The new and razor thin Republican majority in the House of Representatives is proving that it is wholly unfit to govern and has no real interest in doing so. For the three months that they have been in charge, they have produced nothing but transparently partisan and meritless smear campaigns against President Biden, his family, and other Democrats.
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This sorry state of state affairs is a result of the GOP’s deliberate and openly articulated mission to bring down the President and to buttress their own illegitimate seizure of power and perversion of democracy. From the day that they assumed their majority they have pursued political vendettas, while ignoring the needs of the nation and the American people.
SEE THIS: New GOP Subcommittee Chair Openly Admits His Only Purpose is to ‘Make Life Hell’ for Democrats
So instead of legislation protecting children from mass shooters, or maintaining women’s reproductive health rights, or resolving immigration issues, or preventing a catastrophic debt default, Republicans are desperately trying – and failing – to sabotage the Biden presidency.
Among the worst offenders is James Comer, the chairman of the House Oversight Committee. The maliciousness of his crusade to cripple the progress made by Biden and congressional Democrats has been matched by its ineptitude, dishonesty, and failure. And all of that was on display when he visited with Fox News on Sunday to spread more propaganda. In an exchange with Fox’s Senior Trump-fluffer, Maria Bartiromo, Comer announced that the star witness in his political persecution has gone missing.
Bartiromo: Hold on Congressman. Did you just say that the whistleblower, or the informant, is now be missing?
Comer: Well, we are hopeful that we can find the informant. Remember that these informants are kind of in the spy business.
Bartiromo: Stunning breaking news story this morning that some of these people now may be missing. Mr. Chairman, we’re certainly going to be covering and reporting your findings.
somebody send out an Amber Alert
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) May 14, 2023
First of all, Comer doesn’t actually say that the alleged informant is missing. He just says that he can’t find him. He even implies that the so-called whistleblower is merely a secret operative who could just be concealing his own whereabouts for some unspecified reason.
That, however, doesn’t stop Bartiromo from insinuating some sinister scheme that invokes the possibility that harm has come to the spook and that, of course, the evil Biden team is responsible for it. Naturally, there is no evidence whatsoever for any of that, but when has Fox News ever cared about trivialities like evidence?
A more likely scenario is that Comer doesn’t actually have a witness at all, Or he doesn’t have one who has any credibility, and who wouldn’t just embarrass the Republicans further. So all of Comer’s shocking accusations for the past several weeks could just be fabrications, and now that he is being called upon to put up or shut up, he whines that he is unable to find the witness that he promised would blow the lid off this supposed scandal.
It’s interesting that this mysterious witness disappeared just a few days after Comer released a report by his Committee that was ridiculed for it’s prodigious lack of anything incriminating related to Biden. The New Republic reported that…
“The House GOP accused Joe Biden and his family on Wednesday of engaging in business with foreign entities—but were unable to provide any actual evidence linking the president to any wrongdoing.
“House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer released a 65-page memo detailing a sprawling investigation into Biden and some of his relatives, particularly his son Hunter Biden. Nowhere in the massive document was there a specific allegation of a crime committed by Biden or any of his relatives.”
That’s typical of GOP and Fox News scandal-mongering. They make furious proclamations of alleged wrongdoing, but they have nothing to back any of it up. Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin, ranking member of the Oversight Committee, responded to the report that Comer issued saying that…
“Once again Chairman Comer has failed to provide factual evidence to support his wild accusations about the President. He continues to bombard the public with innuendo, misrepresentations, and outright lies, recycling baseless claims from stories that were debunked years ago.” […]
“As Republicans use their oversight powers to advance this tiresome and aging smear campaign, they refuse to honor their public commitment to investigate former President Trump and former senior White House advisor, Jared Kushner, their hundreds of LLCs, and the billions of dollars they collected directly from autocratic and corrupt foreign governments.”
Comer joins House Squeaker Kevin McCarthy and Jim Jordan, the GOP chair of the House Judiciary Committee, as the leaders of the Bogus Scandal Caucus. Jordan was recently humiliated (for the umpteenth time) when he tried to coerce adverse testimony from Mark Pomerantz, a former New York prosecutor who had investigated Donald Trump’s hush money payments to adult film star, Stormy Daniels. That investigation eventually led to a Grand Jury indicting Trump for thirty-four felonies alleging the falsifying of financial records.
RELATED STORY: Former NY Prosecutor Righteously Rejects GOP House Judiciary Committee’s Political Theater
These are the sort of charlatans who are currently leading the Republican Party with the aid of their spinmeisters at Fox News. They have no interest in performing any of the duties expected of elected representatives. They are fully devoted only to embarking on hostile and futile campaigns to denigrate their opponents and, moreover, democracy itself. And unfortunately, with the regard to the latter, they are pretty damn good at it.
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I think that all cable and satellite providers should drop Fox News from their line up!
I second your great suggestion, David. They should be banned forever from broadcasting on ANY TV broadcasting companies. I want to see them go out of business.
Yea, seems like Kevin McCarthy having to kowtow to MAGA extremists for his job as Speaker didn’t do his cause any good Comer lost a witness, Jordan just keeps getting humiliated Are they going to just go ahead wasting the government’s time in their vendetta against Joe Biden, attempts to protect Donald Trump? One thing, they seem to be helping Progressives
I sure hope it helps us progressives, from the articles i have read online tonight, if those totally unqualified, greedy, lying, racist, authoritarian misfit fascist Rethuglicans get their way, the United States will collapse. Also, i do not look forward to not getting paid next month from Social Security or my pension, which is also paid by the Federal Government due to the skid row GQP bums not agreeing to a settlement in the debt ceiling fiasco. Kevin McCarthy is the most sorry, low down, son of a bitch in the United States. Him and the rest of the Rethugs in Congress should go to prison with death sentences. There is no words to describe just how disgusting and horrible these freaks of nature are.
Just maybe making fools of themselves, and broadcasting about cutting Social Security or pensions will just cost them millions of votes and these benefits will be saved
As elusive as George Santos is with NY03 constituents after defrauding them, maybe Santos is the missing whistleblower.