HOLY CR&P! Fox News Defends Trump Wishing that He Had ‘the Kind of Generals that Hitler Had’

The authoritarian aspirations of Donald Trump have been frighteningly apparent for years. From his earliest forays into political affairs he has been extraordinarily shameless about expressing his dreams of dictatorship. It’s a yearning that gnaws at him when what he believes should be his right to unchecked power is obstructed by technicalities – like the Constitution.

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Donald Trump, Adolf Hitler

Trump’s open embrace of autocracy is evident in his idolization of tyrants such as Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, and Kim Jong Un. His admiration and envy of these thugs is not something that he hides. He even told his pal, Sean Hannity of Fox News, that he would “be a dictator on day one” of his administration if given the opportunity.

SEE THIS: Trump Cloddishly Dodges Hannity’s Softball Questions About Whether He Would Be a Dictator

With just two weeks remaining before Election Day, a new report about Trump’s imperious inclinations has surfaced. It might be considered an “October Surprise,” were it not for the fact that it isn’t the least bit surprising. But that doesn’t mean that it isn’t still nauseating.

Trump’s former White House Chief of Staff, Gen. John Kelly, has revealed that Trump frequently spoke of his admiration for Adolf Hitler. He told colleagues that “I need the kind of generals that Hitler had.” And when asked for confirmation, Kelly said that…

“Certainly the former president is in the far-right area, he’s certainly an authoritarian, admires people who are dictators — he has said that. So he certainly falls into the general definition of fascist, for sure.”

These are the kinds of remarks that would have sunk a presidential candidate in years past. But Trump is not so much a politician as he is a cult leader. And cult followers have an unshakeable devotion to their leader. Which is especially disturbing when the followers are also hosts of propaganda programs on alleged “news” networks.

On Wednesday morning, the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends addressed the comments made by Gen. Kelly. And true to form, they endeavored to defend Trump’s affinity for Hitler and craving for his own Nazi regime. Co-host Brian Kilmeade attempted to recast the comments of Trump’s former National Security Advisor, H.R. McMaster, into a justification (video below), saying that…

“He talked about how [Defense Secretary Gen. Jim] Mattis and Kelly didn’t like the president. And they didn’t think he deserved the job, or they didn’t think he was worthy of the job and they went out of his way to make sure a lot of the things that he asked them to do, that they didn’t like, never got done. McMaster would be frustrated. Because he couldn’t get their attention, and he would say “it’s not your job to rein in the president. it’s your job to do what the president wants.”

Let’s stop there for a moment to notice that Kilmeade’s tale of what McMaster thought or said is pure conjecture on Kilmeade’s part. Both Mattis and Kelly thought well enough of Trump to accept his appointments to serve in his administration. If they later had reservations about some of the unlawful requests Trump made, it was not to “rein in the president,” but to honor their oath, which is to the Constitution, not the man. It is not their job “to do what the president wants,” but to adhere to the law. But Kilmeade wasn’t through. In continuing, he employed his clairvoyant powers to speculate as to what Trump might have been thinking…

“He obviously has frustration. And I can absolutely see him going, ‘now you know what, it would be great to have German generals that actually do what we ask them to do.’ Knowing that’s a third – maybe not fully being cognizant of the third rail of German generals who were Nazis and whatever.”

To be sure, Trump was likely frustrated by not having the totalitarian powers that he craved. So Kilmeade was tolerant enough to excuse his hankering for “German generals” who do what they’re told. Never mind that it was the threat of execution that enforced such obedience. Even worse, Kilmeade dismissed Trump’s desire to command unquestioning officers as merely his ignorance that Nazis were actually the bad guys.

Kilmeade also didn’t bother to mention that Kelly’s opinions about Trump’s fascist tendencies are shared by his military and national security colleagues, including the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley, his former Defense Secretary, Mark Esper, and his former National Security Advisor, John Bolton. Plus more than 700 national security officials have endorse Kamala Harris for president, calling her a candidate who “defends America’s democratic ideals,” and blasting Trump as “unfit to serve.”

This is typical of how Fox News makes excuses for Trump no matter how repulsive his behavior, or how dangerous the consequences. They are even there to whitewash his embrace of fascism and Hitler. Which makes Fox News no better than Trump or the Nazis that he seeks to emulate. That should be more than sufficient to motivate patriotic Americans to vote in historically large numbers for Harris. And to that end, be sure to vote and get everyone you know to vote as well. This is up to all of us now.


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Envious of Nazi Loyalty to Hitler, Trump Raged ‘Why Can’t You Be Like the German Generals?’

One of the most profoundly disquieting aspects of Donald Trump’s brief but historically horrifying occupancy of the white House is the abundance of scathing tell-all books published by his former staffers and associates. There has never been a former president who was more reviled by the people who worked most closely to him.

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Donald Trump, Adolf Hitler

The latest example is a book by Peter Baker and Susan Glasser, The Divider: Trump in the White House. These seasoned journalists are likely to share numerous disturbing revelations about Trump when the book is released. But in the meantime, they have published an excerpt in the New Yorker that is a pretty chilling teaser for what’s to come.

The article features some of Trump’s exchanges with his defense and national security advisors that illustrate just how dangerous his arrogance and ignorance was. Such as what the authors say was “Trump’s love affair with ‘my generals'” that “soured on them over time.” “These were very untalented people,” Trump bleated, “and once I realized it, I did not rely on them.”

That’s because Trump only relied on those he had certified were unflinching sycophants and, more often than not, himself. He was once asked who he talks to for advice and responded saying that “I’m speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain and I’ve said a lot of things.”

RELATED: Trump Doesn’t Need Intelligence Briefings Because ‘I’m, Like, A Smart Person’

The book also presented an exchange that Trump had with his then-Chief of Staff, Gen. John Kelly. It reveals both Trump’s disrespect for America’s most experienced military leaders, as well as his grotesque aspirations for authoritarian dictatorship…

Trump: You f*cking generals, why can’t you be like the German generals?
Kelly: Which generals?
Trump: The German generals in World War II.
Kelly: You do know that they tried to kill Hitler three times and almost pulled it off?
Trump: No, no, no, they were totally loyal to him.

Somehow it seems like a more accurate transcription would have read “Nein, nein, nein, they were totally loyal to him.” This exchange shouldn’t surprise anyone. It isn’t the first time that Trump has expressed his admiration for – and jealously of – foreign tyrants. He once lamented that the American people didn’t idolize him like the brutally oppressed North Koreans idolize Kim Jung Un. “He speaks and his people sit up in attention” Trump dreamed. “I want my people to do the same.”

RELATED: Trump: I Want ‘My People’ To Worship Me Like North Koreans Worship Kim Jong Un

The article also featured a reference to Trump’s craving for obedient generals who would assist his overturning the 2020 presidential election and the overthrowing of the U.S. government.

“On December 18th, Trump hosted [disgraced former general Michael] Flynn [who was pardoned by Trump after pleading guilty to lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russia] and a group of other election deniers in the Oval Office, where, for the first time in American history, a President would seriously entertain using the military to overturn an election. They brought with them a draft of a proposed Presidential order requiring the acting Defense Secretary — Christopher Miller — to ‘seize, collect, retain and analyze” voting machines.'”

The more we learn about Trump, the more we realize how close we came to the end of American democracy. And it needs to be noted that in most cases it isn’t some adversarial Democratic politician or pundit sounding the alarm. It is the people Trump hired to staff his administration, and who were first hand witnesses to his treachery.

The nation must remember this and hold Trump to account. Because if we don’t, he is surely going to try it again. He’s already laying the groundwork for it.

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The Civil War Was Rigged? Sore Loser Trump Aligns Himself with Robert E. Lee

Watching someone you care about devolve into ever deeper trenches of mental illness can be profoundly painful. So what is like when when watching it happen to Donald Trump, the most despised occupant of the White House in modern times?

Donald Trump, Fox News, QAnon

There is little doubt that Trump holds the undisputed title of America’s Biggest Loser. And after being decisively defeated by Joe Biden, Trump has continued to nurse the delusion that he “won by a landslide” because the election was “rigged.” Never mind that he’s had nine months to offer up evidence of that claim but he and all of his minions have utterly failed to do so.

Sore losers often find it comforting to commiserate with one another in an effort to ease the pain of having to acknowledge the glaring inadequacies that are obvious to everyone else who isn’t among the their glassy-eyed cult followers. And that’s what Trump is doing in a bizarre alt-tweet, posted by his spokes-shill, (whose proxy Trump tweeting is violating Twitter’s rules against circumventing a ban).

In this official statement by the Former Guy, takes a “bold” stand in favor of the Confederate traitors who fought to secede from the United States so that they could continue to own human beings as property. Trump was triggered by news of the removal of a statue commemorating one of his personal heroes, Confederate General Robert E. Lee.

For the record, such removals are not suppressing history, as the apologists for the Southern traitors often argue. The history remains in books, museums, TV and films, and many other appropriate warehouses of knowledge. Statues are not history lessons. They are tributes. That’s why we don’t have statues of Hitler in public squares to preserve him in historical terms.

Trump’s statement, however, was an unambiguous celebration of one of America’s most committed perpetrators of treason. Trump began by describing how he “watched as a massive crane took down the magnificent and very famous statue of ‘Robert E. Lee On His Horse'” Clearly upset by what he considered to be an offensive act, Trump went on to laud Lee, saying that…

“Robert E. Lee is considered by many generals to be the greatest strategist of them all. President Lincoln wanted him to command the North, in which case the war would have been over in one day. Robert E. Lee instead chose the other side because of his great love of Virginia, and except for Gettysburg, would have won the war. He should be remembered as perhaps the greatest unifying force after the was was over.”

WTF? First of all, Lee’s reputation was the result of decades of propaganda. He didn’t lead the revolt “because of his great love of Virginia.” He led it because he was a slave owner who believed that slavery was condoned, and even advocated, by his Christian faith. Lee told a reporter at the time that “based on wisdom and Christian principles, you do a gross wrong and injustice to the whole negro race in setting them free.”

What’s more, Lee was among eight West Point trained colonels from Virginia in the U.S. Army when the South sought to wage war against the United States. The other seven remained loyal to the Union, while Lee alone chose treason. It had nothing to do with loving Virginia, as Trump said. And Lee was never a “unifying force” after the war. He wanted only to unify the white Northerners and Southerners. He still believed that Blacks were inferior and lobbied to prohibit them from voting.

However, perhaps the most ludicrous claim Trump said in that statement was that “except for Gettysburg” Lee and the South would have won the war. Really? That’s like saying “except for Waterloo Napoleon would have won.” Or “except for 81 million Americans voting for Biden, Trump would have won.” In short, Trump is saying that except for losing he would have won. Duh!

The cult worship of Lee by Trump and his Southern Confederate brethren is entirely misplaced. Historians have debunked the undo acclaim he has been showered with. An essay published in the Washington Post in 2017 set the record straight. In it Lee is described as a “bumbling strategist and the central character in ‘the most successful propaganda campaign in American history.'” Continuing it noted that “Lee’s ineptitude was most damaging at Gettysburg.”

What makes this all more nauseating is that Trump is virtually pining for the Southern victory that he believes Lee earned. His statement went on to say that…

“Our culture is being destroyed and our history and heritage, both good and bad, are being extinguished by the Radical Left, and we can’t let that happen! […] What an embarrassment we are suffering because we don’t have the genius of a Robert E. Lee!”

For Trump – the infamously famous stable genius and bone spur sufferer – to opine on the competence of generals is a joke. He has distinguished himself as a military moron. The generals he appointed while president mostly look upon him with scorn and ridicule, calling him an “idiot” and worse.

Trump’s Defense Secretary, General Mattis, said he made “a mockery of our Constitution” His Chief of Staff, General Kelly, said that he has “poisoned Americans’ minds”. His National Security Advisor, General McMaster, said he was “aiding and abetting Putin.” The only general on Trump’s side, confessed felon Mike Flynn, confirms the Putin charge. But now Trump wants us to consider his assessment of quality military leadership? No sir!

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Trump’s Dementia Drives His Need to Curse John Kelly, Hug Hope Hicks, and More

It seems like this needs to be said nearly every day, but…Donald Trump is getting worse! The obvious mental decline that he is suffering continues to manifest itself in his daily duties. And that doesn’t mean tweeting, golfing, and watching Fox News. Trump is descending into a state of severe confusion and manic desperation.

Hope Hicks

On the heels of the Republican Senate’s reckless and partisan “absolution” of Trump’s many impeachable crimes, he has, as expected, become emboldened to breach every standard of law and ethics that a president ought to be bound by. In particular, he has embarked on a campaign of retribution and vengeance aimed at those he perceives to be enemies. And, as he recently said himself, I View Everybody as a Threat.” That distinct symptom of paranoia is clearly what has triggered his latest tweetstorm.

Thursday morning saw Trump lashing out in many directions at once. He tweeted a complaint about the conviction of his longtime accomplice in crime, Roger Stone, as “not looking good for the “Justice” Department.” To be clear, that’s the Justice Department that has been under his control for three years now. He also insulted Mike Bloomberg again for being short, like millions of other Americans who vote. He went after New York Governor Andrew Cuomo with an apparently illegal demand that the state drop lawsuits against him in order to prevent retaliatory actions by the federal government. And in addition to those psychotic outbursts, Trump went after his former Chief of Staff, Gen. John Kelly:

Trump’s anger at Kelly was stirred by remarks the General made during a speech at Drew University in New Jersey. Kelly candidly revealed that he disagreed with Trump on several significant issues including Trump’s vilification of key impeachment witness Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman. Kelly stated that Vindman had done precisely the right thing when heard about Trump’s attempted extortion of Ukrainian President Zelensky.

In addition, Kelly expressed his differences with Trump on immigration, specifically renouncing Trump’s comments that immigrants were murderers and rapists. Kelly also distanced himself from Trump’s dalliances with his BFF Kim Jong Un of North Korea. Kelly tried to convince Trump, to no avail, that Kim was playing him and would never give up his nuclear weapons. Kelly was no angel and was complicit in many of Trump’s most heinous policies. But he was right to criticize Trump on these matters.

Trump’s attack on Kelly is another example of how he flips 180 degrees on people he once praised effusively. But whenever someone falls out of favor with Trump, he becomes a pariah who was never worth a damn in the first place. You have to wonder why Trump – who knows all the best people – hired so many future worthless pariahs.

Throughout Kelly’s tenure in the Trump administration, Trump held him in high regard. He promoted the Marine general from Homeland Security Secretary to Chief of Staff. And a year into that job job Trump thanked him for “doing a fantastic job.” When he left the White House Trump gushed that Kelly “has served our Country with distinction.” But now Trump is maligning him and breaching a private conversation he allegedly (but unlikely) had with Kelly’s wife.

As further evidence of Trump’s advancing mental infirmities, he just announced that his nurse/security blanket, Hope Hicks, is returning to the White House as counselor to the president and senior adviser reporting to Jared Kushner. She left two years ago to become a communications executive at the parent corporation of Fox News. Now that revolving door is spinning furiously again. Hicks has been part of Trump’s inner circle longer than any non-family member. And Trump has been said to lean on her for emotional support. In addition to that hand-holding and covering up his brain glitches, Hicks admitted that she would tell “white lies” in the performance of her official duties.

The fact that Hicks was suddenly called back to duty is a significant signal that Trump’s mental condition is deteriorating and he needs her to maintain some semblance of balance. And the tweets he’s been pounding out are further proof that he’s on a downward spiral. However, it’s unlikely that any of this is going to be effective in stabilizing Trump. He is already too far gone and his Republican enablers seem to have no interest in righting this sinking ship of state. Let’s just hope we can tread water until November.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Donald Trump’s Blatantly Racist Spin About a Poll of Veterans Cites Only the White Veterans

At this point in the Era of Trump, it isn’t exactly breaking news when Donald Trump tells another lie. It’s really just the natural state of his psychosis to casually pervert the truth in all things great and small. He does it daily on his Twitter feed as well as his hostile encounters with the press. And in most cases the obvious falsehoods are easily spotted and debunked.

Donald Trump, Military Parade

However, every now and then Trump engages in a fit of dishonesty that is so outrageous it’s hard to fathom what’s going through his diseased mind – or if anything is going through it at all. And one of those fits occurred during his regularly scheduled Sunday morning tweetstorm. While languishing forlornly in the White House this holiday season, Trump found some rare solace in an Associated Press poll. So he blurted out on his Twitter machine that:

It’s generally understood that the military is more conservative than the population at large. Although some high profile leaders have been notably disgusted by Trump, including his ex-chief of staff Gen. John Kelly, who called Trump an idiot, and his ex-defense secretary Gen. James Mattis, whose letter of resignation made it clear that Trump is reckless and ignorant. Trump appointed both of these senior officers with glowing accolades, but eventually fired with them unseemly disrespect for their service.

But the problem with Trump’s citation of this poll is that he’s read it horribly wrong. The sixty-two percent figure that Trump cited is just related to border security, not his approval by veterans in this poll. That number is fifty-six percent. The number Trump quoted is, more interestingly, also his job approval by just white veterans. That’s a disturbing coincidence for someone who is so often associated with racists and racism. In all likelihood, this was deliberate on Trump’s part to imply that a larger level of support than he really has. After all, the opinions of his white followers are the only ones that mean anything to him. For the record, the poll shows that only twenty-two percent of African-Americans in the military approve of Trump. And of course, Trump got and twisted this info from his favorite Fox News program, Fox and Friends.

It’s also noteworthy that this poll questioned 115,000 people, of which only 4,000 were veterans. So the numbers reflecting that segment are tiny compared with the overall pool of respondents. And on that matter, Trump didn’t bother to mention the other results in this poll. For instance, overall, 56 percent of Americans disapprove of the job Trump is doing as president. And women, the fastest growing demographic group in the military, disapprove of Trump by fifty-eight percent. Only forty-eight percent of vets say that Trump “has the right temperament to serve as president.” Fifty-eight percent of all respondents say he has “tried to impede the Russia investigation.”

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

So as usual, Trump has flagrantly misrepresented reality in order to prop himself up. He has to distort the truth because otherwise there is little he can say that isn’t dreadfully negative about him. But this episode is worse than usual because Trump takes a number that is obviously a specific segment of the veterans community and he tries to pass it off as broader, across the board support. That’s the behavior of a sick and desperate loser who has nothing left but a fantasy world wherein he is universally adored.

Fox News Host Pushes Trump-Fluffing Fox Contributor for the President’s Chief of Staff

The State TV propagandists at Fox News are starting the week out with some profoundly self-serving commentaries. On a segment of Donald Trump’s favorite show, Fox and Friends, the hosts went out of their way to advance the White House careers of a couple of their colleagues. This is further evidence of the tightly integrated relationship between Fox and this Reality TV administration. And coming so soon after Trump nominated former Fox News reader Heather Nauert to be the ambassador to the United Nations, it’s particularly troubling.

Fox News, Donald Trump

Beginning the segment (video below), co host Steve Doocy set out to make the case for Trump firing his current Chief of Staff, John Kelly. Doocy said that “It’s no secret that John Kelly and the President were not on the same page.” So Kelly is just becoming another reject from the Trump fold (see Rex Tillerson, Jeff Sessions, Reince Priebus, etc.) who was previously touted as “the best.” Doocy went on to explain why Republican Nationalist Party congressman (and wingnut Freedom Caucus leader), Mark Meadows, “would be a smart pick.” But that wasn’t smart enough for co-host Brian Kilmeade, who immediately jumped in to suggest someone else:

“I think David Bossie, not on that list, would be perfect. I think he understands politics, understands the President, he understands investigations because he was on the offensive side against Hillary Clinton with great success. He also understands how the President got to be president because he was there from day one.”

For the record, Bossie is a political activist who was responsible for the Citizens United case wherein the Supreme Court allowed unlimited donations to political candidates without disclosure. He also produced several ultra-conservative films, including one that viciously slandered Hillary Clinton. He was a deputy campaign manager for Trump’s Russia-infested 2016 election operation. And most recently he co-authored “Trump’s Enemies: How the Deep State Is Undermining the Presidency,” with Corey Lewandowski. So obviously he’d make a great gatekeeper for a president mired in scandal and criminality. And just imagine how effective he would be working with the Democrats who now control the House of Representatives.

And if that weren’t enough, a Fox News reporter, Kevin Corke, later did a segment during a “news” cast wherein he floated another former Foxie for the chief of staff post:

“Our old colleague, White House Communications Director and former Fox News co-president, Bill Shine, could be a name to keep in mind.”

Prior to his former job as president of Fox News, Shine was the producer of Sean Hannity’s show. The same Hannity who is now reported to have nightly phone calls with Trump, and who campaigned with him during the midterm election. He is virulently anti-Democratic, which makes him suitable for a job in the Trump administration, but wholly unfit to be supported by American taxpayers as their employee in the Oval Office.

The spectacle of Fox News urging their bought-and-paid-for president to hire one of their own should make every American cringe. The bonds between Fox News and Trump (who himself once did a weekly “Mondays with Trump” segment on Fox and Friends) are outside the boundaries of ethical government or media. There has never been such a relationship in this country’s history, and it should not be tolerated now.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump Dementia? Says He’s ‘Very Happy’ with the Latest Mueller Filings, But Blames Hillary Clinton

This week saw what may the most significant developments to date stemming from the investigation of Donald Trump by special counsel Robert Mueller. In filings related to sentencing for Trump confidants Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen, Mueller and the New York Attorney’s office disclosed unambiguous evidence that Trump engaged in criminal activities connected to both his campaign finances and his collusion with Russia.

Donald Trump

Nevertheless, Trump emerged from the White House to greet reporters on Saturday morning with what he presented as good news. Included in this gaggle was his announcement that Chief of Staff John Kelly will be leaving that post by the end of this year. That news comes after reports that the two are not even talking to each other. It also follows Trump’s previous insistence that Kelly would be around until 2020.

However, the real meat of this press avail was Trump’s assertion that he’s “very happy” with Mueller’s filings. That is either another one of his blatant lies designed to gaslight his cult followers, or he is suffering from delusions that are the product of his acute fear and desperation. He told the reporters (video below):

“On the Mueller situation, we’re very happy with what we are reading because there was no collusion whatsoever. There never has been. The last thing I wanted is help from Russia on a campaign.”

Of course the “Mueller situation” doesn’t clear Trump of any crimes or collusion. Quite the opposite. Cohen explicitly testified that Trump was involved in and directed the criminal acts that he pleaded guilty to. And the Russian connection that Trump has been lying about for two years is clearly outlined in the filings. The redacted parts are likely to provide even more detail of Trump’s culpability. So it isn’t surprising that he then shifts to assigning blame to his favorite scapegoat, Hillary Clinton:

“You should ask Hillary Clinton about Russia, because she financed the fake dossier which I understand they tried to get some information and help from Russia. But you ought to ask them about that. A very one-sided situation, but i think it’s all turning around very nicely. But as far as the report that we see – according to everybody I’ve spoken to, I have not read it – there’s absolutely no collusion, which is very important.”

There is so much wrong in that brief comment. Clinton didn’t finance the dossier. And she didn’t try to get help from Russia. The dossier was originally contracted by a conservative website. The Clinton campaign later supported that research, which never sought assistance from Russia. In fact, the author, Christopher Steele, got most of his information from dissident Russians who were working against the Kremlin, not for it.

It should also not be overlooked that Trump began by stating that he was “very happy with what we are reading,” but finished with “I have not read it.” This is, sadly, all too typical of Trump’s failing mental capabilities, and his ever-increasing fear, paranoia, and desperation due to Mueller’s investigation getting closer to him and his crime family every day. It’s the sort of delusional psychosis that results in him tweeting that the Cohen/Manafort filings:

You’re welcome. And if you like these legal proceedings, just wait until Mueller comes out with his final report that ties you directly to treasonous collusion with Russian and brazen financial corruption. Although when you see that you’ll probably tweet “Thanks for the Nobel Prize and for canonizing me as Saint Donald.” It must be really nice in that world of rainbows and unicorns and worshipful cult disciples that you live in.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Holy $@!&: Are Fox News – and Melania – Taking Over National Security for the Trump Admin?

A pair of stories are burning up the wires this Tuesday afternoon. And they have nothing to do with the California fires or the still cresting Democratic “Blue Wave” that washed over the midterm elections. Nope. These stories have to do with the perpetual state of chaos in Donald Trump’s National Security operations.

Donald Trump, Melania Trump

First of all, it is being reported that Trump is expected to fire his secretary of Homeland Security, Kirstjen Nielsen, after less than a year on the job. But staff shake ups in and of themselves are not uncommon in the Trump administration. He’s already had far greater turnover than any other president.

What’s of interest here is who Trump is considering to replace Nielsen. And the top name being mentioned is the acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Thomas Homan. He is a rabidly pro-Trump partisan who defends the administration’s horrific policy of separating migrant children from their parents. But the reason cited for Trump’s interest in Homan is that Trump likes his appearances on Fox News where he fiercely defends and praises the President. And that’s the most important criteria for a leader in protecting the United States from terrorists, isn’t it?

The other story making the rounds is that Trump is about to fire his deputy national security advisor, Mira Ricardel. She’s also a fierce Trump supporter, but lately she has gotten into trouble with the First Lady. And now Melania is asserting herself in these staffing decisions:

“The first lady’s office released a statement calling for Ricardel’s ouster as reports surfaced that President Donald Trump would fire the official, deputy national security adviser Mira Ricardel.

“‘It is the position of the Office of the First Lady that (Ricardel) no longer deserves the honor of serving in this White House,’ the first lady’s communications director Stephanie Grisham said in a statement on Tuesday.”

Some reports say that Melania’s problem with Ricardel stems from a seating scuffle on Air Force One. Ricardel, for the time being, reports to national security advisor John Bolton. But she has reportedly also raised the hackles of Trump’s chief of staff, Gen. John Kelly. Making matters even more confusing, Kelly has been an advocate of Nielsen, and her imminent departure might result in Kelly joining her in the White House exodus.

If all of this sounds like the melodrama whipped up by a reality TV show, well guess why. Donald Trump was an incompetent boor from the start and never had the experience to run an enterprise as large and complex as the White House. So he relies on his TV Shadow Cabinet (Sean Hannity, Jeanine Pirro, Lou Dobbs the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends, etc.) to make decisions for him. That is, when he isn’t hiring people (Bolton, Heather Nauert, Bill Shine, etc.) directly from Fox News. And while this might be entertaining if it were a Hallmark Movie of the Week, it’s downright frightening when it’s real life.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

CNN Files Lawsuit Against Trump & Co. for Violation of the First Amendment

Last week Donald Trump’s administration was especially hostile to the press that they despise so fiercely. Trump addressed a post-election press conference and proceeded to insult several (mostly African-American women) journalists. As News Corpse noted at the time: “It was a disgraceful display of infantile tantrum throwing by our crybaby president who is too weak to face a group of reporters without breaking down into insults and bullying.”

Donald Trump, CNN

Shortly after that press conference, the White House announced that they were suspending the credentials of CNN’s White House correspondent Jim Acosta. They fabricated a story alleging that he “placed his hands” on an intern as she tried to grab the microphone away from him. However, the video of the event proved unambiguously that the White House was lying, as usual. But that didn’t stop them from distributing a “doctored” version of the video that they got from the disreputable conspiracy crackpots at Infowars.

On Tuesday morning CNN announced that they are suing Trump and his band of totalitarian oppressors of free speech. The suit explicitly cites the constitutional breach of the First Amendment’s rights to freedom of the press and Fifth Amendment rights to due process. CNN’s statement reads:

“CNN filed a lawsuit against the Trump Administration this morning in DC District Court. It demands the return of the White House credentials of CNN’s Chief White House correspondent, Jim Acosta. The wrongful revocation of these credentials violates CNN and Acosta’s First Amendment rights of freedom of the press, and their Fifth Amendment rights to due process. We have asked this court for an immediate restraining order requiring the pass be returned to Jim, and will seek permanent relief as part of this process. While the suit is specific to CNN and Acosta, this could have happened to anyone. If left unchallenged, the actions of the White House would create a dangerous chilling effect for any journalist who covers our elected officials.”

The lawsuit names several members of the administration who are complicit in the violation. They include Trump, his chief of staff John Kelly, his deputy chief of staff for communications (and former Fox News president) Bill Shine, and his press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. It’s a confederacy of Republican Nationalists bent on subverting democracy and squelching free speech.

It would be surprising if this suit made it to court. Crybaby Trump will likely chicken out and restore Acosta’s credentials before that happens. But the damage is already done as this unlawful White House demonstrates that they couldn’t care less about America’s constitutional principles.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fortunately, the next Congress plans to do something about that. Rep. Adam Schiff, the incoming chair of the House Intelligence Committee, has told reporters that he intends to hold hearings on Trump’s reckless assaults on the press which go way beyond mere name calling as “fake news” and “the enemy of the people.” It includes his use of the Justice Department to punish media organizations he doesn’t like. And because elections have consequences, he isn’t going to get away with it for much longer.

Puerto Rico Etc: The Buck Lingers Here Long Enough for Trump to Find Someone Else to Blame

Hurricane Florence is bearing down on the Carolinas with the anticipation of substantial damage and injury. Everyone on the ground is working furiously to mitigate the worst scenarios, but even the most cautious predictions are troubling. And while the residents of the impacted region are scrambling to secure their homes and families, Donald Trump is scrambling salve his fragile ego.

Donald Trump

On Thursday morning, as the winds were beginning to batter the eastern coastline, Trump felt it was necessary to bang out a couple of tweets that were characteristically all about him:

Our intellectually-challenged president is incapable of grasping the fact that any fatality that was the result of injuries or hardships caused by Hurricane Maria are attributed to it. And the estimated 3,000 deaths were calculated by independent researchers at George Washington University. The Democrats had nothing to do with it. Trump didn’t even bother to explain how Democrats could have produced casualty estimates that were accepted by the Republican governor of Puerto Rico.

However, Trump is well known for his cowardice and pathological aversion to taking responsibility. Puerto Rico is just the latest example. But the incidents of this psychosis are numerous and easy to find. For instance:

  • Trump blamed his own policy of separating immigrant children from their parents on Democrats.
  • Trump blamed collusion with Russia on Hillary Clinton.
  • Trump Blamed his loss of the popular vote on imaginary voter fraud.
  • Trump blamed President Obama’s “illegitimate” presidency on his Kenyan birth.
  • Trump blamed China for starting the “hoax” of climate change.
  • Trump blamed the fatalities from mass shootings on mental illness and gangs.
  • Trump blamed his failure of constructing a border wall on Democratic obstruction.
  • Trump blamed the “pussy-grabbing” Access Hollywood tape on “tampering.”
  • Trump blamed his confession of obstructing justice on NBC’s Lester Holt “fudging” the tape.
  • Trump blamed crime and terrorism in the U.S. on Muslims who entered the country illegally.
  • Trump blamed the nation’s economic problems on foreign tariffs.

Every one of those diversions are unambiguously false. And for virtually everything else that Trump wants to avoid responsibility for, he blames what he calls the “fake news.” Clearly he is fixated on identifying anyone or anything other than himself for what are his own failures. Just like he did when he was a businessman. It’s another symptom of his malignant narcissism that results in casting blame onto whatever handy victim he can stir up.

Conversely, he takes credit for any positive events that take place during his time in office. The economy has been rising for ten years, beginning back in Obama’s first term. But Trump is not only taking credit for all of it, he’s lying about the economy collapsing when he was inaugurated (it wasn’t). He has also taken credit for being tougher on Russia than any other president (he’s not). He takes credit for saving the coal industry (he didn’t). He actually says that construction has begun on his border wall (it hasn’t). And he even tried to credit himself with rescuing the children who he ripped from the arms of their sobbing parents.

This is the behavior of a severely disturbed person. It is someone who fits the description provided by his closest associates in his administration. Like his former Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, who called Trump a “moron.” And his Defense Secretary, James Mattis who said Trump has “the understanding of a fifth or sixth-grader.” And his White House chief of staff, John Kelly, who called Trump an “idiot.” And his former National Security Adviser, H.R. McMaster, who said Trump was a “dope” with the intelligence of a “kindergartner.”

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Yet, somehow, most of the Republicans in Congress (and the electorate) continue to defend and enable this dangerously psychotic pretender to leadership. It’s an abdication of their duty and patriotism. And it makes them complicit in the harm that Trump is doing to America and its future. Their slobbering infatuation with, and obedience to, the wannabe dictator Trump is as destructive as anything Trump does himself. And the sooner he’s gone, whether by election, impeachment, prosecution, or resignation, the better.