Crybaby Trump Tells Fox News that They Should Only Put on Sycophantic Trump-Fluffers

The symptoms of malignant narcissism include an obsessive, insatiable craving for constant approval and unflinching adoration. It’s one of the most obvious symptomatic affirmations that Donald Trump is suffering from a severe case of that sociopathic personality defect. He simply cannot tolerate any diversion from total adulation.

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Donald Trump Fox News

Consequently, it’s somewhat astonishing that Trump is so frequently upset with Fox News, the network that has made it their mission to advance the interests of Trump and his MAGA GOP movement. They have been so pernicious in their pursuit of pro-Trump propaganda that it cost them 3/4 of a billion dollars to back up his flagrant lies and political scams. Which they are still doing…

SEE THIS: Fox News is Still Pushing the Lie that the 2020 Election Was Stolen that Cost Them $787 Million

On Tuesday morning Trump headlined another one of his traveling salvation shows to shore up the devotion of his cult disciples. And in the process he delivered a punch to Fox News for failing in their duty to be 100% faithful to Dear Leader. Trump whined…

“You ever notice on Fox…They put me on, I do a great job. And then they follow me with a horrible commercial. I say what the hell is the good of me doing it if you’re…Roger Ailes never allowed bad commercials. What’s the purpose of me doing a nice show and then they put nine horrible commercials on, which are all lies.

“But when they put somebody on that’s good and then they always feel like they have to put somebody on who’s bad. So the net result is neutral. And you say ‘What are you doing it for? You can’t do that.’ Fox should put just the good people on. The people that want to make America great again. They shouldn’t put the guys that are professional scammers on.”

So Trump believes that a for-profit cable television network should refuse paid advertising if it isn’t unconditionally complementary to Trump. They should reject all ads by his political opponents. And if they don’t, there is no purpose in him gracing the network with his presence. Would he also support MSNBC refusing his ads?

But Trump goes even farther than that. He also believes that Fox News must not invite guest commentators, or interview politicians, who do not represent his point of view. They “should put just the good people on.” By which he means those who are unwaveringly loyal to him. He is arguing that Fox should maintain a radically partisan editorial policy. Which, despite Trump’s complaints, they pretty much already do.

It is interesting that Trump name-checks former Fox News CEO, Roger Ailes, as an exemplar of the reverential toadies that meet with his approval. Ailes was fired by Fox News for repeated sexual harassment. So Trump likely feels a sense of camaraderie with Ailes in that respect, along with his extreme far-right views.

However, Trump made an inadvertent slip with his demand that “They shouldn’t put the guys that are professional scammers on.” If Fox News complied with that, then Trump himself would be barred from appearances on the network. His entire public persona is a scam. He practices it with both his political ploys and his financial frauds.

Trump’s banishment from the airwaves, and politics, would be the single most effective anti-scam initiative in modern history at – in Trump lingo – a level that was never seen before. But not to worry, MAGA-nauts. Fox News will never willingly abandon their fuehrer. They have too much invested already.


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