SRSLY? GOP Senator Vows to Fight Back Against ‘The Left’s War on…’ Meat?

The election of Joe Biden not only sent Donald Trump packing back to Mar-All-Ego, it also launched a months long state of desperation by the Trumpified Republican Party that has been utterly incapable of attaching their manufactured “scandals” to the new President.

Donald Trump, Republican, GOP

Try as they might, the GOP has failed miserably at tarnishing Biden’s image or his broad approval by the public at large. They have floated conspiracies about vaccine outreach programs. They have fear mongered about Critical Race Theory. They have even attacked the romance of the Bidens 44 year-long marriage.

On Saturday Republican Senator Joni Ernst took another swing at muddying up Democrats. She posted a tweet warning her followers about the horror of the alleged “Left’s War on Meat,” an altercation that exists only in her diseased and paranoid mind.

Does Ernst really believe that this is the issue that will galvanize voters and motivate them to turn out for Republican meat saviors? Well, having observed the intellectual state of the GOP lately, she might be on to something.

However, there is simply no truth to the claim that Democrats are waging a war on meat. In fact, they are as enamored of burgers and bacon and McNuggets as any Republican. And there aren’t any bills in Congress to ban or limit meat production or consumption. Although there was a previous attempt by GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-QAnon) to peddle a ludicrous lie about Biden proposing a 90% cut in meat from America’s diet. That, of course, never happened. So where is Ernst’s evidence of a war?

Despite the fact that she is battling a mirage, Ernst has introduced a bill to fight back against her imaginary foes. The TASTEE Act is a bizarre and unnecessary piece of legislative nonsense that states that “An agency, or a contractor of an agency that provides food services to a dining facility of the agency, may not establish a policy that prohibits a dining facility of the agency from serving a particular type of food.”

Really? So an agency cafeteria would be prohibited from establishing their own menus? Would they be forced to serve every type of food, whether anyone wanted to eat it or not? Would this bill take precedence over the cuisine preferences by patrons? And isn’t this the sort of federal government interference in commerce that the GOP usually opposes?

The article that Ernst’s tweet linked to supports her fear of meat discrimination, up to a point. It began by asking “Have you noticed that meat is always the ‘culprit’? Obesity. Environmental degradation. Cancer. Animal abuse. Climate change.” Which is a pretty good question, considering that meat actually is responsible for obesity, environmental degradation, cancer, etc. And it is also, according to Forbes, a prominent contributor to the climate change crisis. Plus, the article also made this rather salient point:

“Michigan State University’s 2021 Food Literacy and Engagement poll found that 41 percent of Americans were likely to buy faux meat that looks and tastes like real meat. That’s up from only 33 percent in 2018.”

So consumers are trending toward meat alternatives in big way. Why is Ernst against free market capitalism? The American people appear to be capable of making their own dietary choices without Ernst or the feds mandating menus by law. But more to the point, Why is Ernst ginning up alleged “atrocities” by Democrats that have no basis in reality. Like the Impossible Burger, it seems that Ernst is taking a big bite out of Impossible Facts – her own family recipe of alternative facts.

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At Trump Insurrection Convention GOP Rep Says to Prepare to Sacrifice Your Lives

If anyone thought that the deadly insurrection that took place on January 6th in Washington, D.C., was a transitory affair that concluded when the rioters were driven from the Capitol, think again. That was just the opening salvo in a battle that is still ongoing. And it is a battle that Donald Trump and his Republican confederates intend to exploit for as long as possible, causing as much harm as they can. Never mind how delusional they have become about all of it.

Donald Trump Rally, Sieg Heil

As evidence of the Trumpian right’s determination to wage another civil war, witness the remarks by Rep. Mo Brooks (R-QAnon) at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Dallas, Texas, on Friday. His speech was a call to arms to the CPACers, aimed at whipping up their already seething hostility and hatred for fellow Americans (i.e. Democrats and liberals) that he, and most other CPAC speakers, viciously and falsely malign as Marxists and communists (which they couldn’t define if their lives depended on it). Brooks ranted that…

“Our choice is simple. We can surrender and submit, or we can fight back as our ancestors have done. Think for a moment about our ancestors who fought at Valley Forge. They didn’t fight the British, they fought for survival. Twelve thousand Continental soldiers arrived. Five, six months later two thousand had died.

“Think about what they went through. Burying your brothers, your fathers, your sons. Ten to fifteen a day, every day for six months. That’s the kind of sacrifice that we have to think about. And I ask you: are you willing to fight for America? Are you willing to fight for America? Well, the choice is simple. This is how you fight for America. This is what America needs you to do.”

When the inevitable violence that this sort of rhetoric incites comes about, Brooks can’t pretend that he was speaking metaphorically. He is drawing a straight line from wartime events that resulted in thousands of fatalities, to the specific actions he is imploring his audience to take. It is not unlike his remarks on January 6th prior to the assault on the Capitol when Brooks said that “Today is the day American patriots start taking down names and kicking ass.” This is the guy that Trump has endorsed for the Senate in Alabama.

Make no mistake, violent insurrection is the goal of Trump and the anti-American, QAnon seditionists of the Republican Party. The Justice Department has recognized the potential dangers that are being fueled by this toxic pseudo-populism. And the nation must remain vigilant and determined to insure that democracy prevails over the domestic terrorism and totalitarianism of the today’s Trumpified GOP.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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