As Election Day approaches, the desperation of Donald Trump has become ever more apparent. His criticisms of Vice-President Kamala Harris continue to devolve into increasingly impotent insults that reflect more negatively on him than on her. He is resorting to bizarre conspiracy theories about the size of Harris’ rally crowds, and even more bizarre allegations that she is spying on him.
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Trump isn’t alone in this descent into the pitiful. His Ministry of Propaganda, aka Fox News, has been equally inept in their efforts to inflict damage on Harris. Despite their best efforts, all they can come up with is nonsense that has no bearing whatsoever on the campaign or the lives of the American people. For example…
SEE THIS: Fox News is Desperately Struggling to Find Dirt on Kamala Harris – Here is What They Found
On Friday morning Fox took another stab at maligning the Democratic presidential ticket. This time they aimed their animus at Harris’ running mate, Gov. Tim Walz. And what they found was a real bombshell that could explode with the force of a falling eyelash.
In a segment with Fox News Senior Trump-Fluffer, Maria Bartiromo, the Republican chair of the House Oversight Committee, James Comer, revealed the damning discovery that Gov. Walz has what Comer calls “a scary family” …
“Yeah, that’s a scary family there. It looks like the type of family that’s been indoctrinated. They believe that there’s a better way to do business. Some of the things the Walz’s have said about China, their affection for China, that’s very concerning to me. Because we don’t want to set our business model like China. I mean, China’s already got too big of a foothold here in the United States.”
Comer on Tim Walz's family: "That's a scary family. It looks like the type of family that's been indoctrinated."
(Check out Maria Bartiromo's facial expression as he says this.)
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) September 20, 2024
OH MY! Have you seen Gov. Walz’s family? They are like creatures straight out of “Night of the Living Kindly Neighbors” They’re the type of people you would expect to terrorize children with treats and tenderness and trips to the pony rides. It’s too awful to contemplate!
You really have to wonder what family Comer was thinking of. Certainly Walz’s immediate family in his Minnesota home are close and loving and have none of the “scary” attributes that Comer is asserting. Or maybe Comer was referring to Walz’s distant, pro-Trump relatives in Nebraska. They do look a little like some frightening cult members.
ANOTHER TRUMP FRAUD: Trump promoted this photo on Truth Social as if it were proof that Tim Walz' family opposes him.
But these are at best distant cousins in Nebraska (not Minnesota) who happen to have the same last name and who admit that they have never even met him.
— News Corpse (@NewsCorpse) September 5, 2024
Comer’s complaints about Walz having some sort of nefarious connection to China are laughable. Yes, he did teach English there for a year, shortly after he graduated college. And that experience with Chinese children may have left him with some affectionate memories. But that is hardly evidence of “indoctrination” or a plot to “set our business model like China.”
Undeterred by common sense, or reality, Comer is known for his wild goose chases. He presided over ludicrous congressional probes of President Biden and his son Hunter. [Apparently Comer has a thing about going after people’s family members.] After months of pointless hearings, and millions of wasted taxpayer dollars, he never produced a shred of evidence of any wrongdoing. He was such a huge failure that a Newsmax host said he “looked like a joke,” and even Fox News chastised him…
SEE ALSO: Fox News is Steaming Mad at GOP Chairman Comer for Being an Incompetent Biden Persecutor
What makes this all the more preposterous is that it is Donald Trump who has bent the knee to China. He brags about his close relationship with Chinese President Xi Jinping. He has numerous business dealings in China. And so do his kids, Ivanka, Eric, and Don Jr.
If anyone’s family should be subject to investigation, it’s Trump’s. But don’t hold your breath waiting for Comer to initiate one. That would require honesty, integrity, patriotism. Those are qualities that are anathema to Comer and the MAGA GOP.
- Trump Attacks Tim Walz with Story of His Pro-Trump Brother, Ignores His Own Anti-Trump Family
- Weaponizing Congress? GOP Hack Comer Launches Phony Probes Into Both Kamala Harris and Tim Walz
- Fox News Runs a Hit Piece on Tim Walz that the Kamala Harris Team Could Run as a Campaign Ad
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