Trump Lies that Democrats ‘Draw Flies’ at Their Rallies, and are Denying Him Protection at His

The downward spiral of Donald Trump and his floundering campaign continues to gather steam in its descent. The closer he gets to defeat, the more preposterous his outbursts become. It’s a display of paranoid desperation playing out in real time in a painfully public manner.

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Trump Lies

Ever since Kamala Harris became the Democratic nominee for president, Trump has struggled to find a way to revamp his campaign strategy from one that focused on an elderly, white, statesman, to one that effectively challenges a younger, Black, woman, with unparalleled experience and ability.

Trump appears to have settled on the old kindergarten schoolboy gambit of insulting his opponent as “stupid.” Just wait a week or two until he calls her a “poopyhead.” It’s also notable that Trump is using the same rhetoric to malign all Americans who support Harris…

SEE THIS: ATTN: Trump Says Pretty Much Everyone Who Supports Kamala Harris Must Have Their Heads Examined

On Monday morning Trump took a pathetic potshot at Harris that was more illustrative of his own sagging psychoses. It combined his tedious tendencies to whine with his acutely bizarre perversions of reality, claiming that

“The Democrats are interfering with my Campaign by not giving us the proper number of people within Secret Service that are necessary for Security. They’re using them for themselves, even though they don’t need them – they draw ‘flies.’ […] Hopefully the people of Wisconsin, and other areas where thousands are turned away, will realize that this is just another Democrat ploy!”

There is, of course, no truth to his assertion that Democrats have withheld Secret Service protection from him. But Trump never lets facts get in the way of his blatant propaganda. And he is once again misdirecting his own anxieties toward others. It is Trump who has the problem with drawing flies, both at his shrinking cult rallies, and surrounding himself personally, which he also believes is a plot against him…

Trump’s comment also touches on another complaint he’s had about the accurate reporting of his poorly attended rallies. In an earlier post, Trump invented a massive turnout of MAGA disciples that existed only in his twisted imagination. He said that…

“Kamala and Sleepy Joe are going out of their way to make it difficult for me to Campaign. We had one of the biggest crowds I’ve ever seen on Saturday, in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin…and we ended up having to use a 750 seat theater, having to send away more than 50,000 people. They were unable to give us Secret Service protection commensurate with the crowd.”

That’s right! Trump thinks that people will believe that 50,000 of his supporters actually showed up at a venue that holds 750, and were turned away. This rally was in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, a city with a population of 5,500, in a county of 16,100. You have to wonder where they parked. You also have to wonder if Trump deliberately chose this city, whose name translates to “Prairie of the Dog,” to entice hungry Haitian migrants to attend.

Finally, Trump posted another comment that announced his intention to travel to Valdosta, Georgia, so that he can get in the way of emergency operations to rescue and care for the victims of Hurricane Helene. Trump obviously feels that it’s more important for him to show up and throw paper towels and chicken fingers at the troubled residents of the region.

However, even in that pursuit, Trump had to resort to spouting ludicrous political allegations intended to incite further division at the expense of those who are suffering. He said that…

“We are now heading to Valdosta, Georgia…but don’t like the reports that I’m getting about the Federal Government, and the Democrat Governor of the State, going out of their way to not help people in Republican areas. MAGA!”

For the record, Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp spoke with President Biden and expressed his appreciation for everything the federal government is doing to help. but telling provably false lies is how Trump thinks he will resuscitate his moribund campaign. He clearly doesn’t have any plans – or even concepts of plans – that might appeal to voters. So his entire strategy is to hurl childish insults and tell ridiculous lies.

While Trump has a faithful throng of cult devotees who adore this malarkey, the majority of the American people are repulsed by it – and by him. and if enough of then turn out on or before November 5th, Kamala Harris will hand Loser Trump another in a long line of defeats.


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