Fox News Gets No Emmys For News (Again). Maybe Reporting Some News Would Help

Today much of the electronic journalism world will be talking about the television ratings for the just-concluded third quarter of 2014. As expected, Fox News topped the cable news category, as it has for several years. Also, as expected, Fox will hype the crap out of this non-newsworthy information that is only an affirmation of Fox’s ability to herd all of the conservative viewers/cattle into their cable corral.

To put this news in perspective, earlier this year Fox News posted their worst ratings in thirteen years. So their achievement spotlighted in this report is that they are now slightly higher than their worst showing in thirteen years. They must be so proud.

Go Fox Yourself

However, there was another less noticed announcement today that has far more significance. The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences released the recipients of the Emmys for news and documentaries. And the winners were: PBS with eleven Emmys; CBS News won ten; ABC News won three; NBC News and the BBC each got two; and CNN and Al Jazeera America both received one Emmy.

Conspicuously missing from that list was Fox “News.” Or perhaps the real surprise would be if they had actually won an Emmy. Fox has been stiffed by the Academy since their launch in 1996. That is largely due to the fact that Fox doesn’t broadcast any news. They are strictly an entertainment network that is filled with fiction, drama, scandal, soap opera, soft-porn, and a prodigious amount of unintentional comedy. What’s more, their entertainment projects are slanted heavily in favor of the Republican right for whom Fox serves as a PR agency. For instance, see if you can find a pattern in these special “Fox News Reporting” investigations:

  • Benghazi: The Truth Behind the Smokescreen.
  • Benghazi: White House Cover-Up Revealed?
  • 13 Hours In Benghazi.
  • Charles Krauthammer: A Life That Matters.
  • The Great Food Stamp Binge.
  • Behind the Obama Breakdown.
  • Surrendering America.
  • Behind Obama’s Green Agenda.
  • Live Free Or Die: Obamacare In New Hampshire.

Those are just a few of the blatant attack pieces produced by Fox to smear the Obama administration. They were laden with rumor, innuendo, unsubstantiated allegations, and outright lies, that never resulted in any noteworthy revelation. Like all of Fox’s scandal mongering, they went nowhere because there were no facts to support their made-up premises. Is it any wonder why Fox can’t snag an Emmy?

A few years ago, in an impudent rant, Fox publicly stated that they were refusing to compete in the Emmy contest, accusing the Academy of being biased against them. However, in order to take that complaint seriously, you would have to believe that all of their peers in the business were biased, because it is they who vote. The Academy merely tabulates the votes. So Fox is admitting that their own colleagues have no respect for them as journalists. Hence, they took their deflated ball and went running home whining “We don’t want your crummy Emmy anyway.” So there.

Shameless self-promotion…
Get Fox Nation vs. Reality. Available now at Amazon.


10 thoughts on “Fox News Gets No Emmys For News (Again). Maybe Reporting Some News Would Help

  1. “Fox News”: the ultimate oxymoron.


  2. Being a reporter on Fox News is like doing porn. Sure you will make a little money but you’ll never be anything but a porn novelty if someone sees you on any other network

      • Major Garrett? Allison Camerata?

        You just lied through your teeth yet again.

  3. The funny thing is that CNN and MSNBC would kill for ratings like Fox. Fox has more than double the viewers of CNN and MSNBC put together. Why is that? It’s because people trust Fox and they don’t trust the left wing demagogury of Liberal propaganda networks.

    • Indeed, CNN and MSNBC would love to have Fox’s ratings, but not at any cost. Fox gets those ratings the same way all other entertainment networks get them: by providing exciting, provocative, fictional, entertainment programming, rather than actual news.

      Entertainment nets like ABC, CBS, NBC, USA, etc., get much higher ratings than Fox. SpongeBob SquarePants has higher ratings than Bill O’Reilly (and a more intelligent audience). So if CNN and MSNBC wanted to compete at that level they could. But they don’t. Anyone who buys the bullcrap on Fox is terminally idiotic. It’s like believing that “Days Of Our Lives” is all real.

      • “…terminally idiotic…”

        You are full of hate, and you are full of lies.

    • By your logic eating shit must be good for you because so many flies eat it.

    • You’re right…FOX rules!
      The left is why America’s steered off course and their delusional reporting is why people are so ill informed.

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