Blaming the Victim: GOP Accuses Pelosi of Allowing the Capitol Riots that Targeted Her

It’s about time that we all finally recognize that you CAN make this up! The Republican party is notorious for manufacturing radical, rightist mythologies that conform to their dystopian world and self-serving political environments. They couldn’t care less if there are facts to support their half-baked diversions from reality. They are a factory for fantastical fiction.

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Fox News, Nancy Pelosi

The latest GOP fractured fairy tale strives to achieve new lows of contempt for the truth and insensitivity toward the real victims of heinous crimes. And it’s brought to you by Fox News and some of the GOP’s most noxious and dishonest characters, including Jim Jordan and Devin Nunes. As Fox reported Monday morning…

“House Administration Committee Ranking Member Rodney Davis, House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Jim Jordan, House Oversight Committee Ranking Member James Comer and House Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Devin Nunes sent a letter to Pelosi, D-Calif., on Monday, saying that ‘many important questions’ about her ‘responsibility for the security’ of the Capitol on Jan. 6 ‘remain unanswered.'”

The article is full of quotes by these Republican cretins making patently baseless charges regarding the security preparedness for the January 6th Congressional session where the Electoral College vote would be certified. That, of course, devolved into an insurrectionist coup attempt instigated by Donald Trump, who sent his cult disciple to the Capitol on mission to suppress democracy.

The charges in the letter are entirely speculative and intended to raise wholly unwarranted suspicions about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that have no foundation in reality. They are brazenly smearing the Speaker in an attempt to tarnish her reputation while diverting attention from their own culpability. Their allegation rests on the fact that Pelosi, as Speaker, was responsible for security for the whole of Congress.

These Republican whiners want to make people forget that they were the ones who propped up Trump’s Big Lie about a “stolen election” that was the impetus for Trump’s Insurrectionists to attack the Congress while they were doing their constitutional duty. They were Trump’s accomplices in the assault on Congress, and his apologists afterward. But now they are trying to lay the blame on Pelosi, who was the target of Trump’s Seditionist Brigades. They think that she was a party to her own attempted assassination.

What’s more, the GOP congressmen make no mention of the fact that Sen. Mitch McConnell was the in charge of the Senate and would have had the very same authority for security as Pelosi does. But they aren’t condemning him or demanding that he answer their antagonistic questions. They are exhibiting rank partisanship while throwing around false allegations that Pelosi’s efforts to scrutinize the assault were partisan. Never mind that those efforts included appointing retired General Russel Honoré, a universally respected crisis management expert, to conduct an independent security review, and advocating for a 9/11-style, bipartisan commission to investigate the matter and its causes.

Pelosi’s chief of staff. Drew Hammill, responded to the letter saying that it was a…

“transparently partisan attempt to lay blame on the Speaker, who was a target of assassination during the insurrection fueled by the lies of House Republicans.”

[…and that…]

“We look forward to these Ranking Members asking these same questions of former Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. As the target of an assassination attempt, the Speaker knows all too well the importance of security at the Capitol and is focused on getting to the bottom of all issues facing the Capitol Complex and the events that led up to the insurrection. Clearly, these Republican Ranking Members do not share this priority.”

for Republicans to send this accusatory letter to Pelosi, the intended target of Trump’s insurrectionist mob, is abhorrent in the extreme. Particularly when they are the ones who are guilty of the crimes they are charging her with. But it’s also the predictable behavior of purposefully dishonest, moronic, conspiracy-obsessed, crackpots with nefarious agendas. And it’s what we should expect of them – and be prepared for – for the foreseeable future.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Loony GOP Chair On ‘Who Should Be Forever Remembered for Worsening the Pandemic’

There are plenty of deranged commentaries and perspectives being disgorged by today’s Republican Party. Most notable is their unflinching support for the Donald Trump led assault on Congress by his legions of insurrectionists. But while that may top the charts of heinous activities by the self-serving, power-hungry, violent extremists who belong to the Cult of Trump, it isn’t the only example of their bizarre and dangerous behavior.

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Donald Trump, Coronavirus

On Monday morning Ronna McDaniel, Trump’s hand-picked chair of the Republican National Committee, tweeted a message that truly stretches the boundaries of sanity:

REALLY? The entities that should (and will) be “forever remembered for worsening the pandemic” begin first and foremost with Donald Trump himself. He spent months downplaying the gravity of the coronavirus as nothing more than the common flu. Even though he knew that it was far more deadly. He was recording saying so in the book, RAGE, by Bob Woodward:

“Trump called Woodward and revealed that he thought the situation was far more dire than what he had been saying publicly. ‘You just breathe the air and that’s how it’s passed,’ Trump said in a Feb. 7 call. ‘And so that’s a very tricky one. That’s a very delicate one. It’s also more deadly than even your strenuous flu.'”

“At that time, Trump was telling the nation that the virus was no worse than a seasonal flu, predicting it would soon disappear, and insisting that the U.S. government had it totally under control.” […]

“Trump admitted to Woodward on March 19 that he deliberately minimized the danger. ‘I wanted to always play it down,’ the president said.”

In addition to Trump, the other entities that will be most remembered for worsening the pandemic are Fox News, that fervently backed up Trump’s lies, and the Republican Party that McDaniel heads. Naturally McDaniel is feigning outrage for allegations that she can’t even support with actual evidence. It’s just another lame and futile attempt project blame for their own failures unto others.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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WTF? Lindsey Graham Threatens to Impeach … VP Kamala Harris?

The madness of the Republican Party is skidding off the trail and over a cliff. Despite having just lost the legal debate over the impeachment of Donald Trump, and resorting to “cancelling” their own members for daring to vote their conscience, the GOP’s top spokesmodels are exhibiting signs of severe mental collapse.

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Lindsey Graham, Donald Trump

Sen. Lindsey Graham visited with Fox News’ Senior Trump-Fluffer, Maria Bartiromo, Sunday morning to defend his unconscionable vote to acquit Trump for inciting an insurrection. He ignored a mountain of evidence in order to obediently comply with the demands of his Dear Leader. But during the segment on Fox News, Graham trotted out the most ludicrous allegation imaginable as a means of diverting attention from his own detestable behavior:

“The trial record was a complete joke. Hearsay upon hearsay. And we’ve opened Pandora’s box to future presidents. If we use this model I don’t know how Kamala Harris doesn’t get impeached if Republicans take over the House. Because she actually bailed out rioters and one of the rioters went back to the streets and broke somebody’s head open. So we’ve opened Pandora’s box here, and I’m sad for the country.”

Graham is not the only one who is sad for the country. So are the majority of Americans who supported the conviction of Trump and are looking forward to his being held accountable in criminal and civil courts.

More to the point, Graham’s suggestion that Vice-President Kamala Harris could be subjected to impeachment if Republicans take control of Congress is the best argument for voting against every Republican in 2022 and beyond. He is shamelessly conceding that it would only be done as brazen political vengeance. Not that this shady motive hasn’t been evident in everything that Graham, and most of his Republican confederates, have done for years.

In addition to his craven politicization of impeachment, Graham is also lying about Harris. She never bailed out anyone, especially not rioters or other violent lawbreakers. The thread that Graham is dangling from concerns a tweet wherein Harris expressed support for the Minneapolis Freedom Fund (MFF), an organization that raised money to bail out peaceful protesters in Minnesota who were arrested following the police murder of George Floyd.

The MFF did provide bail for others who were charged with more serious crimes, but had nothing to do with the protests or those Harris was seeking to help. Even so, there is no evidence that any protester, or any other beneficiary, committed any crimes after being bailed out. Graham’s statement that Harris “actually bailed out rioters” and that “one of the rioters went back to the streets and broke somebody’s head open,” is a bald-faced lie.

This is a demonstration of how desperate Graham and the GOP are. They know that Trump is guilty of inciting a deadly riot, and they know that they are culpable for aiding and abetting his treason. That’s why they will only show up on Fox News where they know that they won’t be challenged by partisan suck-ups like Bartiromo. However, they also won’t stem the tide of disgust that is rising against them as they continue to engage in pathetic and desperate displays like this preposterous attack on VP Harris.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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CANCEL CULTure: Intolerant GOP Censures Members Who Voted to Impeach Trump

Now that Donald Trump has made history as the first reality TV game show host to be impeached twice, his toxic legacy is infecting the Republican Party that kneeled before him for four excruciating years. The latest humiliation for the Party came when they failed to convict Trump for inciting the Capitol Hill Insurrection, despite the avalanche of evidence.

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Donald Trump, GOP

The fact remains that a bipartisan majority of the Senate (57-43) voted to convict Trump, just not the two-thirds required to seal his fate. But that technicality doesn’t distract from the fact that the Democrats won the impeachment debate. And it won’t prevent Trump from being remembered forever by the American people for betraying his country.

For Trump and his apologists to regard having lost a majority of the Senate is a bizarre twist on the concept of victory. Even GOP leader Mitch McConnell ultimately conceded Trump’s guilt. After the vote he described Trump’s behavior as a “disgraceful dereliction of duty” about which he said “There’s no question, none, that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day.” Which makes his vote to acquit an exercise in flaming hypocrisy and cowardice.

In the meantime, the disgraced GOP appears intent on cementing their reputation as a closed-minded confederacy of goose-stepping ultra-rightists who demand strict obedience to party dogma. The few Republicans who dared to vote their conscience and convict Trump have already been subjected to the lash wielded by the Party Martinets of Virtue.

A frenzy of censures have been imposed on the disobedient ones who betrayed Dear Leader. They include Sen. Bill Cassidy, Sen. Richard Burr, Sen. Ben Sasse, Sen. Pat Toomey, Rep. Liz Cheney, Rep. Peter Meijer, Rep. Fred Upton, Rep. Tom Rice, and Gov, Doug Ducey, so far.

This is the punishment for exercising free thought in today’s GOP. The party has devolved so drastically that it cannot even pretend to be supportive of law and order or the democratic principles upon which the nation was founded. And it is making a mockery of its complaints about “cancel culture” by literally canceling their own members for the crime of honoring the Constitution and for having a spine.

The GOP’s Ministry of Disinformation (aka Fox News) is getting tossed in the torrent. On one hand they are joining the Party’s lynch mob to attack wayward Republicans. On the other, many of Trump’s cult disciples are abandoning Fox News for not being sufficiently worshipful. What’s a shameless purveyor of propaganda to do?

This may all be a harbinger of doom for the Republican party. There have been rumors that Trump has been toying with the idea of splitting from the GOP and starting his own self-exalting Church of Trump Party. Although he doesn’t really need to do that because he already owns the GOP.

A more likely scenario would be that Republicans of the more sane variety (if they exist) will bolt and start a third party of their own. Either way, what we know today as the Republican Party is falling apart. And that will be good news for Democrats in 2022 and beyond.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Despite What Fox News Says, Democrats Won the Impeachment Debate

Donald Trump has secured a place in history as the only reality TV game show host to be impeached twice. He holds fully 50% of all impeachments for United States Presidents. And while the outcome of this second attempt by Democrats in Congress to hold Trump accountable for betraying his oath of office and his country was never in much doubt, his legacy will forever reflect his treasonous acts.

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Donald Trump Walking the Plank

The Senate is an august body that is often referred to as “deliberative.” That is less true in these modern times as hyper-partisanship has infected a cowardly confederacy of Republicans who ignored the fact-based evidence in order to express their blind devotion to a dishonest and disgraced demagogue whose lust for power very nearly brought down the American experiment in democracy.

However, the much larger constituency of the populace at large was not as easily misled as their senatorial so-called representatives. The latest polling of citizens on the question of Trump’s guilt diverges sharply from the survey of Senators voting in Trump’s impeachment hearing:

“Seventy-one percent of American adults, including nearly half of all Republicans, believe former President Donald Trump was at least partially responsible for starting the deadly Jan. 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol, according to an Ipsos poll conducted for Reuters.”

So nearly three-quarters of the American people believe Trump is guilty. And while all fifty Democratic senators agree with the nation’s citizenry, only seven Republicans did. Even so, that still makes this the most bipartisan vote to convict an impeached president in history.

For Trump and his apologists to regard having lost a majority of 57% of the Senate is a bizarre twist on the concept of victory. Even GOP leader Mitch McConnell ultimately conceded Trump’s guilt. After the vote he described Trump’s behavior as a “disgraceful dereliction of duty” about which he said “There’s no question, none, that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day.” Which makes his vote to acquit an exercise in flaming hypocrisy and cowardice.

It isn’t very often that poll respondents ever approach 71% agreement on any political issue. So it’s significant that a majority that lopsided has occurred with an issue as controversial as impeachment. And this unity (which many in politics and the press have been clamoring for) occurred despite the best efforts of Fox News to distort reality and thrust their biased propaganda down the throats of their eagerly deceived audience.

What this tells us is that Fox News doesn’t have the broad-based influence to which they like to pretend. In fact, the ratings for the impeachment hearings prove how weak Fox’s grip on the nation’s news consumers really is. For instance, CNN reports that “Fox fell below 1 million viewers during the afternoon coverage period. For comparison’s sake MSNBC averaged 3 million and CNN averaged 2.9 million viewers.” Fox News has been coming in third regularly since the election in November of last year.

Some pundits have been asserting that Trump’s hide was saved by the existence of an ultra-rightist network that was parroting his lies and propaganda. But the ratings show that that isn’t the case. Trump’s support among his cult followers was baked in before the Senate hearings began. The efforts by Fox to shape the debate were seen by only a tiny faction of already convinced devotees. And during much of the time leading up to the impeachment, the only news for Trump was bad news. His lawyers were embarrassing themselves and/or quitting. And Fox News shills were being caught in flagrant lies and/or getting fired.

In the end, Trump’s defense was a humiliating mish-mash of the sort of malarkey that was dispensed by Trump-fluffers on Fox and other wingnut media, and that used to appear in Trump’s now-canceled Twitter feed. And the ridiculousness of the Trump defenders wasn’t lost by credible and respected observers who commented on their ineptitude, as well as Trump’s grim future:

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Tucker Carlson of Fox News Wants to Know ‘Why Are the Democrats So Angry?’

In January, the United States House of Representatives impeached Donald Trump – again. It is only the fourth time a president has ever been impeached, and the first time that a president was impeached twice. Furthermore, with ten Republicans voting in favor of Trump’s impeachment, it was the most bipartisan impeachment in history.

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Fox News, Tucker Carlson

Nevertheless, Fox News continues to distort reality with utterly ridiculous versions of Trump’s tribulations. And not surprisingly, Tucker Carlson is leading the way with flagrant lies and wholly manufactured inventions of what others are feeling. The Thursday night episode of his Fox News melodrama (video below) asked belligerently “Why are the Democrats so angry.” It’s a burning question in the minds of people who live in the same fantasy universe as Carlson. He ranted…

“Why are the Democrats so angry? We’ve asked that question a number of times. It doesn’t seem to make any sense. Truly. In November the Democratic Party won everything Full control of the federal government. They seethed for years while they were out of power. […]They are crazy person mad. Florid-faced, irrational, yelling and making threats. It is bizarre.

You really have to wonder which Democrats he’s referring to. If he’s been watching the Senate impeachment hearings he would have seen the House Democratic impeachment managers calmly delivering an effective and devastating case against Trump, based on facts and testimony that included Trump’s own words. There wasn’t a single incident of yelling or threats or anything approaching such alleged histrionics. Talk about bizarre. Carlson may just be projecting what he sees within himself. Carlson went on to malign Democrats for even bothering to impeach Trump:

“You would think they’d get to work fixing the country they inherited. They promised to do that. Instead, they set about breaking things and hurting people. What is going on here?”

First of all, it’s unusually candid of Carlson to concede that Joe Biden inherited a country that was desperately in need of repair. But his assertion that Democrats are “breaking things and hurting people” is curious, to put it mildly. Does anyone knw WTF he is talking about? Carlson also revealed that he is either in a coma, or resorting to his standard mode of communication, shameless lying.

Democrats have been working vigorously to fix the problems caused by Trump and the GOP. They have drafted a COVID relief bill (that Republicans are blocking). They are restoring Obamacare to the state prior to Trump’s sabotage of it. They have rejoined the Paris Climate Accords and World Health Organization. They have ramped up coronavirus testing and vaccinations.

And that’s not all. They are addressing income inequality with plans to raise the minimum wage to $15.00 an hour. And Biden has addressed critical issues with Russia (cyber-espionage, election interference, bounties on American soldiers, Navalny poisoning) and China (virus origination, trade, Hong Kong independence, territorial waters) that Trump ignored and/or made worse. And Biden has only been President for three weeks. What more does Carlson want?

The tirade continued with Carlson complaining that Democrats were involved with Google’s YouTube taking down a pro-life account. Carlson accused Google of doing that because “Google supports abortion, like a lot of big corporations do. Children distract the labor force. If you’re raising your family, you are not serving shareholders.” Does that idiocy even need to be rebutted? For the record, Carlson is lying again. The real reason the account was closed was because it was “repeatedly sharing videos that spread misinformation about COVID-19 and the vaccines against it.” That is a violation of YouTube’s stated terms of service.

Carlson also complained that “Twitter shut down James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas Twitter feed. There was no justifiable reason to do this.” Once again, Carlson is lying. The reason Twitter shut down O’Keefe’s account was because of its “repeated violations of the platform’s policies prohibiting sharing — or threats of sharing — other people’s private information without consent.”

Carlson was especially perturbed over what he views as the victimhood of Fox News, saying that…

“Fox is the last big organization in the American news media that differs in even the smallest ways from the other big news organizations. The only one. That’s it. Just us. At this point, there’s everyone else in the media standing in crisp formation, in their starched matching uniforms and their little caps, patiently awaiting orders from the billionaire class.”

Umm… It seems like it’s Carlson and his tribe that is goose-stepping in formation, wearing little red caps, and taking orders from billionaire Rupert Murdoch. There is nothing similar in the rest of the media that reports to a single source of ultra-partisan dogma. In fact, there’s a great deal of competition and diversity. That’s the reason that Fox News stands alone. They have cornered the radical right news market. And they are the only network that so brazenly dispenses with journalistic ethics and the principles of honest reporting. So naturally they are “different” in the most biased and dangerous way.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Why Every Argument to Acquit Donald Trump is Pure, Unadulterated Bull****

The Senate hearing for Donald Trump’s historic second impeachment has entered its defense stage. This follows the devastatingly effective presentation of the House impeachment managers who factually and passionately demonstrated how unarguably guilty Trump is for having incited a violent insurrection and an attack on the United States Congress.

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Donald Trump

The Trump defense began with a comically stereotypical comment that illustrates just how vacant the defense team’s strategy is. “Like every other politically motivated witch hunt the left has engaged in over the past four years,” began attorney Bruce Castor, “this impeachment is completely divorced from the facts, the evidence, and the interests of the American people.” So Trump’s team has been fully marinated in Trump’s own buzzwords and fallacies.

Castor went on to present a long collection of video clips suggesting that any use of the word “fight” with reference to a political objective was identical to Trump’s repeated provocations to act out violently. There is, however, a significant difference. We know that none of the remarks by the Democrats in the video resulted in an invasion of Congress or any other display of violence. And we know what Trump’s exhortations to his cult disciples did.

In order to have a concise record of precisely why Trump’s defense is so feeble and patently dishonest, what follows is a summary of the arguments that Trump’s lawyers will offer in defense of the indefensible:

Trump’s defenders have already tried to argue that it is unconstitutional to impeach a president who is no longer in office. But Trump was impeached while he was still in office. The subsequent Senate hearing is explicitly authorized by the Constitution that says that “The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments.”

Free Speech
Trump’s team will argue that Trump was merely exercising his right to free speech like any other American citizen. But free speech has exceptions when the speech is so inflammatory as to present a threat to public safety. Clearly, the consequences of Trump’s speech show that it fit that exception.

No Direct Incitement
Trump’s lawyers will try to divorce Trump from his hostile rhetoric. But the record of months of relentless goading produced exactly the horrific results that Trump intended and that anyone could have foreseen. And Trump’s cavalier attitude after learning of the assault, and his refusal to provide help, is affirmation of his support for the rioters acting at his direction.

Trump’s team will attempt to divert attention from Trump’s atrocities to wholly unrelated events. They will suggest that violence that occurred during Black Lives Matter protests was identical in principle to the storming of Congress by Trump’s Seditionist Brigades. But those looters were not associated with the BLM demonstrations or their organizers. And in any case, that doesn’t absolve Trump of any of his crimes. It’s like saying that a bank robber shouldn’t be convicted because some other bank at some other time was robbed by somebody else.

Preplanned, Partisan, Political Theater
Trump’s legal strategy rests heavily on claiming that the whole matter was politically motivated and therefore illegitimate. To believe that one would have to ignore the mountains of evidence against Trump. Facts are nonpartisan. And the fact that some of the insurrectionists planned their crimes in advance doesn’t meran that Trump wasn’t responsible. He was inciting them for months. and even funded the January 6th rally.

Fear of Electoral Repercussions
This would be the only valid argument from the perspective of Republican senators planning to vote for Trump’s acquittal. They surely have good reason to believe that they would suffer politically if they anger the Trump Cultists in their states. Particularly in the highly partisan primary elections. But that is a terrible reason to align with treasonous acts and to succumb to the cowardly position of acquitting Trump despite the evidence against him.

That pretty much sums up the Trump defense. On the other hand, there are much more substantial reasons to convict him. First and foremost is that he is so obviously guilty.

In addition to that, it is imperative that any president who engages in such appalling behavior must be punished. He must be punished out of a sense of duty, but also as a deterrent to future demagogues, as well as future insurrectionists.

Finally, history demands a conviction so that the crimes of this president are established and recorded for posterity. Otherwise, we will very likely undergo the same sort of atrocities by even more destructive, sociopathic, wannabe tyrants.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Tucker Carlson is Vying for the Coveted ‘Fox News A-Hole of All Time’ Award

The Fox News Channel has long been the mouthpiece for an extremist right-wing agenda and the most radical fringes of the Republican Party. It’s what it was created to do by its founders Rupert Murdoch (an ultra-conservative media baron) and Roger Ailes (a GOP media consultant). And they have vigorously pursued their mission to distort the news and deceive their eagerly misled viewers.

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Fox News, Tucker Carlson

Over the years there has been a parade of lying charlatans on the network who shamelessly spread blatant disinformation and propaganda. They included such nefarious luminaries as Bill O’Reilly, Glenn Beck, Megyn Kelly, the recently terminated Lou Dobbs, and of course, the veteran of venality, Sean Hannity.

With such a stellar cast of cretins it’s hard to imagine that anyone else could sink below that roster and achieve new depths of disgust. But there is one Fox News stalwart who is unafraid of the formidable competition and is willing to debase himself sufficiently to descend to unprecedented new lows.

Tucker Carlson is undoubtedly Fox’s new leader in political lechery. He has earned this dishonor over many years of fashioning diatribes filled with flagrant falsehoods and hate speech. However, his most recent rants are testaments to his determination to reign as the Fox News GOAT (Grossest Of All Time). Just this week Carlson has unleashed these nauseating tirades:

Coronavirus Vaccines Are a Plot by the Left to Suppress Free Speech and Even Freedom Overall
Wherein Carlson asks a bunch of question about vaccines for which the answers are readily available, but because he’s too stupid to look them up, he insists they don’t exist and everyone is lying about it. The truth is that Carlson lied about virtually everything in this tirade. And his lies are going to get people killed by dissuading them from getting vaccinated. Media Matters answered his questions for him here:

George Floyd Died of a Drug Overdose, not the Cop’s Knee on His Throat for Eight Minutes
Wherein Carlson tries to divert attention from Trump’s historic second impeachment hearing in the Senate by bashing Black Lives Matter and making excuses for murderous cops. Which is a pretty wild diversion. And once again, according to Carlson everyone else is lying when it’s really just Carlson. He falsely asserts that George Floyd didn’t die of asphyxiation from having a cop’s knee on his throat for more than eight minutes. Carlson says he died of a drug overdose, like all Black “criminals” who defy authority.

Here’s the truth: The Hennepin County medical examiner ruled Floyd’s death a homicide due to “cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression.” Also, an independent autopsy determined Floyd died of “asphyxia from sustained pressure” on his neck and back that led to “impeded blood flow to the brain.” The report concluded that “Floyd has no underlying medical condition that would have contributed to his death.”

Defending Your Right To Believe That Democrats Eat Babies
Wherein Carlson’s segment sported a graphic that read “DEMS ARE TRYING TO CONTROL WHAT YOU BELIEVE,” although he never presented a single example of that. He began his demented dissertation on the dangers of censorship by sarcastically pronouncing that “The real threat is a forbidden idea, it’s something called QAnon.” This was his lead-in to a full-throated support for the crackpot conspiracy theorists.

Fomenting Civil War With Insanely Paranoid Lies
Wherein Carlson claims that Democrats are mounting a literal war against Republicans, with soldiers and everything. No, really. He actually said that Democrats “declared war on their rival political party. Not, by the way, a metaphorical war, but an actual one, with soldiers, paramilitary law enforcement, and the world’s most powerful intelligence agencies.”

This list could go on and on. But the point is made that Carlson is now the undisputed King of Crackpottery. And an especially dangerous brand of it. He is inciting violence with frightening tales of cannibalistic, freedom-hating Democrats. He is exacerbating the worst public health crisis in a century by maligning efforts to impede the COVID pandemic. He is stirring up his white supremacist audience to ever more noxious states of bigotry. And he is doing all of this tangible harm from his perch on Fox News where his ratings are higher than Hannity’s. Although the network suffered a sharp decline after the November election and is currently in third place behind CNN and MSNBC.

Fox News lawyers actually argued successfully in court that Carlson cannot not be held liable for the lies he tells because he “cannot be understood to have been stating facts,” and that “given Mr. Carlson’s reputation, any reasonable viewer ‘arrive[s] with an appropriate amount of skepticism’ about the statements he makes.” In other words, no reasonable viewer would believe Carlson’s BS. That’s according to the Fox News lawyers speaking on Carlson’s behalf.

The problem is that Carlson doesn’t have any reasonable viewers. So the cult disciples he’s disinforming on a nightly basis will blindly buy into whatever he says. And for that reason he’s earned the Fox News A-Hole of All Time Award. It’s an award that ought to be accompanied by a rapid cancelation so as to prevent any further harm to the nation. Sadly, Fox News is more likely to give him a raise and another hour to spew his bullcrap. Consequently, It might be more productive to do this: Un-Fox My Cable Box For more info on that, read this.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News Cuts Away From Senate Impeachment Hearing During the Most Horrifying Parts

The historic second Senate Impeachment hearing of Donald Trump is unfolding with nauseating evidence of the assault by Trump’s Seditionist Brigades. It is new security camera video from inside the Capitol and shows the insurrectionists, as well as the members of Congress and the staffs being ushered to relative safety.

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Fox News, Censorship

These videos would make any sane, patriotic American cringe at the thought of how Trump and his cult followers desecrated the seat of American democracy and threatened the lives of representatives and others performing their constitutional duties. This treasonous riot in progress was among the most compelling parts of the House impeachment manager’s presentation.

So naturally, Fox News stopped airing it. All three broadcast networks, along with CNN and MSNBC aired it all live. But Fox thought it was more important to show their viewers what the screwball pundits on The Five had to say about the day’s news, some of which had nothing to do with the Senate hearing. The last thing Fox News wanted was to show videos of the Trump Brigades breaking into the Capitol and terrorizing innocent people.

This is more evidence that Fox News is NOT news. In fact, they are afraid the news. and they are afraid to allow their viewers to see what really happened on January 6. They need to keep them as ignorant as possible so they will continue to believe the Trump propaganda. And it really doesn’t matter what they show instead.

In this case it was a segment about an NBA team owner who briefly said he wouldn’t play the National Anthem before a game. And Fox thought that was the most pressing news at that moment in time. Seth Myers nailed on Tuesday night in his “Closer Look” segment when he said that “The smaller the story Fox News is focusing on, the bigger the story they’re ignoring is.”

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

You Want Unity? Here’s Your Unity: 83% Favor Biden’s COVID Relief Plan

As the historical first of a second presidential impeachment proceeds, the most prominent argument by Donald Trump’s apologists is that the whole affair is divisive and that Democrats should “move on.” They plead for Democrats to embrace “unity” with Republicans, the party that has viciously maligned them for years and regards them as enemies. This call for unity by the losers who are supporting a criminal ex-president is, to say the least, convenient.

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Donald Trump, Republican, GOP

The Republican pretense of harmony is as phony as Trump’s spray-on tan. What they regard as unifying is capitulation to their agenda which was decisively defeated last November. In the eyes of the Trumpists, if Democrats don’t give Republicans everything they want, they will be accused of hypocrisy for rejecting the bipartisanship that Biden has been advocating.

The problem with the GOP stance – aside from being blatantly disingenuous – is that unity is not achieved by caving in to unpopular demands by the losing party. It is far more productive to be unified with the American people. And a new poll by CBS News affirms that the people – both Democrats and Republicans – are indeed unified behind the policies of progressives.

The poll asked respondents “Would you approve or disapprove of Congress passing an additional economic relief package that would provide funds to people and businesses impacted by the coronavirus outbreak?” The response was an overwhelming 83% favoring passage of the COVID relief plan.

There are very few polls with majorities that unified. And it was a bipartisan unity. When asked about the amount of the bill currently being discussed, 79% overall said it was either “about right” or wanted it to be more. Even among Republicans, 61% say the amount of Biden’s plan is either “about right” (34%) or “not enough” (27%). What’s more, the poll found that Biden’s approval was a solid 61% majority. For the record, Trump never hit 50% at any time during his presidency or candidacy.

Just because Republicans in Congress are more united with QAnon than they are with the American people – and even their own constituents – doesn’t mean that Democrats aren’t supportive of unity. Clearly they are united with the citizens of all political persuasions who want Congress to pass the relief bill and deliver the help that is so badly needed. it’s the GOP who needs to reflect on why they are not unified with either Democrats or Republicans. But don’t expect them to have the integrity for that sort of honest reflection.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.