Trump Lies that Zelenskyy Told Him He Did Nothing Wrong, Exhuming the Lie that Got Him Impeached

Five years ago Donald Trump was impeached for threatening Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in an attempt to bully him into digging up – or making up – dirt on President Biden. Trump’s extortion attempt was unsuccessful as Zelenskyy steadfastly refused to buckle under to Trump’s illegal and unethical demands.

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Under ordinary circumstances, most former presidents, and current candidates, might want to avoid reminding voters of that humiliating chapter in their amoral career. But Trump is hardly ordinary. He’s a malignant narcissist who is consumed with his own image and welfare to the detriment of everything and everyone else, including himself.

SEE THIS: ATTN: Trump Says Pretty Much Everyone Who Supports Kamala Harris Must Have Their Heads Examined

On Friday Trump met with Zelenskyy as part of his campaign to pretend that he’s still the president, or at least in some measure relevant. The meeting was just another embarrassing episode for Trump. Zelenskyy appeared to be as uncomfortable as a victim in a hostage video. But he endured the indignity of standing next to Trump on behalf of his country in order to ensure the favor of congressional Republicans who still support Ukraine.

For his part, Trump was Trump. And in his barely comprehensible comments he managed to diverge from the matter at hand, to his still seething outrage at having been impeached for trying to strongarm Zelenskyy into helping him to smear Biden in the midst of a campaign. Ignoring the actual reasons for Zelenskyy’s visit, Trump turned the discussion to his own dated anxieties, saying that…

“When they did the impeachment hoax, a Democrat hoax, which we won, but one of the reasons we won it so easily is when the president was asked – it was over a phone call with the president, and he said – he could have grandstanded and played cute, but he didn’t. He said President Trump did absolutely nothing wrong. He said it loud and clear. And the impeachment hoax died there.”

As usual, there’s quite a bit of clean up to perform on that rant. First of all, the impeachment was not a hoax. It actually happened. And Trump cannot claim to have won when a majority of the House voted against him. The impeachment surely didn’t die there. In fact, there was a second impeachment to follow, related to Trump’s incitation of the insurrection on January 6, 2021.

More to the point, Trump’s assertion that Zelenskyy said that Trump “did absolutely nothing wrong” is an outright lie. To the contrary, what Zelenskyy said about what Trump calls the “perfect” phone call was pretty much the opposite, albeit in a diplomatic way. According to NBC News Zelenskyy said…

“’Look, I never talked to the president from the position of a quid pro quo,’ Zelenskiy told Time and a handful of European publications in an interview published Monday. ‘That’s not my thing. … I don’t want us to look like beggars. But you have to understand. We’re at war. If you’re our strategic partner, then you can’t go blocking anything for us. I think that’s just about fairness. It’s not about a quid pro quo. It just goes without saying.’”

Zelenskyy had to be careful about how he expressed himself. He obviously didn’t want to upset Trump. But he was clear that he wanted to avoid looking weak and doing anything that might result in the aid being withheld.

Those are concerns that Zelenskyy also had on his mind during his meeting with Trump Friday. And it must have taken a considerable amount of self control to remain silent when Trump bragged about his chumminess with the brutal aggressor who was slaughtering Ukrainian civilians, saying that he has “a very good relationship, as you know, with President Putin.”

It is interesting to compare what Kamala Harris said during her meeting with Zelenskyy to what Trump said. She was unequivocally supportive of our democratic ally, and rejects Trump’s “proposals of surrender.” Trump, meanwhile was all-in with making a “deal” with Putin that would result in Ukraine giving up territory and a weakening of NATO.

Trump has once again proven that he is an insensitive, egomaniacal cretin who is unfit to hold any office of power. And for this, and so many other reasons, the American people must emphatically renounce him on November 5th.


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