Donald Trump (aka Cadet Bone Spurs) has a long history of disparaging America’s Armed Forces and the people who serve in them. It goes back to his own record as a five-time draft dodger during the Vietnam War. And it was revealed during his presidential campaign in 2015 with his insulting denial that John McCain, and every POW, were not war heroes, because Trump “likes people who weren’t captured.”
On this Veteran’s Day Trump posted a video (via his Twitter ban defying spokes-shill) that reaffirms his callous disregard for the people who serve in the U.S. military. In a brief recorded statement the malignant narcissist couldn’t help but turn his message into an anti-America rant with allusions to his deranged belief that he is going to be restored to power (video below):
“On this Veteran’s Day I’d like to pay tribute to all of the incredible people – and you are indeed incredible people – who served so well and so strong and so powerfully in the United States Armed Forces. We love you, our nation respects you, the world respects you, and we will come back. Our country has gone through a lot. The last period of time has been very, very tough, watching what you had to watch. But our country will be back and will be back stronger than ever. Happy Veterans Day.”
So Trump couldn’t just praise veterans on this day set aside to celebrate their service and their sacrifice. He had to add his self-serving criticisms of the current state of the military and his not-so-thinly-veiled references to “coming back” like the wingnut messiah he believes himself to be. Trump can never let anything or anyone steal attention from his assholiness.
For the record, Trump has spent much of his time in political life bashing the military. Just last month he declared that “Everything is falling apart, our military is in shambles [and that] The USA “is very sadly going to hell!” And after a tragic accidental killing of Afghan civilians, Trump blamed “our incompetent Generals,” who were the same generals in charge during his term.
Trump also insinuated that soldiers suffering from PTSD were weak and “couldn’t handle” the hardships of war. And he famously ripped them off with a phony telethon staged as a flimsy excuse to chicken out of a presidential debate.
Perhaps worst of all was his attempt to get out of a visit to the Aisne-Marne cemetery in France where Americans soldiers were laid to rest. “Why should I go to that cemetery?” Trump whined. “It’s filled with losers.” He later added that the 1,800 plus marines who died at Belleau Wood were “suckers” for getting killed. “What’s in it for them?” he asked. “They don’t make any money.”
All of this displays the character – or lack thereof – of Donald Trump. And it establishes his disdain for veterans and service members. The video he posted was utterly disingenuous and exploitative. Like everything else he does, it was intended only to advance his own egomaniacal interests. That’s unfortunate for the veterans he is maligning. They deserve so much more on this Veteran’s Day.
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45th President Donald J. Trump Honors America's Veterans
— Liz Harrington (@realLizUSA) November 11, 2021
How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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“Why should I go to that cemetery?” Trump whined. “It’s filled with losers.” He later added that the 1,800 plus marines who died at Belleau Wood were “suckers” for getting killed. “What’s in it for them?” he asked. “They don’t make any money.”
Ok…ANYONE who votes for this filthy, repulsive, totally disrespectful, un-American, worthless pile of steaming rhino shit, after hearing/reading what he had to say about our dead American soldiers who gave their lives in service for OUR Country, needs to “wake the f–k up”, or give up their American citizenship!! Neither he, nor they, have any right to call themselves Americans, at all!!
How incredibly stupid does one have to be to even THINK that this person should ever be President of the USofA??!! “Shame on all of you!”
For real…
“Wake the f–k up already!”
As always, much thanks to you, MarkNC, for providing written words of what he said, for those of us who cannot stomach watching video of that asswipe speaking!
The new guy doing Trump on SNL is so good at it ~ have you seen/heard him?!? Scary good!
While every Seditionist Traitor proclaimed their love and support for our veterans and our military allowing them to return to disparaging both the other 364 days of the year.
And masterbate before Their Beloved God when he attacks the military and calls veterans losers and suckers.
What is WRONG with that picture?!!