Trump Attorney Makes Rare Honest Admission that ‘He Doesn’t Do What’s Popular or What’s Right’

One thing that Donald Trump has never seemed to get a grasp on is how to assess and hire his legal representatives. He has left a trail of attorneys who fell from grace either because they saw the light and quit, or because he decided they were incompetent all along and fired them.

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Donald Trump, Woman, Fear

Trump turned on his own Attorney’s General, Jeff Sessions and Bill Barr, who he now regards as ignorant and weak losers. And many of Trump’s private lawyers (i.e. Rudy Giuliani, Sydney Powell, Jenna Ellis, John Eastman, Kenneth Chesebro, Jeff Clark) have either been sanctioned or disbarred, or are now co-defendants in his criminal enterprise. Which has caused him to question his own legal recruitment capabilities…

SEE THIS: IT’S FOOL! Trump Ponders Whether ‘Any Attorney that Represents Me is Either a Fool or a Patriot’

Weighing in in favor of the “fool” team, the lawyer for Trump’s superPAC, Alina Habba, visited the Trump-fluffing network, Newsmax, on Thursday to argue his case against the multitude of pending criminal indictments and felony charges. Her defense took a bizarre, and uncharacteristically honest detour when she asserted that…

“Elected officials have to do what’s popular, and sometimes not what’s right. And that’s a problem. That’s I think why people get nervous with Trump. He doesn’t do what’s popular or what’s right. I…um…er… cause he only does what’s right. He doesn’t do what’s popular.”

Phew. That was close. Habba caught herself after accidentally telling the truth that Trump “doesn’t do what’s right.” That’s obvious in light of his current legal tribulations. People who do what’s right generally aren’t showered with indictments. However, Habba still maintains that Trump “doesn’t do what’s popular.” And that is affirmed by virtually every poll of the American people who oppose his positions on everything from immigration to taxes to Ukraine to abortion and more. So Habba was right the first time. What Trump does is neither popular nor right.

The track record for Trump’s legal team is downright pitiful. They have already lost more than 60 court cases challenging the election outcome; lawsuits affirming his fraudulent operation of a charity and a university; and the recent case where a jury agreed that he defamed and sexually abused writer, E. Jean Carroll. But Habba may be the worst of the lot. In a recent interview on Fox News, Habba responded to a question about the legal peril that Trump faces by asserting that he’s living in a fantasy world where such troubles don’t exist…

SEE ALSO: Trump’s Attorney Tells Fox News He’s Not Facing Reality, He’s Denying the Prospect of Prison

No wonder Trump is engaging in ever greater freak outs the close he gets to his trial dates. Despite his efforts to wear a mask of phony bravado, his seething fears are leaking through with every new post on his failing social media scam, Truth Social. In the meantime, Trump himself is contributing to his dreadful defense by pretending to introduce “evidence” of his innocence that makes a better case for his guilt. And given the prevailing trends, he’s going straight downhill from here.

RELATED: Trump Posts His ‘Proof’ of Election Fraud in Georgia that Actually Proves Election Integrity

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Trump’s Attorney Tells Fox News He’s Not Facing Reality, He’s Denying the Prospect of Prison

No rational observer is ever going to characterize Donald Trump as someone who has a firm grip on reality. He lies with extraordinary abandon, and constantly presents a version of the world that is in stark contrast to the one that the rest of us live in. However, it is still rather astonishing that his own lawyer takes the position that he is something less than cognizant of the circumstances he faces and the legal peril that is looming.

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Donald Trump, Prison

After being indicted on 37 felony charges ranging from obstruction justice to violations of the Espionage Act, Trump is suffering a severe mental meltdown that is evident in his remarks in public and online. And he isn’t getting much help from his legal team, two of whom he dismissed immediately after the indictments were announced. One of his remaining attorneys, Alina Habba, has been making the rounds of right-wing media to attempt to state his case. But she has not been particularly effective.

RELATED STORY: HUH? Trump’s Lawyer Accuses Special Counsel Jack Smith of ‘Scaring’ Mark Meadows Into Testifying

On Sunday morning Habba was interviewed by Shannon Bream on Fox News, who actually asked a pretty good question. She did not, however, get a very good response…

Bream: “I know you’ve been with the president. What is his mood? I mean, a conviction here on any number or multiple of these charges could be decades in jail. Has that sunk in?”
Habba: No, I don’t think he’s thinking of it that way, and I don’t really think that’s a realistic way to think about this case. He’s done nothing wrong. He said that this is completely politically motivated. It’s election interference at its best by a political opponent.

For any criminal defendant to approach a case this serious with the view that it’s not “realistic” to consider the prospect of decades in prison if convicted, is bizarre, to say the least. It’s an admission that Trump isn’t facing reality at all. And the defenses that Habba floats (“politically motivated,” “election interference”) are equally distant from reality. But then again, she is not an especially qualified lawyer. She went on to say…

“So to his credit, and the world should understand, an indictment is a one-sided document. He has a defense. The defense is real. He had the Presidential Records Act, which only he has in play. Hillary Clinton didn’t have that. Biden didn’t have that. And we’ll put that defense on. The team he’s going to have will be strong and knows exactly what they’re doing.”

Habba’s assertion that the Presidential Records Act is a defense ignores the fact that Trump’s indictment doesn’t charge him with anything related to that. It is never even mentioned. What’s more, it wouldn’t exonerate him if it were included. And her deflecting to Hillary Clinton and President Biden is just plain pathetic. Whatever crimes she thinks they committed, it wouldn’t have any bearing on Trump’s guilt or innocence. Although, she has apparently coordinated with Trump as to what their legal strategy should be…

SEE THIS: Crybaby Trump’s Indictment Defense Strategy Revealed: Whine Endlessly About President Biden

Habba also praises Trump’s legal team, which currently consists of just one newly named lawyer, Todd Blanche, who has yet to actually assemble a team. So she can hardly pretend to know that Trump’s team “knows exactly what they’re doing.” However, another lawyer who has had some history with Trump – his former Attorney General, Bill Barr – has an opinion that diverges significantly from the Trump defense. Barr now says about the Trump indictment that “If even half of it is true, HE’S TOAST!”

Consequently, Trump is running around crying about being a victim and the target of “Deep State” persecutors who hate him. He’s trying desperately to rile up his cult followers and incite them to commit more acts of violence on his behalf. So far, that isn’t working. But it’s still too soon to rule out the harm that could be done by the crackpots who have devoted themselves to his malicious MAGA movement. He is a clear and present danger to the nation, and has already predicted a political apocalypse should he be held to account for his crimes.

SEE ALSO: Trump Warns of ‘Death and Destruction’ if He is Indicted for Crimes that He Actually Committed

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HUH? Trump’s Lawyer Accuses Special Counsel Jack Smith of ‘Scaring’ Mark Meadows Into Testifying

As the walls close in around serial crime boss, Donald Trump, he and his lawyers are becoming ever more desperate and downright deranged in their response to the legal peril that he faces. Many analysts are predicting that the Grand Jury investigations are winding up and that indictments against Trump are imminent.

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Donald Trump, Woman, Fear

For his part, Trump is exhibiting acute anxiety in the increasingly hysterical comments he’s posting on his floundering Twitter scam, Truth Social. He knows what he did, and he knows that special counsel Jack Smith and other prosecutors know as well. So he’s lashing out viciously as if that sort of impotent rage will frighten prosecutors into abandoning their lawful duty.

SEE ALSO: Crybaby Trump is Panicking Over the Likelihood that He is About to Be Criminally Indicted

On Wednesday one of Trump’s remaining lawyers, Alina Habba, appeared on Newsmax to continue trying his case in the right-wing media. But her arguments were not only pitifully weak, they actually complimented Smith and the special counsel team. Newsmax host Carl Higbie began by raising the subject of Trump’s former White House chief of staff, Mark Meadows, potentially flipping on Trump…

Higbie: It comes out that Mark Meadows is actually working with the prosecution to essentially get a plea deal, to plead guilty to certain things that help the prosecution against Donald Trump. What?
Habba: Yes, That he has immunity. That’s what we’re hearing. It’s obviously news to me. I just learned it with you. But yeah, that’s what we’re hearing. He was granted immunity. So effectively, he would be a key witness against the president and give testimony in opposition of him. As we’ve seen time and time again. This is what they did to Allen Weisselberg in the D.A. case in New York. This is what they do time and again to anybody that is close to the Trump world, to president Trump. Because they have nothing. So they have to squeeze people, scare people, and intimidate them into testifying in the direction that they want. It’s very disturbing.

I’m sure that it is indeed “very disturbing” to the Trump team to have Trump’s closest aide testifying for the prosecution. However, there is nothing unusual or untoward about prosecutors employing legal tactics to persuaded witnesses to reveal what they know about criminal activity. In fact, it is rather common. The best witnesses are often those who are close to, or conspiring with, the accused criminals.

Offering immunity is an appropriate way of eliciting honest and candid testimony. It is not done when prosecutors have nothing. To the contrary, they must have something in order to trade leniency for testimony. And that testimony must be truthful or the whole immunity deal is canceled. So it would do no good for the witness to lie just to tell the prosecutor what he wants to hear.

What Habba is mischaracterizing as “squeezing and scaring people” is standard operating procedure for prosecutors. So in effect, she is complimenting the special counsel team for their effectiveness and fealty to the law, and to the American people who they serve.

For the record, the assertions by both Higbie and Habba that Meadows was offered and took a plea deal are the product of their imaginations. Meadows’ lawyer has adamantly denied that he took any plea deal. However he didn’t deny that Meadows was granted “limited immunity” in exchange for his testimony. But that alone was enough to terrify Trump, who raged that…

“No one has told me I’m being indicted … but I have assumed for years that I am a Target of the WEAPONIZED DOJ & FBI.” [and that it is] “A TRAVESTY OF JUSTICE & ELECTION INTERFERENCE AT A LEVEL NEVER SEEN BEFORE. REPUBLICANS IN CONGRESS MUST MAKE THIS THEIR # 1 ISSUE!!!”

That’s a pretty astute assumption on Trump’s part. However, it is preposterous to think that Republicans in Congress should make his legal tribulations their #1 issue. After all, they haven’t exhausted the “woke mind virus” yet. Trump later added that the “DOJ, FBI, NEW YORK A.G., NEW YORK D.A., ATLANTA D.A. FASCISTS ALL!” It’s amazing how many fascists Trump thinks have infiltrated the halls of justice in America. On the other hand, it may be time to increase the dosages of his meds.

RELATED STORY: Trump Warns of ‘Death and Destruction’ if He is Indicted for Crimes that He Actually Committed

UPDATE: The special counsel has finally issued indictments for Trump.

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Judge Trashes Trump’s Attorneys for ‘Deliberate Disregard for the Truth’ in Kooky Clinton Lawsuit

The lunatic litigiousness of Donald Trump continues to provide unending hours of entertainment for court watchers who enjoy a good farce. Trump’s lawyers seem to be alumni of Barnum and Bailey’s Clown School of Law and Laughs. They are expert practitioners of the “Pie in the Face” doctrine of jurisprudence.

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Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton

Earlier this year Trump filed a spectacularly ludicrous lawsuit against Hillary Clinton and nearly fifty other people who the suit describes as “her cohorts.” The suit alleged a conspiracy against Trump aimed at “destroying his life.” The list of defendants is itself a comedic exercise in extremist overreaching that includes Clinton, along with numerous Democratic operatives and FBI officials.

That lawsuit was pure paranoid bullpucky that any reputable lawyer – or fiction author – would be embarrassed to be associated with. And it was summarily was dismissed with the Judge ruling that Trump was “seeking to flaunt a two-hundred-page political manifesto outlining his grievances against those that have opposed him.”

RELATED: Trump’s Loopy Lawsuit Against Hillary Clinton and ‘Her Cohorts’ Reads Like Sleazy Pulp Fiction

On Thursday Team Trump suffered yet another legal humiliation. The judge presiding over the lawsuit sternly scolded Trump’s attorneys for presenting a case that was “either knowingly false or made in reckless disregard for the truth.” But the judge was just getting started. As reported by CNN the judged elaborated saying that the suit was…

“’Not just initiated by a shotgun pleading, this was a shotgun lawsuit. Thirty-one individuals and organizations were summoned to court, forced to hire lawyers to defend against frivolous claims,’ the judge wrote. ‘The only common thread against them was Mr. Trump’s animus.’

“Middlebrooks added: ‘Plaintiff deliberately misrepresented public documents by selectively using some portions while omitting other information including findings and conclusions that contradicted his narrative. … It was too frequent to be accidental. Every claim was frivolous, most barred by settled, well-established existing law. These were political grievances masquerading as legal claims.’

“‘This cannot be attributed to incompetent lawyering,’ he wrote. ‘It was a deliberate use of the judicial system to pursue a political agenda.'”

The judge concluded by ordering the attorneys, including, Trump’s TV camera-seeking counsel, Alina Habba, to pay $50,000 to the court and more than $16,000 in legal fees to just one of the defendants. So now Trump’s lawyers not only have to worry about never getting paid by Trump, they also have to budget for financial sanctions due to their incompetent representation of him. Will they ever learn?

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