The creeping fascism of the Donald Trump regime continues to unfurl as the criminal accomplices in his cabinet carry out his nefarious agenda. Chief among them is Attorney Genuflect, Bill Barr, who doesn’t even bother anymore to disguise his desecration of the Justice Department into a pseudo-legal cabal that works solely as Trump’s personal defense team.
A new book by CNN’s media correspondent, Brian Stelter, is set to be released next week, and excerpts are starting to make the rounds. “Hoax: Donald Trump, Fox News, and the Dangerous Distortion of Truth“, has already created quite a stir with revelations about how insiders at Fox News privately admit that they think Trump is “crazy,” even while they exalt him worshipfully on the air.
The toxic, codependent relationship between Trump and Fox News has been the source of incalculable damage to American media and democracy. It is an unprecedented political/press partnership that benefits both. Fox News gets an audience with cult-like devotion that they can brainwash with blatant scare tactics and the darkly unifying force of racism. While Trump gets an aggressive assault team to attack his critics and political opponents, and a constant defense for his unending stream of unsavory conduct and outright crimes. It’s a marriage whose foundation rests on lies and ignorance.
Another excerpt from the book was just published by The Guardian. This one describes a meeting that took place last October between Barr and Fox News Overlord, Rupert Murdoch. News Corpse speculated at the time that the meeting resulted in the resignation of Fox host Shepard Smith, which was announced the next day. But Stelter’s book reports that there was another topic of discussion on their agenda:
“The attorney general, William Barr, told Rupert Murdoch to ‘muzzle’ Andrew Napolitano, a prominent Fox News personality who became a critic of Donald Trump, according to a new book about the rightwing TV network. […] Trump ‘was so incensed by the judge’s TV broadcasts that he had implored Barr to send Rupert a message in person … about ‘muzzling the judge’. [Trump] wanted the nation’s top law enforcement official to convey just how atrocious Napolitano’s legal analysis had been.'”
Just to be clear, intimidating and manipulating the media is not a part of the Attorney General’s job. In fact, it isn’t a part of any government official’s job. It is a totalitarian tactic to control speech and clampdown on the free press. And this sort of suppression of the constitutional rights of journalists is part and parcel of the Trump Doctrine that has designated the media in Stalinist terms as “the enemy of the people.”
Napolitano, the Senior Legal Analyst at Fox News, has been known to criticize Trump. And for that heresy he was entirely excluded from Fox’s coverage of Trump’s impeachment. A few notable examples of his well-reasoned critiques include…
- A Washington Times op-ed wherein he called Trump’s use of military force on peaceful demonstrators “unlawful, unconstitutional and harmful.”
- Describing Trump’s Ukraine quid pro quo as “Undisputed evidence that he abused his power.”
- Asserting that “The evidence of his impeachable behavior at this point, in my view, is overwhelming.”
- Concluding that Trump’s attempts to evade the Mueller Russia probe was “obstruction of justice […] for a corrupt purpose.”
- Observing that “Mueller laid out at least a half-dozen crimes of obstruction committed by Trump.”
- Commenting that Robert Mueller “must have found some evidence of a conspiracy,” and that “there obviously is evidence of obstruction of justice.”
Napolitano has a right to his opinions, and quite often he agrees with Trump. But none of that is relevant here. It was grossly inappropriate for Trump to seek to censor a legal news commentator. And it only makes matters worse that Trump recruited his attorney general to deliver that message. And Barr, of course, should never have agreed to take the assignment. It’s not only improper, and a violation of the Constitution, it has absolutely nothing to with his duties at the Department of Justice.
It is, however, consistent with Trump’s flagrant disrespect for the law, his relentless abuse of power, and his frighteningly obvious tyrannical aspirations. And it’s further proof that neither Trump nor Barr are fit to serve in any position of government authority. They have both proven that they are utterly untrustworthy and the sooner they are deposed, the better for America.
How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.
I am reminded that Nixon tried to get J Edgar Hoover to be his personal hatchet man. To Hoover’s credit, he had enough respect for his office to refuse Nixon’s order. And THAT, boys and girls, is how we got the Plumbers.
Low Barr has less respect for his office than Tyrant has for HIS. And that should even anger the Tyrant’s own worshipers. But it doesn’t. But you can bet it would had Obama done this…..
barr is an ungrateful, un-American, lying, disloyal, lawless, clueless coward and MUST be treated like the s*istain he is. He’s a threat to the country and someone NEEDS to arrest his worthless a*s. ENOUGH is ENOUGH.
The further up you go in Trumpworld, the more deplorable the basket becomes … eventually, you end up not with just Trump & Barr, but with Putin and Murdoch. Slimy creatures all, morally bankrupt and utterly devoid of any hint of integrity. Fascism, pure and simple.