This is the latest chapter of the Trump Impeachment Saga: The Walls are Closing In. And as they do Trump becomes ever more deranged and incoherent. He knows that his support, even among Republicans, is rapidly deteriorating. He knows that he has no comprehensible response to the charges against him. He’s scared witless of House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff. And he’s reduced to behaving like a cowardly victim of the gathering hordes of enemies his paranoia imagines are surrounding him.
It’s a pathetic spectacle that is plain to see by most Americans (who favor his impeachment and removal from office), as well as our allies and foes around the world. And he’s getting noticeably worse as more evidence and witnesses become available to the public. Trump is on a downward spiral that is manifesting in everything he does and says.
On Monday morning Trump provided a profoundly disturbing example of his mental decline. Within his regularly scheduled tweetstorm, he ranted about what he’s now calling a “Witch Hunt Hoax.” That used to be the investigation into his unsavory connections to Russia, but has now been rebranded for the Ukraine affair. Among the tweets he posted were these bizarre comments:
“…all you have to do is read the transcript of the call, you do not need Never Trumpers or other witnesses to say what it means or says. It is plainly and very well stated for all to see.
“There is no reason to call witnesses to analyze my words and meaning.”
“The Whistleblower gave false information & dealt with corrupt politician Schiff. He must be brought forward to testify.”
So Trump is adamant that there need not be any testimony by anyone regarding his extortion of Ukrainian President Zelensky while seeking dirt on Joe Biden. But he’s just as adamant that the testimony take place. How his diseased brain synchronizes those contradictions is a mystery. He has been repeatedly insisting that people “read the transcript.” Of course, many people have already done this and were thus persuaded that Trump is obviously guilty of pressuring Zelensky and demanding a quid pro quo. The “transcript” (which was really just a memo summarizing the phone call) explicitly referenced Trump’s request for “a favor” that he directly associated with an improper probe of the Biden’s.
Furthermore, Trump doesn’t feel that it’s necessary for others to analyze his words. Well, except for his GOP defenders and Fox News. He posts endless videos from those “analysts” on Twitter. And he maligns anyone who dares to find any critical messaging as “Never-Trumpers,” despite having no evidence whatsoever that they were political opponents. What’s more, Trump declared that the whistleblower should not be permitted to provide written answers to the investigators. Although that was perfectly permissible for himself when he answered questions for Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
Trump’s tweetery about the “transcripts” has also recently swerved into lunatic territory with allegations that Rep. Schiff (to whom Trump has applied the anti-Semitic nickname, “Shifty”) would “change the words that were said to suit the Dems purposes.” Nevermind that they were all prepared by committee staff that included Republican members, and their accuracy would be easy to confirm. Trump also tweeted a confession that his actions constituted a quid pro quo, but which he falsely claimed wasn’t impeachable.
Don’t hurt yourself trying to figure out how any of Trump’s tirades make sense. They don’t. They are blatant machinations designed to confuse and frustrate those delving into his criminal activities. And they have been constructed by a mind that has lost all connections to reality. His comments on Twitter and his “Chopper Talk” press avails are increasingly incomprehensible. We are watching a developing paranoid psychosis in real time and on public platforms. And it isn’t pretty.
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Then we have this:
The newest right-wing gaslighting about Trump and the Ukraine call “transcript”
The Tyrant once again tweeted his “READ THE TRANSCRIPT!” nonsense, even though it’s no more a transcript than the Tyrant is a “President.”
And the numbnut Tyrant Worshipers are on MM spewing the Fucks Spews talking points asking what’s so wrong about the Tyrant trying to find Hillary’s email server since, of course, it MUST be in Ukraine, because Their Beloved God sayeth so.
So, who else wants to hear the Ayatollah Donnie reading the transcript on the radio like one of FDR’s Fireside Chats? Then, we’ll listen to The Shadow. For who knows what evil LURKS in the hearts of the Tyrant and his Worshipers? THE SHADOW KNOWS!!
And so do we.
Speaking of the Tyrant giving a Fireside Chat, enjoy:
Impeachment is coming, followed by jail.
Speaking of dementia, Lou Dobbs, genuflecting before his Master. So, Mark, in case you need an ipecac, here you go….
Donald Trump brags about Lou Dobbs declaring him “the greatest president in the history of our country”
Seriously, I don’t know what makes me more sick: Dobbsy’s buttlicking or the Tyrant’s self-serving interpretation….