Never let it be said that Donald Trump would ever miss an opportunity to say something profoundly stupid that he is certain is bursting with brilliance. He has been doing it for decades, although in the past five years that tendency has been rife with peril for millions of Americans.
On Wednesday afternoon Trump finally said something that many people – especially Democrats – will be thrilled to hear. In defense of his obsession with his totally unfounded claims of election fraud, Trump had Liz Harrington, his Twitter ban defying spokes-shill, tweet that…
“If we don’t solve the Presidential Election Fraud of 2020 (which we have thoroughly and conclusively documented), Republicans will not be voting in ‘22 or ‘24. It is the single most important thing for Republicans to do.”
That’s fantastic news. Trump is effectively advising his dimwitted cult disciples to refrain from voting in future elections. The condition that he imposes is one that simply cannot be met. There is, after all, no way to “solve” what he is calling election fraud, when after the passage of nearly a year, multiple GOP-run audits, and more than sixty court cases, have never produced any evidence of such fraud.
Just because he says that it has been “thoroughly and conclusively documented” doesn’t mean that it has. If so, why hasn’t he produced any of this alleged documentation? Is he waiting for Mike Lindell, the MyPillow Guy, to send it to him?
Harrington was later apprised of how her Trump proxy tweet was been interpreted. So she stepped up to offer a clarification that only made things worse, tweeting that…
“President Trump did not say don’t vote. He pointed out the obvious consequence of not fixing fraud and holding those who broke laws accountable will be Republicans sitting out If we don’t fix our elections, many voters will think their vote won’t count.”
In other words, her clarification said exactly the same thing. If the nonexistent election fraud isn’t “fixed” the “obvious consequence” will be Republicans not voting because – why should they? That’s the same advice offered in the first tweet.
To be clear, Trump’s definition of “solving” his contrived election fraud crisis is to overturn the election and inaugurate himself as president-reject. He said so in another tweet wherein he tried to to hijack the “Big Lie” phrasing and amend it to the “Really Big Lie,” but redefine it as the actual election on November 3, 2020. He asserted that “If we had an honest media this Election would have been overturned many months ago.” Yeah, right!
It’s pretty safe to assume that the election will not be overturned. Therefore, the alleged fraud will not be “solved” according to Trump’s condition. And if that means that Republicans will sit out the next couple of elections, I guess the nation will just have to find a way to muddle through without the electoral contributions of ignoramuses who are blindly devoted to a lying, narcissist, with authoritarian aspirations. Somehow, I think we’ll find a way to carry on.
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