The growing contingent of Republicans and pundits who think that Donald Trump is a Democratic plant dispatched to embarrass the GOP and clear a path for Hillary Clinton to the White House is getting harder to dismiss. The combination of Trump’s bombast and ignorance is just too much to be believable. Here are a couple of eruptions that popped up this weekend.
Trump posted a tweet bragging that he is already having an effect on foreign relations, particularly with respect to his confidence that he would have a great relationship with Russian oligarch, Vladimir Putin. The tweet said that “Russia and the world has already started to respect us again!” It also included a link to an article titled “Putin loves Donald Trump“ that supported that assertion. The article outlined the fondness that Putin has for Trump, and vice versa, citing sources that were friendly to the Kremlin. In fact, the primary source was described as a “Kremlin mouthpiece […] a propagandist arm of the Putin government machine.” And Trump was quoted saying…
“I think that I would at the same time get along very well with him. He does not like Obama at all. He doesn’t respect Obama at all. And I’m sure that Obama doesn’t like him very much,” Trump added. “But I think that I would probably get along with him very well.”
So the special bond that Trump and Putin share (along with most of the GOP) is hatred of the man that Americans elected twice to be their president. Isn’t that romantic (and patriotic)? Although it’s no wonder that Trump would fall hard for Putin. They are both wealthy narcissists – megalomaniacs with aspirations of world domination. And many other GOP figures, including Ben Carson, have fallen for Putin.
Also on Sunday, Trump was interviewed by Chris Wallace of Fox News and failed to answer any question directly, as usual. However, in one of his bumbling dodges he managed to demonstrate, again, how woefully ignorant he is about pretty much everything. Wallace attempted to get Trump to clarify his recent comments implying that George W. Bush was responsible for the World Trade Center attack on 9/11. [For the record, Al Qaeda was responsible, but Bush did fail to heed warnings from Richard Clarke, his counter-terrorism coordinator for the National Security Council, as well as the Presidential Daily Briefing entitled “Bin Laden determined to strike in US.”] Instead, Trump diverted to a preposterous explanation for why 9/11 would not even have happened if were president:
“Well, I would have been much different, I must tell you. Somebody said, well, it wouldn’t have been any different. Well, it would have been. I am extremely, extremely tough on illegal immigration. I’m extremely tough on people coming into this country. I believe that if I were running things, I doubt those families would have – I doubt that those people would have been in the country. So there’s a good chance that those people would not have been in our country.”
That’s all well and good, except for on little thing: None of the 9/11 terrorists entered the country illegally. Every single one of them entered with legal visas. The fact that Trump doesn’t know this, but still uses the issue to advance his xenophobic campaign against immigrants, while pretending that he could have prevented a catastrophe about which he doesn’t even know the facts, is more proof that he couldn’t win a race for village idiot.
In addition to these moments of moron, crybaby Trump also whined about needing Secret Service protection due to all the bad guys out to get him. But just two weeks ago he was bragging that he is an armed mofo and that if “Somebody attacks me, oh they’re gonna be shocked.” He also whined about the length of an upcoming debate, threatening to take his ball and go home. If he can’t answer some questions for three hours how can he take on ISIS?. He also called Bernie Sanders a communist, proving that he doesn’t know what the word means. And, finally, he bashed the Wall Street Journal after being told about some criticism that they published. He said that…
“The Wall street Journal was bought for $5 billion. It’s now worth $500 million. They don’t have to tell me what to do. The Wall Street Journal has been wrong so many different times about so many different things.”
The thing is, he said that to Chris Wallace of Fox News, which is owned by the same media mogul, Rupert Murdoch, who owns the Journal. And Wallace didn’t say a word about that connection.
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And finally (for real this time), the news that Saturday Night Live has invited Trump to host the program has been receiving well-deserved criticism. It is unprecedented for the program to allow an active candidate for president to host the show. Hillary Clinton was given only a brief guest appearance. And the invitation came after NBC had broken business ties with Trump due to his “derogatory statements” about immigrants, which NBC said was contrary to their values. What’s more, Latino groups are appalled that the show would allow an overtly racist hate monger like Trump to appear as host, despite the fact that there are zero Latinos in the current SNL cast, and only two in the whole forty-one year history of the program. There is a petition to urge NBC to rescind the invitation here.
The author of this article stated, “…is more proof that [Trump] couldn’t win a race for village idiot.” I would beg to differ. I believe he would win in a landslide, if not unanimously.
I guess it just goes to show – respect is earned, not given away. Clearly Barack Obama (and Mark Howard) haven’t figured it out yet. Maybe you can see now why electing an inexperienced child to be president isn’t a good idea, no matter what “first” in history may be achieved. I’m sure Mark was defending George W. Bush (also elected twice by the same american public) every bit as much as he is the current occupant of the white house.