Trump Incites an Attack on the Press at His Cult Rally, Then Celebrates that ‘He’s On Our Side’

There is a unique atmosphere that pervades the campaign rallies staged by Donald Trump. They reek more of conventions of brainwashed cult crackpots than anything resembling a political event. Trump mesmerizes his glassy-eyed audience of indoctrinated disciples with endlessly repetitive tirades filled with flagrant lies and messianic self-exaltations.

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Trump Charlotsville

Among the standard features on Trump’s playlist are hostile harangues aimed at the media that he assails in Stalinist terms as “the enemy of the people.” His seething animosity toward the press is purposefully included in every speech in order to keep his devotees in a constant state of outrage at what he tells them are “fake” and/or “corrupt” reporters who mean to do him harm. Although he does have his exceptions…

SEE THIS: Trump Thanks White Nationalist as a ‘Great Journalist’ for His Sexist Attack on Kamala Harris

On Friday Trump spoke at another one of his traveling salvation shows. It was typical in most respects with warmed over talking points and pre-chewed propaganda. But there was an episode that erupted that deserves special attention. Not because it was unusual or unpredictable, but because, in fact, it was neither. As reported by the Associated Press

“A man at Donald Trump’s rally in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, stormed into the press area as the former president spoke and was surrounded by police and sheriff’s deputies before eventually being subdued with a Taser. The incident Friday came moments after Trump had criticized major media outlets for what he said was unfavorable coverage and dismissed CNN as fawning for its interview Thursday with his Democratic rival Kamala Harris and her running mate, Tim Walz.”

[NOTE: The AP article was edited after this post was published. It added that “It was not immediately clear what motivated the man or whether he was a Trump supporter or critic.” And it included a reply from the Trump campaign saying that the campaign “tried to distance the former president from the man and his actions, suggesting he was a Trump opponent.” This article has been edited to reflect this new info.]

There is still more to learn about what happened at the rally. But what is known is that Trump has a deep hatred for the press and that he spreads that to his followers. Trump’s deliberately provocative rhetoric has incited violence on other occasions. Most notably the deadly insurrection and attempted coup at the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

While the actual motive is still unclear, it is interesting that the alleged attack took place as Trump was lambasting the media for what he believes is biased coverage. Which by his definition is any coverage that isn’t unflinchingly adoring of him and grossly derisive of his foes. Trump believes that the press should model their reporting after his own analyses of political news. Such as his coverage of the Kamala Harris interview on CNN, that Trump deemed “BORING!!!”

Also notable was what was going on as the alleged attack on the media was in progress. Trump interrupted his speech to draw attention to the alleged assault. But he wasn’t disturbed by the apparent violence or concerned about the possible victims. Nope. He literally celebrated the disturbance saying “Is there anywhere that’s more fun to be than a Trump rally?” And he appeared to stand up for the perpetrator by informing the bloodthirsty crowd that “That’s Okay. No, he’s on our side.” Why he thought that is unexplained.

So there you have it. Even if this cretin wasn’t a Trump supporter, Trump seems to be cool with thugs threatening the press, as long as they are his thugs. He is fine with intimidating the media as a means of physically enforced censorship. And his flock of feebles will fall in line, as good cult members do.

Regardless of what motivated the alleged attacker, Trump’s apparent support could embolden others to commit similar crimes. And it is likely to be repeated in November after Trump loses the election. Hopefully law enforcement will be prepared to respond appropriately should that occur. And if it does, the leader must held responsible along with his goon squads.


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Trump Thanks White Nationalist as a ‘Great Journalist’ for His Sexist Attack on Kamala Harris

After whining for weeks that Kamala Harris had not subjected herself to a media inquisition since becoming the Democratic presidential nominee, Trump and his MAGA minions are still unsatisfied following her interview with CNN’s Dana Bash. However, what is probably most disappointing for them is that she conducted herself admirably, showing intellect and compassion.

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Donald Trump, MAGA

Of course the Trump cult didn’t like it. There was none of the bile and bombast that Trump is famous for. She didn’t spew any inflammatory lies, infantile insults, hostile attacks, or racist rants. And there was not even a mention of sharks, windmill cancer, or Hannibal Lecter. It’s amazing that, without that psychotic rhetoric, she is still managing to beat Trump in most of the recent polls.

SEE THIS: Putting Trump’s Polling Delusions in Perspective – It’s Even Worse than He Thinks

Consequently, Trump is resorting to reliance on some of his fringiest followers to float his political fortunes. He took to his failing Truth Social scam site to offer some praise to White nationalist rage-caster, Charlie Kirk, with a one line, unadorned, and mysterious post saying only “Thank you to great journalist, Charlie Kirk!’

It didn’t take long to discover why Trump was so pleased with Kirk’s alleged journalistic skills. Kirk had just posted a video of himself disparaging Harris in the most vile and misogynistic terms. And Trump’s accolades came less than twenty minutes later. Kirk was reacting to Harris’ interview in a predictably malicious manner. What follows are some choice excerpts from his overheated harangue (video below)

  • “Kamala Harris says her values haven’t changed. So your Marxist values haven’t changed?”
    Kirk obediently adopts Trump’s lingo that has no basis in reality.
  • “Kamala Harris screams as somebody who has unaddressed, lingering father issues. By the way, you know her father does not like her and wasn’t even at the convention?”
    Harris’ parents divorced when she was seven and she was raised by her mother. Kirk fails to mention that Trump’s own wife is almost never with him (at rallies, or court, or dinners at Mar-a-Lago). Melania made a token appearance at the RNC at the very end, and she never addressed the convention or spoke to the press.
  • “She always needs to have a man around.”
    So Does Trump. But actually, Harris does almost all of her public appearances solo.
  • “Kamala Harris was attacked by her Jamaican father over her pot smoking joke.”
    So what? It’s not like Jamaicans aren’t known for their ganja habits. And this may be one of the reasons she didn’t invite him to the DNC.
  • “Kamala Harris is not confident in her own standing. She’s not confident in her own position because she didn’t earn it.”
    Where Kirk sees any lack of confidence is a mystery. And if being an elected District Attorney, Attorney General, and U.S. Senator, from the biggest state in the union, and the first woman Vice-President isn’t “earning it,” WTF is?
  • “She’s a radical, not confident in her beliefs, insecure, and a nervous wreck.”
    This sounds like a much better description of Donald Trump. Especially after finding out that he’s running against Kamala Harris.

For the record. Kirk has a long and well documented history as a right-wing extremist and White nationalist. Which makes him just the sort of cretin who would appeal to Trump. He holds extraordinarily repulsive views including the racist “White Replacement Theory” that posits that Democrats are trying to import foreigners in order to shift the balance of the electorate. What’s more…

That’s the guy that Trump just thanked for being a “great journalist.” Meanwhile, Trump says that actual journalists are “the enemy of the people,” and calls for their arrest and incarceration. And Trump is the guy that Republicans still support as their candidate for president. That should tell you something about what remains of the once “Grand Old Party,” and why no one should vote for any Republican.

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Putting Trump’s Polling Delusions in Perspective – It’s Even Worse than He Thinks

It’s been a little more than a month since President Biden passed the torch to Kamala Harris. In that time her campaign has been firing on all cylinders. She has raised record amounts of money. She has united the Democratic Party, as well as many independents and Republicans, in support of her candidacy. And she has sparked a movement driven by her surging popularity.

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Donald Trump

Meanwhile, the former reality TV game show host, convicted felon, and adjudicated rapist, Donald Trump, has managed to single handedly sabotage his own campaign simply by opening his big mouth. Every utterance surpasses the previous one for ignorance and/or dishonesty. It’s all too much to effectively document, although some have tried…

SEE THIS: TRUMP IS TOAST: The Washington Post’s Laundry List of Trump’s Increasingly Bizarre Claims

Despite the obviously troubled waters in the Sea of MAGA, their Dear Leader is remaining steadfast in his beliefs about his promising electoral prospects. At least on the surface. He is telling the sycophantic press (the only ones he’ll speak with) that he is the frontrunner in the race for the White House. For instance, when he was recently asked by Fox News about Harris’ success, he provided a full-on fantasy reply saying that “No, she’s not having success. I’m having success. […] We’re leading in most of the polls.” He has been saying that a lot lately…

So this seems like a good time to introduce some reality to the question of Trump’s polling prowess. Let’s begin with the RealClear Politics poll of polls…

These are the 15 most recent polls that were taken over the past three weeks. And even the most glassy-eyed Trump cult disciple can readily see that it doesn’t look good for their guy. But a quick analysis shows that it’s even worse than it looks.

Ten of the 15 polls have Harris in the lead. Of the five where Trump is ahead, one of them is by Fox News. Which shouldn’t matter much to him because he posted on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, this morning that “Fox Polls are Rigged and Worthless!”

The other four Trump-favored polls were all from the notoriously disreputable Trump-fluffing outfit, Rasmussen Reports. But if you look at those numbers, they are progressively worse for Trump in each poll, dropping each week from +5, to +4, to plus +3, to currently +2. Sinking like a stone comes to mind. At this rate, Rasmussen will have Harris ahead before the September 10 debate. And that is from the pollster most slanted toward Trump.

Democrats, however, must not put too much faith in any of these polls. They are not predictive of outcomes, They are merely snapshots in time. And Harris must maintain a commitment to winning every possible vote, in every state, right up until election day on November 5th.

She’s got more money than Trump; more volunteers; more popular support; and more energy (Trump is campaigning from the golf course, or in his jammies from Mar-a-Lago). And she must use those assets intelligently in order to emerge victorious. Run, as she says, as the underdog. And so far, she is doing everything right. Keep it up.


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In a Weird Counseling Session with ‘Doctor’ Phil, Trump Blames Biden and Harris for Getting Shot

As election day draws nearer, Donald Trump is exhibiting ever more worrisome signs of emotional distress and an inability to comprehend reality. For the most part that is manifesting in his public outbursts at his cult rallies and online on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social.

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Donald Trump, Insane, Straight Jacket

Trump’s has been noticeably deteriorating as his legal peril mounts and his electoral prospects fade. Many psychological experts have observed that his paranoid anxieties have increased significantly and that they will likely get worse the closer he gets to losing in the courtroom and/or at the ballot box. He has already left a trail of deranged droppings affirming his fragile condition.

SEE THIS: TRUMP IS TOAST: The Washington Post’s Laundry List of Trump’s Increasingly Bizarre Claims

On Tuesday Trump had an informal psychological therapy session with TV’s pretend “Doctor” Phil McGraw. Much of this “interview” was littered with the typical lies that Trump dispenses daily. Although a few were a bit more original. For instance, Trump claimed that he would be declared the winner in California if Jesus were the vote counter. And speaking of God, he also said that the Almighty wants him “to be involved in…saving the world.”

Yes, Trump definitely needs psychological help. But he isn’t going to get it from a phony TV “doctor.” However, when McGraw brought up Trump’s “ear death” experience in Pennsylvania, Trump sought to politicize it in the most repulsive manner, going off on another Trumpian rant that was utterly bereft of evidence or rationality. He said that…

“When this happened, people would ask, whose fault is it? I think to a certain extent it’s Biden’s fault and Harris’s fault. And I’m the opponent. They were weaponizing government against me. They brought in the whole DoJ [Department of Justice] to try and get me. They weren’t too interested in my health and safety. They were making it very difficult to have proper staffing in terms of Secret Service.”

Trump has a pretty knee-jerk reaction to anything that he regards as critical of him. It’s always the fault of whoever he perceives as his most prominent enemy at any given point in time. Right now it’s President Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris. So of course he blames them for the shooting that was done by a registered Republican who had no connection to Biden or Harris or any other Democratic person or group.

Trump’s whining about “weaponizing government” against him is more of his customary complaints that he makes with zero evidence. He blames Biden and Harris for his 34 felony convictions, and the other 54 indictments he has pending, despite the fact that they have had nothing to do with any of it. They were all the result of work by citizens on Grand Juries, independent counsels, and state prosecutors. Trump went on to say that…

“They’re saying I’m a threat to democracy. […] And you know that can get assassins or potential assassins going. That’s a terrible thing. Maybe that bullet is because of their rhetoric.”

Acknowledging that Trump is a threat to democracy isn’t a signal to assassins. It’s a verifiable fact based on his own statements. He idolizes brutal tyrants. He has expressly called for “terminating the Constitution.” He already staged a deadly coup attempt on January 6, 2021. And he recently told his cult followers that they didn’t need to vote for him because he already has all the votes he needs. Which sounds more like he has plans to dispense with vote counting and undermine democracy by other more nefarious means. But he also says that he needs votes now in this election, but after that it won’t matter anymore.

Does that sound like someone who reveres democracy, or would fight to preserve it? What’s more, Trump’s complaint about dangerous rhetoric exhibits the self-awareness of a jellyfish. He is the one who has been relentlessly maligning his foes in dehumanizing ways, and even calling for them to be executed for treason. If anyone is inciting violence, it is Trump and his confederates.

Although it is entirely predictable that he would accuse his opponents of precisely what he is guilty of. And if Trump is nothing else, he’s predictable, and predictably reprehensible.


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Circling the Drain: Trump’s Truth Social Craters Since the Kamala Harris Speech at the DNC

The campaign strategies of Donald Trump have always rested on his dystopian nightmares of what the world will become without his divine direction as dictator. He credits himself with every positive occurrence that happens whether he is in office or not. And he blames his foes for any negative outcomes even when he is obviously at fault.

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Donald Trump Circling the Drain

The acute case of malignant narcissism that Trump suffers from leads him to wallow in a constant stew of psychoses alternating between victimhood and delusions of grandeur. All the while he fantasizes about triumphing over his opponents with villainous glee and powers that he doesn’t have.

SEE THIS: Wannabe Dictator Trump Seeks to Cancel Kamala Harris asking: ‘What Gives Her the Right to Run?’

Lately Trump has been fear mongering about a 1929-style stock market crash if Kamala Harris is elected. He’s also claiming that the Market’s steady rise is due to investors believing that he will return to the White House. For instance, Trump said this just two weeks ago…

“Many people say that the only reason the stock market is up is because people think I am going to win. Did you ever hear that? But there was one day a couple of weeks ago when they were not thinking that and you saw what happened. This will be a 1929 crash.”

These self-serving and ignorant remarks raise three salient points:

  • 1) He’s been predicting a Stock Market crash for years without it ever coming to pass. He did it when he was running against both Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden.
  • 2) It’s ridiculous to say that stock values trade on speculation about partisan politics, rather than earnings and the economy.
  • 3) Why would investors think that Trump is going to win when Harris has taken the lead in virtually every poll and has all of the momentum?

Let’s just set aside Trump’s preposterous prophecies about the Market and instead take a look at the real world results of an enterprise that he actually has some influence over. His Trump Media and Technology Group (DJT) is the parent company of his floundering social media scam, Truth Social. And its recent performance is an illuminating indicator of his fabled business acumen.

Just in the few days since Kamala Harris delivered her nomination acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention, Trump’s stock has declined 18%. In the same time frame the Dow Jones index rose 1.3%. And taking a broader view, DJT dropped precipitously in the past three months since the stock became publicly traded. It is down a whopping 57%, while the the Dow is up 6.6%.

UPDATE: Adding to the pressure on the stock price of Trump’s media scam is that its own executives (CEO Devin Nunes, COO Andrew Northwall, CFO and treasurer Juhan Phillip) are selling huge chunks of their shares. Perhaps that is their attempt to bail out before Trump has a chance to sell his shares, which isn’t until September 20.

The troubles that are drowning Trump’s website and stock are nothing new. What follows is a partial collection of the tribulations – financial and legal – that his failing enterprise has endured.

LOSER Trump’s Truth Social is Well on its Way to Becoming His Next Bankruptcy
Trump Media reported net sales of $836,000, down 30% vs. a year earlier. It was the third straight quarter of roughly $800,000 in revenue, up slightly from Q1’s $770,500. Operating costs soared to $19.5 million vs. $4.9 million a year earlier.

Trump’s Truth Social is Shedding Users Like a Miserable Childless Woman’s Mangy Cat
The Donald Trump-controlled Truth Social platform recorded its third straight month of declining traffic. Truth Social attracted 2,112,000 unique visitors, down 38% compared to June 2023 when the site generated 3,407,000 unique visitors. It was the platform’s second worst traffic performance since June 2022 when Truth Social had only 1,891,000 unique visitors.

Are Trump’s Nazi Videos and Hateful Posts Why Truth Social Lost $327 Million and 19% of Users?
In the just first quarter of 2024 TMTG lost $327 million on revenue of less than $1 million. Which makes its stock valuation of $6 billion something of a joke. What’s more, Truth Social lost nearly 20% of their active users in the past year.

Trump’s Truth Social is Revealed to Be Another Terribly Risky Trump Scam – By Its Own Prospectus
A quick look at the company’s prospectus should frighten off any astute investors. It is exposed as “a high-risk, speculative operation with few hard numbers behind it. It’s already the subject of subpoenas, from regulators and a grand jury, even though it’s barely off the ground.”

Trump Crime Syndicate: Investors Arrested for Insider Trading in Failing Truth Social Scam
Trump’s associates in his truthless, anti-social media venture were arrested and charged with insider trading. Reports indicate that “the three individuals together made more than $22 million in illegal profits.”

Truth Social Disease: Ads on Trump’s Twitter Ripoff are Mostly Scams and Trump-Fluffing Merch
Advertisers are afraid of their ads being juxtaposed with hate speech and other noxious content. Consequently, the only advertisers who are willing to shell out are sketchy scammers, conspiracy theorists, and junk peddlers.


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The Debate Over the Debate: Trump’s Own Handlers Are the Ones Pushing for Him to Be Muted

Donald Trump has very carefully manufactured his public persona as strongman populist beholden to no one due to his alleged wealth. Never mind that he repeatedly exhibits his profound fear of everything from the media to his political foes, and that he has to constantly beg for money, from his billionaire benefactors and his hillbilly cult followers, to pay off his massive legal bills and civil judgments.

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Donald Trump Chicken

Among the most cowardly acts by Trump are his efforts to dodge debates. He refused to participate in a single Republican primary debate in 2024. And now that he is facing Vice-President Kamala Harris in the general election, the convicted felon is trying to slink toward the exit in order to avoid a face-off with the former prosecutor. He is not only afraid of debating Harris, he wants to prohibit her from running for president at all.

SEE THIS: Wannabe Dictator Trump Seeks to Cancel Kamala Harris asking: ‘What Gives Her the Right to Run?’

The one debate that was previously agreed to by both parties is now up in the air. The first sign of trouble was when Trump posted a comment to his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, wherein he hurled his typically infantile insults at the hosting network (ABC), and its personal (“lightweight Jonathan Karl” and “Liddle’ George Slopadopolus”). Then he suggested that he was contemplating backing out, asking “Why would I do the Debate against Kamala Harris on that network?”

Following Trump’s chicken-hearted harangue, both the Harris and Trump campaigns issued dueling press releases that appeared to be focused on whether or not the mics would be live throughout the debate. Harris wants hot mics to showcase Trump’s notorious hotheadedness. Trump flinched.

Or more likely, Trump’s staff recognizes the risks of letting him loose without parental supervision. So they are fighting furiously to persuade him to only accept a debate with conditions that mask his gross indecencies. What follows are the relevant excerpts from each that require no commentary…

Harris Campaign: “We have told ABC and other networks seeking to host a possible October debate that we believe both candidates’ mics should be live throughout the full broadcast, Our understanding is that Trump’s handlers prefer the muted microphone because they don’t think their candidate can act presidential for 90 minutes on his own.”
Trump Campaign: “Enough with the games. We accepted the ABC debate under the exact same terms as the CNN debate. […] My guess is that they’re looking for a way to get out of any debate with President Trump.” (Source: Politico)

Harris Campaign: “Trump should honor his commitment to debate VP Harris on ABC on Sept 10 and he should reject his handlers’ attempts to muzzle him via a muted microphone The VP is ready to debate Trump live and uncensored. Trump should stop hiding behind the mute button.”
Trump Campaign: “We agreed to the same rules. The same rules and the same specifications, and I think that is what it probably should be.” (Source: Deadline)

Clearly the Harris camp is confidant that she will present herself in a manner that attests to her intellect, dignity, and compassion. The Trump camp cannot say the same. He is obviously nervous about whether he can refrain from embarrassing himself with ignorant and/or hostile outbursts. So he needs to rely on his handlers to shield him from his own incivility and immaturity.

The problem with Trump’s strategy is that, even if the mics are muted when the other candidate is speaking, he will still have a live mic when it’s his turn to speak. And there will be more than ample time for him to humiliate himself. Knowing that, there is a growing likelihood that Trump might just refuse to show up. And while that may affirm his reputation as a coward, it would at least allow him to avoid making matters worse by also affirming his unfitness to serve.


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Nepo-Baby Lara Trump Proves Just How Valuable She is as RNC Chair – For Democrats!

The insulated bubble within which Donald Trump and his MAGA minions reside is a sterile world that has been thoroughly cleansed of all remnants of reason and critical thought. The only perspectives permitted are those that are aligned with Trump’s pre-chewed, ego-fluffing delusions and self-serving distortions of reality.

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Fox News, Lara Trump

The obsession that Trump has for imposing stiff mandates on approved rhetoric and viewpoints was evident during his occupation of the White House when he placed devoted sycophants and members of his family (Ivanka and Jared Kushner) into the most prominent advisory roles. And it continues to be his modus operandi as he aspires to acquire an even greater abuse of power.

SEE THIS: Wannabe Dictator Trump Seeks to Cancel Kamala Harris asking: ‘What Gives Her the Right to Run?’

When Trump made his daughter-in-lawlessness, Lara Trump, the co-chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC), he obviously wasn’t looking for experience or ability. Because Lara had none of either. Her most notable achievements were ripping off a charity, butchering a Tom Petty song, and alienating Republicans not named Trump.

On Sunday morning Lara visited with Fox News Senior Trump Flunky, Maria Bartiromo, to discuss the game-changing endorsement of Trump by conspiracy crackpot and brain-worm host, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. In the process Lara demonstrated her deft …er, make that daft… skills at electoral camapign strategies. Bartiromo asked Lara “How important was the RFK, Jr support?” A simple question that should pose no problem for a seasoned party leader. But this Lara Trump’s reply…

I think it’s huge. And I think the Democrats are very upset about that and that’s great. And I actually think he did a great thing when he came out and said not just ‘I’m endorsing Donald Trump, but here’s why. Because Democrats are a threat to our country. I cannot associate with a party that has been in my family, and is integral to my family and who we are for my entire life.’ And I thought it amazing to see him come out, I think you’re gonna see with any swing states where he has taken himself off the ballot, that the percentage bump that I believe it will give Donald Trump is going to be huge. And I think you’ll see that in the next round of polling.

Let’s begin with Lara’s contention that RFK, Jr’s endorsement will be “huge.” There is no data whatsoever that supports that theory. He is presently drawing a pitiful 5% in recent polls, and those are not necessarily voters are are transferable to Trump. Whatever shifts in his voters probably already took place in the weeks since Kamala Harris became the Democratic candidate, and those that remain in his camp will likely be non-voters in November.

As for Lara’s notion that “Democrats are very upset,” she appears to have pulled that straight out of her asinine impression that she has the slightest idea what Democrats are feeling. She might want to check with how Kamala Harris reacted to RFK, Jr approaching her campaign prior to selling out to Trump…

Lara followed that up with a quote that she attributed to RFK, Jr. that he “cannot associate with” the Democratic Party that has been “integral” to his family. However, the rest of his family is vehemently opposed to his endorsement – and to Trump. They made a point of saying so publicly…

“”We want an America filled with hope and bound together by a shared vision of a brighter future, a future defined by individual freedom, economic promise and national pride. We believe in Harris and Walz,” the statement continued. “Our brother Bobby’s decision to endorse Trump today is a betrayal of the values that our father and our family hold most dear. It is a sad ending to a sad story.”

Lara went on to claim that her Sugardaddy-in-Law would get a huge percentage bump with this endorsement. Which Trump would likely dispute. After all, he believes that he alone holds the greatness to inspire the gazillions of disciples who adore him. Everyone else is just running on his fumes. Although, she allowed a bit of light to filter through when she conceded that “the next round of polling” would be more favorable to Trump. That’s unlikely, but she is, in effect, admitting that the current round of polling sucks for him.

What’s more, why should Trump get any bump from a candidate that he himself called “a Democrat ‘Plant,’ a Radical Left Liberal who’s been put in place in order to help Crooked Joe Biden”?

By putting Lara Trump in charge of the GOP, Papa Trump did a big favor – for Democrats. She is proving to be as incompetent, dishonest, and disreputable as most other members of Trump’s immediate family. And her contributions to Trump’s candidacy will be remembered and appreciated by Kamala Harris and other Democrats for at least the next four years.


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Wannabe Dictator Trump Seeks to Cancel Kamala Harris asking: ‘What Gives Her the Right to Run?’

Kamala Harris has only been a candidate for president for about a month. But in that brief span of time it is abundantly clear that she has rattle Donald Trump even farther off his hinges than he has been for the past few decades.

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Donald Trump, Constitution

Among the things that are triggering Trump tantrums are Harris’ surging poll numbers, her massive and enthusiastic crowds, her intelligence and good judgment, and her ability to set the agenda, ignoring Trump’s insults and efforts to bait her into the sort of whiny, kindergarten scuffles that he’s most comfortable with. All of which drives him to seek the security of his safe place at Fox News to unburden himself.

SEE THIS: BONKERS TRUMP Calls Fox News to Whine and Lie Following the Kamala Harris Convention Speech

In addition to Fox News, Trump shelters in his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, to lash out unchallenged at Harris. He relentlessly posts dishonest and derogatory comments for the few glassy-eyed cult disciples that are still hanging around. For example, here is one that Trump posted Friday night…

“Kamala Harris is the Weakest Presidential Candidate in History on Crime. She’s allowed millions of people to pour through our Borders, many from prisons, mental institutions and, indeed, terrorists, coming in at levels never seen before. What gives her the right to run for President? She got no votes to Biden’s 14 Million. She failed in her previous attempt, was the first one out of 22 people to quit, never made it to Iowa, and now she’s a Presidential Candidate? This is a Threat to Democracy!”

Needless to say, that rant is littered with lies. The popularity of Harris as Vice-President is evident in the response to her candidacy for president. She has presided over years of declining crime rates. She has taken the lead in most polls and raised a record half a billion dollars in only one month.

Furthermore, no one but Trump’s most brainwashed believers buy his ludicrous allegations that Harris “allowed millions” of criminals, crazies, and terrorists, into the country. In fact, illegal immigration is at lower levels now than at any time during the Trump administration. And Trump’s incessant whining about Biden having passed the torch to Harris as being some sort of “Threat to Democracy” is Olympic-grade crackpottery. The 14 million votes received during the Democratic primaries were for Biden AND Harris.

However, the most preposterous, and troubling, part of Trump’s tirade is his where he asks “What gives her the right to run for President?” That is a flashing red light alarm signaling Trump’s craving for authoritarian powers to suppress and/or control democracy. He truly believes that he has the right to determine who is allowed to seek political office and, if they don’t pass his tests, he can bar from them running.

Trump pulled the same sort of power grab when he said that President Biden shouldn’t be allowed to run due to Trump’s biased assessment of his cognitive ability. Likewise, his efforts to disqualify Barack Obama by charging falsely that he wasn’t a citizen were similar attempts at anti-democratic treachery.

So the answer to the question “What gives Harris the right to run for President?” is “The Constitution!” Which Trump can be forgiven for not knowing since he probably has never read it, understood it, or believed in it.

Make no mistake, if Trump were to reoccupy the White House, he would implement the tyrannical tactics that he is overtly describing here. Much of it is already plotted out in his Project 2025 agenda. And the American people – Democrats, Republicans, Independents, etc. – need to take this into consideration when they vote in November. The choice is between Kamala Harris or tyranny.


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BONKERS TRUMP Calls Fox News to Whine and Lie Following the Kamala Harris Convention Speech

The Democratic National Convention of 2024 has wrapped and it is destined to reside in history for a multitude of reasons. Not the least of which is that it certified the nomination of Kamala Harris, who is likely to become the first woman President of the United States. The four day celebration was well received by a nation that is ready to move forward.

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Trump in Bed, Eating, Sad

The convention was an affair that presented the stark differences between Harris – an experienced, qualified candidate, with integrity and passion, who resonates joy and the pride of patriotism, and Donald Trump – a convicted felon and adjudicated rapist who is consumed by hatred, vengeance, and a dark vision of America. And the lower Trump sinks in the polls, the darker his vision becomes.

SEE THIS: TRUMP IS TOAST: The Washington Post’s Laundry List of Trump’s Increasingly Bizarre Claims

The final day of the convention featured Harris’ nomination acceptance speech (here it is in full). It was a critical moment for her campaign, and she rose to the occasion. She provided a heartwarming biography, a resume of experience and achievements, the case against Trump, and inspiration for the path forward. All in a succinctly written and sincerely delivered package.

Meanwhile, Trump was seething in his jammies at his Mar-a-Lago bunker and live-trolling the speech on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, for the tiny and shrinking audience of cult disciples who actually use the website. Here is a representative sampling of his keen commentary…

At the conclusion of Harris’ speech, Fox News dispensed with reporting on anything newsworthy that might have occurred. Instead, hosts Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum immediately turned to a special guest for some “insightful” analysis. That guest was – you guessed it – Donald Trump. He was phoning in to the network from his Palm Beach hotel/home for a knee-jerk repudiation of whatever Harris had to say. And it was ten minutes of spittle-inflected lunacy and unbridled fear (video below). What follows are some choice excerpts. He began by asking a typically ridiculous question…

“Why didn’t she do the things that she’s complaining about? All of these things that she talked about? ‘We are gonna to do this. We’re gonna do that. We’re gonna do everything.’ But she didn’t do any of it. She could have done it three and a half years ago.”

So Trump thinks that Harris, as Vice-President, ought to have accomplished everything that she is currently advocating. He can’t comprehend that she might have new proposals or that prior initiatives were incomplete due to obstruction from Republicans. He also doesn’t realize that the same question could be asked of him. He had four years to do everything he’s talking about now, but failed to do. And he was actually the president. Also, Trump is intent on framing Harris as “complaining.” Which he’s likely upset about because that’s his thing. How dare she?

“It was a lot of complaining. […] She didn’t talk about how 70% of our people are living in property (sic: he presumably meant poverty). […] She didn’t talk about child trafficking that she allowed to happen because she was the border czar.”

Perhaps the reason that Harris didn’t talk about the “70% of our people are living in poverty,” is that that is a preposterous falsehood. The poverty rate is currently less than 12%. Also, Trump must have fallen asleep when Harris actually did talk about child trafficking. And she was never the “border czar.” That’s a tired right-wing fallacy.

In this part of his rant Trump also lied that Harris didn’t talk about several other issues (Russia, China, Ukraine, economy, housing, etc.), all of which she talked about. He also claimed that she didn’t talk about interest rates that he said “are getting now close to record rates.” Interest rates are currently about 5.5%. The record is about 20%.

MacCallum then asked about Harris’ proposed middle-class tax cuts and Trump’s plans that will cost Americans $3,900.00 more per year. And she incorrectly states that that number came from Trump’s Project 2025. To which Trump replied…

“Well she knows I have nothing to do with Project 25 (sic). They throw out – a group of people got together – they did this thing, I haven’t even seen it, I don’t want to see it, I told them specifically, I don’t want to see it.”

First of all, the amount of the Trump taxes didn’t come from Project 2025. They came from Trump’s proposal to put tariffs on virtually every imported product. And as for his ignorance of Project 2025, the facts are that its principals are largely Trump associates who have worked in his White House and campaigns. Which doesn’t necessarily mean that he isn’t ignorant anyway, knowing Trump.

Baier then asked Trump about his efforts to kill the bipartisan Senate immigration bill, and whether he was ready to debate Kamala Harris on that. He went immediately to a narrower reply about debating, saying that he was “willing to debate on September 4th on Fox.” Which was never agreed to by Harris.

MORE HERE: Crybaby Trump Runs Whining to Sean Hannity When Kamala Harris Passes on Biased Fox News Debate

After rambling incoherently about that, Baier reminded Trump about the immigration question.

“On the immigration it’s very simple. The bill was horrible. It would have allowed millions of people to pour into our country. Would have been horrible. It was a horrible bill.”

That’s about as detailed as Trump can get on anything. He has no knowledge of any issue. What’s more, it is flagrantly false. The immigration bill’s primary author was conservative Republican Sen. James Lankford. And it included most of the GOP’s long sought border initiatives.

MacCallum asked Trump about polls showing the “huge appeal and momentum” that Harris has had, and her success with women, Hispanics, Blacks, and youth. Which drove Trump into a delusional tizzy…

“No, she’s not having success. I’m having success. I’m doing great with the Hispanic voters. I’m doing great with Black men. I’m doing great with women because women want safety. They want safety. And they don’t have safety when they have somebody allowing 20 million people into our country. Many of them very dangerous people.

“No, it’s only in your eyes that they have that, Martha. We’re doing very well in the polls. We’re leading in most of the polls. And in the swing states we’re leading in almost every one of them.”

Wow! Trump’s malignant narcissism is really peaking. He is clinging desperately to fantasies that everyone adores him. And if he actually believes what he’s saying about leading in the polls, he is truly a candidate for involuntary institutionalization. In the RealClear Politics poll of polls, Harris is leading in 7 out 10 of the ten most recent surveys. And two of those where Trump is ahead are by the disreputable Rasmussen.

Look for Trump to get even more deranged as his electoral prospects continue to decline. And watch for that to be aired as it happens on Fox News. In recent weeks he has gone from calling Harris “Laffin’ Kamala,” to “Comrade Kamala.” in this phone-in to Fox News he raged “Look, she’s a Marxist. She always was. She always will be.” It won’t be long now before he accuses her of being Lizard Person who is controlled by Hannibal Lector.


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Fox News Sort of Fact Checks Trump’s Lie that Kamala Harris Met Putin Before He Invaded Ukraine

for the past several weeks, Donald Trump has virtually abandoned his campaign to avoid prison …er… his campaign for president. He has scaled down his public appearances, limiting the number of attendees to a few hard core cult disciples and members of the MAGA media. His television interviews have been conducted mainly by phone.

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Either Trump is afraid to go out in public after his “ear death” experience in July. Or he is just too old and physically debilitated to keep up a normal campaign schedule. So now he just does these interviews in his pajamas at his Palm Beach hotel/home. His retreat into his Mar-a-Lago bunker may also be due to his suffering from depression as a result of having fallen behind Kamala Harris in most polls since the torch was passed to her by President Biden.

SEE THIS: Polls Show Trump Losing to Kamala Harris Now, So He’s Calling them ‘Fake’ and ‘Dishonest’

On Thursday morning Trump called in to Fox News for another tele-fluffing by the “Curvy Couch” potatoes at Fox and Friends. These segments are usually nothing more than free advertising and in-kind campaign contributions that Fox should be required to report to the Federal Election Commission. And this one was no exception, except for one small portion wherein Fox’s Brian Kilmeade went rogue with something that Fox News never does: A Fact Check.

Trump: Biden sent ‘Comrade’ Kamala to see Putin in Russia three days before the attack. She went, she said, she gave her case. He attacked three days later. He attacked three days later. He laughed at her. He thought she was a joke.
Kilmeade: Just as a quick clarification, we don’t have confirmation that the Vice-President went to Russia to meet with Vladimir Putin. I know that she went over to Europe right before the incursion when Russia invaded Ukraine. And it’s a war that’s still going on right now.
Ainsley Earhardt: I’ve heard that said a lot. You don’t have confirmation that that’s true?
Kilmeade: No I don’t know if the Vice-President ever met Vladimir Putin.

For the record, Harris has indeed never met with Putin. Trump is manufacturing that meeting from thin air. Kilmeade is correct that Harris went to Europe prior to Russia invading Ukraine. She went to a security conference in Munich where she met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, among other world leaders.

While it is commendable – and for Fox News a bit shocking – that Kilmeade offered any “clarification” at all, it is notable that he didn’t do it while Trump was still on the line and able to be pressed for a response. Not that Trump would have conceded that he was lying. He would likely have just whined that it was fake news, insulted Kilmeade, and hung up.

It is also notable that Earhardt tried to give Trump’s lie some credibility by saying that she has “heard that said a lot.” It would be interesting to find out from where she allegedly heard it. There are no accounts of any meetings between Harris and Putin, even on right-wing news sites. Perhaps she heard it from – you know – Trump. Because he told the very same lie on Wednesday in his speech in North Carolina…

“Remember when Joe Biden sent Kamala to Europe to stop the war in Ukraine? She met with Putin and then three days later, he attacked. How did she do? Do you think she did a good job? She met with Putin to tell him, ‘Don’t do it.’ And three days later, he attacked. That’s when the attack started.”

Actually, Harris did a very good job. Her job at the Munich conference was to solidify the alliance among our European allies in opposition to Russia’s anticipated aggression. To Harris’ credit, that alliance remains strong to this day. It is Trump who continues to take Putin’s side in the war.

Trump’s pathological dishonesty exceeds the boundaries of conventional liars. He doesn’t merely twist facts to fit his narrative. He composes fantastical fictions that bear no resemblance whatsoever to reality. And while Fox News tip-toed into a fact check on this occasion, they did it with absurd caveats and without confronting Trump. But then, does anyone expect anything more from either of them?


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