Fox News Homepage Ignores Shocking Story About Trump’s DOJ Spying on Democrats

When Donald Trump was still occupying the White House, it was common to see Fox News acting as his Ministry of Disinformation. It was the fulfillment of their mission as the wholly committed right-wing mouthpiece for ultra-conservative propaganda. And Fox News carried out their mission without hesitation or shame.

Donald Trump Fox News

However, it might have been fair to assume that after Trump was unceremoniously evicted from the People’s House by the millions of Americans who preferred Joe Biden, that Fox News would either moderate their acute Trumpism or transfer it to some other Republican hack. But that is not how the early months of the post-Trump era have played out. Fox News, as well as Trump’s cult disciples, have remained as faithful to the impotent loser as ever.

For its part, Fox News is still devotedly serving the interests of Trump despite his banishment to irrelevancy in Mar-a-Lago or some other gauche golf resort. They are still maligning Trump’s political foes. They are still slobbering over his imaginary achievements. They recently refused to air an ad supporting the police who defended the Capitol during the Trump Insurrection because it revealed the truth about Trump’s complicity with the riots. And Fox News is still burying any bad news that could reflect poorly (i.e. honestly) on Trump and his record of failure. For instance, Fox didn’t bother to report on Trump’s treasonous statement declaring his trust for Vladimir Putin over President Biden on the eve of the first summit meeting between the two.

What’s more, on the day following the ghastly disclosure that Trump’s Department of Justice had unlawfully spied on Democratic members of Congress, the Fox News website courageously ran away from any journalistic duty and ignored the shocking story completely. There was not a single mention of this unprecedented abuse of power on their home page. Why should there be? It would only tarnish Trump’s already toxic reputation, and that isn’t what Fox was built for.

Never mind that Fox News obediently covered it every time that Trump falsely accused President Obama and other Democrats of spying on him. So what did Fox feature instead of the totalitarian assault on Trump’s political critics?

That’s right! While Fox News was ignoring a truly groundbreaking scoop, they chose to run a story about other networks ignoring a manufactured squabble amongst partisans. This was hardly national news. It involved an allegedly controversial remark by a young congresswoman from Minnesota with no seniority or leadership position. But she is also Black and Muslim, which makes her a favorite foil for Fox News.

In the article on this matter, Fox twisted Rep. Ilhan Omar’s comments and didn’t bother to mention her clarification until literally the last paragraph. Because that’s just how Fox rolls. They surely cannot argue that there is any equivalency between the Omar story that they posted on their home page and the DOJ story that they didn’t. And only further proves that there is nothing about Fox that can be classified as news.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Putin Toady Trump Admits He Trusts Russia Over U.S. On Eve of Summit with Biden

In his latest statement from exile, Donald Trump has made it abundantly clear where his loyalty lies (with an emphasis on “lies”). And he simultaneously confirmed just how deeply consumed he is by the patently insane paranoia he’s been peddling for the past four years.

Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin

Trump’s new “Save America” (from democracy?) message is like a greatest hits collection of delusional days gone by. He appears to have crammed every psychotic concoction he could think of into one run-on rejection of reality. However, it is also a disturbing admission that he has greater trust for America’s enemies than for its leaders and defenders. What follows is an annotated examination of Trump’s profoundly anti-American screed:

“As President, I had a great and very productive meeting in Helsinki, Finland, with President Putin of Russia, Despite the belated Fake News portrayal of the meeting, the United States won much, including the respect of President Putin and Russia.”

The allegedly “productive meeting in Helsinki” was the one wherein Trump took Vladimir Putin’s side over that of U.S. intelligence with regard to Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election. And what Trump calls the “fake news portrayal of the meeting” was actually just the press reporting his remarks verbatim. Trump continued:

“Because of the phony Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax, made-up and paid for by the Democrats and Crooked Hillary Clinton, the United States was put at a disadvantage – a disadvantage that was nevertheless overcome by me.”

What Trump is calling a “hoax” (one of many in Trump’s diseased brain) was documented by multiple U.S. intelligence agencies, as well as by Special Counsel (and lifelong Republican) Robert Mueller’s congressional testimony. If “the United States was put at a disadvantage,” it was solely due to Trump’s ignorance and purposeful anti-American intentions. And for no apparent reason, he’s reprising his old obsession with “crooked” Hillary Clinton. But here’s the kicker:

“As to who do I trust, they asked, Russia or our ‘Intelligence’ from the Obama era, meaning people like Comey, McCabe, the two lovers, Brennan, Clapper, and numerous other sleezebags, or Russia, the answer, after all that has been found out and written, should be obvious. Our government has rarely had such lowlifes as these working for it.”

That’s right. Just days before President Biden is set to meet with Putin, Trump is maligning the U.S. and boosting his Russian BFF. Trump obviously has no concern for our nation’s security, nor any respect for the norms of diplomacy. That includes the maxim that “politics end at the water’s edge,” so as not harm America’s interests when the President is overseas. And Trump closed with this bit of assholery:

“Good luck to Biden in dealing with President Putin – don’t fall asleep during the meeting, and please give him my warmest regards!”

Trump’s support for Russia at this critical point in time is consistent with that of his Fox News sycophants. On Wednesday Sean Hannity reached out to deliver a gift to Putin in the form of an infantile put down of Biden. Perhaps it was in appreciation for Putin’s defense of Trump and his Capitol Hill Insurrectionists. Either way, the only winner in this game is Russia where these attacks on Biden by fellow Americans is being received with glee:

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.