Why Does Fox News Keep Glenn Beck Around?

In a discussion on the fairness and balance of Fox News, the network’s CEO Roger Ailes famously told Barbara Walters that, “I’m not in politics. I’m in ratings. We’re winning.”

If we are to take Ailes at his word, then we have to wonder why he keeps Glenn Beck on the schedule. The program has been shedding viewers like a mongrel with a scalp condition for months. His year-to-year numbers dropped 40% in January and another 32% in February. He is sinking faster than any other program on cable news. A couple of weeks ago Rachel Maddow drew more viewers than Beck for the the first time ever. Over 300 companies have declined to advertise on his program due to offensive content like his anti-Semitic rants against George Soros and his bloodthirsty allusions to having to “shoot them [radicals] in the head.”

Last week Beck was on vacation and Fox Business host Andrew Napolitano filled in for him. The result was the ratings barely budged. And on Tuesday Rachel again drew more viewers than Beck’s program with its guest host. This is fairly conclusive evidence that the audience for that time period is constant regardless of who is on the air. Consequently, Fox could replace Beck at any time (as some speculation suggests is under consideration) without suffering any ill effects in the ratings.

So why don’t they? They could certainly fill that hour with another conservative mouthpiece that would cost them far less to employ. They could make much more money by recovering the A-List advertisers who have previously abandoned the program. And they would not have to endure the embarrassment of being associated with Beck’s delusional conspiracy theories that are lately drawing criticism from even the most stalwart advocates of conservatism.

The only reason that a so-called “news” network would continue to employ someone whose analyses and assertions are so distant from any sane definition of journalism, and so reviled by more rational observers, is because the network approves of, and agrees with, his inane proclamations of doom and his determination to transform political discourse into a feast of demonization and personal destruction.

The lesson from Beck’s absence last week is profound. If after learning that their ratings would remain constant in a post-Beck world, Fox News elects to keep him in the lineup anyway, we must conclude that Ailes and his boss Rupert Murdoch, are on board Beck’s crazy train. That’s the answer to the question in the headline. Ailes and Murdoch cannot disassociate themselves from the Beck Doctrine. They obviously regard Beck’s contribution to their mission as more important than either money or respect. So the next question is: What the hell is their mission?


10 thoughts on “Why Does Fox News Keep Glenn Beck Around?

  1. I’ve said it before, but I think it bears repeating. Beck serves to make their other hosts seem less far right wing.

    • That may work to a degree, but Beck also makes the network as a whole seem farther right, and that reflects on his colleagues. So I don’t think he’s doing them any good. Particularly when his colleagues almost always agree with him.

      • How about he is supported by Murdock himself. Remember he is the god.

  2. The wrath – and violent tendencies – of his faithful viewers? Ailes’ delicate ego forced to withstand merciless ridicule? Both are forms of backlash I consider viable possibilities.

    • Actually, I do think they might be worried about potential violence from Beckoids.

  3. If he does get dropped by FNC, he’ll blame liberals. Would that be ironic or just stupid? I’m leaning toward stupid.

    • I’m going to go with cowardly. Plus maybe the two you suggested.

    • “…leaning toward stupid.”

      That’s always the safest option when considering Beck’s motivations.

      • Yep leaning forward with stupid. I like it.

  4. Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdock are not smart enough to be called stupid.

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