This week saw what may the most significant developments to date stemming from the investigation of Donald Trump by special counsel Robert Mueller. In filings related to sentencing for Trump confidants Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen, Mueller and the New York Attorney’s office disclosed unambiguous evidence that Trump engaged in criminal activities connected to both his campaign finances and his collusion with Russia.
Nevertheless, Trump emerged from the White House to greet reporters on Saturday morning with what he presented as good news. Included in this gaggle was his announcement that Chief of Staff John Kelly will be leaving that post by the end of this year. That news comes after reports that the two are not even talking to each other. It also follows Trump’s previous insistence that Kelly would be around until 2020.
However, the real meat of this press avail was Trump’s assertion that he’s “very happy” with Mueller’s filings. That is either another one of his blatant lies designed to gaslight his cult followers, or he is suffering from delusions that are the product of his acute fear and desperation. He told the reporters (video below):
“On the Mueller situation, we’re very happy with what we are reading because there was no collusion whatsoever. There never has been. The last thing I wanted is help from Russia on a campaign.”
Of course the “Mueller situation” doesn’t clear Trump of any crimes or collusion. Quite the opposite. Cohen explicitly testified that Trump was involved in and directed the criminal acts that he pleaded guilty to. And the Russian connection that Trump has been lying about for two years is clearly outlined in the filings. The redacted parts are likely to provide even more detail of Trump’s culpability. So it isn’t surprising that he then shifts to assigning blame to his favorite scapegoat, Hillary Clinton:
“You should ask Hillary Clinton about Russia, because she financed the fake dossier which I understand they tried to get some information and help from Russia. But you ought to ask them about that. A very one-sided situation, but i think it’s all turning around very nicely. But as far as the report that we see – according to everybody I’ve spoken to, I have not read it – there’s absolutely no collusion, which is very important.”
There is so much wrong in that brief comment. Clinton didn’t finance the dossier. And she didn’t try to get help from Russia. The dossier was originally contracted by a conservative website. The Clinton campaign later supported that research, which never sought assistance from Russia. In fact, the author, Christopher Steele, got most of his information from dissident Russians who were working against the Kremlin, not for it.
It should also not be overlooked that Trump began by stating that he was “very happy with what we are reading,” but finished with “I have not read it.” This is, sadly, all too typical of Trump’s failing mental capabilities, and his ever-increasing fear, paranoia, and desperation due to Mueller’s investigation getting closer to him and his crime family every day. It’s the sort of delusional psychosis that results in him tweeting that the Cohen/Manafort filings:
Totally clears the President. Thank you!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 7, 2018
You’re welcome. And if you like these legal proceedings, just wait until Mueller comes out with his final report that ties you directly to treasonous collusion with Russian and brazen financial corruption. Although when you see that you’ll probably tweet “Thanks for the Nobel Prize and for canonizing me as Saint Donald.” It must be really nice in that world of rainbows and unicorns and worshipful cult disciples that you live in.
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It seems obvioius to almost everyone that Trump has the intellectual development of a seven year old…
More like he is reverting to childhood. Soon he will be riding his tricycle in the east room . Glad it is big enough to keep him from riding into the walls too often. Good wall menders come high priced for historical blogs.