In Delusional Podcast Rant, Trump Still Thinks He’s Going To Be Returned To His Throne

By now, anyone who has been paying attention knows that Donald Trump is suffering from psychotic delusions about having won the 2020 presidential election that he lost by more than seven million votes. Either that or his pathological lying just keeps descending to new lows. Every recount, audit, and court case, over the past ten months has affirmed that Trump was decisively defeated by now President Joe Biden.

Donald Trump, King

These unimpeachable facts notwithstanding, the twice impeached mental case of Mar-a-Lago continues to peddle his “Big Lie” that the election was “rigged” and “stolen” from him. It’s a persistent pattern of victimhood that Trump uses to fleece his pathetic cult followers.

For the record, the latest example of Trump’s psychosis was evident in a podcast “interview” he conducted with ultra-rightist wannabe pundit David Harris Jr. Trump deployed the usual contrived clichés that litter his third grade level rhetorical vocabulary. “The Election was rigged,” he whined. It was “incorrectly reported by the fake news,” and “Our country is going to hell.” You know the drill. He elaborated saying that…

“They found thousands and thousands, much more than you’d need. Thousands and thousands of votes that were just false, or disgusting, or phantom, or anything you wanna call it. Far more than would be needed to overturn. […] I don’t need many of them [states]. I need two, two or three depending on size.”

Needless to say, actual evidence proves that none of that is true. There were not “thousands and thousands” of “false, or disgusting, or phantom” votes. In fact, the Arizona fraudit conducted by the conspiracy crackpots known as the Cyber Ninjas actually found more votes for Biden and fewer for Trump.

However, what’s most disturbing about Trump’s rant is that he still seems to believe that the election can be “overturned.” All he needs are a couple of states to decertify. Of course there is no legal path to the fantasy world that Trump inhabits. He is rambling incoherently again. And sadly, his dimwitted disciples will eat it up. It would be downright depressing if it weren’t so hysterical. Or would it be downright hysterical if it weren’t so depressing? At this point it’s getting hard to tell.

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HUH? Trump Opposes the Democratic Bills Because … They Will Elect More Republicans?

Democrats in Congress are battling with Republicans – and a couple of reticent Democrats – to pass a pair pf bills aimed at keeping the government from shutting down and defaulting on its debt. Republicans are demonstrating their customary hypocrisy with regard to the debt limit, and their blatant and reckless partisanship on funding for critical ongoing operations.

Donald Trump Angry

On Thursday morning there was some chatter in the press about agreements being reached to get the Continuing Resolution passed and keep the government open. But any signal that the government might function efficiently is an automatic trigger to Donald Trump, whose psychotic synapses force him into a perpetually hostile stance. Consequently, upon hearing the news, Trump had his spokes-shill, Liz Harrington (whose proxy Trump tweeting is violating Twitter’s rules against circumventing a ban), hammer out a couple of audaciously dishonest tweets in hopes of undermining the legislative progress.

The first tweet insisted that “This bill must be opposed!” Trump’s reasons for opposition were based on his utterly fictional analysis of the bill, along with a swing at xenophobic fear mongering:

“Snuck into the government funding bill, or CR, the Democrats are trying to pass, and just found, is unlimited money to random, unscreened, unvetted Afghan nationals. Republicans can’t let this happen. […] This is not a “clean” government funding bill. It’s a major immigration rewrite that allows Biden to bring anyone he wants from Afghanistan for the next year—no vetting, no screening, no security—and fly them to your community.”

Absolutely none of that is true. The only reference to Afghans is a clause that permits the federal government to continue operations in support of “individuals evacuated from Afghanistan.” These are the allies who worked with the U.S. military during the twenty year war. They are the same people that Republicans and Fox News complained were being left behind. Now Trump is portraying them as dangerous foes being surreptitiously planted in “your community.”

The second tweet also demanded that the bills be rejected. but this one took a more brazenly political posture:

“If Democrats are able to piece together their huge tax hikes, called by another name, it will mean an additional 40 Republican seats in the House and at least a few additional Republican Senators in the U.S. Senate.”

Without any warning, Trump appears to have changed the subject from the funding and debt ceiling bills, to the infrastructure bills. It is the reconciliation bill that contains a rollback of Trump’s prior tax scam that cut taxes for corporations and the wealthy. However, what is notable in his comment is his belief that those provisions are unpopular and would result in a red wave in the mid-term election next year.

Let’s set aside the fact that the Democratic bills are overwhelmingly favored by broad majorities of voters. If Trump actually believed that passage of the Democratic agenda would result in Republicans retaking both houses of Congress, wouldn’t he welcome that? It would pave the way for his return to the White House in 2024, and then the GOP could enact whatever right-wing wet dreams they have.

Obviously, Trump is rambling incoherently again. He has no idea how Congress works, or how the game of politics is played. His only strategy, no matter the circumstances, is to be virulently opposed to whatever his political foes favor. His one-note ideology can be summarized in the timeless words of one of America’s most renown statesmen…

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Debt Ceiling Dumbass Sean Hannity is Right, Except for Being Wrong About Almost Everything

Fox News is taking a rare break from trying to kill off their audience with COVID vaccine disinformation. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t still spreading lies intended to harm their viewers and the nation.

Fox News, Sean Hannity

The current battle in Congress to pass legislation for infrastructure development and economic renewal is consuming much of the news cycle. The plans represent key parts of President Biden’s agenda. So naturally Fox News is weighing in with predictable attacks on anything that the Democrats have proposed or support. And leading the charge is Fox’s Senior Trump-Fluffer, Sean Hannity.

On his nightly hour of liberal bashing and neo-fascism advocacy, Hannity demonstrated why he is so revered by budding totalitarians across the nation. He simultaneously demonstrated his infamous idiocy on pretty much any subject that he addresses.

In this episode, Hannity was canoodling with Newt Gingrich to contrive false narratives about Congress raising the debt ceiling. It’s a usually a routine function that both political parties agree to in order to keep the country from defaulting on its debts. But not this year. Republicans have been adamant that they will not play nice with Democrats, even if it means economic catastrophe. And as a loyal Republican, but a disloyal American, Hannity chimed in saying that…

“They [Democrats] have the House. They have the Senate. They want to spend all this money. Republicans don’t. There’s no opportunity to work with a Republican. I don’t think one Republican should vote to increase it by a penny. Now Democrats are gonna say ‘Oh, you’re gonna shut down the government, and the full faith and credit of the U.S. government is gonna be at stake.’ That’s not true. They have control of Congress. They have control of the purse strings. They get to decide. So it will be up to them whether or not they raise the debt ceiling. Correct?”

Oddly enough, Hannity managed to get something right for a change. Democrats do have majorities in the House and the Senate. And they can pass an increase in the debt ceiling on their own, so long as there are no defections. But everything else Hannity said is not only wrong, but mind-numbingly stupid:

  • First of all, raising the debt ceiling has nothing to do with Democrats wanting to spend money. In fact, it is the money that was already spent during the administration of Donald Trump that that would be covered by the increase.
  • Secondly, Democrats have reached out repeatedly to Republicans to join this ordinarily uncontroversial procedure. Th GOP has refused to go along, insisting that Democrats carry the load by themselves. It’s a tactic designed to blame Democrats after the fact for doing the responsible thing.
  • Thirdly, Hannity’s little charade about the GOP not putting the “full faith and credit of the U.S. government” at risk is a straight up lie, and he knows it. If the debt ceiling isn’t raised, then the U.S. cannot pay its obligations. That’s the definition of default, and would send the economy into a tailspin. The anticipation of it has already spooked the stock market.

The only thing that Hannity got right was that Democrats hold majorities in Congress. Although he fails to grasp that the only reason that’s true is because the American people put them there. They also put Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in the White House, defeating Trump by more than seven million votes.

Consequently, this might be a good time to listen to Hannity. His recognition that “[Democrats] have control of Congress, they have control of the purse strings, they get to decide,” should inspire the Democrats to move forward with the rest of their agenda. They should pass the infrastructure bill without help from the GOP. They should pass the reconciliation bill as well. And if they need to dispense with the filibuster to do it, they shouldn’t hesitate.

The Biden/Democratic agenda is overwhelmingly popular with the American people. Passage would create jobs, stimulate the economy, provide benefits for families, children, students, seniors, workers, and more. And Democrats would get all of the credit. That’s a recipe for future victories in 2022, 2024, and beyond. So if there ever a time to take Hannity’s advice, it’s now. Go for it Democrats!

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Matt Gaetz Inadvertently (Though Correctly) Calls Donald Trump ‘Addled’

The House Armed Services Committee held a hearing with the top Pentagon brass on Wednesday. The purpose was ostensibly to get more information about the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan after twenty years of of conflict. However, as is often the case, some of the members of the committee were only there to malign President Biden, the American military, and its leaders.

Fox News, Matt Gaetz

For reasons that are inconceivable, Matt Gaetz (FL-QAnon) is a member of the committee, despite having no military experience or education whatsoever. And as a confirmed ultra-partisan bomb thrower, he spent his allotted time making baseless accusations and impotent insults and threats.

In the process of his pitifully uninformed ranting, Gaetz demonstrated just what a buffoon he is, and what an embarrassment to the Congress and the district he supposedly represents (when he isn’t off on pathetic political junkets with his BFF Marjorie Taylor Green). Gaetz, a trust fund baby who never served, scolded Gen. Mark Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, saying that…

“You said yesterday that you weren’t gonna resign when senators asked you this question. And I believe you guys probably won’t resign. You seem to be very happy failing up over there. But if we didn’t have a president that was so addled, you all would be fired. Because that is what you deserve. You have let down people who wear the uniform in my district and all around the country and you’re far more interested in what your perception is and how people think about you in insider Washington books than you care about winning.”

A congressman who is currently under investigation for sex trafficking and soliciting of a minor probably shouldn’t be calling for the resignations of others. That’s particularly true when he has no foundation for making such an audacious demand.

However, in his harangue Gaetz appears to be oblivious to the attack he’s making on his messiah and mentor, Donald Trump. By asserting that Milley would have been fired “if we didn’t have a president that was so addled,” Gaetz is actually agreeing with all of those who have observed that Trump is dangerously crazy. That’s because it was Trump who promoted Milley to the chairmanship of the Joint Chiefs of Staff back in December of 2018. He was confirmed by the GOP led Senate on a bipartisan vote of 89 to 1 (Jeff Merkley, a Democrat, was the sole “no” vote). Milley then served in that role for the remaining two years of Trump’s presidency, and continues under Biden.

So if anyone deserves the “blame” for Milley’s service, it’s Trump. And according to Gaetz, Trump was too addled to fire him. What’s more, Gaetz’s assertion that Milley was more interested in his perception is pure projection on Gaetz’s part. He was a whore to Fox News for most of his brief tenure in congress. Although that seems to have come to an end since the breaking of his sex scandal. Apparently Gaetz is now even too toxic for Fox News.

Despite having been “cancelled” by Fox News, Gaetz is still sucking up to the network and its biggest stars. Recently Gaetz embraced Tucker Carlson and his racist “Great White Replacement” theory, saying that Carlson was “correct” and that the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), who called for Fox to fire Carlson, were the racists. It makes you wonder who it is that is really addled, doesn’t it?

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Press Secretary Grisham: Trump Told Putin He Would Only ‘Act Tough’ for the Cameras

Throughout the single term presidency of Donald Trump, it was impossible not to notice his fawning affinity for authoritarian tyrants, and especially Russia’s Vladimir Putin. Trump expressed his admiration for Putin at the the Helsinki “Treason” Summit where Trump bowed down to the Russian dictator repeatedly. He told Putin that he envies his ability to “get rid of” the press. More recently, Trump said that he trusts Russia more than Biden and the U.S.

Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin

Next week a new book will be released that contains more evidence of Trump’s humiliating subjugation to Putin. The book, I’ll Take Your Questions Now: What I Saw at the Trump White House,” by Trump’s former press secretary, Stephanie Grisham, promises to cast a light into some of the darker corners of Trump’s White House. And one of the first excerpts released to the public references Trump’s hero and mentor, Vladimir Putin. Grisham writes that…

“With all the talk of sanctions against Russia for interfering in the 2016 election and for various human rights abuses, Trump told Putin, ‘Okay, I’m going to act a little tougher with you for a few minutes. But it’s for the cameras, and after they leave we’ll talk. You understand?”

Trump was fond of portraying himself as a macho man, despite also bragging that he is the most fabulous whiner.” He frequently lied that no one was tougher on Russia than he was. But on everything from election meddling to the annexation of Crimea, Trump either adoringly defended Putin or was conspicuously silent.

Now we know that Trump’s pseudo-strongman facade was as fake as his skin tone. Even worse, it was a concession by Trump to our most aggressive adversary to pretend to be a tough guy in public while maintaining his servility in private. Grisham is revealing that Trump was, in effect, betraying the interests of the nation in order to gain Putin’s favor.

True to form, Trump has already lashed out at Grisham with his customary and infantile insults. And as usual, there is no apparent basis for his charges other than his rancid and personal animosity. Via his spokes-shill (and proxy tweeter in violation of Twitter’s ban), Liz Harrington, Trump said that…

“Stephanie didn’t have what it takes and that was obvious from the beginning. She became very angry and bitter after her break up and as time went on she was seldom relied upon, or even thought about. She had big problems and we felt that she should work out those problems for herself. Now, like everyone else, she gets paid by a radical left-leaning publisher to say bad and untrue things. Too bad that sleaze bag publishers continue to report this very boring garbage. We and the MAGA movement are totally used to it. And someday in the not too distant future we will have our voice back and be treated fairly by the press.”

This is another case of Trump admitting that he was a terrible executive who staffed his White House with people he later said were idiots. In Grisham’s case Trump said that her ineptitude was “obvious from the beginning.” Which begs the question, why did he hire her to be his press aide during his campaign and then repeatedly promote her to be his special adviser for his transition team; then his deputy press secretary under Sean Spicer; then his White House press secretary and communications director; and finally Melania Trump’s chief of staff?

Trump’s tirade also maligned Grisham’s book as coming from a “radical left-leaning publisher.” That would be HarperCollins, which is owned by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. They also publish books by such radical left wingers as Jared Kushner, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Ben Shapiro, Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin, and Ted Cruz.

Harrington added that Grisham’s book is “another pitiful attempt to cash in on the president’s strength and sell lies about the Trump family.” although she never cites anything that she asserts is untruthful. Harrington also leans on the common cliché that Grisham, who resigned on her own after the January 6th insurrection, is a “disgruntled employee.” Worst of all, Harrington claimed that Grisham was allegedly suicidal, which is a gross – and potentially illegal – violation of Grisham’s privacy.

Trump’s blatant disloyalty to the nation was evident throughout his occupation of the White House and his abhorrent, anti-democratic behavior afterwards. While Grisham is no angel herself – she defended Trump throughout his presidency and never held a single press briefing during her tenure as press secretary – that only makes her account more credible, because she can’t be dismissed as a never-Trumper. And the revelations in Grisham’s book will surely not be the last of the disclosures of Trump’s treachery in and out of office.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Former Fox News Editor Tells CNN He Has ‘Only Disdain’ for Spreaders of Trump’s ‘Big Lie’

Chris Stirewalt was the Digital Politics Editor for Fox News and a ten year veteran on the network. That all ended following his leading role on the 2020 presidential election forecast team that called the state of Arizona for Joe Biden. Stirewalt was unceremoniously dismissed shortly thereafter.

Donald Trump, Snake Tongue

It may have just been a matter of time before Stirewalt was cut loose anyway, considering some of his commentaries that were less than worshipful of Donald Trump. For instance there was the time he colorfully predicted the scene prior to one of Trump’s diplomatic trips saying that “He is going to fly into Brussels like a seagull. He is going to defecate all over everything, squawk and fly away.”

On Sunday Stirewalt was interviewed by CNN’s Jim Acosta. The subject was Trump’s still lingering obsession with having lost the the election last November. Acosta asked Stirewalt if he felt vindicated now that even the rabidly partisan Cyber Nimrods … er Cyber Cyber Ninjas concluded that Biden was the legitimate winner. Stirewalt replied that…

“I take no satisfaction or pleasure from seeing this outcome that roughly corresponds with the real results. They’re doing their damage anyway.”

Stirewalt went on to say that…

“I have sincere sympathy for people who were duped. There are people who really believe this stuff. I don’t know what Donald Trump actually believes. I think he knows he lost. Whatever. […]. But I have only disdain for the people who continue to promulgate this.” […]

“As the results in Arizona made clear, it doesn’t matter what you find. He will claim fraud anyway. He will still say that there was fraud even if the finding says there wasn’t. The point is to undermine voter confidence in the process.”

These are remarks that Strirewalt could never have gotten away with on Fox News, where unflinching fealty Trump and his “Big Lie” that the election was “rigged” and “stolen” from him are still mandatory opinions imposed by the network brass. So it may be fortuitous that Stirewalt was canned.

As for Acosta, he has been particularly cutting lately. He recently labeled Tucker Carlson a human manure spreader.” And there’s much more where that came from. In the same program with the Stirewalt segment, Acosta righteously ripped Trump as a big crybaby “Who can’t get over losing.”

That’s a trait in Trump that News Corpse has observed for years. Contrary to his delusional self image as a macho man, Trump is actually the Most Cowardly, Whining, Crybaby to Ever Be President! And in closing, here are just a few examples that have been documented.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Matt Gaetz Embraces Tucker Carlson’s Vulgar and Racist ‘Great Replacement Theory’ Rant

Florida’s QAnon supporting, alleged sex trafficking congressman, Matt Gaetz, seems more determined than ever to dig himself deeper into a pit of scandal with his every public utterance. After all, this is the cretin whose perversions, lies and criminality are so toxic that even Fox News has blacklisted him.

Matt Gaetz, Prison

Gaetz’s legal and ethical problems may have temporarily receded from the headlines, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t still drowning in the muck of his swampiness. The Daily Beast is reporting that his defensive maneuvers have revealed a “scorched earth” strategy that indicates just how worried he is about his future:

“Gaetz is personally represented by Marc Mukasey, who has defended the Trump Organization in several high-profile disputes […] Separately, the Gaetz campaign—Friends of Matt Gaetz—also looked north when in June it retained New York-based trial lawyer Marc Fernich. Fernich’s client list includes child sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, Mexican drug lord Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán, and convicted sex trafficker Keith Raniere.”

You’ve got to be pretty desperate to hire the same lawyers who represented Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein – and lost. In the meantime, Gaetz is reaching out to the Trump cultists who are the foundation of his moral and financial support. On Saturday he tweeted a shout-out to the Fox News Senior White Nationalist, Tucker Carlson. His message was a blatant embrace of a Nazi-inspired campaign to foment fear and racist violence:

“@TuckerCarlson is CORRECT about Replacement Theory as he explains what is happening to America.

The ADL is a racist organization.”

Tucker Carlson has been peddling the white replacement theory for months. It’s an abhorrent lie that propounds a plot, often attributed to Jews, that foreigners are being imported to overwhelm the White population socially and politically.

In a recent tirade by Carlson, he specifically targeted George Soros, a billionaire philanthropist who is one of the right’s favorite foils. He was also a Jewish refugee from Nazi anti-Semitism. Carlson’s harangue focused on Soros’ efforts to help resettle our Afghan allies in the United States, which Carlson said was just another means of replacing his White majority with foreign “invaders”.

Shortly afterwards the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) called for Fox News to fire Carlson. That led to this vulgar exchange between Carlson and former Fox News host Megyn Kelly:

Kelly: Today there’s more blowback on whether you’ve been pushing for the “Great Replacement Theory.” You said that this was gonna happen on your show last night. Sure enough, the ADL comes out and comes after you.
Carlson: F**k them! What liars.

When Gaetz tweeted that “TuckerCarlson is CORRECT about Replacement Theory,” this crude and bigoted boorishness is what he was responding to. And his appended charge that “The ADL is a racist organization,” is a nauseating and baseless insult to an organization that has been fighting discrimination and racism for over a hundred years. However, it is precisely what you would expect from a desperate and hateful sleazeball who is struggling to stay out of prison.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Trump’s Cult Followers Eagerly Lap Up His ‘Big Lie’ After the Arizona Election Fraudit Fizzles

There is no question that Donald Trump was, and is, an imminent danger to the wellbeing of the United States. He has demonstrated that by repeatedly advancing his own perverse personal interests and a tyrannical craving for power and adulation. The results have been devastating for the nation as his maniacal hostility and pathological lies tore the country apart, leading to the January 6th insurrection and continuing incitation to violence.

Donald Trump Messiah

The legacy of Trump will include his fatally flawed stewardship of a collapsing economy that saw record numbers of jobs lost and businesses failing. He presided over diplomatic relations that embraced enemies and alienated allies. He created unprecedented political division, animosity, and bigotry. And his mismanagement of the COVID pandemic has resulted in nearly 700,000 Americans dying due directly to his negligence, incompetence, and deliberate malfeasance.

That said, Trump is not the biggest threat that America faces. From the start his demagoguery was the impetus for a cult following that rejected constitutional principles in favor of messiah worship. His dimwitted and easily conned disciples have always been more dangerous than he was himself. And his abhorrent remarks at his latest Cult Rally and Coronavirus Super-Spreader in Georgia illustrate just how treacherous Trump’s authoritarian aspirations are.

In another of his tediously long tirades, Trump lashed out at all of his usual enemies, including the press, insufficiently obsequious Republicans, and pretty much every Democrat. Although he did give a back-handed endorsement of Stacy Abrams for Georgia governor while he was attacking the current GOP governor, “RINO” Brian Kemp, for not “decertifying” the election, which, under the law, he can’t do.

However, Trump was mostly fixated on the election review in Arizona by the Cyber Nimrods – sorry, Cyber Ninjas – that was just completed and found that President Biden beat Trump by an even larger margin. He rambled on about alleged improprieties had no resemblance to reality. In Trump’s world, though, there was a completely different perspective:

“Yesterday we got the results of the Arizona audit which were so disgracefully reported by those people right back there. And the headlines claiming that Biden won are fake news and a very big lie. You know they like to…you ever notice when they write about that they always say ‘While the election results are a big lie…?’ Every reporter. It’s like total misinformation. ‘While they’re totally unfounded.’ Everything’s unfounded, big lie, not correct. ‘While Trump has no reason to say this…’ I mean we’ve got piles and piles of information, affidavits by the thousands and thousands. It’s a disgrace. We won on the Arizona forensic audit yesterday at a level that you wouldn’t believe.

Trump starts off by simply stating, without any basis, that “the headlines claiming that Biden won are fake news.” In fact, the Nimrods themselves provided that finding in their report. It was not invented by the media. Even Fox News reported it as a confirmation of Biden’s victory. And if “every reporter” is saying that Trump’s twisted tales of election fraud are an “unfounded, big lie, [and] not correct.” it’s safer to assume that they are right than to believe a notoriously pathological liar like Trump.

Finally, if Trump actually has “piles and piles of information” validating his allegations, you have to wonder why he, or his crack legal team, hasn’t produced any of it in more than nine months and 60 court cases. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that his lawyers are themselves in legal peril. Rudy Giuliani’s license to practice law has been suspended in New York and Washington, D.C. And Trump’s other attorneys were recently sanctioned in court.

What makes this all the more troubling is that when Trump delivered the remarks above, his audience of confirmed zealots applauded enthusiastically. They couldn’t care less whether what he says is true or not. And neither does he. In fact, Trump will always support these preposterous fraudits because no matter what the results are, he’ll just claim that he won. Just like he’s doing with the 2020 election.

Trump’s cult crusaders will believe whatever he tells them to believe. The the first law of the cult is that the leader is the only one who will ever tell you the truth. Everyone else is lying to you. It’s a closed circuit of blind faith that puts the future of the nation – and democracy – at great risk. It’s how totalitarian regimes force their way into power. And with the mindless obedience of Trump’s fervent fanatics, this is the closes that America has ever come to that catastrophic possibility.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Misfortune Teller Trump Predicts America’s Apocalypse in Bonkers OAN Bootlicking

The dissociative defects in Donald Trump’s mangled mental state have been obvious to anyone who has been paying attention for the past few years. He not only fails to have a grasp on reality, but he can’t seem to retain a coherent focus on any topic as he rambles aimlessly through the short list of grievances that he’s fixated on.

Donald Trump Angry

Trump’s psychoses were apparent in the love-sick “interview” he did with One America News Network (OAN) on Friday. With the recently released results of the Cyber Ninja’s Arizona Fraudit still fresh in his frenzied mind, he tried to avoid the fact that the Ninjas were unable to manufacture any evidence of election fraud. In fact, the final tabulation showed an even wider margin of victory for Joe Biden.

Consequently, Trump attempted to paper over that humiliation with some broad strokes about cheating Democrats for which he had no factual basis (video below):

“I don’t want to be naïve. I think they [Democrats] are grossly incompetent. I really do. I don’t think it’s the votes. Because they cheat on the elections. They don’t need votes. They cheat on the elections. I mean, you look at 43,000 votes were found last night. They cheat on elections. When you cheat on elections you don’t have to destroy the country. They are destroying our country. Our country will not survive this. Our country will not survive.”

There’s a lot of derp to unpack in that brief outburst. First of all, Democrats must not be all that incompetent if they managed to produce more than seven million allegedly fake votes in order to decisively defeat the “stable genius” of Trump. So even from his deranged perspective, he’s essentially admitting that he is even less competent than his foes by allowing them to get away with it.

Secondly, Trump’s relentless charges of cheating have still never been validated by even a shred of evidence. Which is true with regard to the “43,000 votes” he says “were found last night.” They weren’t. Thirdly, What on Earth is he talking about when he says that “When you cheat on elections you don’t have to destroy the country.” Is he bragging that his methods of cheating can be done without destroying the country?

Lastly, Trump delivers his dystopian prediction that America is in its final days. He might as well be shuffling down 5th Avenue with a sandwich board that reads “REPENT! The End Is Near!” He may be right, but not for the reasons bouncing around in his diseased cranium. It is his inflammatory “Big Lie” rhetoric that is undermining faith in democracy and inciting his cult followers to violence. However, Trump wasn’t through spreading his morbid manure. Without even a pause to inhale, he launched into a completely different subject:

“And look at where they’re coming from. They’re coming from Yemen. They’re coming from the Middle East. They’re coming from all countries that are very sick countries. Very sick, very mean, nasty. They’re coming from all countries that have problems.”

Huh? What does that have to do with democrats or elections? Does Trump think that no one will notice that he just veered off into an entirely unrelated rant? And one that is not only utterly false, but blatantly bigoted? He’s just echoing the Nazi-inspired, racist “great replacement theory” rhetoric that Tucker Carlson and others on Fox News embraced. The America that both Trump and Carlson are afraid of losing is the one that is dominated by White nationalists like themselves.

Elsewhere in the same interview, Trump engaged in some old fashioned revisionist history about how no one had any idea that a pandemic could spread and, with the help of a negligent and incompetent leader, could take the lives of nearly 700,000 Americans:

“Nobody ever really thought a pandemic would happen. It sounds like sort of an ancient thing, you know? Or go back to 1917, which was so bad. But nobody thought it was going to happen.”

Never mind that in much more recent times times than the 1918 Spanish flu, we have suffered through AIDS, Ebola, SARS, swine flu and zika. Is Trump really so stupid that he has no inkling of knowledge about these viral episodes? Or is he just that brazen a liar? By the way, many people were both aware of and concerned about the potential for even more disastrous pandemics, including this guy in October of 2019:

President Biden once again proves who is more mentally adept. Meanwhile, Trump continues to visit only with sycophantic pundits who who shamelessly kiss his – let’s say ring. So he gets away with making the most preposterous statements without any correction by his worshipful hosts. It’s a cowardly pattern of behavior by a frightened and ill-equipped mental midget who only knows how to communicate anger and self-exaltation.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump is FREAKING OUT Over Arizona Fraudit Results that Prove Biden Won

The sham audit that Arizona Republicans have been hyping for several weeks is coming to an ignominious end. The Cyber Ninjas have released the results of their phony “forensic review,” and will now skulk back into the shadows from whence they came. Meanwhile, Joe Biden will ignore it all and just continue being President.

Donald Trump

On the other hand, Donald Trump and his contemptible confederates are not ignoring it all. Instead, they are focusing on preposterous accounts of utter nonsense so they can keep pumping out their “Big Lie” BS to his dimwitted disciples. The highly disreputable Cyber Ninjas were ultimately unable to manufacture any voting irregularities. In fact, their end count actually showed a wider margin of victory for Biden, with more votes for him and fewer for Trump.

This state of affairs has sent Trump into a ferocious frenzy as he feebly tries to fit the facts into a constructed reality that he, in his narcissistic stupor, can comprehend. And, true to form, his main method for doing that is to flood the zone with wild, nonsensical outbursts that serve no purpose other than to satiate his mammoth ego and to inflame his followers.

To that end Trump had his spokes-shill, Liz Harrington (whose proxy Trump tweeting is violating Twitter’s rules against circumventing a ban) post a statement asserting that the subpoenas of four of his closest associates (Mark Meadows, Dan Scavino, Steve Bannon, and Kash Patel) were merely a diversion from the the Cyber Ninja fraudit report.

One of Trump’s tweets on Thursday forewarned that “everybody will be watching Arizona tomorrow to see what the highly respected auditors and Arizona State Senate found out regarding the so-called Election!” That tweet didn’t age well. On Friday the report validating the original vote count was released with none of the “proof” of corruption that he and his minions had promised.

But it didn’t stop there. Trump, via Harrington, pounded out a manic maelstrom of 55 tweets alleging election fraud, in spite of the results in the official review. He hasn’t had a Twitter tirade like that since before he was banned. It was a bizarre hodge-podge of unsupported claims with no factual basis or verifiable evidence.

For instance, in one tweet Trump delusionally claimed that the “Lamestream Media are feeding large-scale misinformation to the public about the Arizona Audit. The Audit was a big win for democracy and a big win for us.” In another tweet he simply demanded that “Arizona must immediately decertify their 2020 Presidential Election Results.” He recently made the same demand of officials in Georgia.

It only got worse from there. It just doesn’t matter to Trump – or his cult followers – if the evidence matches his assertions. It doesn’t even matter if his blathering has any resemblance to reality. Trump just lets his rhetorical rambling pour out with the confidence that his simple-minded pawns will obediently buy into it. And he hits them with wave after wave of muddled meanderings to keep them off balance and incapable of noticing that none of it has any intelligible meaning. And, sadly, for some small, pathetic portion of the populace, it’s actually working for him.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.