“We have always been at war with Eastasia…” George Orwell, 1984.
Never mind that Glenn Beck has long been a critic of the so-called liberal New York Times; set aside his frequent tirades against it as a mouthpiece for progressives and other “enemies” of freedom. Today is ValenTimes Day as Beck cites the Times as proof that his crackpot scenarios of a global Caliphate are true.
The source of Beck’s evidence is a Times story about young activists engaging in protests to remove Mubarak from power in Egypt. Beck quotes a single paragraph from the article that describes the efforts of a small coalition of protesters:
“In the process many have formed some unusual bonds that reflect the singularly nonideological character of the Egyptian youth revolt, which encompasses liberals, socialists and members of the Muslim Brotherhood.”
This statement merely affirms that the movement to oust Mubarak is broad-based and includes many factions of disaffected young Egyptians. But it is embraced by Beck as confirmation of his inane theory that radical Islamists are working with secular leftists around the world to topple capitalism. The only thing this article asserts is that the people in the streets of Egypt have diverse reasons for being involved in the protests. The people interviewed by the Times were a tiny group of 15 young individuals who are not powerful national figures and will not participate in the formation of a new government. They are simply engaged citizens who share only the desire to bring democracy to Egypt. In fact, they said so explicitly in a paragraph that Beck neglected to cite:
“Most of the group are liberals or leftists, and all, including the Brotherhood members among them, say they aspire to a Western-style constitutional democracy where civic institutions are stronger than individuals.”
Once again Beck has cherry-picked the information that supports his delusions and ignored facts that dispute them. That’s standard operating procedure for Beck.
Side Note: As Beck was dissecting this article, news that Mubarak will step down hit the wires. Without hesitation, Beck launched into wild speculation of an imminent bloodbath, an Islamic takeover of Egypt, and the fall of more Middle Eastern nations to come. Like the rest of Beck’s predictions, these will be left floating in the ether after they fail to transpire.
I have long cast Beck as being closer to a televangelist than a political analyst. And like other supposed prophets whose promise of a Second Coming fail to occur, Beck will simply change his story or select another date. And his disciples will obediently follow.
He thinks socialists and liberals have a global club and all of us liberals have one HUGE global goal in mind in everything done everywhere all over the world. He thinks it’s ALL connected. He is the only conservative pundit that any conservative outlet and any conservative audience takes seriously to say anything like that. He’s the only one! They gotta know that he’s only been making their party look TERRIBLE since the beginning. First black President is racist and hates white people and ‘white culture’ (whatever the fuck that is) is just the beginning of the PRODIGIOUS gaffes this man has given to the media. He cries like Boehner thinking about his last fishing trip, it’s disgusting. I bet his tears taste like vinegar. Actually that’s our plan. overthrow every free nation in the world just to get to Beck. We’ll tie him up and force him to watch Maddow and O’Donnel so we can bottle and sell his tears, cause we’re actually capitalists with SHITLOADS of guile. Man. it’s great to be part of the smartest, most competent, most infinitely funded, most secretive, most powerful, most elusive and most sweeping conspiracies in the history of the human species. It’s almost too big and secretive and too well funded and just too fucking insane to be anywhere near even close to the truth. Nah. Beck’s right, it’s all real and outside a rich man’s warped and I’ll mind.
Hey Mark, what do you think about Trump running?