Next week the Senate will take up the Donald Trump impeachment trial. Most analysts predict that the two-thirds vote necessary for conviction will be too high a hill to climb. That’s a fair assumption since most Republicans would be willing to let Trump off the hook even if he sprayed the Senate chamber with an AK-47.
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The GOP doesn’t seem the least bit concerned that Trump incited a seditionist mob to assault the Capitol and threaten to assassinate them and their colleagues. In other words, Republicans are comfortable knowing that they were the targets of Trump’s murderous hordes and they are now insisting that Congress “move on” and forget the whole treasonous and deadly debacle as if the insurrection was just a case of mass jaywalking.
However, the argument for Trump’s conviction just got stronger with the disclosure of his White House’s involvement in the attack. The New York Times is reporting that…
“…a picture has emerged of entropic forces coming together on Trump’s behalf in an ad hoc, yet calamitous, crash of rage and denial. […and that…] interviews with central players, and documents including previously unreported emails, videos, and social media posts scattered across the web, tell a more encompassing story of a more coordinated campaign … summoned and directed by the departing president … in one final norm-defying act of a reality-denying presidency.”
So more evidence of Trump’s orchestration of the Capitol insurrection is emerging every day. What’s more, one of the organizers of the rally, Dustin Stockton, a hard-right gun activist, was interviewed by the Times and told them that…
“…he was surprised to learn on the day of the rally that it would now include a march from the Ellipse to the Capitol. Before the White House became involved, he said, the plan had been to stay at the Ellipse until the counting of state electoral slates was completed.”
With this testimony it is no longer possible for Trump’s Republican apologists to argue that Trump had no knowledge of the looming threats that would unfold shortly after his inflammatory speech wherein he warned his cult disciples that “if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.” It’s no longer possible to pretend that his conspicuous delay of any response wasn’t intended to permit the atrocity to proceed. It’s preposterous to dismiss his post-riot affinity for the rioters, when he confessed that he loved them, as anything but his approval of their criminal hostilities.
As a coda to Trump’s nefarious malfeasance, his Acting Defense Secretary, Chris Miller, issued a memo advising the National Guard that they were NOT authorized “to be issued weapons” or “protection equipment;” or to “interact physically with protesters;” or to “deploy any riot control agents;” among other measures that effectively tied their hands and gave free rein to Trump’s insurrectionists to storm the Capitol.
This is called a smoking gun document.
— Don Winslow (@donwinslow) January 31, 2021
If the Senate Republicans had any smidgen of integrity or patriotism they would vote to convict Trump without reservation or hesitation. But relying on the integrity of today’s GOP is riskier than French kissing a Trump support at one of his Coronavirus Super Spreader rallies. We’ll see soon if they can muster up the courage to be patriots.
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It’s truly staggering that an entire political party is as unalterably corrupt as the GOP. The hallowed founding fathers never imagined such a situation, in which the Consitution could be blatantly defiled by the occupant of the White House & his stooges, with no accountability whatsoever. Republicans in Congress won’t lift a cowardly finger to honour their oaths of office nor to defend the government they’re part of. Shameless doesn’t even begin to describe such worthless people.
And even if the Tyrant Worshipers DON’T vote to convict, Their Beloved God’s long-term reputation will be in the sewer, along with his worshipers, and, maybe, their chances of remaining in office beyond their current term will drop beyond all redemption.
The base will still vote for them.
The voters with OneTrue Issue will vote for them.
It’s up to the sane people to vote them out.
This is the inevitable result, in a Universe where everything is in a constant state of flux, of the untenable credo known as “conservatism”.