Trump Shill McEnany Visits Fox News to Drop Another Flagrant Election Fraud Lie

Next week the Electoral College will certify that Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election. But even as this date approaches, and the outcome is unquestionably certain, Donald Trump continues to babble incoherently that he was the winner “by a landslide.” It’s position that just gets more pathetic every day as Trump affirms his departure from reality and psychotic deterioration. Unfortunately, he’s also veering closing to open advocacy of violence.

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Kayleigh McEnany, Donald Trump

However, it isn’t just Trump who is suffering from this deeply delusional defect. It has spread like an epidemic throughout Trump World. His dimwitted cult disciples are fully indoctrinated into believing that a cabal of thousands of coup conspirators have “stolen” the election without leaving behind a single shred of evidence. And Trump’s remaining dead-ender confederates in the White House persist in propagating a victory that exists only in his diseased mind.

Chief among those stubborn Trumpians is his combination press secretary and campaign mouthpiece, Kayleigh McEnany. She spent some quality time Monday night with Senior Fox News Trump-fluffer Sean Hannity where she tried to pass off a provable lie about alleged voting irregularities:

“This happened in the places where it needed to happen. Which is why the four metros, the only four where Joe Biden outperformed Hillary Clinton, were Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Atlanta, and Detroit. The four he needed in the four key states.”

McEnany’s disinformation appears to have been cribbed from a tweet by the ultra right-wing pollster, Rasmussen. Their tweet linked to an article by the notorious Internet conspiracy crackpot, Gateway Pundit, who sourced his info to the website Townhall. Of course, the article was utterly fictional. Even Townhall later disclaimed their own post. But the presence of blatant falsehoods have never stopped McEnany, or Hannity, before. CNN’s Jake Tapper put it succinctly this weekend when he described his standards for booking Trump administration guests:

“There are some people that are just so mendacious I just wouldn’t put them on air. Kayleigh McEnany, I’ve never booked her. Jason Miller from the Trump campaign, I would never book him. These are just people, they just tell lies the way that most people breathe. There was no value in that. […] This is what she does. She tells lies all the time. She can’t acknowledge reality.”

For the record, USA Today conducted a study of “the country’s 10 largest cities — or the counties in which they’re located, if data by city was not available — plus Detroit, Milwaukee and Fulton County, where Atlanta is located.” It found that Biden actually did outperform Clinton in 10 of those 13 locations:

  • Chicago by 19,613 votes
  • Philadelphia by 20,150 votes
  • Milwaukee by 6,004 votes
  • Houston by 210,279 votes
  • San Antonio by 128,902 votes
  • San Diego by 226,849 votes
  • Dallas by 137,496 votes
  • San Jose by 103,574 votes
  • Phoenix by 337,867 votes
  • Atlanta by 84,093 votes

As further evidence of how far off McEnany et al are, Biden actually appears to have underperformed Clinton in Detroit. Another study conducted by the conservative National Review confirmed USA Today’s study. They found that “Biden improved his margin of victory compared to Clinton in 31 of 36 urban counties.” They also found that “There’s no evidence that swing states had more than 100% voter turnout.”

McEnany’s penchant for poisoning her diatribes with untruths is well known. She began doing it on day one of her employment as Trump’s press secretary, ably filling the deceitful shoes of Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Following Tapper’s public rebuke, McEnany spitefully turned to Twitter to hysterically claim that she doesn’t lie. Which is just another lie in her ample supply of prevarication.

But if McEnany is really so offended by people accurately pointing out her aversion to truth telling, she just might want to take this advice…

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6 thoughts on “Trump Shill McEnany Visits Fox News to Drop Another Flagrant Election Fraud Lie

  1. Since Wisconsin allows same day registration, and election day registrants are not added to the permanent voter database until after the election, it is theoretically possible for voter turnout to exceed 100%. For the last ten years, I have worked elections in a ward (voting district) which not only is one of the top three in Milwaukee for voter turnout – frequently exceeding 60%-70% – and is also the highest in election day registration, but I have never seen the total number of ballots exceed the number of registered voters. Of course there would have to be a high number of same day registrants in all wards for received ballots to exceed the number of registered voters countywide (in Milwaukee or Dane counties) or statewide. This is extremely unlikely, given the lower turnout in other wards.

    • Thank you for that “inside the process” explanation. Tis good to know that.

  2. The abominable showman wants to be President-for-Life and he can’t get past it. He will be trying to steal the election even after Joe Biden is sworn in as the new President. The orange tweeter is not normal. He lost the election. He has lost in court but he will not face the facts. He has always come up with “alternate” facts.

    • And yet, as psycho & delusional as Trump is ~ not to mention a huge liar & grifter, who screwed up handling of Covid-19 so badly that we’re still suffering out here in REAL America ~ yet, despite all of that, the Rethuglican Party found NO ONE better qualified for the job of U.S. President, that they could/would run for the Office!?!
      What’s that saying to all of us + their voters + the world??!!

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