WTHolyF? Trump Says Democrats Want to Ditch the Popular Vote in Favor of the Electoral College

Just when you thought that Donald Trump had reached the outer limits of logic and reason, he manages to astound everyone by sinking even lower on the sanity spectrum. Which proves that, with respect to Trump’s tenuous grasp of reality, or at least his perception of what nonsense his cult followers will tolerate, there really is no bottom.

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Donald Trump

In another laughably loony late night post to his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, Trump sought to make what he surely considered to be an insightful criticism of the state of politics in America. He absurdly asserted that…

“The Democrats are fighting hard to get rid of the Popular Vote in future Elections. They want all future Presidential Elections to be based exclusively on the Electoral College!”

REALLY? This would be a brilliant observation, if it weren’t for the pesky little fact that it is diametrically opposed to what Democrats actually want. Progressives have long criticized the Electoral College for its inherent bias toward small, red states that lean Republican. And it was Trump’s mangling of the Constitution’s references to it that were the basis of his ludicrous claim that he had won the election in 2020, and his inciting of the January 6th insurrection.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Big News? Blatant Lies About Pence’s Authority to Reject Electoral Votes on January 6th

It’s hard to imagine what might have triggered this outburst. Generally when Trump makes a comment like this it is provoked by something he saw someone say on television. But this is so far removed from anything that makes sense, the source of his angst is a mystery.

Even worse, Trump is displaying his infamous ignorance of American laws and principles. He is complaining, incorrectly, that Democrats “want all future Presidential Elections to be based exclusively on the Electoral College!” However, all presidential elections are already based exclusively on the Electoral College, and they always have been. And he should know. It’s how came to occupy the White House in 2016. And it’s how he tried to overturn the election in 2020 by deploying an army of fake electors.

If Trump needs any further evidence that Democrats oppose the Electoral College and favor the popular vote, he need look no further than the progressive movement to effectively nullify the Electoral College by a group called “The National Popular Vote” whose website states that…

“The National Popular Vote law will take effect when enacted by states with a majority of the electoral votes (270 of 538). Then, the presidential candidate receiving the most popular votes in all 50 states and DC will get all the electoral votes from all of the enacting states. That is, the candidate receiving the most popular votes nationwide will be guaranteed enough electoral votes to become President.” […]

“The National Popular Vote Compact has been enacted into law by 17 states and the District of Columbia…These jurisdictions have 209 of the 270 electoral votes needed to activate the law.”

This movement is not some fringe faction of extremists. According to a recent survey by PEW Research, abolishing the Electoral College and electing presidents by popular vote is quite…well, popular…

“More than six-in-ten Americans (63%) would instead prefer to see the winner of the presidential election be the person who wins the most votes nationally. Roughly a third (35%) favor retaining the Electoral College system, according to a Pew Research Center survey”

What’s more, Trump is not only flagrantly wrong (as usual) about what Democrats want. That broad majority of 63% of Americans who prefer relying on the popular vote includes nearly half (46%) of Republicans. And according to the National Popular Vote group, they are tantalizingly close to achieving their goal. They report that in addition to the 17 states that have already passed their bill, “The bill has also passed one legislative chamber in 7 states with 74 electoral votes (AR, AZ, MI, NC, NV, OK, VA).”

That would be enough to align the Electoral College with the popular vote, and to end the bizarre and outdated dependence on the undemocratic Electoral College. With some some hard work and good luck, that could happen before the next presidential election. Then Trump would have to manufacture something entirely new to whine about. Which, unfortunately, is one of his few demonstrated skills.


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3 thoughts on “WTHolyF? Trump Says Democrats Want to Ditch the Popular Vote in Favor of the Electoral College

  1. We should let Trump believe that the Democrats are against the popular vote and have him urge Congress to pass a law to make future elections based on popular vote.

  2. Do not underestimate Trump. While I am totally baffled as to how he thinks putting out this statement will benefit him, he actually rarely says anything without an ulterior motive. By saying things are clearly misrepresentations and/ or “outlandish”, he continues to prepare his base and get them used to these ideas and then he “normalizes” them in the mind of uncritical supporters. They then think “yeah … the US should DO that!” Whether it is amending the constitution so presidents can have unlimited terms or prosecuting anyone who opposes him and calling mainstream media “fake” he is conditioning his people …

    • He may see making that statement as more than a way to stay in office. After he’s in office, he’ll possibly declare himself king for life with succession rules for his heirs. His followers would yell “You told us the Democrats were against popular vote!” Response: “I lied.” I don’t like thinking that way. Ironic that the King of England has a better grasp of what’s good for his people than the President-Elect of America (our founders were refugees from England) does.

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