Newsmax’s Idea of ‘Healthy’ Comedy is Ridiculing Biden’s Stutter with a Fake Laugh Track

Conservatives frequently complain about the prominence of left-leaning comedy. And they often try to make up for it by presenting pitifully unfunny characters on so-called “news” networks like Fox News, where goofball Greg Gutfeld just got his Saturday show promoted to five nights a week. Then again, there’s already a lot on Fox that is laughable.

Fox News Bozo

The argument that comedy has a left-wing bias (just like reality, according to Stephen Colbert) could be supported if all one looks at is the content of late night talk shows and Saturday Night Live where most of the targets of the jokes are Republicans or other right-wing figures. It is undeniable that they supply an abundance of raw material for humor.

However, there are numerous reasons for what the right believes is a conspiracy by the Comedy Overlords to suppress and malign Republicans. But you have to look deeper than the surface level evidence of TV jokesters.

Anyone who wonders why there isn’t very much conservative comedy is inadvertently acknowledging a significant truth: Conservatives just aren’t funny. Comedy is a delicate art that requires a certain finesse to pull off successfully. And the subject of the jokes is as important as the punch line. Experienced comedians will tell you that the target must always be someone of privilege. You cannot make fun of the poor without exposing yourself as callous and cruel. In other words, you don’t punch down.

Conservatives still don’t get that simple rule. And since their whole political ideology is one that is dedicated to advancing the interests of the upper-crusters, down is the only direction that they can punch. So the available targets for their humor are limited to the under-privileged who are already suffering hardships. Not only is that an empty source for comedy, it risks insulting the majority of the audience.

Even when conservatives have potential targets who are among the elite, they still manage to flub their efforts at fun-making. An example of that was conveniently supplied by Benny Johnson of the rightist “news” channel, Newsmax. He did a segment about the importance of comedy to a healthy society. And he demonstrated its use by mocking President Joe Biden, a viable target.

The problem is that, even though Biden is a member of an elite class of political power players, the joke that Johnson chose to feature was about Biden’s well-known speech impediment. That was a bad choice. You simply don’t make fun of people’s disabilities. While an able-bodied man slipping on a banana peel could be funny, no one is going to laugh at a paraplegic who fell out of his wheel chair.

With that in mind, check out what Johnson has to say about comedy in his introduction to a bit on Joe Biden. Note that most of of the “funny” parts are making fun of Biden’s stutter with an added laugh track that Johnson must have thought made it even funnier:

“Big tech censors are working in lock-step with the current administration to suppress comedy and criticism of the Biden administration. Cancel culture has eroded the joy in American culture to the point of absurdity. This is why it is more important than ever in American history to keep humor and ridicule alive. Because it is now clear that we could very well be on the verge of losing it. And lastly guys, if we can just admit, right now, together, that we are living under one of the funniest administrations in American history.”

Oh yeah. That was hilarious. A supercut of a man with a stutter, plus some random moments taken utterly out of context to make him look demented. What’s more, Johnson’s whining about imaginary “Big Tech censors” oppressing conservative comics is – well – hysterical. But as for that pressing question of the modern era: Why aren’t there any conservative comedians? Johnson has helped us answer it by his boorish and infantile example. Coming soon on Newsmax: Blind Truckers and America’s Funniest Epileptic Seizures.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News: Take Kids Out of School Because They Teach Hating White People

It’s must be getting awfully difficult for the Fox News cult disciples to figure out what they are supposed to be doing. Ever since the election of Joe Biden, their tele-ministry has become cognitively dysfunctional, even as its CEO admitted publicly that it is anti-Biden. It can’t seem to settle on which phony scandal to promote, so they are cycling between piddling idiocies that range from Dr. Seuss to Mr. Potato Head.

Fox News, KKK

On Sunday Fox’s Senior Trump-fluffer, Maria Bartiromo, hosted Candace Owens, the right’s designated Black racism denier and racial disinformation dispenser. Bartiromo primed the discussion by relating a story told to her by a friend, and parlayed it into a universal assertion that at all schools “They are assuming that every kid is a racist.” Owens took that baton a ran with it saying that…

“I know that Megyn Kelly pulled her kids from school for similar reasons. This is a big topic that I cover extensively. I truly believe that it’s time for us to pull our kids out of school. And I know people say, ‘Not all of us can afford to do that.’ But the country wasn’t built on people having a lot of money when they were homeschooling.”

For several months now, many schools have shifted to online platforms due to the risk of exacerbating the COVID-19 pandemic. However, Republicans have been furiously demanding that schools be reopened throughout the country regardless of the danger it represents to students, their families, and their communities. But now Owens is adamant that kids must be removed from the schools that she and her right-wing confederates insist must be open. And it’s notable that she cites notorious racist, Megyn Kelly, to support her ludicrous rant. She continued with her explanation for why kids must be removed from the reopened schools:

“We’re starting to see this more and more. It’s indoctrination that’s happening They’re trying to fuel racism in this country. They’re trying to teach us Marxist ideology. And the bad thing is, Maria, that they’re replacing hard academics. These kids are not learning science. They’re not learning mathematics. They’re learning how to hate white people and they’re learning how to hate their country.”

Really? Owens didn’t provide any evidence of her allegation that schools are teaching kids to hate white people. Then she concluded by complaining that schools are trying to “guarantee that they have an ignorant group of people that vote based on emotion.” But all of her wholly unsupported arguments are pure projection. They precisely describe the conservative curriculum that eschews science in favor of faith and rightist political doctrine.

Bartiromo heartily agreed with Owens, declaring that “This has got to stop.” Then she veered off to an entirely different subject, the Democratic legislation to protect and enhance voting rights (H.R. 1), that the GOP has deemed demonic. Without flinching, Owens slid right along and insisted that there is no voter suppression in America, despite the fact that just this year Republicans have drafted more than 250 bills in 43 states explicitly aimed at suppressing voter turnout, specifically among Black and Latino voters.

Don’t hurt yourself trying to find any logic in any of this. The position of Fox News and its professional outrage generators isn’t based on either reason or facts. It is an enterprise built from its inception to manufacture anger, fear, and the cult-like devotion that those feelings produce. And Fox News clearly intends to continue that mission into the post-Trump era.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. And you can follow this surrogate Twitter account here. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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