Are You F@&king Kidding Me? Romney Wants False Ads Pulled

I haven’t laughed this hard since the Etch-a-Sketch debacle:

Mitt Romney: “You know, in the past, when people pointed out that something was inaccurate, why, campaigns pulled the ad,” Romney said on the Bill Bennett radio show. “They were embarrassed. Today, they just blast ahead. You know, the various fact checkers look at some of these charges in the Obama ads and they say that they’re wrong and inaccurate, and yet he just keeps on running them.”

Technology has not yet developed a method of expressing the level of shock and utter amazement produced by reading this delusional comment by Romney. ROTFLMAO does not even come close.

If anyone is incapable of experiencing embarrassment, it’s Mitt Romney. He has been rated untruthful 64 times by PolitiFact, and 14 of those were “Pants-on-Fire” lies (so far). In fact, 43% of PolitiFact’s findings on statements by Romney are rated as untruthful. He’s downright pathological.

Mitt Romney

His ads addressing President Obama on welfare, the economy, small businesses, etc., have been gutted by fact-checkers, yet he just keeps running them. And with this hilariously idiotic comment he settles, once and for all, the question as to whether he is actually an alien robot with a critical software glitch.
