Twitter Tyrant Elon Musk Comes Out Against Free Markets and Free Speech

It really is a sad commentary on the state of the American economy when the world’s richest man is found whining about losing money due to his own incompetence, ignorance, ego, and greed. Yet that’s where we are now as Elon Musk discovers that the rest of the world isn’t as enamored of his “brilliance” as he is.

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Elon Musk, Cash Pile

On Friday morning the new “Chief Twit” (as he calls himself) posted a tweet expressing his dismay at the loss of revenue at Twitter following his acquisition. And naturally, he blames it on unidentified “activists” who, in his festering paranoia, he is convinced are out to destroy him. Sounds a lot like his buddy, Donald Trump.

RELATED: Crybaby Trump Whines that ‘They Wanna Put Me in Jail’ – Just Because He’s a Criminal

Many people assume that because Musk managed to accumulate an obscenely immense fortune, that he must be an exceptional businessman, rather than just lucky and/or skilled at exploitation. But Musk’s tweet revealed just how poorly he understands both business and the Constitution. He tweeted that…

“Twitter has had a massive drop in revenue, due to activist groups pressuring advertisers, even though nothing has changed with content moderation and we did everything we could to appease the activists. Extremely messed up! They’re trying to destroy free speech in America.”

Let’s breakdown Musk’s meltdown. First of all, the “massive drop in revenue” is a pittance to a multibillionaire who way overpaid for the company he so badly wanted to control. But Musk is, nevertheless, howling at a loss of revenue that could have been easily predicted. He was, in fact, warned that his intention to impose his concept of “free speech absolutism” would result in an advertiser exodus. No advertiser wants their ads to be displayed in proximity to blatant hate speech and flagrant disinformation.

Despite the predictable results of his own foolish strategies, Musk is blaming “activist groups” for the decline in revenue. But what he is actually complaining about is that people other than himself are exercising their rights to free speech. Musk, like many right-wingers, thinks that free speech means that no one can disagree with whatever you say. And if anyone does disagree, and communicates their disagreement to others, they are insufficiently grateful for the crumbs that you scatter among them.

Musk also asserts that “nothing has changed with content moderation.” That’s technically true. However, hate mongering Twitter users anticipating the “free-for-all hellscape” that he has outlined for Twitter didn’t wait for any official starting gun to go off. The bile began spewing almost immediately upon the news that Musk closed the deal. As reported by ABC News

“A new study from Montclair State University showed a dramatic increase in hate speech on Twitter immediately following Elon Musk’s acquisition of the social media platform. […] In similar research by the cyber research organization Network Contagion Research Institute, the use of the N-word racial epithet skyrocketed by over 500% on the website.”

Now Musk is surprised that the predictions of fleeing advertisers are coming true. Already some major advertisers have suspended their buys on Twitter. They include General Mills, Audi, General Motors, Pfizer, Ford, Mondelez (Oreos), and Volkswagen. Musk’s shock and anger over this illustrates his opposition to the free market. These companies have every right to protect their brands from the harm of being associated with the hate speech that Musk is encouraging.

So in that one short tweet, Musk has demonstrated his opposition to free markets, as well as the fact that it is he who is “trying to destroy free speech in America.” What’s more, his distress over the loss of some revenue is especially grotesque coming after he reportedly fired half of the employees at Twitter. Which he is doing in order to offset his own losses due to the preposterous overpayment he made to acquire the company.

RELATED: Tucker Carlson Defends Elon Musk’s Disgusting Tweet About the Attack on Nancy Pelosi’s Husband

Musk obviously has no sympathy whatsoever for the much more severe loss of revenue that the Twitter employees will suffer. But so long as he manages to restore a tiny fraction of the fortune he lost buying Twitter, the suffering of others is their own problem.

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Tucker Carlson Defends Elon Musk’s Disgusting Tweet About the Attack on Nancy Pelosi’s Husband

Less than a week after Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter was completed, Musk himself provided the best evidence for why he may the worst person on the planet to own such a influential platform. His racism, misogyny, narcissism, and warped view of what constitutes free speech are the ingredients of everything that is wrong with Twitter. And now he is, in his own words, the “Chief Twit.”

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Fox News. Tucker Carlson

Following the attempted murder of Paul Pelosi, the husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Musk posted a tweet that spread a blatantly false conspiracy theory about the assault that was published by a notoriously fake news outlet. There was immediate revulsion and condemnation of Musk’s malicious comment, which led to his eventually deleting the tweet. Although, like Donald Trump, he never issued a correction or apology.

RELTAED: Trump’s Delusional, Desperate, and (as Always), Dishonest Response to Musk’s Twitter Takeover

Despite the fact that even Musk recognized that his tweet deserved deletion, Fox News Senior Fascista, Tucker Carlson, remained enamored of Musk and the grotesque remarks he made. On Monday night’s episode of his program, Carlson came to Musk’s defense with a monologue that embraced the fake news…

The New York Times “came out with a piece that says – and we’re quoting – ‘Elon Musk, in a tweet, shares a link from a site known to publish fake news.’ Really? What did Elon Musk do? Well, he linked to an article about how Paul Pelosi called the guy in his home a friend. Well, that’s what the 911 tape says. You can draw your own conclusions or not. Or maybe you don’t care, which is also fine. How is that fake? Seems to be real.”

Carlson deliberately mischaracterizes the incident saying that “Pelosi called the guy in his home a friend”? So, first of all, Carlson is describing the assailant, not as the attacker who broke into Pelosi’s home, but as a guy who just happened to be there. Also, Carlson is lying about what the 911 tape says. It was the 911 dispatcher who made the “friend” reference, not Pelosi. What’s more, the police reported that Pelosi was speaking in code because he didn’t want the assailant to catch on that he was talking to the police.

For the record, to answer Carlson’s question about what Elon Musk did, here is the truth. Musk posted a tweet replying to one by Hillary Clinton, wherein she noted correctly that…

“The Republican Party and its mouthpieces now regularly spread hate and deranged conspiracy theories. It is shocking, but not surprising, that violence is the result. As citizens, we must hold them accountable for their words and the actions that follow.”

Musk’s reply included the link to the obviously phony “Santa Monica Observer,” that is known for publishing crackpot conspiracy theories such as that Hillary Clinton had died and been replaced by a body double for a debate with Trump, and that Trump had appointed Kanye West to a high position at the Interior Department. And yet, the new owner of Twitter bought into the the whole sham.

Notice that Musk added his own agreement with the bogus article saying that “there might be more to this story than meets the eye.” He also later mocked the criticism he received for spreading such loathsome lies in another tweet that took a sideways swipe at the New York Times for reporting about him accurately.

So Musk dismisses the obscene dishonesty and callousness of his original remark. And his pal Tucker Carlson rushes to rationalize, and even agree with, Musk’s horrendous conspiracy mongering. But then, that’s to be expected from Carlson and Fox News, where lies and conspiracies comprise the bulk of what they broadcast. It has been their mission from day one. And it will continue for as long as their are cult minded viewers dumb enough to believe them.

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Trump’s Delusional, Desperate, and (as Always), Dishonest Response to Musk’s Twitter Takeover

The soap opera that commenced after Elon Musk proposed to buy Twitter in April has finally come to an end. Well, at least the buying part. Complex melodramatic narratives will continue into the future due to the unstable mental state of Musk, as well as the social and political ramifications of his ownership of a virtual town square with international scope.

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Donald Trump, Twitter

Leading the parade of emotional defectives is, of course, Donald Trump. His view of Musk taking over Twitter is typically drenched with personal interests that range from his competition with Twitter, via his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, and his massive but fragile ego. Remember, Trump was so hurt by Twitter permanently suspending his account that he sued them. The suit was quickly dismissed because the court found that it had no rational legal basis.

RELATED: Judge Dismisses Trump’s Loopy Lawsuit Against Twitter for ‘Failure to Plausibly State a Claim’

On Friday Trump responded to the news that Musk’s acquisition of Twitter was completed. And as expected, it was riddled with his hallmark personality traits: whining, bragging, and lying. He posted on Truth Social that…

“TRUTH SOCIAL has become somewhat of a phenomena. Last week it had bigger numbers than all other platforms, including TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, and the rest. It also looks and works better to my eye. I am very happy that Twitter is now in sane hands, and will no longer be run by Radical Left Lunatics and Maniacs that truly hate our country. Twitter must now work hard to rid itself of all of the bots and fake accounts that have hurt it so badly. It will be much smaller, but better. I LOVE TRUTH!”

Indeed, Truth Social is a phenomenal flop. When Trump asserts that “it had bigger numbers than all other platforms,” he is referring only to the number of downloads from the Apple and Google app stores. It still has a tiny percentage of the users that Twitter and other popular social media sites have. And the only reason its download numbers were high is because it just became available many months after its launch. In fact, it has already dropped below all of the apps Trump mentioned, and isn’t even among the top fifty on either the Google or Apple app stores.

Trump’s comment has the requisite infantile insults that he includes in virtually every public statement he makes. And it’s always the same malarkey about alleged “Radical Left Lunatics and Maniacs that truly hate our country.” You have to wonder whether there are any medications that can correct his tedious repetitions, or if he is already on medications that are causing it.

In addition to Trump’s pathetic post, he also gave a comment to Fox News regarding Musk and Twitter. And it was predictably demented. He told Fox that…

“I don’t think Twitter can be successful without me.” And that…

“Twitter was a failed enterprise. It was only when I got on that it became successful.” And that…

“If I choose to run, I will only use Truth.” (Which he has said before, although this time he’s leaving an out in case he doesn’t run)

The notion that Trump won’t return to Twitter if he is allowed is preposterous. He has about four million followers on Truth Social. He had more than 80 million on Twitter. Do you think he’d pass up that opportunity to languish in the adoration of his cult?

It really is astonishing how deranged Trump is. He really thinks that people miss his tweets. As an example of what the Twitterverse is missing without Trump, he posted 47 times on Truth Social yesterday. The subjects ranged from praise for Brazilian fascist Jair Bolsonaro, to a rancid rant against the judge presiding over his trial in New York. But mostly he posted about how magnificent he thinks he is and how much everybody loves him.

RELATED: Stable Genius? Trump Maniacally Attacks the Judge Presiding Over His Fraud Trial in New York

However, Trump didn’t post a single note of concern or sympathy for the attempted murder of Nancy Pelosi’s husband. Perhaps he’s still hurt by Pelosi observing that he “is not man enough” to comply with the subpoena he received from the January 6th Committee investigating the insurrection he incited.

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Democratic Truth-Teller on Fox News Righteously Rails on Republicans as the ‘Party of Hate’

If there is one thing that Fox News is good at, it’s managing their platform to make certain that only the most categorically conservative, ultra-MAGA propaganda actually makes it on the air. They do this by front-loading their bookings with reliably right-wing guests and cutting off the commentaries of their occasional lefties.

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Fox News, Bullshit Factory

However, every now and then they let their guard down and some inconvenient truths slip through their anti-reality radar. This rare occurrence took place on Thursday morning’s episode of the “Faulkner Focus” during a segment in which some recent political remarks by Elon Musk were discussed. Musk has been in the news lately as a result of his bid to acquire Twitter, which is rapidly going downhill.

RELATED: Elon Musk’s Bid for Twitter is in Big Trouble, and So is Trump’s TRUTH Social

In addition to making profoundly idiotic comments that put his Twitter bid and other businesses at risk, Musk thought this would be a good time to expose his political ignorance, dishonesty, and biases. So he tweeted that…

“In the past I voted Democrat, because they were (mostly) the kindness party. But they have become the party of division & hate, so I can no longer support them and will vote Republican.”

Comparing that comment to reality, we find that Musk actually donated heavily to Republicans. And notice the dates on these donations – January 4-8, 2021 – just before and after Donald Trump’s insurrection at the Capitol.

What’s more, Musk’s assertion that the Democrats “have become the party of division & hate” is utterly without foundation, and contrasts with all the available facts. Democrats are still the party that gave us healthcare, provides food and other necessities for the poor and middle class, protects the environment, fights for women and minorities, and defends democracy in the U.S. and around the world.

It is those principles that were featured in the brief remarks of Kristal Knight, a Democratic pundit who appeared on “The Faulkner Focus” on Fox News Thursday (video below). Responding to the wingnuts on the program, Knight said that…

“I think it’s very interesting that Elon Musk thinks that the Democratic Party is the party of hate when the Republican Party produced a failed insurrection on January 6th. This is also the party that supported the ‘Big Lie.’ We also see that Gregg Locke down in Tennessee has been preaching anti-Democratic rhetoric in the name of religion because he doesn’t like Democrats. We also have to remember the ‘great replacement’ theory, that has been spewed on this network alone – and the Buffalo shooter referenced it – these are all remnants of the Republican Party. That’s the party of hate.

So in about one minute Knight nailed some of the most flagrant flaws of the Republican Party. She even managed to slip in the fact that Fox News – via their Senior White Nationalist, Tucker Carlson – has been America’s most prominent proponent of the “white replacement theory” that incited the mass shooting in Buffalo.

RELATED: White Replacement Theory Huckster Tucker Carlson Now Says He’s ‘Not Sure Exactly What It Is’

It’s unusual, and somewhat astonishing, that Knight managed to get through her commentary without being interrupted and cut off. Host Harris Faulkner and her other guest, conservative Charlie Hurt, must have been napping on the job, But they still wound up dismissing Knight’s criticisms and even condemned her for politicizing a massacre that was unambiguously political in its motivation and execution. Which is what they always do when they have no substantive response to the unvarnished truth – especially about themselves.

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Elon Musk’s Bid for Twitter is in Big Trouble, and So is Trump’s TRUTH Social

It was only one month ago that Elon Musk announced that he intended to acquire Twitter and take the company private. It was an audacious move that, from the start, didn’t make much sense financially. However, it did affirm the enormity of Musk’s ego and his desire to make influential social media companies his plaything.

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Donald Trump Circling the Drain

Musk made his intention to buy Twitter public after he had already purchased 73 millions shares of the company, a 9.2% stake. He is currently being investigated by the Securities and Exchange Commission for having failed to file the required disclosures of that stock purchase. But that’s only the tip of his troubles.

On Friday morning Musk tweeted that he is putting the “Twitter deal temporarily on hold pending details supporting calculation that spam/fake accounts do indeed represent less than 5% of users.””

Due to the characteristically cryptic nature of that comment, and the trading chaos it could provoke, Musk later tried to clarify himself, tweeting that he is “Still committed to the acquisition.” However, his pausing the acquisition bid, as well as his stated reasoning for doing it, are both profoundly specious.

First of all, Musk’s claim that he’s hesitating as a result of a report that fewer than 5% of Twitter’s accounts are spam or fake is difficult to take seriously. The scale of potential fake accounts on Twitter is not news. In fact, Twitter has reported it in its quarterly and annual reports to the SEC for at least two years. So either Musk entered into this $44 billion deal without doing the most basic research and due diligence, or he’s lying.

Much of Musk’s financing for Twitter is backed by his stock in Tesla. So if Musk didn’t previously know that there are fake accounts on Twitter, he was neglectfully putting the value of Tesla at risk and would be liable to shareholders for losses. If he did know, then he is likely trying to back out of the deal without having to pay the $1 billion break up fee.

Why would Musk want to back out now, so soon after initiating this deal? It might have something to do with the reaction on Wall Street to his plans. Musk’s offer for Twitter was $54.00 per share. On April 14, when he announced his intentions, Twitter was trading at about $45.00 per share. Since then it has dropped to about $41.00, or about 12%. And it’s down more than 40% from its recent high eight months ago. The fact that the market isn’t willing to pay the offer price of $54.00 is a pretty good indicator that they don’t think the deal will ever go through.

What’s more, the price of Tesla has also declined precipitously. It was trading at about $985.00 when Musk revealed his interest in Twitter in April. It’s down to about $780 now, a drop of about 20%. And it’s down more than 42% from its recent high three months ago. Since Musk is using his Tesla stock to finance the Twitter acquisition, and Tesla’s stock has dropped substantially, the Twitter purchase price becomes much greater for Musk. Which is further evidence that he may be trying to ditch the deal.

So how would all of this affect Donald Trump’s Twitter clone, TRUTH Social? Theoretically, any weakness in its biggest competitor should be a positive for the TRUTH(less) app. However, the shady shell company that is serving as Trump’s vehicle for the enterprise, Digital World Acquisition Corp (DWAC) has been trading down ever since Musk’s Twitter bid became public. On April 14, it was at about $50.00 per share. Now it’s at about $40.00, a 20% drop. And from its recent high of around $100.00 just a couple of months ago, it’s down a whopping 60%.

RELATED: Judge Dismisses Trump’s Loopy Lawsuit Against Twitter for ‘Failure to Plausibly State a Claim’

Apparently Wall Street doesn’t have any more confidence in another Trump boondoggle, than they do in Musk’s deal. And it appears to be irrelevant that Musk promised to restore Trump’s Twitter account when – make that if – he takes over. Trump has already said that he would not return to Twitter, even if his account were reinstated.

SEE Trump Declares that ‘I Am Not Going Back On Twitter’ After the Elon Musk Takeover

That, of course, is probably another Trump lie. There is no way that he would be satisfied with a few thousand followers on TRUTH Social if he could regain his 84 million followers on Twitter. But he can’t say that now or it would appear that he favors the competition. So the grift goes on – for both Trump and Musk.

UPDATE: Trump has weighed in saying that…

“There is no way Elon Musk is going to buy Twitter at such a ridiculous price, especially since realizing it is a company largely based on BOTS or Spam Accounts. Fake anyone? By the time you get rid of them, if that can even be done, what do you have? Not much? If it weren’t for the ridiculous Billion Dollar breakup fee, Elon would have already been long gone. Just my opinion, but Truth Social is MUCH better than Twitter and is absolutely exploding, incredible engagement.”

Trump used to brag about his gazillions of Twitter followers. Now he is asserting that they are “largely based on BOTS or Spam Accounts.” He’s also dramatically exaggerating the reported 5% as “largely”. But then he’s never been very good – or honest – with numbers (see his crowd size estimates and property values). And TRUTH social is already crawling with fake accounts. The site even “verified” a fake Fox News account.

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Trump Declares that ‘I Am Not Going Back On Twitter’ After the Elon Musk Takeover

America’s oligarchy is exercising it’s privilege once again as the world’s richest man drops a few of his billions of dollars to add Twitter to the playroom in his ultra-exclusive world. Elon Musk’s acquisition of the social media giant is profoundly significant due to its influence on politics, journalism, and culture.

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Donald Trump

The debate over how dangerous this is for society in America – and the world – is complex and will unfold in the weeks to come as Musk’s intentions are revealed. However, in the short term we already have some news about a famous former tweeter. Donald Trump didn’t waste any time telling Fox News (who else) what the Musk acquisition means to him. According to Fox News

“Former President Trump will not return to Twitter, even as Elon Musk purchases the social media company and reinstates his account, instead using his own TRUTH Social as the sole platform for his voice. […] The former president told Fox News Monday that he will formally join his own TRUTH Social over the next seven days, as planned.

“‘I am not going on Twitter, I am going to stay on TRUTH,’ Trump told Fox News. ‘I hope Elon buys Twitter because he’ll make improvements to it and he is a good man, but I am going to be staying on TRUTH.’ […] He added: ‘The bottom line is, no, I am not going back to Twitter.'”

Let’s set aside for the time being that Trump lies far too often to take anything he says seriously. If Twitter were to offer to reinstate his account, it’s ridiculous to suggest that he would rebuff the offer because he’s “staying on TRUTH” Social (TS). How can he “stay” on a platform that he has posted on only once nearly two months ago, and from which he has been conspicuously absent ever since? He couldn’t even get the name straight at his recent rally, calling it “Troth Sential.”

Trump was, and is, a Twitter addict (his spokes-shill still posts for him daily in defiance of Twitter’s own rules). And he isn’t likely to trade access to his 84 million Twitter followers (most of which were bots or fakes) for a fraction of that on TS. Trump went on to say that…

“‘We’re taking in millions of people, and what we’re finding is that the response on TRUTH is much better than being on Twitter,’ Trump said. ‘Twitter has bots and fake accounts, and we are doing everything we can.'”

Actually, TS has assigned a little over a million wait list numbers to people who have tried to sign up. Most of them still have not been able to log on. And as for fake accounts, there have already been a multitude of them on TS. The site even “verified” a Fox News account that Fox denied having anything to do with.

RELATED: Trump’s PRAVDA, er, TRUTH Social Twitter Clone Flops as it Misses Yet Another Launch Date

What’s more, there is so little interaction on TS that the users who are online have complained that it is an echo chamber of fellow cultists whose homogeneous agreement is terminally boring. And now Trump is promising that it’s going to get even worse…

“‘This is a platform for my voice. TRUTH is a platform for my voice and for my supporters,’ Trump said. ‘But I want everybody to come over to TRUTH—conservatives, liberals, whatever. […] ‘TRUTH Social will be a voice for me,’ Trump continued. ‘And that’s something nobody else can get.'”

It isn’t an accident that Trump keeps referring to the site as simply “TRUTH.” There is nothing “Social” about it. Like everything else in Trump World, it is about him and only him. And he isn’t shy about saying so explicitly.

RELATED: Trump’s TRUTH Social Boss, Devin Nunes, Tells Fox News that ‘Twitter is a Ghost Town’

The worst part of all of this, from Trump’s perspective, is that the site may never even become viable. The shell company that is serving as its Wall Street proxy (DWAC) declined another 12.9% today. It has cratered 64% since the beginning of March. Reuters is reporting that key personnel are abandoning ship and that…

“Another open question is how TMTG is funding its current growth. The company is planning to go public through a merger with blank-check firm Digital World Acquisition Corp (DWAC) . The deal is under scrutiny by the Securities and Exchange Commission and is likely months away from being finalized. […] Investors have pledged $1 billion to TMTG but they won’t hand over that money until the DWAC deal closes.”

So the the Trump Media and Technology Group (TMTG) and DWAC deal is likely another illegal Trump scam that will never go through. And when it fails Trump won’t get any of the money that has allegedly been pledged. More likely it will result in investor lawsuits that will cost him and his accomplices a fortune.

As for Twitter’s future under Musk, Jessica J. González of Free Press recently published an editorial that exposes how truly awful the site could be under Musk. She wrote that…

“Musk’s ability to be an accountable steward of this massive online community is questionable at best. […] he has a poor track record of protecting other Twitter users and respecting their free speech. He has used the platform to discredit and disparage those who disagree with him, and he has lashed out at journalists who have written or produced things he didn’t like.”

Musk’s pretense of advocating for free speech is utterly insincere. It is a pathway to tolerating hate speech and disinformation that divides people and incites violence. It would make Twitter unbearable for most decent users, as well as advertisers. And it doesn’t help that Musk has been sued for “racial discrimination and harassment after finding a widespread pattern of mistreatment of Black workers” at his Tesla plant. So look for Twitter to collapse unless its executives and board of directors manage to keep Musk’s worst instincts in check.

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