufactured everything that Trump said. And at the same time they will agree with everything that Trump said. That’s the nature of a cult. And Fox News is the Ministry of Disinformation for the Cult of Trump (aka the Republican Party), where Trump’s words can be simultaneously fake and correct.


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HYSTERICAL: Fox News Host Worries About Biden’s Campaign Strategy, Advises Him Not to Tell Jokes

In the heat of the 2024 presidential race, it would be prudent for candidates to be seeking out the best consultants with the insight and experience to advance their electoral prospects. And if you’re the Democratic incumbent (Joe Biden) running against a Republican cult leader (Donald Trump), who would be a better source of advice than Fox News?

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This election cycle has, unfortunately, seen the media embarrass themselves with ridiculous stories that compare a candidate that they say is old with memory problems, to his opponent who is also old and with 91 pending felony charges, an adjudication as a rapist, is guilty of financial fraud, and recently promised to illegally violate the NATO treaty and “encourage” Russian dictator Vladimir Putin to attack America’s European allies.

SEE THIS: Trump is Running a Mob-Style Protection Racket Whose Victims Include NATO and Taylor Swift

Last week the press covered the report released by special counsel Robert Hur on his probe of documents stored by President Biden. But what should have been a story about Biden being fully exonerated, was diverted into a smear campaign that made inappropriate and false assertions about Biden’s mental acuity.

SEE ALSO: Fox News ‘Doctor’ Makes Bogus Diagnosis of Biden that Fits Trump’s Cognitive Disorder Way Better

Biden’s response to this unethical attack was multilayered. And consistent with his affable personality, humor was part of that response. For instance…

However, Fox News was apparently concerned about the strategies being employed by the Biden campaign. Host Harris Faulkner was generous enough to provide some free advice to help Biden deal with the furor over the Hur report’s unscrupulous insinuations. Never mind that most of that furor was fanned by Fox News itself. Faulkner began by asking…

“Who is doing this man’s strategy? President Biden joking about his age and memory. Insisting, in fact, he does remember things after that scathing DoJ report cast so much doubt. He didn’t get indicted because the question was, could a jury even go anywhere with him because he has no memory. Now he says he does have memory. Are they gonna indict him?

So Faulkner’s formula for disposing of this dilemma is to refrain from any and all humor. As if a scowling facade of seriousness would put the matter to rest. That sort of gloomy brooding and hostility might work for Trump on his cult disciples, but most everyone else finds it repulsive and repellant.

MORE HERE: Fox News is AGHAST that Biden Mock Fundraised Off of Trump’s Mugshot, Which Trump Did For Real

What’s more, Faulkner completely misstates the findings in Hur’s report. Hur did not decline to indict Biden because of an allegedly poor memory. It was because he didn’t have the evidence to indict, as he said in his report in several separate passages such as the following

“[W]e cannot prove that Mr. Biden knew about or intended to keep the document after he was vice president, or we cannot prove the document contains national defense information, or both. These documents do not support criminal charges against Mr. Biden.”

Consequently, Faulkner’s snarky inquiry as to whether Biden would be indicted now that he has acknowledged that his memory is fine only confirms her own cognitive failings. He never claimed to have a memory problem to begin with. So his affirmation of his recall doesn’t change anything for Biden or the special counsel.

However, if you’re looking for a candidate with a faulty memory that would impact his fitness to serve, take a look at this one who couldn’t even remember when he got engaged to or married his current wife…

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HUH? Fox News Accuses Democrats of ‘Demonizing’ Trump’s ‘Crazy,’ ‘Deplorable,’ MAGA Extremists

The Trump-fluffers of Fox News seem to be determined to continuously prove that they are the masters of hypocrisy with the self-awareness of a dormant bacterium. However, they need not be worried about losing their status as world-class clodpoles, given the blockhead start they have over any potential challengers.

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Donald Trump Baby Fox News

The editorial manglers at Fox News must get together every morning to map out the day’s outrages and distort fragments of alternative facts into exploitable pseudo-scandals. And judging by how poorly they do it, it must be a profoundly difficult task. But they take it up with the same measure of gusto, and flaming dishonesty, that their beneficiaries at the Republican Party do…

SEE THIS: The GOP’s Pathetic ‘Research’ Unit Posts Endless, Bogus Clips of Biden Supposedly ‘Confused’

Recently the hair-on-fire Fox News fabulists have been expressing their unbridled outrage at what they characterize as hyperbolic criticism of Donald Trump and his MAGA cult followers. They seem to believe that Democrats have gone overboard with the reckless use of offensive adjectives. Apparently they have never heard a single thing that Trump has ever said. And that sheltered and purposeful ignorance has led to commentaries such as the following…

Fox News host Harris Faulkner: “I’ve gotta talk to you about that word ‘crazies.’ It reminded me of ‘deplorables.’ And if Democrats are again willing to go down this road, because the Vice-President didn’t say anything when Joy Behar screamed out, ‘How are you gonna stop the crazies,” it’s Hillary Clinton’s deplorables all over again.”

First of all, Faulkner is complaining about something said by Joy Behar, a co-host of “The View” She is paid to express opinions, and is not affiliated with the Democratic Party. More to the point, Faulkner is holding Vice-President Kamala Harris accountable for Behar’s views, and comparing it to something that Hillary Clinton said eight years ago. Proving that Fox News is, once again, totally plugged into what matters most to voters today.

For the record, Clinton’s reference to “deplorables” was limited to just a subset of Republicans who were overtly hateful and bigoted. So the comparison made by Faulkner is not really far off. Behar was also referring to the same subset of GOP crackpots who believe Trump’s “Big Lie” that he won the “rigged and stolen” 2020 election, and that President Biden is a usurper and/or an imposter.

Fox News Senior Political Anal-Cyst, Jesse Watters, also weighed in to blast Democrats for “demonizing” the glassy-eyed disciples of Trump…

Fox News host Jesse Watters: “This country cannot have an election where one side is demonized, and you don’t say how I’ve improved your life. And Joe Biden, he kind of has to demonize because if you look at the metrics he has not improved anyone’s life.”

In the real world, if you look at the metrics, Bidenomics is working astonishingly well. The economy is booming. The stock market is soaring. Inflation is declining, GDP is increasing, Consumer sentiment is higher. Biden has presided over the creation of more jobs than any other modern presidency. Billions of dollars of student debt has been forgiven. Billions of dollars of tax revenue has been recovered from wealthy tax cheats and corporations.

Furthermore, Biden has steered unprecedented funding to infrastructure projects and climate change mitigation. And he continues to fight for family values such as the right to make their own health choices, and to be safe from massacres perpetrated with assault weapons. All of this is concrete evidence of how he has improved the lives of the American people.

Nevertheless, Watters is very upset about politicians demonizing their opponents. But his anger seems more appropriately aimed at Donald Trump, who rages daily about the “communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country.”

To anyone who has been paying attention, it is Trump, Republicans, and Fox News who have been engaging in vilification and demonization. And they direct their assaults, not just at extremists, but at anyone and everyone who has the temerity to merely disagree with them or Dear Leader Trump. Their allusions to demons is literal, as they regard Trump as having been chosen by god to lead them to glory.

Absent Trump’s leadership, America is, according to Trump himself, “going to HELL!” He even used his Christmas greeting to attack Democrats as “evil and ‘sick’” “THUGS” who “are looking to destroy our once great USA. MAY THEY ROT IN HELL.” And Fox News defended that seasonal grotesquery…

SEE ALSO: Fox News Hack Jonathan Turley Likens Trump’s ‘Rot in Hell’ Christmas Message to – ‘Die Hard’?

Look for more of this malicious hatred to be unleashed by the MAGA crowd as election day draws nearer. It’s really all they have left, since their pitiful attempts to govern have failed so dramatically, and they have abandoned any effort to draft policies that will appeal to the American people. And, true to form, as they flail in desperation they will accuse Democrats of the repulsive behavior that they themselves engage in. It’s what they do.


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Fox News Anchor Wants Hunter Biden Arrested For Not Showing Up to the Hearing He Showed Up For

The 2024 election cycle may go down in history as the first Reality TV version of American democracy. That is due in no small part to the emergence of Donald Trump, the former Reality TV game show host who, by a fluke of the fatally flawed Electoral College, stumbled into the White House and has since refused to accept that he was emphatically evicted.

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The melodramas that have ensued in the aftermath of Trump’s MAGA movement are strikingly similar to the corny contrivances that were featured on many of the television farces that pretended to be “real.” And the most preposterous plots have been played out by Republicans in Congress who are so incompetent that they think that their flagrant fictionalizations of governing might actually pass for the real thing.

FOR INSTANCE: Jim Jordan Tells Fox News that His Best Evidence Against Biden is a Witness Who Exonerated Him

In the latest episode of “The Real Louse Hives of Congress,” Republicans are seen staging a bitterly partisan hearing aimed at smearing President Biden and his family. House Oversight Committee Chairman, James Comer, presided over the panel as it considered whether to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of Congress for failing to comply with a subpoena.

For the record, Hunter did accept the Committee’s original request to appear for questioning in a public session. But then Comer reneged and insisted that a deposition be given behind closed doors. The only plausible reason for that change was so the GOP could spread lies about what occurred in the media before any transcripts were available.

SEE THIS: GOP and Fox News Oppose Public Testimony By Hunter Biden Because Then They Can’t Lie About It

However, a funny thing happened on the way to the GOP’s circus. Hunter Biden sauntered into the hearing room and took a seat behind the witness table. His appearance created quite a stir among the Republican members, who weren’t particularly happy to see the target of their smear campaign confidently confront them as they conspired to slap a phony contempt charge on him.

Democratic Rep. Jared Moskowitz, challenged the nervous GOP members to take advantage of this opportunity and invite Hunter to take their questions right on the spot. They declined. Moskowitz also entered into the congressional record the subpoenas of several Republicans (Scott Perry, Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan, Mo Brooks, Andy Biggs, & Kevin McCarthy) who all failed to comply with lawful subpoenas, but whom the GOP was not seeking to hold in contempt.

Naturally, The Republican’s Ministry of Disinformation, aka Fox News, stepped up to bolster the false narrative that Hunter was noncompliant. Fox News host, Harris Faulkner, interviewed a former assistant district attorney, Phil Holloway, and led with her suggestion that Hunter should be immediately placed under arrest. She did not get the response that she was likely hoping for.

Faulkner: Can they go arrest him at this point? As one of the congress-people called for, I believe it was Nancy Mace today?
Holloway: Yeah. I don’t know of any mechanism to do that. There’s no rush for…
Faulkner: For bucking the subpoena. They can’t go get him?
Holloway: Yeah. I mean, you gotta have, see the committee, it’s not like a court where if he shows – if you don’t show up for court, the judge can issue a warrant for failure to appear and send law enforcement to bring you in in handcuffs. Whether they have such a process, I don’t know, but, I think they’ve got to go through the subpoena process and excuse me, the the contempt process first.

Faulkner’s hunger for Hunter to be arrested was ludicrous. For one thing, he had not even been held in contempt at that point. Plus, why would they have to “go get him” when he was sitting right there, ready to be questioned?

The on-screen graphics that Fox News displayed were also notable. One said “Hunter Fled Contempt Hearing Amid GOP Questioning.” Of course, the news was that Hunter came at all. He stayed awhile to make his point, then calmly departed. The other chyron read “Hunter Crashes His Own Hearing in Shocking Stunt.” Which is especially ironic considering that the entire Republican hearing is what was actually the “shocking stunt.”

In the end, Republicans proved once again that they are hypocrites and cowards. They have no interest in having an honest inquiry. They are only interested in causing harm to their political foes. They have even admitted it publicly.


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Fox News Cuts Out Democrats in Their Coverage of the GOP’s Bogus Biden Impeachment Inquiry

In two days the Republican shutdown of the government will go into effect, barring any last minute agreement with the Democrats who are valiantly trying to prevent this economic calamity. But despite the nation being on the edge of a fiscal cliff that will cause serious harm to millions of Americans, Republicans are laser-focused on their baseless impeachment inquiry intended only to smear President Biden.

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The GOP’s inquiry is typically devoid of substance or anything resembling evidence of wrongdoing by the President. That, however, is of no concern to Republicans whose their only interest is partisan political scandal mongering and personal defamation of their Democratic foes. They have even been saying so explicitly since they assumed their razor-thin majority in the House of Representatives…

SEE THIS: New GOP Subcommittee Chair Openly Admits His Only Purpose is to ‘Make Life Hell’ for Democrats

The first inquiry hearing held by James Comer, chairman of the House Oversight Committee, further demonstrated how pitifully inept the Republicans are at manufacturing misdeeds. You might think that they would be better at it after all the practice they have had. But no.

Consequently, The Republican Ministry of Disinformation (aka Fox News) is having to cover for them again. During their live broadcast of the Committee’s proceedings, Fox News diligently aired the questions and commentary by Republican members of the Committee. But when it came time for a Democrat to speak, they quickly cut away to offer their biased analysis from the studio. Just as Democratic Rep. Stephen Lynch began to offer a counter argument to the GOP narrative, Fox News host Harris Faulkner interrupted up to say…

“So Republicans are laying out the reasons for this impeachment inquiry as they begin to put together the case made for impeaching in full President Joe Biden. And so this five minutes per lawmaker – there are 47 in the room – period is what they’re on now. After hearing from the witnesses, some of whom you might even recognize.

First of all, if Republicans are “laying out the reasons for this impeachment inquiry” they are doing an abysmal job of it. They have zero evidence to offer and disreputable witnesses to interview. But more to the point, her timing is impeccable as she interrupts the remarks of Rep. Lynch in order to interview ultra-rightist hack, Leo Terrell. This is an old tactic that Fox News also employed during hearings about Trump’s unsavory associations with Russia and his two impeachments. Every time it was a Democrat’s turn to speak, Fox cut away. They also did this to prevent a speech given by Hillary Clinton…

SEE ALSO: Fox News Cuts Off Hillary Clinton So They Can Lie More About Spying on Trump that Never Happened

For the record, what Fox News cut off was Lynch’s grilling of GOP witness, Eileen O’Connor, a staunch Trump-fluffer whose rank partisanship is unparalleled. He noted that in her opening statement she referred to a commentary that she wrote entitled “You would go to prison for what Biden did.” However, she left out that the title and article actually said “what ‘Hunter’ Biden did.” She claimed it was an inadvertent omission, but would you believe a MAGA cultist?

In another part of the hearing, Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez asked frequent Fox News legal confabulator, Jonathan Turley, a simple question. “In your testimony today,” she began, “are you presenting any first-hand witness account of crimes committed by the president of the United States?” Turley replied “No, I’m not.” Rep. Ocasio-Cortez asked the same question of the other witnesses who likewise replied “No.” Which begs the question, “What are they even doing there?”

There were many moments when Republicans were humiliated by the lack of evidence or any plausible reason for the hearings. But one moment stood out as Rep. Greg Casar asked “Will members of the oversight committee raise their hands if you believe both Hunter and Trump should be held accountable for any of indictments if convicted?” Every Democrat raised their hand, but not a single Republican did. So apparently the GOP does not believe that the law should apply equally to anyone. Or perhaps that the law should be equally ignored for everyone. Bottom line: They have, in effect, admitted that their hearings are a partisan sham.


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HUH? Fox News Can’t Figure Out Why Democrats Support Democrats Over Republicans for President

The bitter and blatantly partisan biases of Fox News have been evident since its inception nearly thirty years ago. But despite the fact that their political prejudices are well known, they still persist in pretending that they are a legitimate journalistic enterprise. They aren’t fooling anyone.

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Nevertheless, Fox News continues to make believe they’re just like other mainstream media outlets. And that futile effort just becomes more conspicuously preposterous every day. You might think that after three decades of dishonest propaganda, Fox News would have gotten pretty good at it. But that is clearly not the case. Even with their hyperactive coverage of the bogus Biden impeachment inquiry being pushed by the Republicans in the House of Representatives, Fox can’t produce a coherent argument to support their position.

SEE THIS: Fox News and GOP Impeachment Chair Seek ‘Damning Evidence’ Against Biden, But Can’t Find Any

On Monday morning the cast of Fox’s “Outnumbered,” wherein four conservative women and one right-wing man bash President Biden for an hour, did a segment on a recent CNN poll that found 67% of Democrats were open to candidates other than Biden for president. Setting aside their newfound respect for “fake news” CNN, the Foxies found themselves in a quandary regarding the question on Democratic voter preferences. Their confusion manifested in the following exchange between co-host Harris Faulkner and fellow co-host Kayleigh McEnany (who is also Donald Trump’s former press secretary)…

McEnany: What we are seeing in polling is that 67% of Democrats are say they want a different candidate than Joe Biden.
Faulkner: The problem with that are the 33% that actually want Biden. And the 67% aren’t saying that they’ll take, as I like to say, anybody but Biden. They might not take a Republican. And that is the challenge here. Yeah, they might take a Gavin Newsom or a Gretchen Whitmer, we can’t figure out why, but they might over a Republican.”

So Faulkner and her confederates “can’t figure out why” Democratic voters would prefer Democratic candidates for president over Republicans? Let’s see if we can’t help them out a bit, shall we?

To begin with, Democrats are Democrats. That ought to end the debate right there. But Fox News and Republicans are so ideologically isolated, and so far removed from reality, that they can’t imagine anyone supporting the party that has brought more liberty, equality, and prosperity to the United States than any other party.

So let’s give them a little more to chew on. The examples that Faulkner gave as possible Biden alternatives – Gavin Newsom of California and Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan – are two of the most successful and effective governors in America. They could be joined by Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania, Andy Beshear of Kentucky, Wes Moore of Maryland, and any number of Democrats in other state and federal offices. And that includes Vice-President Kamala Harris. The Democrats have a decidedly deep bench if they need one. Which they don’t, since Biden is running with a record of unprecedented success.

Perhaps the best reason for, not only Democrats but all Americans, to vote for a Democrat is the person currently leading the Republican Party’s primary contest, Donald Trump. The nation certainly doesn’t need a twice-impeached, four-time indicted (on 91 felony counts), ultra-rightist, financially corrupt, Putin-loving, pathological liar, and rapist, who led a violent insurrection to overthrow the government, to be given another opportunity to advance his authoritarian aspirations.

What’s more, the rest of the GOP field (DeSantis, Ramaswamy, Haley, Scott, Pence, etc.) aren’t any better. They are all conservative extremists who oppose the American people on most issues, including abortion, taxes, immigration, guns, climate change, education, etc. They also pledged to support Trump if he is the eventual nominee, even if he is convicted of numerous felonies.

SEE ALSO: GOP Debate Affirms It’s a Pro-Criminal Trump Cult that Wants to Put a Felon in the White House

Yet somehow, the folks on Fox News can’t comprehend why anyone would support Democrats for president or any other office. That’s because the Foxies and GOP politicos don’t really give a damn about America or the American people. They are fixated solely on their quest for power and personal greed. And on that measure, they have many candidates who will satisfy them. So expect Fox News to remain loyal to the greediest, most corrupt, power seeker of them all, Donald Trump. In fact, Fox News is just as culpable for the crimes of Trump as Trump is himself.


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Fox News Blames Jewish Philanthropists for Gun Violence in 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Cities

Last week anti-Semitism rose to the top of the news cycle after Donald Trump dined with Ye (aka Kanye West) and the infamous Holocaust denying, white nationalist, Nick Fuentes, at Mar-a-Lago. Trump claims that he doesn’t know who Fuentes is, but several days later he still hasn’t renounced the repulsive bigotry of Fuentes and Ye.

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Fox News, Guns Logo

Trump is almost certainly lying when he says that he doesn’t know who Fuentes is. But if true it would be even worse. It would mean that the leading figure in the Republican Party is pitifully ignorant about the most prominent hate monger in America. Well, the most prominent other than Fox News hosts…

RELATED: Tucker Carlson’s Race War Dreams are Evident in His Hateful Rant Against a Black MSNBC Host

It didn’t take long for the seething prejudices of Trump and his dinner guests to surface again on Fox News. Monday morning’s episode of “Outnumbered” twisted a segment on crime into an attack on Jewish billionaires who donate money to politicians and initiatives that seek to reduce gun violence in America, a goal that is popular among the majority of Americans.

The discussion was triggered by comments that Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy made on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday. He noted that states with stronger gun laws have much less gun crime than the so-called “2nd Amendment sanctuary cities” that take pride in letting gun violence proliferate. Then he elaborated asking…

“Do we want to continue to supply funding to law enforcement in counties that refuse to implement state and federal gun laws? Red flag laws are wildly popular.”

Good question. Why should the federal government subsidize cities that refuse to enforce laws that are already on the books? Particularly when there is so much evidence that such laws are effective and that, when they are ignored, gun violence increases. However, that rational observation was lost on the hosts of Fox’s Outnumbered. They used the subject to launch into the following foul exchange…

Harris Faulkner: “I think about that George Soros cash that has poured in and how many people have been damaged and hurt in those neighborhoods where they need the most protection. Of course the soft-on-crime is not going to go away, those liberal DAs. He poured a ton of cash through his entities in there.”
Mercedes Schlapp: Soros, Bloomberg, I mean there’s such a large number of these leftist groups that focused on gun control.”

Once again, these hacks are impervious to the facts about gun violence and crime. But what’s worse is that they went out of their way to put all of the blame for the imaginary crime waves on Jewish philanthropists. That isn’t accidental.

Fox News is carrying out its mission to advance the putrid rhetoric of hate that is integral to the Republican agenda. They are brazenly insulting the good intentions and generosity of Jewish Americans who care about their country and its citizens. So it’s no wonder that they don’t bother to call out the anti-Semitism of Trump and his malicious Mar-a-Lago goon squad. They are too busy reinforcing it. And when they aren’t embracing the vile biases of the GOP, they are promoting their spokespersons. For instance…

SEE THIS: Rachel Maddow Unmasks the Virulent Racism of Marjorie Taylor Green and Christian Nationalism

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Fox News Covers Positive GDP Report as a Dystopian Debacle By Democrats in ‘Dire Straits’

Nothing is more predictable than Fox News spinning a positive news story as a catastrophic calamity if they can find a way to blame it on President Biden or the Democrats. In fact, Fox News actually favors America failing during Democratic administrations so they can use it as a political cudgel.

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On Thursday morning Harris Faulkner, a Fox News host that they pretend is a “straight news” journalist, reported on the announcement that the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) unexpectedly rose more than anticipated for the third quarter of 2022. The 2.6% growth was welcomed by President Biden who said in a statement that…

“For months, doomsayers have been arguing that the US economy is in a recession and Congressional Republicans have been rooting for a downturn. But today we got further evidence that our economic recovery is continuing to power forward.”

RELATED: Fox News Blatantly Lies that Biden ‘Praised’ High Gas Prices When He Actually Criticized Them

Despite the unambiguously good news, Faulkner sought to portray it as evidence of an economic apocalypse. She began by regurgitating conservative media “concerns for the liberal political party that President Joe Biden just spent too much time talking about abortion last week.” It is unlikely that the majority of Americans who favor reproductive choice think too much time was spent on the issue.

Faulkner then segued to her criticism of Democrats for supposedly switching gears and “trying to go all in on the economy.” Of course, she can only assert that by ignoring the fact that Democrats have been viscerally engaged in economic issues for months, but that Republicans have been obstructing them at every turn. The GOP voted almost in lock-step against Democratic initiatives to lower drug prices, reduce child poverty, extend unemployment benefits, raise the minimum wage, prohibit gas price gouging, limit the cost of insulin, go after rich tax cheats, expand baby formula production, make the wealthy pay their fair share, and more.

But Faulkner wasn’t finished. She also complained that inflation and interest rates were “robbing people of any chance to realize the American Dream.” Never mind that her party and network stood in the way of resolving those matters. And she had the audacity to say that Democrats were “finally now trying to convince voters that they care about the economy.” Again, she simply wasn’t paying attention. Or more accurately, she was lying.

But Faulkner still wasn’t finished. She also said that the new GDP numbers were “not much for [Democrats] to work with,” and that they were just a “slight uptick in the third quarter.” That allegedly slight uptick actually wiped out the negative numbers posted in the previous two quarters combined.

But Faulkner still wasn’t finished. She concluded with remarks that didn’t even make sense…

“If Democrats truly believe that Americans would not understand or care about this, then why are they suddenly trying to convince the voters that the economy is all the Republicans fault? They are in dire straits, Democrats are, with voters. And they know it.”

Huh? She prefaces that comment with a bizarre assertion that Democrats “believe that Americans would not understand or care” about the economy. Where she gets that from is a complete mystery. But her inference from that non sequitur somehow leads to Democrats faulting Republicans for the economy. Well, considering the GOP’s deliberate efforts to prevent any solutions, Democrats would be quite right in assigning that blame.

That would be bad enough if it stopped there. But Republicans are openly promising to sabotage the economy in order to improve their electoral prospects in the midterms and in 2024. Thay have said so explicitly. Funny, Faulkner never mentioned any of that.

RELATED: The GOP’s Not-So-Secret Plot to Sabotage the Economy if They Gain Control of Congress

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