For the past couple of weeks, Republican governors Greg Abbott of Texas and and Ron DeSantis of Florida have been staging one of the most inhumane political stunts in decades. By transporting migrants in their states to New York, Massachusetts, and Washington, D.C., they are demonstrating both a severe lack of compassion and overt disrespect for the law.
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This heartless and illegal abuse of innocent and vulnerable refugees was intended to embarrass the Democratic politicians in those destinations. As it turned out, the receiving Democratic officials and the local residents brought honor to themselves and the nation by welcoming the refugees with open arms, food, medical care, and other resources to help these victims of Republican exploitation, including children, adjust to having been used as pawns in a political game.
RELATED: WOW! Sean Hannity and Ted Cruz Agree that Trafficking Migrants Across State Lines is Illegal
Meanwhile, Fox News played their customary role as apologists for right-wing atrocities. They barely covered the heartwarming hospitality that the refugees received from their hosts. But Fox did attempt to distort reality by featuring the rare critics who complained about the migrants.
Even worse, Fox News tried to manufacture controversy where there was none. In an especially dishonest and disgusting story, Fox News sent their crackhead news team to Martha’s Vineyard to stir up trouble. The story headlined “We asked Martha’s Vineyard celebs if they’d open their homes to migrants. Here’s how they responded,” was a typically hollow, and transparently hostile, piece of vile presstitution. It began…
“Former President Barack Obama and several other high-profile Democrats who own homes on Martha’s Vineyard have remained silent on whether they will open up their homes to provide comfort to any illegal immigrants sent to the island by Republican governors.” […]
“In addition, Fox News Digital reached out to representatives for prominent public supporters of President Biden who own homes on Martha’s Vineyard but did not receive a response. Those Martha’s Vineyard residents include singer James Taylor, director Spike Lee and comedian David Letterman, who all reportedly have homes on the island.”
The premise of this story was both absurd and repugnant. No wonder they didn’t get a single response from those they tried to contact. And yet, they went ahead with the non-story anyway.
What ever made Fox News think that it was appropriate to expect private citizens to house refugees who were trafficked illegally from other states? Fox News never asked Republican politicians or right-wing celebrities to take in the babies of women forced to carry them to term when Republican laws prohibited them from making their own healthcare and reproductive decisions. Nor was anyone asked by Fox News to house low income families who became homeless as a result of the callousness of conservative policies. Nor did Fox News ever ask wealthy notables to pay for medicine or hospitalization for Americans who were denied care due to the GOP’s servility to Big Pharma and other corporate interests.
Yet for some reason, Fox is suddenly interested in whether liberal individuals alone should shoulder a burden that is properly attributed to the federal government. The U.S. immigration system has been broken for a long time. And it’s the Republicans who have refused to participate in finding a bipartisan solution. Their answer now is to spend millions of dollars trafficking human victims around the country in order to create chaos.
RELATED: WOW! Sean Hannity and Ted Cruz Agree that Trafficking Migrants Across State Lines is Illegal
Just think of the value those millions of dollars could have provided if spent on something useful, helpful, and driven by compassion rather than political malice. But then, that would have required Republicans to have a modicum of morality and decency. And that was just too much to ask of them. Surely Fox News would never ask it.
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Why don’t wealthy elites like Sean Hannity take in foster kids or help kids whose parents were kia in all these fucking wars the love and support? We can play this game all day.
The Traitors are all spewing this nonsense, and I have asked the following, but as usual, got no substantive response from the Traitors and their mindless spokespeople.
1) Why do the Traitors approve of Governors Abbott and DeathSatan doing this, but condemn President Biden for doing what allegedly amounts to the same thing?
2) The immigrants (and the point of terror seems to be that there are 50 IMMIGRANTS!) are being processed according to our own laws and are NOT just being thrown out into the street like Abbott and DeathSatan would do. It is NOT an invasion!! What is the Traitors’ PROBLEM?!!
3) And while we’re on the subject, why he hell are the Traitors so obsessed with fentanyl when they are so terrified of vaccinations? I know the one has nothing to do with the other, but we ARE talking the party of convenient and ludicrous false equivalencies, right?
Any thoughts? Mine are simple: The Traitor Party are a clear and present threat to the American people and should be treated like the terrorists they are.
Well, wealthy though the Traitors may be, they still belong to the domestic terrorism group.