The Department of Justice has finally announced that Donald Trump’s former chief strategist, Steve Bannon, has been indicted by a grand jury for contempt of Congress. The contempt referral was sent to the DOJ three weeks ago. So this indictment shows that, while the wheels of justice may turn slowly, they are turning.
According to the release by the Justice Department…
“Stephen K. Bannon was indicted today by a federal grand jury on two counts of contempt of Congress stemming from his failure to comply with a subpoena issued by the House Select Committee investigating the Jan. 6 breach of the U.S. Capitol.
“Bannon, 67, is charged with one contempt count involving his refusal to appear for a deposition and another involving his refusal to produce documents, despite a subpoena from the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the U.S. Capitol.”
It is unquestionably a major news event when one of the closest associates of a former president is indicted for multiple felonies. And that is apparent by the fact that every broadcast news network (ABC, CBS, and NBC), as well as the cable news networks (CNN and MSNBC), and even Newsmax, have all placed this breaking story at the top of their websites. The only exception to this is – you guessed it – Fox News. In fact, the story didn’t even appear on the Fox News website for more than an hour after it was reported by other news sites. And when it did appear, it was pushed way down the page and consisted of a single line of text with no accompanying graphic.
Instead of this explosive legal and political development, Fox News placed a story at the top of their page about White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki responding to a question about the childish and veiled vulgarity, anti-Biden chant of “Let’s go Brandon.” The headline read “HEARING THIS, ‘BRANDON’? WATCH: White House reveals Biden’s reaction to viral rallying cry sweeping the nation among his critics. Immediately below that were two related stories on the same subject.
Seems to be Fox’s biggest story at this moment. Anyone tell them about Bannon?
— SAH1980?? (@SAH19801) November 12, 2021
The entire story consists of NBC News White House correspondent Peter Alexander asking Psaki what the President thought about the phrase that is wingnut code for “F**k Joe Biden.” Psaki’s reply was a succinct “I don’t think he spends much time focused on it or thinking about it.” Fox News characterized that as a “meltdown.”
Psaki is asked what the President thinks of the Brandon chants. She says she doesn’t think he spends much time focused on it.
— Acyn (@Acyn) November 12, 2021
Apparently, Fox News doesn’t want their audience to know that Bannon was indicted. But the best distraction that they could come up with was a trivial exchange about a silly, derogatory, partisan slogan. Consequently, Fox is just displaying their impotence as a propaganda outlet. Only the most ignorant consumers of media could be moved by this lame diversion. Fortunately for Fox, that’s exactly who makes up their audience.
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This is the epitome of the Republican party today. They are not serious about anything. They have no vision of how to make policy for a better future for all Americans. All of their policy proposals are tax cuts and culture wars bullshit like crt that is not a thing in our public schools. I fuckin hate these people!
Me too!
And I try to limit my hate to things, rather than people. Just ‘despise’ nasty, bad, mean people. But…it seems that once in a while… I slip. Despicable Slimeballs! And I’m sure those people saying (with glee) such an awful thing to/about our fairly elected President, didn’t have any problem with taking the stimulus money & Unemployment add-on money that Biden & Dems got for them, WITHOUT any Rethugs voting for them to have it, right?! If up to their own Party to give a dam* about any of them, they’d be starvin’ & living on the mean streets right now! Stealing, or begging for change.
FauxNooz & this Rethug bunch are NOT redeemable ~ there is no going back from here! It’s ugly & just keeps getting uglier…
Me too!
And I try to limit my hate to things, rather than people. Just ‘despise’ nasty, bad, mean people. But…it seems that once in a while… I slip. Despicable Slimeballs!
And I’m sure those people saying such awful things to/about our fairly elected President, didn’t have any problem with taking the stimulus money & Unemployment add-on money that Biden & Dems got for them, WITHOUT any Rethugs voting for them to have it, right?!
If up to their own Party to give a dam* about any of them, they’d be starvin’ & living on the mean streets right now! Stealing, or begging for change. They support the Party that does not support them! So stupid!
FauxNooz & this Rethug bunch are NOT redeemable ~ there is no going back from here! It’s ugly & just keeps getting uglier…
“This won’t end well.”