GOP Oversight Chair Excuses Trump’s Corruption Unless Bank Records Prove It – Well, Guess What?

As Donald Trump prepares to reoccupy the White House, every American that hasn’t been indoctrinated into the MAGA cult is aware that he is setting new precedents as the first president to be a convicted felon and an adjudicated rapist, who has advocated terminating the Constitution, and incarcerating his political foes.

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Trump Penthouse Phone

That’s not exactly a record that would instill pride in either the officeholder or the people he purports to represent. To the contrary, it’s a resume of shame that would, and does, produce nausea in patriotic citizens. It would also spur responsible public officials to keep a tight rein on a leader who is as disposed to criminality as Trump has been.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Refusal to Sign the Required Ethics Agreement is His Virtual Promise to Violate It

On Wednesday morning the Republican chairman of the House Oversight Committee, James Comer, was interviewed by Pamela Brown on CNN. Comer is the prime antagonist in the long-running persecution of President Biden and his family. After years of sensationalized probes that failed to produce a shred of evidence of any wrongdoing, Comer is now dismissing any inquiry into Dear Leader Trump’s blatantly unlawful enterprises, as he affirms in the following exchange..

Brown: Do you have any concern if [Trump] doesn’t divest about present future President Trump using public office to enrich himself and his family? I mean, if he doesn’t divest, would that concern you?
Comer: I think the most important thing is transparency. And with respect to tax records, I come from a banking background. Tax records don’t mean anything. If you want to know whether someone’s doing something corrupt or not, get their bank records because bank records don’t lie. People cheat on their taxes all the time. Most important thing is the bank records. And I think as long as President Trump is transparent, I think the American people will give him a pass on honest business activity. But if it ever comes out that they’ve got secret deals or whatever, then that that could potentially be a problem, obviously.”

It’s interesting that Comer warns against using Trump’s tax records because “People cheat on their taxes all the time.” Is he implying that Trump cheats and, therefore, his tax records should be ignored?

More to the point, Comer asserts that nothing Trump does should be investigated because he’s such a pure paragon of transparency, and that his bank records would confirm that. However, in 2020 the New York Times reported that Trump had a secret bank account in China that he failed to reveal in his official financial disclosure forms. The Times discovered the account in his tax returns that they got from an undisclosed source because Trump repeatedly refused to make them public like every other president in modern times…

“President Donald Trump’s tax records show he has pursued expansive business projects in China for years and even maintains a Chinese bank account, The New York Times reported […] An analysis of Trump’s tax records by the Times shows that the President holds a previously unreported bank account in China that was not included on his public financial disclosures.”

So according to the criteria specified by Comer, there should be immediate hearings into Trump’s finances by Comer’s Oversight Committee. Trump has obviously not been as transparent as Comer implied. And that’s been the case for many years. Here are a couple other examples of Trump’s deceit with regard to his finances…

NOPE! Eric Trump Lies that Daddy Gave All Foreign Money Made at His Hotels to the Treasury
As reported by NPR last year… “Documents released by the House Oversight and Reform Committee show extravagant spending from foreign leaders at former President Donald Trump’s luxury hotel in Washington, D.C., which the committee says could have violated his oath of office by distorting U.S. foreign policy for personal financial gain.

“Government officials from Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey and the People’s Republic of China collectively spent over $750,000 at the Trump International Hotel during his presidency.”


Trump earned as much as $160 million dollars from foreign sources while president. A more expansive investigation by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) found that… “Throughout his time in office, President Trump, his family and his Republican allies repeatedly assured the public that his refusal to divest from his businesses wouldn’t lead to any conflicts of interest […] When it came to foreign conflicts of interest, Trump and his company pledged to pause foreign business. They did not.”

Not surprisingly, the most frequent contributors to Trump’s coffers were from the Middle East and China.

Lest anyone think that Trump’s fiscal malfeasance is all in the past, take a look at his latest vehicle for enriching himself via shady self-dealing…

The Grifter-In-Chief: Will Donald Trump Divest From His Bribery Platform, Truth Social?
“Surely he is not planning to divest from any of the businesses that he didn’t divest from last time. […] Trump’s Truth Social, via its parent corporation, Trump Media and Technology Group (TMTG), is listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange. It is therefore available for any crooked scheme-ster to shovel shiploads of cash into, enriching the other shareholders, of which Trump is the biggest.

No one should expect Trump to change his nefarious ways now. And Comer’s hypocrisy amounts to the willful wearing of blinders in the hopes of avoiding observing Trump’s illegal activities. But he knows. And so does everyone else whose eyes – and minds – are not glued shut. The only question that remains is whether others in Congress or the press will seek to bring him to justice.

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WTF? Fox News and GOP Clown Comer Launch a Gross Attack on Tim Walz and His ‘Scary Family’

As Election Day approaches, the desperation of Donald Trump has become ever more apparent. His criticisms of Vice-President Kamala Harris continue to devolve into increasingly impotent insults that reflect more negatively on him than on her. He is resorting to bizarre conspiracy theories about the size of Harris’ rally crowds, and even more bizarre allegations that she is spying on him.

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Fox News, Kamala Harris, Tim Walz

Trump isn’t alone in this descent into the pitiful. His Ministry of Propaganda, aka Fox News, has been equally inept in their efforts to inflict damage on Harris. Despite their best efforts, all they can come up with is nonsense that has no bearing whatsoever on the campaign or the lives of the American people. For example…

SEE THIS: Fox News is Desperately Struggling to Find Dirt on Kamala Harris – Here is What They Found

On Friday morning Fox took another stab at maligning the Democratic presidential ticket. This time they aimed their animus at Harris’ running mate, Gov. Tim Walz. And what they found was a real bombshell that could explode with the force of a falling eyelash.

In a segment with Fox News Senior Trump-Fluffer, Maria Bartiromo, the Republican chair of the House Oversight Committee, James Comer, revealed the damning discovery that Gov. Walz has what Comer calls “a scary family”

“Yeah, that’s a scary family there. It looks like the type of family that’s been indoctrinated. They believe that there’s a better way to do business. Some of the things the Walz’s have said about China, their affection for China, that’s very concerning to me. Because we don’t want to set our business model like China. I mean, China’s already got too big of a foothold here in the United States.”

OH MY! Have you seen Gov. Walz’s family? They are like creatures straight out of “Night of the Living Kindly Neighbors” They’re the type of people you would expect to terrorize children with treats and tenderness and trips to the pony rides. It’s too awful to contemplate!

You really have to wonder what family Comer was thinking of. Certainly Walz’s immediate family in his Minnesota home are close and loving and have none of the “scary” attributes that Comer is asserting. Or maybe Comer was referring to Walz’s distant, pro-Trump relatives in Nebraska. They do look a little like some frightening cult members.

Comer’s complaints about Walz having some sort of nefarious connection to China are laughable. Yes, he did teach English there for a year, shortly after he graduated college. And that experience with Chinese children may have left him with some affectionate memories. But that is hardly evidence of “indoctrination” or a plot to “set our business model like China.”

Undeterred by common sense, or reality, Comer is known for his wild goose chases. He presided over ludicrous congressional probes of President Biden and his son Hunter. [Apparently Comer has a thing about going after people’s family members.] After months of pointless hearings, and millions of wasted taxpayer dollars, he never produced a shred of evidence of any wrongdoing. He was such a huge failure that a Newsmax host said he “looked like a joke,” and even Fox News chastised him…

SEE ALSO: Fox News is Steaming Mad at GOP Chairman Comer for Being an Incompetent Biden Persecutor

What makes this all the more preposterous is that it is Donald Trump who has bent the knee to China. He brags about his close relationship with Chinese President Xi Jinping. He has numerous business dealings in China. And so do his kids, Ivanka, Eric, and Don Jr.

If anyone’s family should be subject to investigation, it’s Trump’s. But don’t hold your breath waiting for Comer to initiate one. That would require honesty, integrity, patriotism. Those are qualities that are anathema to Comer and the MAGA GOP.


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Weaponizing Congress? GOP Hack Comer Launches Phony Probes Into Both Kamala Harris and Tim Walz

If anyone is wondering why the American people have a such a poor opinion of Congress, it might have something to do with how little it has done on their behalf under the current – albeit slim – GOP majority. They actually seem to be proud of their ineffectualness. It’s hard to argue that they haven’t been purposefully determined to be political slackers.

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Donald Trump, Congress, Mike Johnson

The Republican “leaders” of the House of Representatives have spent the past two years utterly ignoring their responsibilities to advancing the interests of the citizens they are supposed to be serving. In fact, they have succeeded only at achieving a new record for passing fewer bills than any Congress in modern times. Congratulations.

SEE THIS: DO-NOTHING CONGRESS? The Republican House of Representatives is the Most Productive Ever (LOL)

There are many Republican members who can shar the blame for this deliberate neglect. At the top of the list is the GOP Speaker, MAGA Mike Johnson, who has exhibited no management aptitude whatsoever. He only got the job when no else could muster enough votes following the ouster of the previous GOP Speaker, Kevin McCarthy.

And right below Johnson in the congressional Dereliction Derby is the chair of the House Oversight Committee, James Comer. He has made it his personal mission to devote all of his time to presiding over ludicrous investigations of Democrats, particularly President Biden and his family. And all to no avail. After wasting months of hearings, and millions of taxpayer dollars, Comer hasn’t found a shred of evidence of any wrongdoing. He’s been so inept that even Fox News took him to task…

SEE ALSO: Fox News is Steaming Mad at GOP Chairman Comer for Being an Incompetent Biden Persecutor

Now that President Biden has passed the torch to Vice-President Kamala Harris, Comer & Co. have abandoned the pitiful failures that they have been obsessed with for so long. But that doesn’t mean that he is taking a rest. Nope. Comer has already initiated investigations of both Harris and her running mate, Gov. Tim Walz. Last week he posted this announcement…

This is Comer’s contribution to the brazen lie that Harris was a “Border Czar” (she never was), and that there must be some impropriety that he can manufacture with regard to that lie.

In addition to Comer’s grossly partisan attack on Harris, this week he added Gov. Walz to his hit list.

It’s ironic that Republicans are trying to falsely associate Walz with some sort of collusion with China, when it is Donald Trump and his family who have been doing business there for decades, including while he was occupying the White House. The truth about Walz is that he had a purely educational role in China, as reported by Newsweek

“Following his graduation, the Minnesota governor and former Congressman spent approximately one year teaching high school in China as part of Harvard University’s WorldTeach program.”

These blatant attempts to weaponize Congress by using it to attack their political foes is a reprehensible perversion of their sworn duties. But it is consistent with their past misbehavior. In the past couple of years they introduced more preposterous articles of impeachment (for Biden, DHS Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas, FBI Director Chris Wray, U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves, and Attorney General Merrick Garland) than any session of Congress ever.

And now they are turning their aim toward Harris and Walz in the final months of this election year. The good news is that Comer and his cohorts are too feeble-minded to succeed at anything other than humiliating themselves. They inherited that mental defect from their Dear Leader Trump. And in the end all of them will wind up achieving the only outcome that they are capable of: FAILURE!


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Fox News is Steaming Mad at GOP Chairman Comer for Being an Incompetent Biden Persecutor

The Republican obsession with manufacturing criminal charges against President Biden has suffered for years from an absolute failure to find any crumb of a crime that they could pin on the President. And it is driving them crazy knowing that their failure is the a result of a combination of their incompetence and the fact that Biden has been a decent and honest public servant.

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Go Fox Yourself

Nevertheless, the GOP chairman of the House Oversight Committee, James Comer, continues in his fanatical and futile fishing expedition despite accomplishing nothing except to further embarrass himself and exasperate his Republican confederates. But undeterred by trivial considerations, like whether or not there are any facts to support his accusations, Comer persists in his malicious mission to malign Biden.

SEE THIS: GOP Rep Tells Fox News He Would ‘Probably’ Impeach Biden for – Um – Zero Evidence of Any Crime

The GOP in the House has been holding their useless and partisan hearings for years now. They somehow manage to set aside the fact that they have failed utterly in their mission to find dirt on Biden. Comer has been humiliated repeatedly by Democrats on the Committee who have pointed out how dishonest and incompetent he and his GOP colleagues are. Democratic Rep. Jared Moskowitz has even challenged Comer to call for a vote to impeach Biden, if he thinks he has the goods on him. He obviously doesn’t.

Now it appears that Fox News is getting tired of the ineffectiveness of Comer and Company. After Fox’s Maria Bartiromo challenged Comer as to why he hasn’t issued criminal referrals to the Department of Justice on an array of crimes that neither she nor Republicans have any proof ever occurred, Comer replied with a typically vague assertion that his ghost indictments are coming soon. Really, they are…

Bartiromo: Are you saying that we could expect a criminal referral against Joe Biden for money laundering? Is that what you just said?
Comer: I think it’s no secret Joe Biden’s committed many crimes, and I think that you’re going to see a report very soon. That report is imminent. That’ll probably be an interim report that updates everyone on the crimes that Biden and his administration have committed throughout this investigation and through the years of the Obama/Biden administrations.

Yeah, right! If they do file a report, it will surely contain an abundance of lies that the DoJ will quickly and appropriately dismiss. You can rest assured that if Comer had evidence that “Joe Biden’s committed many crimes,” it wouldn’t be a secret. He would have produced it long ago.

Bartiromo followed up by asking why Comer doesn’t “subpoena these people.” Which, of course, he has already done. That includes the President’s son, Hunter, his brother, James, and several business associates. They all showed up and gave testimony under oath. Comer’s problem is that that testimony produced zero evidence that comes close implicating Biden, or anyone else, in any criminal act. To the contrary, his witnesses actually absolved Biden of any wrongdoing.

It appears that even Fox News is becoming impatient with Comer and other Republicans in Congress, such as Judiciary Committee chairman Jim Jordan, who haven’t been effective enough at smearing Biden. But then, they haven’t been effective at anything else either, such as passing legislation, or selecting leadership. So is anyone surprised?


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Fox News Blames a MAGA Meltdown in the Republican Controlled Congress on President Biden

This week the nation was treated to the spectacle of a throng of Republican members of Congress abandoning their duties in Washington to cheer in the bleachers for their Dear Leader, Donald Trump, in New York. He is there being tried for election interference, falsifying business records, and paying hush money to a porn star. And Republicans in Congress had to be there to give him emotional support. These are your tax dollars at work, America.

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Fox News, Joe Biden, Fake News

Upon their return to D.C., these prodigal congresspersons were called into a late night hearing of the House Oversight Committee to consider a preposterous motion to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress. His “offense” is refusing to give the Committee some audio tapes that they intended to exploit for political purposes. They would have been better off staying in New York, fawning over Trump, and trying to intimidate the court.

SEE THIS: MAGA Mike Johnson Announces His Intention to Interfere with the Criminal Investigation of Trump

It didn’t take long for the hearing to devolve into the sort of chaos one would expect from irascible juveniles. The verbal melee began when Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA-MAGA) made a derogatory remark about the appearance of Democratic Rep. Jasmine Crockett. It escalated from there as Crocket moved to have Greene’s words stricken from the record, which caused Greene to insult her intelligence. And throughout the ruckus chairman James Comer demonstrated that he has absolutely no ability to manage the proceedings.

As embarrassing as all of that ought to have been for Comer and his GOP confederates, he got a total reprieve from Fox News, where the blame for it all somehow rested squarely on the shoulders of President Biden. Of course, Biden had nothing whatsoever to do with it. But that didn’t stop Fox’s Emily Compagno from pointing her fingers at Biden, saying…

“Why shouldn’t it be that the highest standard, the highest decorum, exists in this most sacred building, that they claim was breached on January 6th in the most horrific and atrocious of crimes. Will they represent the sacred and the sanctity that that building deserves? Honor that.”

“I see this as reflection of the complete erosion that our entire legislative body has become. You can wear what you want. You can say what you want. You can trash each other. You can drink. You can have sex on the dais. You can bring coke into the…This entire thing has become an absolute devolved zoo, heightened under this administration that promised us on the way in there would be unity. “

Compagno is clearly upset at the disrespect shown for the institution by this imbroglio. And it was particularly notable that she referenced the January 6th insurrection that was incited by Trump. Never mind that she and her colleagues at Fox News have relentlessly defended the insurrectionists that they call “hostages,” and characterized the riots as peaceful protests by patriots.

However, Compagno wasn’t through humiliating herself. She went on to assert that the blame for the bickering in Congress belonged to Biden, whose aspirations for unity were unfulfilled because Republicans are boorish crybabies who can’t behave like adults.

Not only was Biden completely unassociated with the fracas that went on in the House, the responsibility for the “complete erosion” of the body into “an absolute devolved zoo” rests entirely with the the Republican Party. They have held the majority for the past year and half and, based on their record, what took place Thursday night was completely predictable. After all, they can’t find bipartisan unity because they can’t even be unified within their own caucus.

The Republicans have been fighting among themselves non-stop. They took 15 votes to elect Speaker Kevin McCarthy. Then they ousted him nine months later. And some of them are now trying to oust the new Speaker Mike Johnson. In the meantime, they have succeeded in becoming the least productive Congress in decades.

SEE ALSO: DO-NOTHING CONGRESS? The Republican House of Representatives is the Most Productive Ever (LOL)

Compagno lamented that she is “deeply disappointed” in the Congress, and that “They have not earned my respect.” But she can’t acknowledge that it is her own party that has failed so pitifully. So she tries to deflect the blame in the most awkward and irrational manner imaginable.

Which is precisely what one would expect from today’s MAGA Republicans. It is no longer a political party. It is a cult. Therefore, reality must be rewritten to conform to the cult’s perceptions and doctrine. And that bastardization of reality is the purpose of Fox News, where allegiance to Trump and “alternative facts” rule the day.


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MAGA Mike Johnson Announces His Intention to Interfere with the Criminal Investigation of Trump

For most of the last month, Donald Trump has been a seen as a pathetic and lonely (and sleepy) crybaby as he attended his criminal trail in New York. During the hearings he sits with his lawyers scowling as the evidence of his crimes is revealed by one witness after another. Then he unleashes his wrath at the press in the court’s hallway with his tediously repetitious complaints of victimhood and the torture of a “freezing” courtroom.

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Donald Trump, Congress, Mike Johnson

That changed this week, however, with the sudden appearance of some of Trump’s congressional bootlickers. They have apparently decided that the duties they have been neglecting in Washington because they have no interest in the people’s business, must now be neglected in order to prop up their Dear Leader being tried on 34 felony charges.

SEE THIS: DO-NOTHING CONGRESS? The Republican House of Representatives is the Most Productive Ever (LOL)

Among the attendees is GOP House Speaker Mike Johnson, who showed up with a coterie of congressional Trump-fluffers, and wannabe VP candidates. Trump praised them as his “surrogates” who were there speaking “beautifully” on his behalf. Although he still hasn’t managed to convince his wife Melania to stand by his side. The only thing the presence of these MAGA reps accomplishes is to affirm that Trump is using the trial as a political stunt. He has done almost no other campaigning since the trial began, despite having all his weekends and evenings free.

For his part, Johnson regurgitated the rote Trump complaints that the trial is persecution, election interference, and tainted by alleged biases of the judge and prosecutors. At one point he effectively conceded that Trump is guilty…

In addition to his toadyism for Trump, Johnson also took the opportunity to announce that he intends to exploit his position in Congress to obstruct justice on Trump’s behalf. He told the gathered media that…

“I’m working with chairman [Jim] Jordan of the House Judiciary Committee, and chairman [James] Comer of the Oversight Committee, on measures to rein in the abuses of special counsel Jack Smith.”

Johnson never bothered to reveal what those alleged abuses might be. And he surely doesn’t care that the cases Smith is prosecuting are indictments that were handed down by citizens serving on grand juries. But his intention to assign these tasks to representatives Jordan and Comer couldn’t be a better scenario – for Democrats. The two of them have been uniquely incompetent in their pursuit of President Biden for imaginary crimes and baseless impeachment probes. Their own witnesses often exonerated Biden, or wound up being arrested themselves for lying to legal authorities.

More to the point, Johnson doesn’t seem to realize that he has no jurisdiction whatsoever over an independent counsel appointed by the Attorney General. The most he could do is try to pass legislation to defund the entire Justice Department, which would cripple law enforcement on other matters such as drug trafficking, civil rights, and terrorism. What’s more, his efforts to defund the police would never get through the Senate.

The only purpose that Johnson has here is to prove to Trump that he is willing to help him to avoid accountability for the crimes he has committed. If he really thought that Trump was innocent, he would let the jury determine that and acquit him. But Johnson – like Trump – knows that he’s guilty and his only hope is some sort of get-out-of-jail-free card, or the phony and unconstitutional “presidential immunity” that Trump is trying to get from the Supreme Court.

SEE ALSO: Felonious Punk Trump Demands ‘TOTAL IMMUNITY’ – Even for Acts that ‘CROSS THE LINE’

What’s abundantly clear is that Johnson, and the MAGA GOP that he leads, have abandoned entirely any pretense of working on behalf of the American people. They have only one constituent now. And that’s Donald Trump. Unfortunately for them, their one constituent may soon be a felon who is prohibited by law from voting. And a fair portion of Republican voters are likely to resent being neglected and choose not to vote themselves. And if that comes to pass, the majority of the American people would ironically owe Trump and Johnson and the Republican Congress a debt of gratitude. Strange times indeed.


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Fox News and the GOP Are Now Dreaming of ‘Weaponizing’ the Justice Department Against Biden

Donald Trump’s MAGA Republican Party and its Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News, deserve some “credit” for one thing: They have an inexhaustible supply of the mindless bullheadedness required to persist in pushing preposterous pseudo-legal smear campaigns despite having lost every attempt to spread their lies and malice.

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Joe Biden, GOP, Elephant

Republicans in the House of Representatives have spent more than a year “investigating” President Biden and his family, searching desperately for any shred of evidence that he committed some unarticulated crime. And despite having the power of the majority in the House, they have come up empty every time. Even worse, their own witnesses have testified that Biden has never done anything remotely illegal or impeachable.

SEE THIS: GOP Speaker Admits the Purpose of the Biden Impeachment Inquiry is to Hurt Biden Politically

None of that, however, has dissuaded them from their malicious mission to denigrate Biden and his family, and to subject them to vicious personal attacks without any basis in reality. And naturally, Fox News is right beside them to buttress their lies and defamation.

On Wednesday morning, Senior Fox News Trump-Fluffer, Maria Bartiromo, interviewed Rep. James Comer (R-MAGA), chair of the House Oversight Committee. And undeterred by the utter lack of any new or evidence or testimony, they resumed wallowing in the sort of dishonesty that resulted in Fox News having to pay $787 million for lying about election fraud. Bartiromo began with a question that included her own obvious bias…

Bartiromo: What else can you do get some accountability after all of this information that you say you’ve dug up?
Comer: I think the two best options moving forward are obviously criminal referrals and then impeachment. Impeachment is still on the table. There’s still an overwhelming majority of Republicans that agree with me that Joe Biden has committed impeachable offenses. Now our confidence level in the Senate is very low, but at the end of the day the criminal referrals are something that I believe – if we don’t have a Department of Justice today, hopefully in a year we will have a Department of Justice that can hold him accountable. But we’re gonna have the tools in place to hold this family accountable for the criminal wrongdoing that they have committed one way or the other.

Virtually every word of Comer’s reply is untrue. He has no path forward for impeachment, or he wouldn’t be resorting to criminal referrals. And he has no path forward for criminal referrals because their is no evidence of any crime, and the Department of Justice will surely laugh it off. Furthermore, Comer does not have an “overwhelming majority of Republicans” on his side or he would have brought it to the House floor for a vote.

What Comer is actually announcing is that he expects Trump to “weaponize” the Justice Department (something that Trump and the GOP regularly whine about) to prosecute his political opponent if he were to reoccupy the White House. Which would be peculiar since Trump insists that presidents have “total immunity” from any criminal prosecution.

SEE ALSO: Is Trump Now Saying that Presidents Do Not Have ‘Total Immunity’ – Or Just that Biden Doesn’t?

Apparently Fox News and Comer disagree with Trump. And Trump will disagree with himself if the opportunity arises, because he couldn’t care less about being consistent or even rational. The only thing Trump ever cares about is whatever he can bend to his self-interest at the moment.

Of course, none of this comes to pass if Biden is reelected. In which case, Comer’s “two best options” are losers before they even leave the gate. Which is a situation that he should be familiar with by now, considering all the losing he has suffered through so far.


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GOP LAW? Committee Chair Says If Hunter Biden Doesn’t Testify, He Will ‘Assume’ He’s Guilty

When Republicans in the House of Representatives initiated their smear campaign against Hunter Biden, they knew that it was a political scam intended only to harm President Biden by manufacturing an election year scandal that was utterly devoid of substance. But could they possibly have known what a farce it would turn out to be?

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Republicans burning the Constitution

After a year of posturing and lying, the “investigation” by the GOP has not produced a single shred of evidence of wrongdoing by the President. To the contrary, their own witnesses have testified under oath that Hunter and his father never discussed any business or other activities that could be considered suspicious, much less illegal. The Republican chair of the House Judiciary Committee, Jim Jordan recently told Fox News that his best evidence against Biden was a witness who exonerated him. And even Fox News was already having a difficult time advancing the phony charges.

SEE THIS: WHOA! Peter Doocy of Fox News Reports that the GOP Failed to Find Any Evidence to Impeach Biden

As their campaign of lies and innuendo proceeds, it is getting even more preposterous. So much so that the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, James Comer, just told CNN’s Manu Raju that he has essentially abandoned all adherence to legal principles, including those enshrined in the Constitution.

Raju sought to get a comment from Comer regarding the stalemate between Comer’s committee and Hunter Biden over a subpoena they issued to demand Hunter’s appearance for a deposition. Hunter had initially agreed to testify before Congress in a public hearing, but then Comer withdrew the offer and insisted that it be done behind closed doors. Presumably so they could lie about it, as they have done after previous private depositions. Here is what Comer told CNN:

Raju: If Hunter doesn’t show up and testify, how much harder will that make your investigation to pin anything on the President?
Comer: Well, I mean, if he doesn’t show up, then I guess we’ll just have to wrap it up without him and assume that these were bribes from foreign countries. Assume that what the bank said was true, he was money laundering, he was involved in the human trafficking ring.

And there you have it. Comer and the GOP are going to declare Hunter Biden guilty without a trial, without evidence, and without any fair deliberation. He is simply going to “convict” Hunter based on his overtly partisan assumptions. Whatever happened to the “presumption of innocence,” and being innocent until proven guilty? Republicans keep demonstrating that they couldn’t care less about the law or the Constitution.

What’s more, Comer is making up allegations, that he’s attributing to a bank, about Hunter Biden being involved with bribes, money laundering, and a human trafficking ring. None of that happened, nor did any bank say it did, and Comer knows it.

In addition to the remarks Comer made in the video clip above, he also gave Raju a few other comments that are purposefully dishonest and intended to tarnish both Hunter and President Biden. As reported by CNN

“I would vote to impeach him, but I’m not going to lose any sleep whether he gets impeached or not because we know the Senate’s not going to convict,” Comer said of the Democratic-controlled Senate. He insisted: “My job was never to impeach.”

Comer is saying both that it wasn’t his job to impeach Biden, but that he would do it anyway, despite having zero evidence. Then he said…

“We are prepared to issue subpoenas compelling Mr. Biden’s appearance at a deposition on a new date in the coming weeks” Comer wrote to Lowell.

Comer appears to be agreeing to Hunter’s request for a new subpoena for the private deposition. That should eliminate his threat to hold Hunter in contempt of Congress for not complying. But with these Republicans, who knows? They sure haven’t cared that fellow Republican members of Congress like Jim Jordan have failed to comply with subpoenas. Then Comer criticized public hearings saying that…

“The hearing for the media would be more entertainment than substantive,” Comer said. “The deposition is substantive.”

So Comer is, in effect, admitting that all of the public hearings he has previously held were merely for “entertainment” purposes. Funny, he didn’t disclose that at the time.

This is all just more proof that Republicans can’t be taken seriously. They are flagrantly dishonest and obsessively pushing falsehoods in order to malign Biden, and to pave the road ahead for their Dear Leader, Donald Trump. This is not just conventional politicking. It is malicious propaganda and anti-American. And that is, sadly, what the Republican Party has become in the Era of Trump.


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Marjorie Taylor Greene is ‘Dreaming’ of Having Evidence of Corruption Against President Biden

The Republican Party spent most of 2023 weaving whacko fantasies of felonious wrongdoing by President Biden. And the new year finds them spinning ever more of the same delusional tales of corruption and self-dealing that, if true, would have made Biden a multi-billionaire by now. That, of course, isn’t the case. But far be it for the GOP to succumb to rationality or facts.

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Marjorie Taylor Greene, QAnon

The Republican’s “Biden Compulsive Disorder” that is causing them to cling so fiercely to their quixotic, criminal contortions, has consumed the GOP political agenda. Which is why they have nothing to run on in this election year, other than promises of partisan retribution, terminating Obamacare, book bans, and relentless fear mongering about scary immigrants and a looming economic collapse.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Fear Mongering Lies About ‘Streets Drenched in Blood’ Reach New Depths of Depravity

Fulfilling its role as the GOP’s Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News invited Marjorie Taylor Greene on to discuss the phony issue of Biden’s alleged criming. She told Maria Bartiromo that Republicans on the House Oversight Committee have “serious evidence” of a “complete unbelievable amount of corruption” that “the Democrats don’t want to admit.” She elaborated saying that…

“You know, they pitch fits and temper tantrums and claim we don’t have evidence. But the reason why they’re doing that is because they’re looking at the same evidence that we have with Jamie Raskin and other Democrats on the committee. They know what we are in possession of. They could only dream of having this kind of evidence against president Trump and his family. And they were never able to produce it because all of their attacks were lies.”

That’s quite an admission on Greene’s part. To be clear, she is affirming that the reason Democrats say that Republicans have no evidence is that they have seen what Republicans have. “They know what we are in possession of,” says Greene. Which, apparently, is nothing. So Greene is, in effect, validating what the Democrats are saying.

The fact that Republicans have utterly failed in their efforts to smear Biden was established long ago. Oversight Committee chair, James Comer has repeatedly made a fool of himself in hearings wherein his own witnesses testified that Biden had done nothing wrong.

SEE ALSO: YES OR NO? GOP Biden Basher Can’t Answer Hannity’s Question About Bogus Bribery Allegations

Meanwhile, there is abundant proof of the criminality of Donald Trump. Democrats don’t have to “dream” at all. Trump is currently facing 91 felony charges that are backed up by documents and testimony, primarily from Republicans. And these charges were not brought by Democrats, but by citizens serving on Grand Juries.

For good measure, during the same interview, Greene provided an example of her alleged evidence against Biden. Referencing telephone calls that Biden was on with his son, Hunter (about which a Republican witness testified under oath that no business was ever discussed), Greene demonstrated that she is not only a pathological liar, but now she is claiming that Joe Biden is conversing with the dead over the phone. And she thinks Democrats are dreaming?


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GOP Scandal Mongers Float a Wild New Impeachment Charge Against Biden for Talking to his Son

The Republican Party is clearly suffering from severe and debilitating delusions about President Biden. They are freakishly fixated on their bizarre and wholly unwarranted determination to implicate him for some (any) crime and to remove him office for whatever imaginary offense they manufacture.

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Joe Biden, GOP, Elephant

Republicans have held their razor-thin (and shrinking) majority in the House of Representatives for nearly a year now. And in that time they have fanatically focused on their depraved Biden obsession to the exclusion of everything else, including avoiding a debt ceiling default, funding the government, supporting allies in Israel and Ukraine, reforming immigration policy, and much more. Their BCD (Biden Compulsive Disorder) has resulted in the House breaking the modern records for inactivity and ineptitude.

SEE THIS: DO-NOTHING CONGRESS? The Republican House of Representatives is the Most Productive Ever (LOL)

The latest fabrication from the GOP Bullsh*t Factory is a real doozy. A couple of weeks ago Hunter Biden spoke on the steps of the Capitol to inform Republicans that he was ready to testify before their committee in public hearings. But the GOP committee chairs, Jim Jordan and James Comer, refused, insisting that he be deposed behind closed doors.

The GOP’s position is predictable considering how badly they have been humiliated in their previous public hearings. Their own witnesses testified that President Biden had done nothing wrong. They only want to conduct future hearings in private so that they can lie about it afterward. And now that Hunter has called their bluff, they are inventing new allegations that make no sense at all. As reported by The Hill…

“House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) and House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) are suggesting that President Biden may have ‘engaged in a conspiracy to obstruct a proceeding of Congress’ if he knew that his son Hunter Biden planned to defy a congressional subpoena […] and said it ‘could constitute an impeachable offense.'”

WTF? This charge boils down to the GOP asserting that Biden can be impeached for the high crime of talking to his son. There is absolutely no constitutional prohibition of presidents discussing things that their children might tell reporters about pending litigation. It would be different if Biden were interfering with the Justice Department, but there is no hint of evidence of anything remotely approaching that.

Jordan and Comer are also saying that a refusal to comply with a congressional subpoena constitutes obstruction of Congress. That’s just plain preposterous. Congress is not impeded from functioning simply because a single witness disputes the validity of a subpoena and declines to testify. But if it were true, then Jim Jordan is the one who should be prosecuted. He has been refusing to comply with a congressional subpoena for over a year now. And you can add Trump flunkies Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro, and Dan Scavino, to the list of those subpoena evaders who are contemptuous of Congress.

SEE ALSO: Rep Swalwell Skewers GOP Committee Chair Jim Jordan for Hypocritical Attack on Merrick Garland

To make matters worse, Comer scampered off to a right-wing cable outlet to complain about his being ignored by Hunter Biden. He whined to Newsmax that…

“I’ve told my colleagues in the Republican conference, if Hunter Biden doesn’t comply with our subpoena then we might as well throw the subpoena power away cause nobody’s gonna comply with a congressional subpoena. The fact that the Democrats used their subpoenas for political reasons, for fishing expeditions, and here we have a credible investigation where we’ve been transparent with the American people, we have mountains of evidence.”

Comer’s complaint about the value of congressional subpoenas is a little late considering all of the Republicans who have already devalued it. The difference is that Democrats didn’t cry like babies when Republicans didn’t show. Democrats presented their evidence and moved on. Republicans, however, can’t do that because they don’t actually have any evidence. Which is the reason they always end up resorting to whining so pathetically instead. What else can they do?


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