WHUT? Trump’s ‘Legal’ Spokesmodel Whines on Fox News She’s ‘Not Even Sure What the Crime Is’

In the earliest days of Donald Trump’s political misadventures, he promised that he would hire only “the best people” He then proceeded to appoint dozens of officials to top positions in his administration who he later declared were unqualified, dishonest, and incompetent. According to Trump himself, he employed an army of imbeciles that he eventually had to fire because they were, in his view, too inept to serve.

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The parade of “losers” that Trump foisted on the nation included his White House Chiefs of Staff (Kelly, Mulvaney), Attorneys General (Sessions, Barr), Secretary of State (Tillerson), Secretary of Defense (Esper), National Security Advisor (Bolton), U.N. Ambassador (Haley), and many more. That’s just for starters. To be sure, most of them were equally contemptuous of Trump after they had worked for him for a short while.

SEE THIS: Trump is Running for President So He Can Appoint More People He Will Eventually Call Losers

So it shouldn’t surprise anyone to learn that Trump has been enlisting legal representation from among America’s most scummy solicitors. It takes an already ethically suspect person to agree to work for Trump in any capacity. So former parking lot lawyer Alina Habba certainly fits the bill.

Habba appears to have been demoted from her position as an attorney for Trump, to his designated MAGA media spokesperson. And in that capacity she appeared on Fox News Sunday morning to offer her views on the trial in Manhattan where Trump is being tried on felony charges of falsifying business records and campaign finance fraud (sometimes known as the “Hush Money” case). She told Fox News she believes that the prosecutors have no case, saying that…

“They have no facts. Let’s be clear. I sat through this trial, and I would tell you if I was concerned on a factual basis. I’m not speaking now to posture for the president, but just generally as an attorney, as an American who understands the law and how to apply laws to facts. There are no facts that support this alleged crime. We’re not even sure what the crime is.”

Let’s unpack that brief but loaded paragraph of poppy-cockiness. To begin with, prosecutors entered into evidence an abundance of both documentary and testimonial facts. They included signed checks, invoices, memos, emails, articles, and witness accounts that tied Trump to the crimes that are alleged. Ever cowardly, Trump never bothered to testify himself to refute any of it. Habba may have been too busy doing quick hits on Fox News and Newsmax to have seen much of the trial.

Furthermore, Habba’s assertion that she was making these comments “as an American,” rather than as Trump’s designated spokesperson is simply preposterous. However, her subsequent claim that she is “not even sure what the crime is,” is entirely believable given her ineptitude as a lawyer. She might want to take a look at the prosecutor’s filing to see the specific state and federal violations that are plainly cited.

It is pathetic that a legal spokesperson would admit on national television that she has no idea what the case she is discussing is about. And how that admission would benefit her client is mystery. But what isn’t mysterious is Habba’s regurgitation of the rhetoric that Trump disgorges nearly every day. She maligns Judge Juan Merchan as “severely conflicted,” although she declines to say why citing the gag order on Trump (not her).

Then, in a preemptive attack on the eventual verdict, she says that she has “zero confidence” that the judge will draft appropriate jury instructions. That’s her way of laying the groundwork to later claim that the jury was biased and the trial was rigged. She appears to be expecting a guilty verdict.

Habba is, however, serving her client’s purpose. While she is on Fox News, he is free to make personal appearances, such as the one Saturday night at the Libertarian Party Convention, where he was brutally booed from the moment he hit the stage. He also had time to post comments on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, about the speech.

Trump usually posts videos of such appearances on his website but, for some reason, this time he only posted still images with bits of rancid written commentary. Clearly he could not post the videos because of all the booing. Heaven forbid that any of his glassy-eyed disciples find out how truly despised he is outside of his cult bubble.


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Trump’s Legal Weasel Waffles on Whether Trump Will Testify at His ‘Hush Money’ Trial

Donald Trump’s criminal trial for falsifying business records and election interference (sometimes known as the “Hush Money” case) may be approaching the end as attorneys on both sides begin to wrap up their witness examinations. The judge has tentatively scheduled Tuesday, May 28, for closing arguments.

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Donald Trump Sweating

Among the most eagerly anticipated events in this trial has been the question as to whether or not Trump would testify in his own defense. Most legal experts have held that it would be highly unlikely that Trump would take the oath and expose himself to potentially damaging cross-examination and perjury. For his part, Trump has wavered between contradictory statements insisting that would testify because he has nothing to hide, and whining, falsely, that he would not be able to testify due ot his gag order.

SEE THIS: Trump Fixates on Fox News Phonies While Lying that a Gag Order Prohibits Him from Testifying

On Monday morning Trump’s legal spokesperson, Alina Habba, was interviewed on Fox News, where she seems to have more airtime than any of their hosts. Sandra Smith raised the matter of Trump’s testimony with Habba, but as is often the case, she got a vague response.

Smith: What would be in the thought process to testify or not testify on the part of the former president?
Habba: He’s got to listen to his attorneys. It’s not as much what he wants to do. We know Trump wants to testify. He’s willing, he’s able, he… nothing to hide all. He’s absolutely ready to tell the truth. Frankly, I think his truth has already spoken. He was in the White House while somebody in accounting booked a legal fee payment as a legal expense. It’s pretty quick and it would be a pretty short testimony as far as the questions that would need to be asked, because he had no part in it.

If Trump were “ready to tell the truth” it would be a first for him. And if he had nothing to hide he would jump at the chance to take the stand. He has said repeatedly that he would do so. But now, according to Habba, he needs to consult with his attorneys. Which would actually be the smart thing for him to do. Because if his testimony was anything like what Habba told Fox News, he would be sliced and diced by the prosecutor.

Habba’s defense argument is that Trump, a notorious micromanager, wasn’t a part of the decisions surrounding his payment of hundreds of thousands of dollars to a porn star. And if Trump told the court under oath that he didn’t know how the payments were booked, or that he thought they were booked properly as legal expenses, he would be committing perjury. So yeah…he better listen to his lawyers, and keep his mouth shut.

Habba herself went on to lie about the prosecution of Trump, saying that…

“We have a D.A. that has been politically motivated since the minute he decided to run for office [and] the only time he decided to bring this case was after president Trump announced that he would be running for reelection.”

For the record, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg filed the 34 felony charges against Trump on April 4, 2023, after a grand jury issued the indictments. That was five months after Trump officially announced his campaign for 2024. Although Trump had informally stated almost immediately after President Biden was inaugurated that he would be running again. Either way, the charges were clearly not in response to Trump’s electoral ambitions.

On the same Fox News program, Habba complained that Trump was “limited as to what he can speak to,” and that “A witness can come up and say things that he knows are untrue, and he can’t say anything back.” Which is also patently false. Trump can, of course, testify under oath, just like the other witnesses that he says are lying.

So, will Trump exercise his rights to defend himself and forthrightly refute the testimony of the other witnesses, who are almost all his former close associates and/or employees? Don’t hold your breath. While his ego-driven inclination may be to do so, his lawyers will likely revolt if he refuses to take their advice and clam up. And it’s notable that Trump has promised to testify in other trials, but ultimately chickened out then as well.

That’s Trump’s standard operating procedure, and there is no reason to assume that it isn’t in effect now. So what we will see from Trump, rather than testimony on the witness stand under oath, are flagrant lies in the hallway outside the courtroom. And even after a conviction we’ll have to endure his yammering about the “rigged” trial and appeals processes. But hopefully an electoral landslide for Biden in November might actually zip Trump’s pie hole. That will be up to the American people to deliver. So you know what to do.


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Trump’s Lawyer on Fox News Refuses to Rule Out Getting Russia to Pay His $454 Million Judgment

The trials and tribulations of Donald Trump continue to trigger his ultra-thin, spray-tanned skin. He is currently sweating out at least 88 felony charges on matters ranging from election interference, to stealing and hoarding classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago hotel/home. He’s already been been found civilly liable for defamation and sexual assault, and financial fraud.

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Donald Trump Vladimir Putin

With regard to the financial fraud affair, Trump was ordered to pay $454 million in penalties for deliberately misstating the value of his assets in order to fraudulently obtain more favorable terms for loans and tax obligations. Ever since then, Trump has been whining petulantly about being held accountable for his gross misconduct, for which he thinks he should have “total immunity.”

SEE THIS: Felonious Punk Trump Demands ‘TOTAL IMMUNITY’ – Even for Acts that ‘CROSS THE LINE’

The nearly half billion dollars Trump now owes is weighing considerably on him financially and emotionally. He is complaining that he cannot come up with the money to pay the judgement, or a bond to guarantee it. Never mind that he and his attorneys have previously insisted that he has more than enough to cover the judgment. In a deposition he gave last year Trump claimed that “We have a lot of cash. Substantially in excess of $400 million in cash…and going up very substantially every month.”

That appears to be another Trump lie. In a comment posted to his floundering Truth Social scam, he is now declaring that the judgment is “impossible” for him pay. He called the judge a “Radical Left…true Trump Hater” and lied that “When I win the Appeal, all of that money is gone.” For the record, he is unlikely to win the appeal,, but even if he did, the money would then be returned to him.

Meanwhile, Trump’s parking lot lawyer, Alina Habba, was on Fox News again demonstrating her extraordinary ability to make things far worse for her client than prior to her babbling interview. In an exchange with Fox News host Marth MacCallum, Habba implicated Trump in some international intrigue…

MacCallum: Is there any effort on the part of your team to secure this money through another country, Saudi Arabia or Russia, as Joy Behar seems to think?”
Habba: Well, there’s rules and regulations that are public. I can’t speak about strategy, that requires certain things and we have to follow those rules. Like I said, this is manifest injustice. It is impossible — it is an impossibility. I believe they knew that…It’s the demise of our country, not the demise of Trump.

And there you have it. Habba could have easily denied that Trump would ever consider seeking funds from foreign dictators to satisfy his personal legal bills. But she didn’t. And the prospect of Trump keeping that option open makes him a grave threat to national security. He would be beholden to the likes of Vladimir Putin or Mohammed bin Salman.

Even before this revelation, it was apparent that Trump is threat to American democracy. He incited a violent insurrection in an attempt steal the 2020 election. He has yearned for the tyrannical powers of dictators like Putin, Xi Jinping, and Kim Jong Un. He pledges to persecute and imprison his political foes. He has said that he would “terminate” parts of the Constitution.

SEE ALSO: Trump Literally Calls for Termination of the Constitution and FREAKS OUT Over Bogus Fox News Story

Trump even said explicitly – more than once – that he would rule as a dictator “on day one.” And anyone who believes that he would relinquish his dictatorship the next day is terminally naïve, or a MAGA cult disciple. Which is, of course, redundant. It would have made much more sense if that’s what Habba really had in mind when she warned about “the demise of our country.” But unfortunately, she is just as compromised and anti-American as Trump.


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Trump’s Parking Lot Lawyer on Newsmax: Biden is Bringing in Migrants to Vote for Him in November

The past few weeks have seen Donald Trump suffer some of the worst legal catastrophes in modern times. He was found liable for the defamation and sexual harassment of writer E. Jean Carroll, and ordered to pay $88 million. That was followed by a $354 million judgment for financial fraud

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Donald Trump, Immigrant, Child

In the wake of those crippling losses, the attorney representing Trump, parking lot lawyer Alina Habba, is now making the rounds on MAGA media to talk about completely unrelated matters. In fact, they are purely political matters that are not remotely related to her legal duties. Which shouldn’t surprise anyone who has been watching her for the past several months. Many of her media appearances have focused on the same bizarre tirades that Trump babbles about at his cult rallies.

FOR INSTANCE: Trump’s Lawyer Issues Hysterical Challenge, Daring Hunter Biden to Put Trump on the Stand

On a recent visit to the friendly environs of Newsmax, Habba was asked whether President Biden could be held responsible for the tragic murder of a student in Georgia, allegedly by an immigrant from Venezuela. It is, of course, a ridiculous question that is intended only to blame Biden personally for any and all crimes committed anywhere in America. Never mind that crime has fallen significantly during the Biden administration, particularly “in cities that have received the most migrants.” Unfazed by facts, Newsmax and Habba set about to attack Biden with an especially ludicrous conspiracy theory…

Newsmax Host: Does Joe Biden have blood on his hands at this point?
Habba: 100%. Look, the whole thing with our borders, the whole thing with them bringing these people in so that they could vote in November because they need 10 million more votes to beat Trump. They need more than that. Frankly, this is all by design, and it’s not about keeping us safe. New Yorkers are not safe. America is not safe. And Joe Biden is more concerned with his polls, which he can’t win fair and square because the man can’t even walk. So he has to do this.

HOLY CRAP: So according to Habba, Biden is actually rounding up migrants – probably criminals – and “bringing these people in so that they could vote in November.” Habba doesn’t explain how he plans to get them registered to vote, show up at the polls, and tabulate their ballots, when there is no legal way that any of that can happen. Even legal immigrants must go through a process that takes years before they are eligible to vote.

If that pitiful ignorance of the law wasn’t bad enough, Habba was compelled to malign Biden’s mental and/or physical fitness by charging that he has to recruit these foreigners “because the man can’t even walk.” A real journalist might have followed up by asking Habba “What the f*** does that have to do with anything?” All she’s doing is opening up the conversation to include Trump’s more obvious cognitive decline. Then Habba goes on to make preposterous inferences to Fentanyl (which is mostly smuggled in at legal ports of entry by Americans), and more baseless allegations of electoral cheating.

Furthermore, if an aspiring election fraudster wanted to create phony voters, why would they need immigrants at all? There are millions of Americans who don’t vote and aren’t registered. Their names could be used to manufacture fake voters. Importing people who are likely to be caught and deported would be a much riskier operation And more complex and expensive as well. Plus, it would be taking illegal jobs from native born American criminals.

It is no secret where Habba is getting these idiotic lines of inquiry. They come directly from her boss, Donald Trump. He recently posted a comment on his failing social media scam, Truth Social, that asserted the same asinine argument. Trump whined that…

“It’s becoming more and more obvious to me why the ‘Crazed’ Democrats are allowing millions and millions of totally unvetted migrants into our once great Country. IT’S SO THEY CAN VOTE, VOTE, VOTE. They are signing them up at a rapid pace, without even knowing who the hell they are. It all makes sense now.”

MORE HERE: PHEW! Trump Says He Has Figured Out Why Biden is ‘Allowing’ Millions of Migrants Into America

Finally. It all makes sense. Thank goodness we have Trump and Habba to enlighten us all to these alternative facts. And to keep us appropriately frightened of them nefarious ferners.


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LOCK HER UP: NY Attorney General Letitia James Took Off Her Shoes During Trump’s Fraud Hearing

This week there was a historic court judgment against a former president of the United States. Donald Trump was found to have committed massive fraud in an effort to enrich himself via favorable loan and insurance rates that he was not entitled to. The court imposed a $350 million penalty on Trump.

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Needless to say, Trump and his legal team were not pleased with that ruling. As usual Trump delivered a stream of frenzied posts on his failing social media scam, Truth Social, that continued his relentless and childish insults aimed at the judge, the prosecutors, witnesses, and media.

SEE THIS: ‘It May Just Be that Mr. Trump is Incoherent’ – Says NBC Legal Analyst About Trump’s Testimony

However, in a bid to outdo Trump’s own berserk behavior, his lawyer, Alina Habba, rushed into the warm arms of Sean Hannity on Fox News to whine about what a terrible world they are forced to live in. A world where criminals are held accountable for their crimes, and where there are consequences for deliberate violations of the law.

What made Habba’s appearance on Hannity’s show even more amusing, is how she chose to defend Trump following the devastating judgment against him. Did she bring up any legal arguments that attest to his innocence? Did she cite any flaws in the court’s procedures? Did she offer any proof of bias? Nope. Here is what Habba felt was her most compelling rebuttal to the ruling…

“Ms. James had her shoes off in court. Let’s not forget that. I called it out in the closing arguments. But it’s true. She had a Starbucks coffee in her hand. She wasn’t doing work, and she wasn’t sitting at the counsel table. She was in the back with her shoes off and a coffee. And at the end of the day, we’re sitting there looking at this going ‘this is the state of our country.'”

That’s right! New York Attorney General Letitia James had the audacity to briefly remove her shoes while watching the proceedings. And to make matters worse, she was DCWB (Drinking Coffee While Barefoot). These will surely be among Habba’s main points in her motion to appeal. But she went on to say that…

“AGs are so comfortable in court that they know they don’t even have to do the job. They don’t have to do the work. They’re going to let their people do it, and they’re going to sit there and they’re going to win. That’s a problem. So we will go to the next level. We are going to people that aren’t running on a campaign, running to get Trump before they are event in office, and we will win.”

Apparently Habba thinks that Attorneys General take the lead in prosecutions conducted by their office. That is almost never true. They are managers, more often than litigators. So James was, in fact, doing her job. Not that Habba really cares about that.

As for James being “comfortable in court” with the prospect of winning, why wouldn’t she be? The mountain of evidence against Trump was as good a predictor of success as any prosecutor has ever had. Judge Engoron noted that “this defense is wholly undercut by the overwhelming evidence adduced at trial.”

So shoes or not, James was understandably comfortable. And Trump is just as understandably scared. This was a devastating civil judgment, but the criminal cases are still to come.


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Is Trump Ditching Loser Lawyer Alina Habba to Appeal the $83 Million E Jean Carroll Judgment?

It was just a matter of time. Following last week’s historic $83.3 million judgment against Donald Trump for sexually assaulting and defaming writer E. Jean Carroll, Trump is maneuvering to shift the blame for his own despicable actions away from himself and unto any handy patsy within arm’s reach. Unfortunately for his attorney, Alina Habba, she happened to nearby.

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Donald Trump, Woman, Fear

Trump’s notorious tendency to throw allies under the bus speeding, out of control freight train, ought to give anyone considering working with him pause. That’s especially true for lawyers, who he is known to stiff after they have provided their services (just ask Rudy Giuliani). Which in some sense is understandable since he generally refuses to heed their legal advice anyway. Particularly if it involves advising him to keep his fat mouth shut to avoid making things worse.

SEE THIS: Fearful Trump Unleashes a Flurry of Frantic Posts Attacking His Rape Victim, E. Jean Carroll

In the wake of the massive Carroll judgment, Trump continues to pretend that others are responsible for his legal tribulations. In a post-midnight comment on his failing social media scam, Truth Social, Trump posted what appears to be a help wanted ad for new legal representation. He is either terminating Habba, or bringing in reinforcements due to her obvious incompetence. The post began…

“I am in the process, along with my team, of interviewing various law firms to represent me in an Appeal of one of the most ridiculous and unfair Witch Hunts our Country has ever seen – The defamation Sham presided over by a Clinton appointed, highly partisan, Trump Hating Judge, Lewis Kaplan, who was, together with certain other Radical Left Democrat Judges, one of the most partisan and out of control activists that I have ever appeared before.”

This is a rare example of Trump making a good decision. Throughout the Carroll case Habba demonstrated that she was wholly unqualified to defend Trump in the matter. She did little more than screw up the defense and antagonize the judge and jury. While Trump doesn’t directly criticize Habba, his search for new lawyers says clearly enough that he was less than satisfied.

Habba didn’t help herself after the judgment when she filed a letter with the court citing a story in Rupert Murdoch’s disreputable New York Post that said Judge Lewis Kaplan had “mentored” Carroll’s attorney, Roberta Kaplan. Habba called the situation “insane and so incestuous,” and alleged that it was an ethics violation. Attorney Kaplan responded, saying that the “allegations are utterly baseless,” and suggested that she might seek sanctions against Habba. That resulted in Habba quickly retreating, essentially asserting the legal equivalent of Emily Litella’s precedent setting “Never mind!.”

Meanwhile, Trump is also lashing out at Judge Kaplan in a manner that is typical of the world’s biggest crybaby and perennial victim. Anyone who does anything that reflects negatively on Trump is robo-tagged as a “highly partisan, Trump Hating…Radical Left Democrat,” engaging in “ridiculous and unfair Witch Hunts.” But Trump went even further to rage that Judge Kaplan was…

“…a ‘bully’ who demanded two trials, rather than one, denied me Due Process, would not allow me to put forth vital evidence (of which there was much!), and only allowed me to be on the witness stand for minutes, telling my lawyer what to ask, and telling me to only give one word answers, as his wife and friends sat in cordoned off front row seats watching with glee.”

Let’s take a moment to set the record straight here…

  • The judge did not demand two trials. That was Trump’s doing by first defaming Carroll, then, after losing the first lawsuit, defaming her again. Which led to the second hearing.
  • Trump was not denied due process. He was given a fair hearing before a jury of his peers, that complied with established legal procedure, and with his chosen counsel representing him.
  • He was not allowed to present evidence because this wasn’t a trial to determine guilt or innocence. That was established in the first trial. This hearing was only to ascertain what, if any, additional damages would be awarded as a result of his continued offenses.
  • He could have given more testimony, so long as it was in compliance with the court’s rules and not an effort to relitigate the case or dispense campaign propaganda. His lawyer chose to ask only three questions, probably to avoid giving the plaintiff’s attorney more opportunities during cross examination.
  • He was never instructed to give one word answers.
  • Who cares who was in the courtroom and whether they were enjoying themselves? That has nothing to do with the proceedings or the judgment. Most of America was likely experiencing some measure of glee.

Trump closed with a peculiar conclusion that actually contains a morsel of insight…

“This entire HOAX is a disgrace to our American System of Justice. Any lawyer who takes a TRUMP CASE is either ‘CRAZY,’ or a TRUE AMERICAN PATRIOT. I will make my decision soon!”

The truth is that Trump himself is “a disgrace to our American System of Justice.” Not to mention our system of politics. However, given the choice that he presents as to the status of his lawyers, it’s a pretty safe bet that most people would regard anyone who represents Trump, knowing what we know about him, would have to be “CRAZY.”


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Trump’s Lawyer on Fox News Accuses Jack Smith of Contempt of Court – For Doing His Job

This week a federal appeals court will hear arguments relating to Donald Trump’s claim of “presidential immunity” from some the 91 felony charges he is currently facing. It’s a peculiar legal strategy wherein Trump, unlike rational defendants, is choosing to refrain from assertions that he is innocent, in favor of a convincing the court that he is entitled to break any laws that he wants.

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To assist him in this profoundly eccentric defense, Trump has assembled a crack team of attorneys, featuring former parking lot lawyer, Alina Habba. While she has little to no experience in constitutional or criminal law, she does meet Trump’s highest priority for representation: She looks good on TV. Unfortunately for Trump, that doesn’t help him to prevail in any matter of law.

SEE THIS: WTF? Trump Attorney Says He Should Be Free to Defame, Wrongfully Jail, and Incite Insurrections

On Sunday Habba joined Fox News Senior Trump-fluffer, Maria Bartiromo, for a morning mass and adoration of Dear Leader. The services began with Ava Maria offering Habba an opportunity to probe Trump’s latest assault on special counsel Jack Smith.

Bartiromo: First I want to ask you about special counsel Jack Smith. What is President Trump’s reasoning for wanting him to be held in contempt?
Habba: Because he is in contempt. He has clearly ignored the Court’s stay of the decision, the decision is completely disregarded. Just like anything, the radical left are pushing their own agenda.”

So to summarize, the reason Trump wants Smith to be held in contempt is “because he is in contempt.” Which is the same sort of legal genius that holds that a murderer is guilty because he’s guilty. Habba elaborates on her argument by raising the specter of the invisible but ever present “radical left [who] are pushing their own agenda.” Which, of course, has nothing to do with the matters before this court. She then proceeds to explain the details of the case to Bartiromo and the Fox News cult.

“What happened is there was a stay in the proceeding. That means that all actions, all activities on that case must stop until the issue of presidential immunity is addressed. That means that the president would have immunity during the time, as he was sitting president. The same immunity Biden and Obama and everybody else does.”

Habba’s analysis of the law leaves out a couple of critical factors: “Analysis” and “law.” Her assertion that a stay “means that all actions, all activities on that case must stop.” is ludicrous. A stay does not prohibit attorneys on either side from continuing to work independently on their case. Only the court proceedings are paused. If the prosecutor chooses to keep working, but the defense decides to take a break, that is entirely up to them.

Habba is also mistaken with her opinion on “presidential immunity” when she claims that a stay “means that the president would have immunity during the time.” No it doesn’t. The question of immunity, which is the very principle that resulted in the stay, has not been adjudicated and, therefore, Trump cannot be presumed to have it. Particularly the way he defines it that is so preposterously broad that it would indemnify a president from any crime, including murder. Does he really want to set that legal precedent while Joe Biden is still in the White House?

Special Counsel Smith responded to Trump’s contempt charge saying that “the Government intends to comply with its continuing discovery obligations” so that the pretrial schedule can be resumed after the stay is resolved.

Habba also whined that Jack Smith “has continuously filed motions to inundate our team.” That complaint was specifically addressed by Smith in his response. After reiterating that the government has not violated the stay order, he says that…

“Nothing here requires any action by the defendant, and he fails to explain how the mere receipt of discovery materials that he is not obligated to review, or the early filing of Government pleadings to which he does not yet need to respond, possibly burdens him.”

While all of this was going on, Trump was busy posting rambling and incoherent comments on his failing social media scam, Truth Social. Such as his tediously repetitive claim that “The least I am entitled to is Presidential Immunity on Fake Biden Indictments!”

So if anyone is “pushing their own agenda” while the proceedings are stayed, it’s Trump. Likewise, if anyone is violating the court’s stay order, it’s Trump and Habba. At least by their own definitions. All they are really doing is revealing their fear, desperation and ignorance. This may play well among the MAGA minions, but it isn’t going to go very far in a court of law.


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WTF? Trump Attorney Says He Should Be Free to Defame, Wrongfully Jail, and Incite Insurrections

The legal tribulations of Donald Trump have driven him to the farthest reaches of sanity. He has been fiercely defending himself with arguments that assert, not that he is innocent, but that he is entitled to commit any crimes he wants with impunity. it’s what Trump claims is “presidential immunity,” which he believes indemnifies him from everything from jaywalking to hurling his critics off the roof of Trump Tower.

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Trump Fear

In addition to having what he thinks is a universal Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free card, Trump also asserts that any criticism of him is “election interference.” That includes any discussion of all of the documented evidence of his multitude of crimes. So when anyone mentions that he has been found liable for sexual assault and defamation, or that he is currently facing 91 felony charges for crimes ranging from financial fraud to undermining democracy, they are guilty of interfering with his divine right to be re-elected.

SEE THIS: Trump Lawyer Complains that Just Factually Reporting His Legal Problems is Election Interference

To underscore these wholly deviant legal analyses, Trump’s attorney, Alina Habba, visited with Fox News Senior Trump-Fluffer, Sean Hannity, Thursday night. During their chitchat Habba uttered several eye-rollers that were especially troubling for an alleged lawyer. Topping the list was her theory on the boundless authority of presidents in America.

“What I argue is not for President Trump, it’s for all presidents. It’s for the executive branch. We have to have them be able to govern this country in a way without the fear of someone saying you defamed me, you put me in jail for the wrong reason, you were an insurrectionist, when you were actually just asking for election integrity. Actually asking for us to take a close examination to preserve American constitutional democracy.

“That’s what president Trump has done. And presidential immunity is very important. It’s never been questioned because nobody’s ever been prosecuted like Donald Trump.”

Really? Habba’s observation that “nobody’s ever been prosecuted like Donald Trump” is not the exculpatory revelation that she thinks it is. To the contrary, she is reminding everyone that Trump is a historically unprecedented, recidivist, and unrepentant lawbreaker. That said, let’s take a closer look at Habba’s legal theorizing.

When Habba says that presidents should be able to govern without fear of defaming others, she is asserting that they should be allowed to deliberately lie without having to worry about any consequences for it.

When Habba says that presidents should be free from worrying about unjustly incarcerating people, she is arguing for the right of presidents to lock up their opponents on bogus charges.

When Habba says that presidents must not be burdened with concerns about engaging in insurrections, she is indemnifying them from committing treason.

First of all, would Habba really be comfortable with President Biden having these “freedoms”? But more to the point, fear of consequences for defamation, wrongful jailing, overthrowing the government, and other assaults on democracy, are not the legal hamstringing of a political leader. They are proper and healthy constraints on behavior that is anti-constitutional and anti-American.

However, in Habba’s mind – and in Trump’s – that fear is an imposition on what they regard as their immaculate mandate to reign as tyrants. It interferes with their yearning to rule unencumbered by law or the will of the people.

Habba further demonstrated her disrespect for the Constitution when she told Hannity that the 14th Amendment is just “some obscure section of some statute.” She also sent a subtle, mob-style threat to Trump’s Supreme Court appointees that they had better fall in line, saying that “people like Kavanaugh, who the president fought for, who the president went through hell to get into place, [will] step up.”

The one thing that we can be assured of with Habba is that the more she talks, the more likely it is that Trump will be convicted. Which is a trait she shares with Trump himself. So therefore Ms. Habba, please proceed.


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Trump’s Lawyer Issues Hysterical Challenge, Daring Hunter Biden to Put Trump on the Stand

The faux bravado of Republicans and their enablers is a key feature of their political psychoses. They relentlessly present themselves as fearless warriors who will face down the most monstrous adversaries on behalf of the pathetic little people who they pretend to represent. It’s a comical contortion of reality wherein they cast themselves as combatants in the wars on everything from Christmas to windmills.

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Donald Trump WTF

Much of this macho pretense is inspired by the antics of the infamous Cadet Bone Spurs – aka Donald Trump – who sees himself as the MAGA Messiah, coming to the salvation of his cult disciples who are too feeble to take care of themselves. He may be right about the latter, but he is grossly delusional about the former. Trump is a notorious coward who complains incessantly about his perceived victimhood and describes himself as “the most fabulous whiner.”

SEE THIS: Victim-in-Chief: Trump is the most Cowardly, Whining, Crybaby to Ever Be President

On Thursday morning Trump’s attorney, Alina Habba, visited with Maria Bartiromo of Fox News to register her outrage that Trump has been subpoenaed by Hunter Biden with regard to his prosecution on gun and tax charges. According to NBC News

“Hunter Biden asked the judge presiding over his criminal gun charge case to subpoena former President Donald Trump and top officials in his Justice Department, arguing that the investigation into him was the direct result of ‘incessant, improper, and partisan pressure’ from Trump and his allies.

The court filing also issued subpoenas to former Trump associates Bill Barr, Richard Donoghue, and Jeffrey Rosen. It stated that the charges against Hunter were a “vindictive or selective prosecution arising from an unrelenting pressure campaign beginning in the last administration, in violation of Mr. Biden’s Fifth Amendment rights under the Constitution.”

Habba adopted the typically Trumpish air of audaciousness in her response to the subpoenas. Rather than address the matter with rationality or intellect, Habba delivered an impotent challenge that she somehow thought might frighten off Hunter and his legal team. She said that…

“If they are gonna put my client [Donald Trump] on the stand to discuss Hunter Biden, I welc… Go ahead. Go ahead. No, obviously it’s ridiculous. They’re trying to intimidate, and trying to say ‘if you’re gonna attack our kid we’re gonna put you on the stand.’ For what? Saying things that we’ve seen pictures of? Checks that have come from the CCP? Drugs, videos, hookers? I mean, I’m not really sure what their angle is there, but I would advise them to get new counsel.

No, Alina. They are not putting Trump on the stand for the things you mentioned. They are calling him to account for his abuse of power, having improperly used the Justice Department to persecute Hunter and the Biden family. And it shouldn’t surprise anyone that Trump would direct his Attorney General to manufacture allegations against the Bidens and other Democrats. Trump has already declared publicly that he intends to prosecute his political foes if he is reelected.

SEE ALSO: Trump Literally Pledges to Stage ‘RIGGED’ Trials to Punish Democrats for Upholding the Law

Furthermore, none of the things that Habba rattled off would be part of any testimony requested from Trump. How could it be? He has no personal knowledge of any of those matters. And they aren’t even relevant to this case, which involves gun possession and taxes. What’s more, her list of alleged offenses includes the flagrant and already debunked lie about “Checks that have come from the CCP.”

MORE HERE: GOP Oversight Chair Spins Litany of Lies Alleging Biden Financial ‘Scandal’ that Doesn’t Exist

Habba’s taunting of Hunter to call Trump to testify is absurd considering that the subpoenas have already been issued, so he needs no further prodding. But more to the point, her excitement over the prospect of Trump testifying is hilarious. When Trump testifies he will surely advance Hunter’s defense, and most likely incriminate himself further. So… Go ahead!. Go ahead!


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Bizarro Trump Embraces the ‘Fake News’ New York Times, While Bashing the ‘Unwatchable’ Fox News

With election day 2024 now officially one year away, some people will begin paying a little more attention to campaigns and candidates. Although it’s still likely that most Americans will avoid the subject until after both Democrats and Republicans have selected their nominees at their respective conventions next summer.

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Donald Trump, Fox News, Fake

On the surface there doesn’t seem to be much mystery about who the candidates will be. President Biden is unlikely to have a serious challenger for the Democratic nomination. And since there are no Republicans who can be taken seriously about anything, Donald Trump will likely cruise to his party’s nomination. The Republican primary season has already begun with two debates completed and the third scheduled for this week. And Trump has chickened out of all three.

SEE THIS: Trump Chickens Out of the Fox News GOP Debate, Will Be Fluffed By Tucker Carlson Instead

Still, both Biden and Trump have vulnerabilities that could result in their being sidelined. Biden has been hammered in the allegedly “liberal” media for his advanced age, although he is only three years older than Trump, and noticeably more capable and better qualified to perform the duties of the office. Trump, on the other hand, has four indictments pending on 91 felony charges, and has been embarrassing himself with repeated episodes of his mental deterioration.

SEE ALSO: ‘It May Just Be that Mr. Trump is Incoherent’ – Says NBC Legal Analyst About Trump’s Testimony

Which brings us to the recent poll by the New York Times that found Trump to be leading Biden in five of six swing states. There are as many good reasons to be concerned about those results as there are to dismiss miss them as premature or outliers. So that can be debated elsewhere.

What’s interesting is that Republicans are downright giddy over these numbers and are convinced that they herald a certain Trump victory twelve months from now. And among the MAGA faithful who are clutching onto this poll is their Dear Leader, Donald Trump. In fact, Trump has already dropped five posts citing this poll on his pitifully failing social media scam, Truth Social.

That’s right, Trump, who devoutly decries the New York Times as the “failing,” “fake news” arm of the “radical Marxist thugs” on the left, is now heralding them as an ideological ally and a bastion of insight and accuracy. For some reason Trump isn’t castigating the Times an anti-Trump rag populated by idiots who hate America. All of a sudden those idiots are prophets doing the Lord’s work.

At the same time, Trump has lately been chastising his longtime Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News. He has rebuked it as a “dead, “unwatchable,” network that is “pushing the radical left, do-nothing Democrats,” and “is doing nothing to help Republicans, and me, get re-elected.”

SEE THIS: Trump Viciously Attacks Fox News, the Network He Says is ‘Dead, Totally Fake, Unwatchable’

If you thought you recently felt a reversal in Earth’s geomagnetic polarity, this might explain it. Or more likely, it may just be Trump’s tendency to take diametrically opposing views whenever he thinks it is in his interest to do so. And those positional reversals can occur over a matter of years, weeks, or even minutes.

Case in point, Trump just dispatched his attorney, Alina Habba, to Fox News, despite it’s deadness and unwatchability. However, while there Habba accidently said something that was uncharacteristically true. Following Trump’s testimony in his financial fraud case, she complained that “There’s a real disregard for authority here, and a real primary focus on politics.”

Habba’s remarks were an accurate description of Trump’s infantile behavior in court, although she might not have meant it that way. Fox meanwhile, identified her as “Alina Habba: Save America Legal Spokesperson,” rather than as his attorney. The question now is, will Trump have to dump Habba for fraternizing with the enemy? And will he renew his subscription to the no-longer-fake New York Times? Or will he simply adopt some other opinion that temporarily satisfies his voracious ego? The smart money is on the latter.


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