This Is Why Glenn Beck Banned Signs On 8/28

On Glenn Beck’s Holy Day of Miracles, August 28, 2010, when he promised that it would be a turning point for America; that it would be an awakening; that miracles would happen; that your children would be branded (and that’s a good thing?), the only miracle he was able to identify was that a flock of geese flew overhead. Quick, somebody call the Vatican!

Another notable peculiarity of the BeckFest was that he ordered his disciples to leave all signs, posters, and other expressive regalia, at home. There was speculation at the time that he wanted to avoid a recurrence of previous gatherings that devolved into a swamp of derogatory and offensive signage that ultimately embarrassed the organizers. Well, he was right.

Just two weeks later, the 9/12 Project held a rally sponsored by many of the same people who brought us Beck’s Revival Meeting on the Mall, including Americans for Prosperity and FreedomWorks, It was also attended by the same deluded masses that genuflected before Beck, however, there was no prohibition of poster-boarded speech. The result is this representation of the sign carriers that would surely have graced Beck’s event had he permitted them:

When you leave right-wingers to express their own thoughts, this is what you get. It is an amalgam of threats and hate that they learn from their leaders (i.e. Beck, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Pam Geller, etc.). It is encouraged by conservative institutions like FreedomWorks and the Republican Party and, of course, Fox News.

Some on the right complain that these signs are not representative of their movement. But it simply could not occur with such reliability and frequency if it were not an ingrained part of their message. This is who they are and they cannot run away from it.


18 thoughts on “This Is Why Glenn Beck Banned Signs On 8/28

    • To save my readers time and annoyance, the link above goes to a year old article that enumerates incidents of anti-Bush signs.

      So what? That isn’t news. Those signs were criticized at the time and the fact that they exist doesn’t in any way justify the signs that show up regularly now at Tea Parties. If your argument is that it was done before to Bush, it’s OK to do it now to Obama, that’s just childish. And if your argument is that it was wrong before, then be consistent and condemn it now.

      • “So what? That isn’t news”.

        Bush signs aren’t news but Obama signs are news?
        Do any critical thinking lately?

        • Please look up “news” (it has the word “new” right in it). Then re-read my comment.

  1. Stop your pity party over a couple signs! Stop acting like its something new. If anything Obama signs have been tame compared to signs the protesting Bush. Your gonna have to suck it up, and realize that every so often someone might say something over the top. Now put on your big boy britches, and move on to something that really matters.

    • oh, wonderful. Now the Beck fan club is swallowing Christine O’Donnell instant cliches and regurgitating them undigested. Preemptive alert: denouncing the label “fan” will not undo the damage.

      Mark: love the characterization “pity party.” Such loaded terms are invariably as inaccurate as they are dismissive.

    • You’re free to move on any time. Nobody forces you to read my web site.

      The problem with these signs is not just that they attack Obama, but that they openly advocate armed rebellion. I didn’t see any of that during the previous administration. Sure, people hated Bush and wished him ill, but the only overtly traitorous stuff was kept in dark corners and confined to the fringe.

      These maniacs come out into the sunshine and celebrate their desire to topple the democratically elected government by force. And they have allies in the crowd, in their party, and in the media. And apparently, in you.

  2. Your right. They didn’t advocate armed rebellion. Just the murder of the President, Vice President, and anyone that agreed with the administration. Oh… and Christians. Good point!

  3. The difference between the fringe on the left and the fringe on the right is that the left’s fringe truly is fringe. The right’s fringe has crept into the mainstream, from birthers to people who actually believe Obama is a real socialist. If that were true, how come the socialists and far-lefters find Obama to be a Bush-lite.

    • Not to mention that the first thing Obama did in office was to save the banks — sounds *really* socialist to me! 😉

  4. All I can say is God Bless America and our Bill of rights – where else can you express yourself freely as shown in the picture and not be thown in jail or stoned to death?

    • Here here. I couldn’t agree more.

      I am glad these freaks are so open with their vile opinions. It let’s everyone else know exactly where they stand.

      And, of course, we sane, patriotic citizens are also free to rebut their violent insanity.

      • It’s one of those risks you take if you’re going to go to the extreme with how you express yourself – everyone needs an outlet.

  5. And now the primarys are done. Realease the crazy! And some of these gun sign guys should realize this is just a neon sign for their sexual inadequecy.

    • They’re passsionate – probably to the extreme. I hope they carry it through the general election. We could use some actual change around here (ie this country).

      • You know, don’t you, that Republicans aren’t promising any change? They have stated literally that their agenda is the same as the Bush agenda: tax cuts for the rich, drill everywhere, and deregulation.

        Oh yeah, they also say that they will initiate investigations and issue subpoenas. That would be a great return to the waste of time they produced in the Clinton years, instead of trying to solve our actual problems: Jobs, economy, war, etc.

        • I absolutely agree that republicans from just a couple years ago won’t change a thing – 100% agree they are no different than the current group, but it’s not them for whom I cheer – it’s the new people -actual new people who I hope replace the “old guard” who haven’t done much right since 2000 and won’t do much different going forward. The current crop of Republicans in DC aren’t worth much except blocking our president’s agenda. I’m perfectly happy with across the board tax cuts with MATCHING budget cuts – no matter how deep the cuts need to be. if we can’t afford to be in war – then we shouldn’t be at war. I’m a big supporter of gutting the federal government by taking away as much money away from it as possible and letting the people do their thing. I also believe anyone should be able to make as much money as they can and keep most of it. I think those things will make a difference in our economy as well as hopefully save our currency – which could be a bigger problem if the borrowing continues.

        • YOu know everyone deserves their taxes cut – even the so called “RICH”. Why shouldn’t everyone pay a reasonalbe level of taxes – by percentage?? we pay way too much for what we’re getting.

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