Herr Trump Threatens to Prosecute Google for Showing Stories that Hurt His Tender Feelings

Nothing sets an aspiring authoritarian’s heart aflutter more than the prospect of silencing the voices of malcontents who dare to criticize them. It’s the reason that tyrants take such pleasure in seeing their foes fall out of windows and in muzzling the free press.

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Donald Trump Pacifier Fox

America’s most prominent wannabe dictator, Donald Trump, is no exception to this. For years he has embraced the Stalinist slogan lambasting the media as “the enemy of the people.” And he hasn’t been shy about hurling vicious insults at journalists and news organizations. Even Fox News isn’t safe from Trump’s wrath…

SEE THIS: Crybaby Trump Unleashes a Flaming Freak Out Vilifying Fox News for Not Censoring his Foes

Trump’s relentless assault on media includes digital media as well. On Friday he lashed out on his own floundering social media scam, Truth Social, to unburden himself of the overheated hostility that he harbors for the press. This time his rage was directed at Google, who he alleges is steeped in bias against him. Trump ranted that…

“It has been determined that Google has illegally used a system of only revealing and displaying bad stories about Donald J. Trump, some made up for this purpose while, at the same time, only revealing good stories about Comrade Kamala Harris. This is an ILLEGAL ACTIVITY, and hopefully the Justice Department will criminally prosecute them for this blatant Interference of Elections. If not, and subject to the Laws of our Country, I will request their prosecution, at the maximum levels, when I win the Election, and become President of the United States!”

There is so much wrong with that outburst that it requires a little further exploration. To begin with, Trump says that some undefined illegality “has been determined” in Google’s practices. The obvious question is: determined by whom? Sean Hannity? Rudy Giuliani? Melania’s hairdresser? The ghost of Rush Limbaugh? Or some other disembodied voices in his head?

Secondly, what law does Trump imagine has been violated? Was it Section 666 of the U.S Penal Code prohibiting felonious meanness aimed at hypersensitive narcissists?

Third, Trump’s allegation that Google is “only revealing and displaying bad stories” about him is unsupported by any factual data. It isn’t even supported by any fabricated data. It’s just Trump whining about it to his cult followers on his own website that only reveals and displays slobbering adorations of him. Most of which are “made up for this purpose.”

Meanwhile, Trump is outraged by what he claims are good stories about Kamala Harris. So in effect, he’s complaining that Harris is doing too many things that generate positive press. What a devious plot by her. However, if Trump really wants to see fewer bad stories about himself, he might want to consider doing fewer bad things. For starters, he could cut back on his lying, and racism, and infantile insults, and intentional divisiveness, and sucking up to foreign dictators, and impugning America as a failed, third world country.

Finally, Trump expresses his hope that “the Justice Department will criminally prosecute” Google. And he issues a direct threat that, if elected, he will “request their prosecution, at the maximum levels.” Which would violate the ethical principles that separate the presidency from the Justice Department. And still Trump doesn’t say on what grounds he would prosecute. Not that it matters to him.

The only thing that Trump is interested in is securing unwaveringly worshipful celebrations of his messianic perfection. And if the media doesn’t comply, then he will see to it that they are harshly punished. And somehow that manifestation of totalitarian oppression remains appealing to some glassy-eyed segment of the American public, and pretty much all of the MAGA-tized Republican Party.

Which makes it all the more imperative that Democrats prevail at the polls in November at every level, from the presidency to the sanitation department. Which, ironically, would be an appropriate career path for Trump to traverse.


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