GOP Congressman To ObamaCare Administrator: You Need To Watch More Fox News

In the ongoing campaign by Republicans to sabotage the Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare), GOP representative Darrell Issa (R-Tea Party) held another in his series of carnival side shows he passes off for congressional hearings. On this occasion Issa took his show on the road to Texas, the state with the highest number of residents without health insurance.

During the sham hearing Issa browbeat Dr. Randy Farris, regional administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, asking him to answer for allegations raised by a video showing ObamaCare navigators allegedly giving out unlawful advice. The video was the work of serial liar and convicted scammer, James O’Keefe, and bore all the familiar trademarks of his dishonest reputation. It was heavily edited and it conspicuously left out any footage of navigators performing properly. The victims in the O’Keefe video were not even navigators. They were trainees, so it would not be surprising if they got some things wrong.

That didn’t stop Issa and his road company from tarring everyone associated with the navigator program nationwide with assertions of illegality. It’s an absurd extension of guilt that would be equivalent to declaring that all of WalMart’s two million employees were guilty of shortchanging customers after a biased video was shown of three or four of them doing it. If Issa encountered such a scenario would he call for shutting down every WalMart in the country, as he is doing with his call to shut down ObamaCare? Not likely.

There are thousands of people participating in the navigator program, and like any other large scale enterprise, some participants are not going to perform according to standards. Even Fox News is susceptible to this inescapable fact of human nature. After all, they have a notorious record of criminal activity from within their ranks. For instance:

With that list of miscreants employed by Fox News you would think that Issa would be holding hearings to get Fox taken off the air. Obviously they are nothing more than a criminal enterprise and they are using their wealth and influence to break the law, to enrich themselves, and to misinform the American people.

Instead, while questioning Dr. Farris about the navigator program, Issa was not satisfied with his answer as to whether a consumer’s personal information was at risk on the ObamaCare website. Farris said that private information was not stored there. To which Issa replied “You need to watch more Fox, I’m afraid.” Apparently Issa believes that private information is stored on the website, but he offered no proof of that, just his snarky dismissal of the Doctor’s testimony and his endorsement of the criminal enablers at Fox News. Then he went on Sean Hannity’s show to slather more lies about the navigators.

Let’s face it, the only thing Dr. Farris, or anyone else, would gain from watching Fox News is an embarrassing abundance of ignorance and an abiding faith in known liars.

Fox News Is Right: There Really Is A War On Christmas – By Racist Christians

Last week Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly stirred the War On Christmas pot again while adding a new racially charged component by insisting that “Santa Claus just is white” (and Jesus too). That declaration of epidermal elitism is both offensive and historically wrong. Nevertheless, Kelly doubled-down after receiving a barrage of criticism. And she was joined by her colleagues at Fox who agreed with her.

Fox News

Now Fox has published an editorial that that addresses the larger question of the long-running “War on Christmas” that is largely the product of their bigoted imaginations. The author is Kelly Shackelford, the president and CEO of the Liberty Institute, a Texas-based (where else?) conservative legal foundation that opposes the separation of church and state and defends the rights of Christians to force their beliefs on others on public property and with public funds.

Shackelford’s article is nothing more than an enumeration of some recent legal disputes wherein Christians were prohibited from exploiting public assets to impose their religious beliefs on others. Shackelford accused those who defend the separation of church and state of bullying and intimidating the poor oppressed Christian majority that gets all of its religious observances declared legal holidays and whose celebrations are shoved down the throats of all Americans with non-stop proselytizing, parades, and television programming that is steeped in Christian fervor for weeks on end.

The War on Christmas that is imagined by Shackelford and his ilk is really just an attempt by Americans to keep the government from establishing the sort of state religion that the Constitution explicitly forbids. But zealots like Shackelford are determined to force everyone to bow to their God. They could be satisfied with promoting their faith on the grounds of the tens of thousands of churches they have built and on other private property where they are free to express themselves. But their fanaticism is defined by an unceasing need to coerce others into accepting religion on their terms.

It is in this regard that Fox News has inadvertently stumbled onto the real War on Christmas. It is a war that soils what Christians claim to be the spirit of the season. While they speak of peace on Earth and goodwill toward men, they practice discrimination and foment hostility. They are fighting a war against their fellow citizens in an effort to punish them lest they conform to the spiritual will of the majority. And make, no mistake, their purpose is not to save souls, but to shape a political environment that adheres to their conservative principles.

This is the real War on Christmas. It is the exploitation of Christmas as a political cudgel, and it is nothing new. In 1959 the rabidly right-wing, anti-communists at the John Birch Society issued a pamphlet titled “There Goes Christmas?!” that warned:

“One of the techniques now being applied by the Reds to weaken the pillar of religion in our country is the drive to take Christ out of Christmas — to denude the event of its religious meaning.”

That’s right. Fifty years ago the War on Christmas was in full swing. Then, like now, it was attributed to leftists seeking to undermine society and weaken our moral foundation. This imaginary assault on values has been a staple argument for the right for decades. But it goes back even farther than that. In 1921 Henry Ford’s repulsively racist tract “The International Jew,” stated:

“The whole record of the Jewish opposition to Christmas, Easter and other Christian festivals, and their opposition to certain patriotic songs, shows the venom and directness of [their] attack…And it has become pretty general. Last Christmas most people had a hard time finding Christmas cards that indicated in any way that Christmas commemorated Someone’s Birth…Now, all this begins with the designers of the cards.”

There you have it. It is a cabal of Jewish greeting card designers that is behind the whole War on Christmas thing. And of course the blame had to eventually be shifted to Jews who the right believe are in control of the media, the law, and all the money.

The fact that this War on Christmas meme evolved from such repugnant historical beginnings says a great deal about the hate mongers who perpetuate it today. It is exactly the same sentiment that drives this message, even if the messengers like Shackelford, Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, and Sarah Palin (whose new book is wholly consumed by this subject), refuse to admit it. The people promoting the so-called War on Christmas are themselves waging a war on Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and even other Christians who respect religious and Constitutional freedom.

If these right-wing pseudo-Christians were really concerned with preserving the spirit of Christmas, they wouldn’t allow it to be exploited and trivialized by commercial enterprises and greedy corporations. They wouldn’t shove it down people’s throats. And they wouldn’t join the ranks of anti-Semites and bigots to perpetuate a campaign of hate.

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Fox News Hypes PolitiFact’s Lie Of The Year, One Week After Saying Never Trust PolitiFact

It’s time once again for the unveiling of the “Lie of the Year” by the fact-checkers at PolitiFact. This year the dis-honoree is President Barack Obama for his promotional assurance that under the Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare) “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it.”

Pretty much everybody, including Obama, now concedes that making such a blanket statement was unwise and unsustainable. There were signs early on that some plans would be terminated because they fell so far below the standards for acceptable coverage that they were effectively useless. Obama could have made small modifications to the statement that would have been easier to defend, such as: “if you like your health care plan, what the fuck are you thinking?” However, I’m pretty sure that comment wouldn’t have made it past the first draft.

The whole concept of liking one’s health care plan is rather comical to begin with. How often have you ever heard someone bring up in casual conversation how much they liked their health insurance provider? Insurance companies are rarely the object of much affection. Especially for those who get their coverage from the private market rather than from an employer. And that small subset of the population (about 5%) is all that is affected by this.

Whether or not the President’s statement deserved to be the “Lie of the Year” is subject to debate, just as every year’s selection is. But it is notable that PolitiFact’s explanation for their choice began by saying that…

“It was a catchy political pitch and a chance to calm nerves about his dramatic and complicated plan to bring historic change to America’s health insurance system.

‘If you like your health care plan, you can keep it,’ President Barack Obama said — many times — of his landmark new law.

“But the promise was impossible to keep.”

A promise, of course, is completely different than a lie. If it was the President’s intention to deliver on the promise, but in the course of legislative compromises and flawed implementation it failed to materialize as expected, than it was not actually a lie at all. But it is obvious that PolitiFact’s analysis is aimed at the distance of the intention from the outcome, not the veracity of the statement itself. And that’s fine since most people apply the same reasoning with regard to the truthiness of a public figure. Also, Obama didn’t help himself by initially trying to defend or rewrite his original comment. Although he does get credit for eventually owning up, apologizing, and taking steps to correct the matter.

The selection of this statement by the President is certain get a lot of attention from the press, particularly the conservative media that eats it up whenever they can shine a spotlight on presidential missteps. Therefore, it’s no surprise that Fox News has leaped to the front of the line to hype PolitiFact’s findings. Ironically, it was Fox Nation that was first out of the gate with a simple headline at the top of their page saying “Politifact: Lie of the Year!”

Fox Nation LOTY

Coming from a website that has been documented to be riddled with lies (see Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Community’s Assault On Truth) obliterates any moral authority they have to disparage the honesty of others. What’s more, the impact of their reporting might have been greater had they not posted this headline just last week: “Never Trust Politifact Again.”

Fox Nation Never Trust

To recap: On November 5, Fox admonishes its audience to never trust PolitiFact, and on November 13, one week later, they feature a PolitiFact ruling at the top of their website. This really says more about Fox than it does about PolitiFact, or even Obama.

For the record, while PolitiFact selected Obama’s comment as their “Lie of the Year,” they also posted the runners-up. It is not unreasonable to expect the winner to get the majority of the attention from the media, however, there is a notable trend amongst the year’s other lies that ought not to be dismissed. Most conspicuously that out of the remaining nine lies in the top ten, eight of them are from republicans or conservatives.

  • Ann Coulter: No doctors who went to an American medical school will be accepting Obamacare.
  • Betsy McCaughey: Obamacare will question your sex life.
  • Bloggers: Obamacare provision will allow “forced home inspections” by government agents.
  • Ted Cruz: Says “President Obama just granted all of Congress an exception” to Obamacare.
  • Chain email: A United Nations working group has “adopted a proposed agenda” to enable member nations to “disarm civilians within their borders.”
  • Barack Obama: The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court “is transparent.”
  • Saxby Chambliss: The United States has never stood by and seen innocent people slaughtered to the extent that’s happening in Syria.
  • Chain email: Says the word “Dhimmitude” is on page 107 of the health care law and means “Muslims are specifically exempted from the government mandate to purchase insurance.”
  • Michele Bachmann: The IRS is going to be “in charge” of “a huge national database” on health care that will include Americans’ “personal, intimate, most close-to-the-vest-secrets.”

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So while Obama may have captured the big trophy for the year, conservative liars were far more prolific in fabricating and disseminating disinformation in pursuit of an agenda that they obviously don’t believe merits honest discourse. It illustrates a pattern of behavior that marks the right-wing as incorrigibly deceitful and wholly untrustworthy. At least President Obama apologized, a gesture that is foreign to the unprincipled cretins on the right.

Glenn Beck Names His “Man of the Year”

America has been on pins and needles waiting to find out who Glenn Beck regards as the person who had the most impact on the world in 2013. Suffice to say that he does not agree with Time that it was Pope Francis, the Marxist, anti-capitalist, who advocates for the poor in defiance of the principles of Jesus.

Oh no. Beck has his own honoree, and it’s someone who has distinguished himself in a particularly notable manner. So, to end the suspense, here is the news you’ve been waiting for – Beck’s choice for Man of the Year: Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas.

Ted Cruz

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Beck immediately lashes out at Time for selecting the leader of the world’s Catholics who has shaken up the church with pronouncements opposing trickle-down economics, and refusing to continue the church’s historical obsession with social issues like homosexuality and abortion, at the expense of ministering to those who are truly needy as their savior did. Beck is convinced that Time passed over Cruz because “they didn’t want to give him any more power. They don’t want to make him into anything. I mean they’ll put Hitler on, they did make Hitler and Mussolini the man of the year.”

There you have it. Beck wants Cruz to be recognized in the same way that Hitler was. After all, if Hitler was worthy of the honor of being on the cover of Time Magazine, then surely Cruz is worthy of the same honor. And Beck wants to make sure that the world knows that Cruz and Hitler are in the same category.

Beck also wants the world to “Remember, progressives are fascists. They are for fascism.” Of course, if that were true, then according to Beck’s own logic, they would have given Cruz the Man of the Year award, just like Hitler. The problem is that Cruz has proven himself to be an embarrassingly inept Tea Bagging blowhard. He has accomplished precisely nothing in his freshman year in the senate. Other than making frequent appearances on Fox News, the only thing that Cruz has done that anyone can recall is his fake filibuster (which was not a filibuster at all, and had a designated end time), that failed to rollback ObamaCare or achieve any other goal that he had articulated.

So Beck has compared that record of failure with the Pope’s profoundly consequential doctrinal transformations and concluded that “[Cruz] is the guy who is going to affect our life, your life, much more than anybody else.” That’s true, so long as your life is confined to Tea Party rallies, Apocalypse parties, and Ayn Rand reading groups in the basement of a WalMart on Loop 289 outside of Lubbock.

Fox News Escalates Obama Selfie Into An “International Incident”

Having failed to ignite a fire under Obama’s presidency with such memorable pseudo-scandals as Benghazi, Solyndra, Fast & Furious, gun confiscations, the climate change hoax, Sharia Law, death panels, pallin’ around with terrorists, and the Kenyan nativity, Fox News has latched onto an innocent moment of human behavior that took place at the memorial for Nelson Mandela.

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As ludicrous as it was for so much of the media to focus attention on this dab of triviality, leave it to Fox News to escalate it into an international incident. If they could they would surely find a way to turn it into an Archduke Ferdinand moment that will precipitate World War III (Don’t laugh. Glenn Beck’s been doing it for years).

The article associated with this absurd headline did not in any way support the matter-of-fact declaration that Obama had created an international incident. There was no author identified and it was filled with erroneous assertions and commentary from partisan pundits like Fox News contributor Erick Erickson. Not a single reference to any diplomatic agency or individual was included. So how did this qualify as an international incident?

Well, obviously, it was because Fox could manufacture lies and fling them feverishly at the President they so fervently despise. Never mind that it wasn’t Obama taking the selfie, it was the Danish Prime Minister, Helle Thorning Schmidt. And forget that British Prime Minister David Cameron was also in the picture but the white guy has not been accused of creating an international incident. And don’t bother mentioning that the photographer dismissed all the hyperventilation about whether the First Lady was upset in a blog post he wrote saying that “photos can lie. In reality, just a few seconds earlier the first lady was herself joking with those around her, Cameron and Schmidt included. Her stern look was captured by chance.”

But if you think that fabricating an international incident is the worst that the propagandists of the Murdoch empire can do, you clearly don’t appreciate the depths of their determination and depravity. Fox’s community website, the lie-filled Fox Nation, has had three stories on this so far. And Murdoch’s New York Post weighed in on the matter with an article titled “Flirty Obama owes us an apology.” The article was filled with gratuitously insulting and sexist remarks such as…

  • [The President] lost his morality, his dignity and his mind.
  • [The President] made a damn fool of himself at first sight of Denmark’s voluptuously curvy and married prime minister.
  • The Danish hellcat hiked up her skirt to expose long Scandinavian legs covered by nothing more substantial than sheer black stockings.
  • The president leaned into the air space of the cross-legged Danish cupcake.
  • The president’s cackling head moved inches from the Danish tart’s.

That’s the Prime Minister of Denmark that they are calling a hellcat, a cupcake, and a tart, and implying is a conniving slut. And they say that Obama is creating an international incident? Obama owes us an apology?

Megyn Kelly Lies To Jay Leno: “I’m Not One Of The Opinion Hosts At Fox News”

Last night the newest primetime attraction on the Fox News Channel ventured off the reservation to hype her program on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno. In the process Megyn Kelly delivered some of the most unintentionally funny perversions of reality you can imagine.

Megyn Kelly

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From the outset, the interview was a fluff piece designed to promote Kelly and her new role as a primetime anchor at Fox News. But the conversation devolved into the absurd when Leno started to ask a modestly interesting question, but swerved midway through and turned it into an open-ended (and false) compliment.

Leno: People assume that if you’re on Fox News, just as they do if you’re on MSNBC, you have a certain bias. How do you deal with…you seem pretty straight down the line.

Kelly: I am, thank you. I’m a straight news anchor. I’m not one of the opinion hosts at Fox. But I always laugh because I’ll have a conservative pull me aside and say “I love your conservative principles,” and I’ll say “You assume too much.” And then the liberals will pull me aside and say, “I know you’re one of us,” and I’ll say, “You assume too much.” But I always say that if you assume that I’m this conservative operative, ask Karl Rove if that’s true.

It’s a pretty safe bet that, if challenged, Kelly could not produce a single liberal that ever claimed that she is one of them. It was just a line that Kelly used to feign balance. The same is true of her reference to Karl Rove. Kelly was likely harking back to the incident on election night November 2012, when Rove refused to concede defeat. But Kelly’s performance did nothing to refute Rove’s conservatism, just his obstinance in light of the polling results. Rove certainly regards Kelly as a reliable conservative and an ideological ally. She has made him a frequent guest despite his role as one of the most prolific fundraisers for the GOP, which she never bothers to disclose to her audience.

Megyn Kelly GQHowever, the real whopper of the evening was Kelly’s assertion that she’s a “straight news anchor” and “not one of the opinion hosts on Fox” Kelly has been a rabid right-winger for as long as she has had a perch at the painfully conservative network. She rudely lambastes Democratic guests and has pushed numerous fallacious stories aimed at discrediting liberals and progressive policy. In fact, her editorial bias generally produces little more than partisan tripe and manufactured outrages that have little basis in fact. For example, her near-obsession with the irrelevant New Black Panther Party was a months long excursion into fantasy. She was also one Fox’s most virulent proponents of the phoney IRS/Tea Party affair. And her stubborn attachment to a trumped up Benghazi scandal wasted hundreds of hours of valuable airtime. And then there were these crackpot diversions:

  • Kelly defended a criminal anti-Islam filmmaker as a “patsy” of the Obama administration.
  • Kelly asserted that Americans have “gotta get a little squeamish” about the prospect of being killed by drones.
  • Kelly told her colleague Bill O’Reilly that pepper spray used against student protesters was just “a food product, essentially.”
  • Kelly moderated a discussion that was based on a series of “Fox Facts” that were cribbed directly from a Republican National Committee press release.
  • Kelly featured a disreputable reporter with a history of violence (who was later arrested for sexually assaulting a four year old girl) in her frequent attacks on the funders of the Islamic Center that Fox derisively referred to as the “Ground Zero Mosque.”
  • Kelly misrepresented the results of a Fox News Opinion Dynamics poll to argue that Democrats are defying the will of the people.
  • Kelly helped to cover up the extra-marital affair of GOP senator John Ensign and failed to disclose her personal involvement in the story.

These are not the sort of stories attributed to a straight shooting, non-opinionated journalist. It is this record of partisan propagandizing that led to my article three years ago asking “Is Megyn Kelly Worse Than Glenn Beck?” More recently Media Matters conducted a survey of Kelly’s new primetime program and found that she “has hosted conservatives (56%) significantly more often than progressives (18%) and has surpassed even Fox’s Hannity in its divide between guests on the left and right.”

For Kelly to go on the Tonight Show and tell Jay Leno that she’s a straight news anchor is a blatant and deliberate lie. There is no question about her political leanings. She would not have been hired by Roger Ailes if she were anything but a rightist tool and a willing mouthpiece for the conservative agenda that Ailes, and his boss Rupert Murdoch, are peddling. And anyone who falls for her dishonest self-appraisal is terminally naive (I’m lookin at you Leno).

[Addendum:] The day after Kelly appeared the Tonight Show, this “straight news anchor” returned to her own program and, speaking to her kiddie viewers, said that “Santa Claus just IS white.” She later included Jesus as well saying that it is “a historical fact.” It’s pretty safe to say that this is how Fox sees it:

Fox News - Black Santa Claus

Amazing America: Sarah Palin To Headline Another Dopey Reality Series

The Sportsman Channel is boldly demonstrating how gamey they really are by signing the Mother of all Quitters to star in a new reality series: Amazing America. The only thing that is actually amazing about this is that anyone would be so foolish as to hire Palin after she bombed so pitifully in her prior television outings.

Sarah Palin

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Who can forget Sarah Palin’s Alaska? The program debuted on The Learning Channel in November of 2010, and signed off two months later in January of 2011, after losing half its audience in nine unwatchable episodes. Even Fox News recognized Palin’s negligible worth when they declined to renew her contract at the end of 2012 unless she agreed to take a hefty salary cut. Palin’s ego refused to suffer that indignity and she was off the air. But a few months later, when her less-than-SuperPac’s donations slowed to a trickle, she swallowed her pride and re-upped at Fox.

On The Sportsman Channel Palin will join fellow crackpot Ted Nugent, an NRA sponsored gun-nut talk show, and a bevy of programs that feature sadists killing defenseless animals to affirm their flaccid masculinity. This should put to rest the incessant media blathering about whether Palin will make another run for political office. She is clearly more driven by enriching herself through pseudo-entertainment projects rather than exposing herself to doing any real work. It should end the blathering, but probably won’t because the media blatherers aren’t any more interested in working than Palin is.

Republican Congressional Candidate Ties Obama To Crack-Smoking Toronto Mayor

There really is no bottom to the well of indecency that Republicans dig for themselves. If they aren’t challenging the citizenship of President Obama, they assert that he palls around with terrorists. Now we have a GOP candidate for congress in New York who has made the incoherent leap from Rob Ford, Toronto’s crack-smoking mayor, to his opponent and to Obama as well.

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The ad features George Demos who is running against Democratic incumbent Tim Bishop. It begins by asking viewers if they are “tired of politicians?” Behind this narration is a picture of Bishop, Obama and Ford. Demos has an peculiar definition of politicians in that it includes substance abusers in Canada, but not himself, even though he is running for political office.

But it’s the juxtaposition of the repulsive Rob Ford with Obama and Bishop, who have nothing in common with him, that is such a heinous act of character assassination. Demos might have been a little closer to the mark had he used a picture of freshman Tea Party Republican Trey Radel of Florida, who was recently arrested for cocaine possession.

Clearly Demos is more interested in slandering his enemies than in being honest or ethical. His behavior reeks of the bitter, tired politics he pretends to denounce. In that respect, he makes a perfect Fox News-style candidate who projects his own flaws onto his opponents. Although Fox has gone even further to mastering the tactic of labeling Republican miscreants as Democrats.

Fox News

Constitution Nazi: Sarah Palin Calls Constitution “Irrelevant” To Non-Religious Americans

A few weeks ago Sarah Palin said the nastiest thing she could think of about Pope Francis, all because he took a stand against economic inequality. She called him a liberal (ouch). A couple of days later she had second thoughts and apologized to the Pontiff, who probably couldn’t have cared less. But that wasn’t the end of her pontificating on faith.

Sarah Palin

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Last week Palin made an appearance to peddle her “War On Christmas” book to the Tea-vangelicals at Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University. Her standard stump speech was typically littered with patriotic cliches and liberal bashing. But she introduced a new theme in this theo-con venue that goes a step further than her routine divisiveness and exclusionist rhetoric, saying that…

Palin: …our Constitution was created wholly for a moral and religious people and our Constitution would be irrelevant and impossible to follow, it would be no good, it would be inadequate for any other people.

So Sarah Palin, and her Liberty U. hosts who heartily agreed with her, regard the United States Constitution as a document that is “irrelevant” and “inadequate” to all but the devoutly religious like themselves. Never mind that the first amendment explicitly states that there shall be “no establishment of religion.” Palin is essentially denying the benefits of constitutional liberties to the 20% of Americans who describe themselves as non-religious. For these wayward heathens the Constitution is “impossible to follow.” In fact, she goes so far as to say that the absence of religion removes all reason to follow it.

Palin: [T]here will be no reason to follow our Constitution because it is a moral and religious people who understand that there is something greater than self, we are to live selflessly, and we are to be held accountable by our creator, so that is what our Constitution is based on.

Where Palin gets the notion that understanding the Constitution requires living selflessly she didn’t bother to explain. However, if she believes that, she has a funny way of showing it. Was she being selfless when she betrayed the people of her state so that she could pursue a lucrative career as a talking head at Fox News? Are her positions against food stamps, health care, the minimum wage, and tax fairness for the wealthy (like herself) examples of selflessness?

What’s more, her assertion that the Constitution is based on being “held accountable by our creator” was apparently manufactured from the thin air circulating between her ears. Nothing in the Constitution even hints at that. To the contrary, it is evident that the Founders intended to place the power to govern in the hands of the people and their designated representatives, not their deities.

The hypocritical and false piety of grifters like Palin is all too common coming from right-wingers who wish they could restrict our nation’s liberties to just themselves. It’s the sort of country club constitutionality that forbids membership for people who are different, like minorities, immigrants, and those unclean peasants who populate our working class. But rarely do cretins like Palin come right out and say that, unless you believe like they do, you are incapable of understanding freedom and are therefore undeserving of it. And when they do come right out and say it, they demonstrate that they know as little about the Constitution as they do about morality.

For Immediate Release: Secret Tea Party Conference Announced With Stephen Colbert (Invited)

As the public view of the rightmost fringe of the Republican Party (aka the Tea Party) continues in a downward spiral, the measures they are taking to rehabilitate themselves get increasingly pathetic. Take, for instance, today’s press release announcing the third annual Tea Party Conference.

The big attraction this year, that they say “will mark a turning point in Tea Party history,” is declared in the their opening question and answer: “What do Jewish, Black, Environmentalist and LGBTQ leaders have in common? They are all coming to The 3rd Annual Tea Party Conference.”

Wow! That IS historic. A Tea Party event that aims to represent the diversity of America. And it’s uncharacteristically honest of them to admit that their past has been dominated by straight, white, Christians, although everyone else has known this all along.

Of course, it remains to be seen who actually shows up for this conference and whether their attempt at inclusion is successful. One impediment to that is that the conference is something of mysterious affair. Their press release notes that the event will be held at “an undisclosed location In Marietta, GA.” That might make it difficult for people to attend. Further limiting attendance is the fact that it is an “invitation-only” affair, so I hope you got your invitation.

The organizers are promoting the conference with a press release that proudly declares that Stephen Colbert is one of those lucky invitees. That bit of hype is emblazoned in the headline and repeated in the body of the release saying…

“In order to ensure a fair and balanced dialogue on diversity, an invitation to speak is also being extended to America’s most beloved ‘conservative’ comedian: Stephen Colbert.”

What they don’t explicitly note is that Colbert has not accepted the invitation, nor is there any evidence that he even received it. Consequently, he has not indicated that he has any intention of attending the event, or even knows that it exists. But that didn’t stop the Tea Partiers from exploiting his name for its publicity value.

And in that same spirit of promotional quackery, I’d like to announce that Colbert, along with Michelle Obama and Batman, have been invited to my house for dinner to endorse my ebook “Fox Nation vs. Reality.” It’s a compendium of more than 50 examples of outright lies published on the Fox News community website. Like the Tea Party event, this dinner is invitation-only and will be held at an undisclosed location. That reminds me – I need to invite Dick Cheney.

Fox Nation vs. Reality