CNN Bumps Flaky Trump Flack, Giving Steve Bannon and Trump Another Excuse to Dump Biden Debate

One of the most destructive aspects of modern media has been its casual tolerance of flagrant dishonesty by deliberately deceitful politicians and pundits. They justify their submission to liars as a commitment to “balance,” a phony objective that obscures a proper journalistic commitment to truth.

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Donald Trump, CNN

On Monday morning, Donald Trump dispatched his campaign press secretary, Karoline Leavitt, to unfurl a litany of lies on CNN. In her typical fashion, Leavitt attempted to dodge every substantive question and replace coherent answers with infantile insults.

SEE THIS: HYPOCRISY UNCHAINED! Trump Flack Whines that Biden’s Campaign is Making Trump’s Trial Political

Since the Trump team has no reality-based criticisms of President Biden, they have to rely entirely on childish personal attacks and wholly manufactured controversies that invariably complain that poor crybaby Trump is a victim of vast cabals that are “rigging” everything from elections to trials, and now to debates. On this occasion, Leavitt griped that Trump is…

“…knowingly going into a hostile environment on this very network, on CNN, with debate moderators who have made their opinions about him very well known over the past eight years and their biased coverage of him.”

So why did Trump agree to this debate, with Jake Tapper and Dana Bash as moderators, and all the rules, when he’s convinced that they are all aligned against him? He can’t claim that he’s bravely entering the lion’s den if he does nothing but whine about it. Which is all that Leavitt was doing. To her credit, Hunt replied, “Ma’am, we’re going to stop this interview if you’re going to keep attacking my colleagues.”

Leavitt did not budge from her mission to malign Tapper and Bash. And true to her word, Hunt ended the interview. That’s exactly how a credible journalist should deal with determined liars. They should do it more often. In fact, they shouldn’t even invite people known to dispense blatant lies on their programs in first place.

This so outraged Leavitt that she scampered off to the safety of Steve Bannon’s “War Room” Internet show to unburden herself of the unpleasantness she endured on CNN. And Bannon provided precisely the sort of sympathy and consolation that Leavitt was seeking in the following exchange

Leavitt: CNN showed their hand with me on their network this morning. The fact that they cut off my microphone simply for repeating words that Jake Tapper himself has said. Lies about President Trump. […]

Bannon: CNN owes you an apology today. And if we don’t get that apology to Karoline Leavitt and to the Trump campaign and to MAGA today, President Trump should cancel this.

First of all, Leavitt was not simply repeating Tapper’s words. She was purposefully mischaracterizing them and sanitizing Trump’s noxious adoption of Hitlerian rhetoric. Surprisingly, an excellent example of this was posted by White nationalist Jack Posobiec…

Furthermore, Bannon’s threat that Trump should back out of the debate with Biden if MAGA doesn’t get an apology is a transparent excuse for Trump to chicken out. And the frequency with which Trump’s sycophants keep coming up with these excuses is the best evidence that he is scared witless and is desperately searching for an escape clause, or at least an explanation for why he’s going to lose. For instance…

WATCH: Trump’s ‘Doctor’ Ronny Jackson Tells Fox News What Kinds of Drugs Trump Could Be Taking

Trump’s Fear and Desperation Show as He Says Biden is Both ‘The Worst’ and ‘A Worthy’ Debater

SCAREDY TRUMP? Sean Hannity Concocts an Excuse for Trump to Chicken Out of Debate with Biden

Adderall J. Trump Thinks He Can ‘Demand’ Biden Take a Drug Test Before the Debates – Or What?

Fox News Floats Conspiracy Theory that Biden is Plotting to Assault Trump to Avoid Debating Him

Trump Calls Biden ‘the WORST Debater’ Despite Biden Crushing Him in the 2020 Debates and Election

Sean Hannity of Fox News is Already Making Excuses for Why Trump Will Lose Debates to Biden

That’s a pretty thorough campaign of complaining and excuse-making for someone who wants to present himself as a strongman taking on a senile commie. And it’s equally notable that Biden is the one who appears to be confidant and strong and mentally stable. He doesn’t need to do any of this pathetic whimpering because he knows his stuff. And he knows that Trump has always been a coward and weakling and he will be seen as such by the nation on Thursday’s debate.

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Marjorie Taylor Green Scorches Fox News for Wanting ‘To Control What Republican Voters Think’

The magnitude of the maladjustment within today’s Republican Party has reached unprecedented levels of chaos and hostility. And while they unload plenty of vile on their Democratic foes, they frequently aim at one another, ripping themselves to shreds in pursuit of some illusory glory or at least attention.

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Marjorie Taylor Greene, QAnon

Case in point: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA-MAGA), has been ferociously mauling her GOP confederates, including the leader of her party in the House of Representatives, Speaker Mike Johnson, who she tried unsuccessfully to oust.

SEE THIS: Has Fox News Finally Figured it Out? ‘This is Why Conservatives Call the GOP the Stupid Party’

Not satisfied with that humiliating failure, Greene reached out to the patron taint of MAGA Land, Steve Bannon, to try to enhance her embarrassment by lashing out at the right’s Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News (video below). Greene whined…

So you got to remember Fox News that literally fired Tucker Carlson, the number one cable TV news host in the nation. Tucker, who was basically the voice of everyone, that’s the Fox News that refused to cover me calling the motion to vacate. The Five never switched gears, they never changed, never went to anything different. Fox News wants to control what Republican voters think.

Let’s set aside Greene’s deranged assertion that Tucker Carlson was “the voice of everyone.” And we can likewise ignore her lie that Fox News “refused to cover “ her motion to vacate stunt. Neither of those remarks resemble anything remotely like reality.

What’s notable about Greene’s comments is the part that she surprisingly got right. Fox News does indeed want to control what Republican voters think. And they always have. In fact, it’s pretty much their reason for existing.

However, Greene seems to think that that wasn’t the purpose of the network from its inception, and in partnership with the GOP. She delivers this opinion as criticism. Never mind that she was happy to take advantage of this propaganda machine when it suited her purposes. She went on tell Bannon that…

“They want to make viewers, their viewers think that we have to fight for Ukraine, that we have to stop Putin because he’s gonna steamroll across Europe just like Hitler did even though there’s no evidence of showing that.”

Greene is ignoring the evidence of Putin’s intentions, such as his own words. This is why even Greene’s fellow Republicans have been calling her “Moscow Marjorie.” She continued saying that…

“This is the same Fox News that wants to infuriate you every single day while Republicans go down to the border, drag out the podium once again, point it, oh, look. Look. They’re crossing the border. Oh my goodness. Oh my. But, yeah, Republicans don’t do a damn thing to actually stop it.”

Greene, of course, is a ray of sunshine who never resorts to infuriating her followers. As for the border bill, she was one of the Republicans who voted against a bipartisan solution because Dear Leader Trump told them to. They prefer chaos to solutions because they think they can blame it on President Biden. And she still wasn’t through…

“The Speaker can do anything he wants to do if he’s willing to do it, but we have a speaker that’s weak that a man — an 80-year-old man with dementia is able to fool him. This is where we are.”

That hardly needs a response. Finally, Greene closed saying that…

“Fox News wants to make sure, make sure that you guys don’t have your own opinion, that you only have the opinion that Fox News tells you to have.”

So how is that different than what Fox and the GOP have wanted for years? How is it different from what Greene and Bannon want? The Republican Party is a lockstep organization that has always demanded total fealty to their doctrine, and now to their messia, Donald Trump. Other than new faces, nothing has changed.


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FOR ONCE Marjorie Taylor Greene is Right: ‘The Future of Our Republican Party is Very Bleak’

It isn’t often that Republican MAGA-naut, Marjorie Taylor Greene, manages to do or say anything that is remotely related to reality. So on those rare occasions when she manages to do so, we need to give credit where credit is due. Even if it was obviously accidental or unintended.

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Marjorie Taylor Greene, Vladimir Putin

On Thursday morning Greene visited with former Trump advisor and fellow Russian dupe, Steve Bannon. On his Internet program she raged over the prospect of the House passing a bill to provide funding for America’s allies in Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. Naturally, she is bitterly opposed to anything that benefits our allies and/or harms her BFF Vladimir Putin. And that opposition extends to House Speaker Mike Johnson, who Green has filed a motion to remove as Speaker. Which has caused quite a stir within the GOP…

SEE THIS: Has Fox News Finally Figured it Out? ‘This is Why Conservatives Call the GOP the Stupid Party’

In her discussion with Bannon, Greene offered a surprisingly coherent analysis of the Republican Party that she has been such a big part of shaping. And her views just might have succeeded in bringing together Republicans and Democrats. She said that…

“The future of our Republican Party is very bleak when Republicans in Congress can never follow through. When Republicans in Congress put America last and countries like Ukraine first. We aren’t going to have a future Republican Party. We’ll never win another election because we haven’t given our voters anything to vote for.”

Hear, hear! Greene has nailed it. Today’s MAGA infected GOP does indeed have a bleak future due to its failure to give voters anything affirmative to vote for. The party has been relentlessly petty and hostile as it has sought only to smear President Biden and other Democrats, instead of working to advance the interests of the American people.

In the fifteen months since the GOP secured their razor-thin majority in the House of Representatives, they have been focused solely on partisan political stunts such as impeachment inquiries and attempts to shut down the government. So is it any wonder that the their party is held in such low esteem? They might want to take note that they have crossed a line when even Fox News is appalled by their idiotic antics…

Greene’s determination to oust yet another GOP Speaker was spelled out when she whined to Bannon that…

“I don’t care if the Speaker’s office becomes a revolving door. If that’s exactly what needs to happen, then let it be. But the days are over of the old Republican Party that wants to fund foreign wars and murder people while they stab the American people in their face.”

You have to hand it to Greene. She really knows how best to repair the problems of the Republican Party, and to set a forward course for attracting support from the American electorate. The Democrats will surely get behind Greene’s efforts because they stand to be the biggest beneficiaries of her buffoonery. And this wouldn’t be the first time. Last year Greene went off on a lunatic binge that was so preposterously off target that the Biden-Harris campaign adopted it and it was turned into a pro-Democrat ad…

SEE IT HERE: President Biden Trolls Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Hysterically Lame Swipe at Democratic Successes

If we didn’t know better, it would seem like Greene is a covert Democratic operative assigned to sabotage the Republican Party. But then again, that could be just as true for dozens of other republicans – including Donald Trump – who seem to be following the same path downward. And in that mission, we wish them well.


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LOLOL: Mike Lindell is Ready to Lead the Republican National Committee if Asked By Trump

The 2024 presidential election will be profoundly consequential for the nation. It will be a choice between Joe Biden, a senior statesman who has proven that he works for the people and respects the Constitution, and Donald Trump, a 78 year old megalomaniac who is facing 91 felony charges, assaulted women, incited a violent insurrection, stole and disseminated classified documents, and who undermined democracy and aspires to reign as a tyrant.

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Donald Trump, Mike Lindell, MyPillow

That ought to be an easy choice. But given the media’s fixation on ratings-driven, horserace politics, and their attachment to covering trivialities such as Biden’s age, rather than Trump’s openly fascist aspirations, the decision appears to be closer than any sense of rationality – or sanity – can explain.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Uber-MAGA 2024 Campaign Message Reeks of the 3rd Reich Rhetoric of the ‘Final Battle’

With Election Day still about a year away, Trump has already succeeded in turning the campaign season into a nightmarish version of a circus sideshow. When he isn’t sitting and scowling in a courtroom, he’s bellowing bombastically at one of his cult rallies. And with every unhinged outburst, Trump affirms his unfitness for office.

However, the freak show produced by Trump and his obedient flunkies in the Republican Party has only just begun. And one of the signs that the worst is yet to come is Trump’s recent souring on Ronna McDaniel, the chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC). Like everything else in Trump’s mind, it is “rigged” against him. He is upset that the party is continuing to hold primary debates – all of which he has chickened out of – when he believes that they should just crown him the “King of the GOP,” despite the fact that not a single vote has yet been cast.

In this swirling political chaos, former Trump advisor Steve Bannon chatted with the MyPillow huckster, Mike Lindell, and posed what he thought was a serious question…

Bannon: Would you volunteer to take over the RNC if the president so asked you?
Lindell: A hundred percent I would. Then I would have all the tools I need to secure these elections immediately. We’ve already got everything in place. We just need resources and their blessing behind us. Absolutely.”

REALLY? Lindell has been insisting for years that he has irrefutable proof that the 2020 election was rife with fraud. He has promised to reveal his proof several times, but for some reason has never done so. And this election-denying, conspiracy crackpot thinks that he would be a reasonable chairperson of the Republican Party? That is a patently absurd notion.

Although, in comparison to the current state of the GOP, it’s not as absurd as it might seem. The RNC is already a full-on farce. Last year they announced that they had withdrawn from the bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD), which has organized the general election debates since 1987. They accused it of being biased and prohibited any GOP candidates from participating in CPD debates.

SEE ALSO: RNC Doubles Down on Cowardice, Cancels Debates to Shield Snowflake Trump From More Humiliation

There are good reasons for Trump to decline these debates. He will not participate in any event that he doesn’t control or isn’t run by a certified Trump-fluffer. He knows that he would just humiliate himself were he to do so. His ravings are becoming more and more bizarre and unintelligible.

In just the past few weeks Trump has suggested that top American generals should be executed. He proposed mass deportations of migrants and refugees. He promises to build concentration camps for his political opponents. He accuses the media of treason. He even called for the termination of the Constitution. And then there are these cringeworthy clues of cognitive collapse…

  • Trump thinks that he ran against Obama in 2020.
  • Trump said that North Korea has 1.4 billion people. That’s China.
  • Trump praised Viktor Orbán as the leader of Turkey. He’s the leader of Hungary.
  • Trump wrongly said that Hungary shares a border with Russia.
  • Trump warned that Biden would lead the country into World War II.
  • Trump boasted that he was the first person to notice that U.S. spells “us.”
  • Trump repeatedly stated that purchasing bread requires a photo ID

With evidence of psychological disfunction like that, no rational person would vote for Trump. Although he did get the approval of his doctor, an osteopath who isn’t qualified to perform physical examinations. Trump released a suspiciously vague note from his “doctor” that declares that he is in “excellent” health. Most suspicious are the claims that he has “reduced his weight,” has an “improved diet,” and engages in “daily physical activity.” Yeah, right. Recall that Trump’s last doctor’s note was written by Trump himself.

Considering all of the above, how could it hurt to have Lindell chair the RNC? Can we really say that McDaniel is any better? At least it would be entertaining, if you’re into horror stories.

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GOP Presidential Poll Reveals Why Ron DeSantis is the Only 2024 Opponent that Trump is Attacking

While the first primary for the 2024 Republican nomination for president is still nearly a year away, Donald Trump is already running hard. He announced his candidacy last November in a nightmarishly bleak address that featured dystopian references to “blood-soaked streets” in “cesspool cities,” and was universally poorly received.

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Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis

Since Trump’s official entry into the 2024 race he has maintained a constant presence via his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social. He routinely posts dozens of comments a day, mostly linking to ultra-rightist websites and his anonymous QAnon cult followers. Occasionally Trump even posts stories from Fox News, which he has come to detest for being insufficiently worshipful. But he still can’t resist it when they exalt him as he believes he deserves, such as their analysis of the apocalyptic commencement of his candidacy.

RELATED: Fox News Lauds Trump as ‘Unbeatable in 2024’ Following His Dystopian Campaign Announcement

Although there has been almost no adversarial interactions on the campaign trail, Trump has taken a profoundly hostile approach to one prospective opponent, Florida governor Ron DeSantis. Trump has lately descended into the scummiest depths of political hostilities. In a series of assaults he has implied that DeSantis is a gay pedophile who will terminate Social Security and deliver the GOP to establishment RINOs.

Oddly, however, Trump has hardly said a word about any of the other Republicans who are mulling running against him. And a new poll by Monmouth University tells us why that is.

The survey shows that Trump is well ahead of the GOP pack with 41% of respondents choosing Trump. Coming in second is DeSantis with 27%. The rest of the contenders wallow in single digits.

However, the poll also asked respondents who they would support if the only choices were Trump and DeSantis. In that case the race was a virtual tie with Trump at 47% and DeSantis at 46%. And that explains why Trump is only bashing DeSantis. He is the only one who represents any competition at this point. So in Trump’s mind, he must be destroyed.

Furthermore, the other potential candidates currently pose no problem at all for Trump. So he’s laying off of them. In fact, he needs them in the race to dilute DeSantis’ strength as the leading anti-Trump candidate. Consequently, when Nikki Haley announced her candidacy, Trump literally welcomed her into the race, albeit in a somewhat passive-aggressive fashion.

SEE THIS: Trump ‘Welcomes’ Nikki Haley Into the 2024 GOP Primary with a Furious Flurry of Feces Flinging

The more piddly Republicans who run (i.e. Haley, Mike Pence, Ted Cruz, Mike Pompeo, Tim Scott, Chris Christie, etc), the better it is for Trump. So he ignores them. But he is so worried about DeSantis that a day doesn’t go by without multiple attacks.

On Wednesday Trump posted a link to an article about Steve Bannon calling DeSantis a “weasel” for injecting a sly reference to Trump’s troubles with adult film star Stormy Daniels into his criticism of Alvin Bragg, the Manhattan District Attorney who is contemplating an indictment of Trump.

Talk about passive-aggressive. Although Bannon’s criticism included the same references to the Stormy situation, so she got a two-fer. Actually, it was a three-fer because Trump reposted the Bannon article, further highlighting the porn star, hush money affair.

RELATED: Trump’s Attorney Admits that Trump Lied About Making Hush Money Payments to Stormy Daniels

In the coming weeks and months look for Trump to lob ever more poisoned spears at DeSantis. For his part, DeSantis will likely avoid declaring his candidacy as long as possible, partly because it is currently illegal for him to run and serve as governor at the same time (although the Florida legislature is in the process of repealing that law). So all of the open acrimony will be coming from Trump, while DeSantis meekly slings his muffled mud.

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New GOP Subcommittee Chair Openly Admits His Only Purpose is to ‘Make Life Hell’ for Democrats

The Republican Party’s new majority in the House of Representatives has only been in place for about a month, but already it has distinguished itself as embarrassingly inept and priggishly partisan. It took them fifteen votes to even select Kevin McCarthy as Squeaker of the House, for which Donald Trump took all the credit.

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Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Congress, NBC Poll

In the few weeks of GOP rule, the Party of Trump Flunkies has utterly abandoned the divisive wedge issues that they campaigned on (i. e. inflation, abortion, immigration), and instead focused on Hunter Biden’s stolen laptop, mandatory reciting of of the Pledge of Allegiance, and arresting Twitter executives for bias against Republicans that doesn’t even exist.

SEE THIS: Herr Trump Embraces Fascist GOP Threats to Regulate Twitter and Arrest Their Executives

On Sunday morning GOP Rep. Ben Cline visited with traitorous felon Steve Bannon, who Donald Trump pardoned after he was found guilty of defrauding donors to his phony border wall fund. During this segment Cline revealed a heretofore unknown subcommittee created by Jim Jordan, the new chair of the House Judiciary Committee. Cline described the new subcommittee to Bannon as one that would serve to harass President Biden and members of his administration who didn’t kowtow to Jordan and his fascist comrades. Cline told Bannon that…

“[Jordan] needs a bulldog at the subcommittee level to make their lives hell, quite frankly. And so he’s tasked me with that responsibility, for when the Department of Justice, or when our intelligence agencies, don’t respond, that’s when they bring me in.

“I’m the chair of this little rump subcommittee called “Responsiveness and Accountability Oversight.” And so they want me to haul these people up to the Hill, read them the riot act and try and convince them that cooperating with the Judiciary Committee is better than the alternative, which is being held in contempt.”

Really? The irony here is as thick as the bull manure that it is buried in. Bannon, who gushed that Cline’s Committee was “brilliant,” has himself been convicted of two counts of contempt of Congress after failing to comply with subpoenas. And the House Select Committee investigating the January 6th insurrection issued a criminal referral to the Justice Department for Jordan for refusing to testify. And even Squeaker McCarthy openly ignored congressional subpoenas.

Consequently, it is profoundly audacious for Jordan to impanel a committee whose purpose is to bully people into doing what he refused to do. What’s more, his committee will be pitifully impotent as a mechanism to coerce compliance, because the Biden Justice Department is unlikely to indict the victims of Jordan’s persecution.

What Jordan’s committee will succeed in doing is to waste a lot of time and taxpayer money on blatantly partisan and meritless inquisitions, while simultaneously discrediting the Republicans in Congress and sending their public approval ratings into the gutter. And for that, perhaps we should thank them.

RELATED: Americans are Unsatisfied with Politics in General, But Specifically Despise Trump and the GOP

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Marjorie Taylor Greene: The GOP Will Govern Like the Mafia’s 5 Families in ‘The Godfather’

December, being the month of giving, behooves us all to express our gratitude for the gifts that crackpot Republicans provide due to their inbred asininity. While this sort of generosity is a year-round endeavor for them, there seems to be an uptick during the year end holiday season.

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Marjorie Taylor Greene, Gun

So let us give thanks today to Marjorie Taylor Greene. On Tuesday morning she visited with her coup-plotting cohort, Steve Bannon, to discuss the changing control of Congress next year. It’s an issue that she has given a great deal of thought to. For the most part her thoughts have been of totalitarian domination. It’s a theme that the GOP has been fixated on, and one that Greene has personanlly taken to heart.

RELATED: Fascista Marjorie Taylor Greene: If I was Speaker of the House I Would Reign with an Iron Fist

During Greene’s banter with Bannon, she revealed the inside dope on the Republican Party’s plans now that they have a razor thin majority in the House of Representatives. Previously they proposed an initiative that consisted mainly of talking points that were stale when they were first proposed nearly thirty years ago by Newt Gingrich. Even Tucker Carlson of Fox News found it to be a hollow farce.

They also promised a flurry of revenge probes, staging phony investigations of everything from Hunter Biden’s stolen laptop, to the evil machinations of Dr. Fauci. But Greene had something even more profound in mind…

“We’ve been doing – and it’s really interesting – people are arguing, people are clashing, people are also starting to agree, and there’s a meeting that’s happening every week, and we meet in Kevin McCarthy’s office, and it’s called the “Five Families.” And the Five Families – you know my reference – are parts of our conference. All the different parts. And we are coming together and having discussions on how we are going to govern in the majority. And it’s literally my favorite meeting.”

So Greene is analogizing the Republican Party to the Mafia and the fragile coordination between various hostile factions of it. How appropriate that she associates the GOP with a crumbling crime syndicate. Bannon couldn’t help but notice that Greene’s analogy also spelled trouble for Republicans, saying that “I hope that those meetings turn out better than the Five Families meetings in ‘The Godfather.’ They went to war.”

The sour note in this soap opera is that Greene’s fantasy puts Kevin McCarthy in Marlon Brando’s role of Don Corleone. That stretches the willingness to believe a bit too far. However, Greene is at least being consistent with her affinity for violence and gun play. She recently told the crowd at a QAnon affair that the January 6th insurrection wasn’t an insurrection at all, and that “if Steve Bannon and I had organized that, we would have won. Not to mention that it would have been armed.”

So Greene thinks that the problem with the Trump-incited riots in Washington, D.C., aimed at undermining democracy, was that there weren’t enough guns. And that is why she is the new face of the Trumpian Republican Party.

Greene is already exerting her control over McCarthy, who needs her vote to become Speaker. He knows that the narrow margin of the GOP majority, and his unpopularity among his own caucus, means he has to kowtow to screwballs like Greene. And he isn’t the only one who knows this. Democrats are watching with a mix of glee and horror…

SEE THIS: Adam Schiff: Weak GOP Leader McCarthy Will Do Whatever Marjorie Taylor Greene Wants Him To Do

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House Republicans Openly Promise to Abuse Power and Impose One-Party, Totalitarian Rule

As the Trump Republican Party prepares to assume control of the House of Representatives with the barest of a majority, they are plotting unrealistically ambitious plans for how they will govern. And almost none of their priorities align in any way with what the American people want, or even with what they campaigned on.

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Donald Trump, Republican, GOP

Gone is any discussion of inflation, crime, immigration, or abortion. They have been replaced by a singular focus on phony probes of President Biden, his administration, and his family. Republicans have been fanning out on Fox News and other conservative media outlets promising to impeach the President, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of Homeland Security, just for starters.

RELATED: Marjorie Taylor Greene Goes on Berserk Impeach Everybody Rant and Challenges Biden to a Debate

Let’s set aside the fact that they have no chance of succeeding with any that. Nor do they have any intention of doing so. It’s a brazenly political parade of stunts aimed damaging Democrats while ignoring the welfare of the nation, and wasting untold millions of dollars.

But it’s also something much worse. It’s an embrace of totalitarianism that seeks to suppress their political foes. Republicans are determined to rule unimpeded by protocol, decency, or the Constitution. For example, Rep. Greg Steube (R-FL) was asked on Newsmax if GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy intends to strip Adam Schiff of his committee assignments if he becomes Speaker. He replied…

“Yeah, absolutely. Kevin McCarthy has said that. Along with him will be Eric Swalwell will also be removed from the Intelligence Committee.”

Indeed, McCarthy said that last year. According to NBC News

“McCarthy named Reps. Eric Swalwell of California; Ilhan Omar of Minnesota; and Adam Schiff of California as Democrats he’d remove from their committee assignments.”

Never mind that there is no reason other than ideological disagreement for these punitive actions. This is the sort of fascistic behavior that the GOP has been trending toward for several years. What they didn’t mention was the fact that any such committee removals would require a vote of a majority of the House. The Republicans will have a small majority, but because of that, McCarthy wouldn’t have a vote to spare if he intends to carry out this oppressive threat. And if he manages to get away with it, the blowback will be brutal.

In addition to that, Republicans are up in arms about Attorney General Merrick Garland appointing an independent Special Counsel, Jack Smith, to investigate the crimes of Donald Trump. Garland justified the appointment as a measure to separate the Justice Department from the politics. Needless to say, Trump was mortified, as well as terrified.

RELATED: Trump’s Response to the Appointment of a Special Counsel is Predictably Outraged and Schizoid

Trump-fluffer Marjorie Taylor Greene weighed on in this with a threat of her own. On Steve Bannon’s webcast, she told him that she intends to defund the Special Counsel, saying that…

“I just wanna tell Jack Smith he’s not going to get much of a paycheck. Because I’m gonna do everything I can to make sure there is zero American taxpayer dollars appropriated for Merrick Garland’s special counsel, which is nothing but the Democrat Party’s campaign against president Trump […] We’re not going to do this again. That’s it. We’re gonna stop them and we’re gonna do it through the power of the purse.”

Once again, Greene (who said, in the best tradition of fascists, that she would “rule with an iron fist”) and her Republican confederates don’t have the power to unilaterally defund anything. Even if they passed a bill in the House, it would never get through the Democrat-controlled Senate, or be signed by Biden. What’s more, why on Earth would she want to do that? Would she prefer that the investigation be done by the Justice Department attorneys who report to Garland? This is one of those things that Republicans typically fail to think through. Naturally, Greene got concurrence from both Bannon and Laura Ingraham of Fox News.

McCarthy has been cutting deals with folks like Greene in order to secure their votes for Speaker, which he still doesn’t have. Consequently, he is on board with these crackpot schemes that they can’t actually do. And he has also revealed his own priority for the next session of Congress, insisting that the “GOP will repeal Biden’s 87,000 new IRS agents on day one.”

Of course, there is no such initiative. It is just another Republican lie based on an appropriation of funds to recruit IRS employees to replace those who leave over the next five years. And most of them are not agents, but administrative staff.

RELATED: Fox News Fear Mongers that Biden’s IRS Agents Will ‘Hunt Down and Kill Middle Class Taxpayers’

This is what America has to look forward to after the GOP assumes control of the House. On the one hand, it will be a nightmare as Republicans carp endlessly about fake “scandals” and contrived conspiracy theories. On the other hand, it will only further alienate the American people from the GOP, because they are repulsed by their self-serving political antics.

The GOP is proudly anti-American. They have pledged to sabotage the U.S. (and world) economy by refusing to increase the debt ceiling in order to force cuts in Social Security and Medicare. As a result, it is fairly safe to assume that the GOP majority in the House isn’t going to last longer than the next session of Congress. And the Republican’s march toward irrelevancy will advance the Democrat’s prospects for elections in 2024. And they’ll have Marjorie and Kevin to thank.

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MAGA Marge (Taylor Greene) Blames Imaginary Voter Fraud, not GOP Losers, for Midterm Losses

The post-midterm election analysis is going to go on for the next few weeks, maybe months. Democrats were expected to lose dozens of seats in Congress according to historical precedent and the low favorability of President Biden. That didn’t happen.

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Marjorie Taylor Greene, QAnon

The surprising strength of Democratic candidates around the country is a welcome relief to Democrats, and a stinging wound for Republicans. Under the circumstances, the losing party would ordinarily commence a political autopsy to ascertain what went wrong and how to fix it. But, true to form, the Trump Republican Party refuses to behave rationally, even in their own interest.

RELATED: Rep. Raskin: Donald Trump is the Problem of the Republican Party and He May Destroy Their Party

On Monday morning GOP grouch, Marjorie Taylor Greene, was a guest on Steve Bannon’s “War Room.” And her post-election postmortem was as predictable as pestilence at a trash pile. As usual, Greene displayed the hallmark Republican aversion to taking responsibility for anything, when they can just shift blame to others. On that score, Greene summed up the GOP’s electoral defeats thusly…

“We lost in 2020 because of the mail-in ballots and because it was ripe for election fraud. And now we’re watching it again, especially in Kari Lake’s race over in Arizona. This shouldn’t be this way. Everyone was calling for a “red wave.”

“Either all the pollsters were wrong and they need to be fired – and that’s Republicans, Democrats, and every media pollsters saying that we were going to get a red wave, or we have to finally acknowledge the fact – or at least we have to get the other side to acknowledge the fact and admit the truth – that mail-in ballots is the biggest problem in our election and it is going to be a major factor going forward into 2024.”

Greene began her harangue by reaching back to the 2020 presidential race that Donald Trump lost decisively by more than seven million votes. For the past two years Greene and her Republican confederates, led by Trump and his “Big Lie” lie, have failed to produce a shred of evidence that there was any significant election fraud. And they have likewise proven no fraud in 2022 either.

Nevertheless, Greene is outraged by the pollsters she alleges contrived a deliberately false narrative of a massive Republican victory. Bear in mind that Republicans have been bashing pollsters since way before this year’s election. So it’s curious that she is now singling them out for criticism when she has never accepted them as reliable sources before.

What’s more, Greene’s undermining of democracy by casting false doubts on mail-in voting is a preview of where Republicans will be going in the next few months as they continue their crusade to suppress the vote by making it harder to participate.

Now Greene is calling for pollsters and other alleged perpetrators of that “red wave” rhetoric to be fired. Okay. In that case Greene is advocating for the mass termination of everyone at Fox News…

Firing the notoriously dishonest partisans at Fox News would just be the start of the house cleaning that the media requires. Media outlets such as Newsmax, OAN, Breitbart, even Greene’s host this morning, Steve Bannon, should be next on the firing line. Bannon predicted that Republicans could pickup 100 seats this election. He was only off by about 100.

Greene is among the most extreme members of the GOP caucus in Congress. And her refusal to accept reality with regard to the race is typical of her party peers. Which is good news for Democrats. The more delusional Republicans are about what happened this week, the lees able they will be to correct course. Which could pave a the path for another Democratic rout of the GOP in 2024. All thanks to the madness of Greene et al.

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Marjorie Taylor Greene Goes on Berserk Impeach Everybody Rant and Challenges Biden to a Debate

The Chairperson of the Republican’s House Crackpot Caucus, Marjorie Taylor Greene, is demonstrating again how critical she is to the Loony Fringe contingent of the GOP. And since she has no committee assignments or other pressing duties in Congress, she is free to spend all of her time on the wingnut web TV circuit promulgating hate and lies.

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Marjorie Taylor Greene, QAnon

On Saturday morning Greene was a guest on Steve Bannon’s webcast. Bannon, who was recently convicted on two counts of contempt of Congress, invited Greene on to discuss what she regards as the top priorities of the Republican Party should it manage to take the majority in the midterm election. And what are those priorities? Well, According to Greene, “Joe Biden and his family will be a top target. And so will the CDC, the FBI, the Department of Justice, Department of Education, Homeland Security, and many other federal government entities.”

SEE ALSO: The Best Reasons to Never Vote for a Republican – By Joe Biden, Matt Gaetz, and Marjorie Taylor Green

That’s right. The GOP intends to abandon their obviously phony rhetoric about inflation, crime, and immigration, in order to pursue an entirely baseless path of persecution and vengeance. Because pathological hatred is the defining characteristic of Donald Trump’s Republican Confederates. And Greene was happy to reiterate that position on Bannon’s aptly named “War Room.” Greene raged that…

“That’s how we’re going to impeach Joe Biden. That’s how we’re going to impeach Merrick Garland. That’s how we’re going to impeach Secretary Mayorkas. And I’m going to continue to call for it and push for it cause that’s what the American people want. The polling is there, Steve. It is there.”

Never mind that Greene has no rational reasons for impeaching anyone. She proved that when she filed her articles of impeachment for President Biden on the first day of his presidency. The entire bill was about Hunter Biden, and it was so preposterous that it got only one GOP cosponsor.

Perhaps Greene is upset that Biden neglects his presidential duty to tweet all day and night, and to post dozens of flattering videos of himself (as established by her messiah, Trump).

Biden himself addressed the GOP’s inbred malice saying that “I’m already being told, if they win back the House and Senate, they’re going to impeach me. I don’t know what the hell they’ll impeach me for.” Neither do they. But despite her lack of coherent cause, Greene won’t be deterred from her malicious mission. She also told Bannon that…

“If Joe Biden wants to talk to me about why I want to impeach him, or why he’s going to be impeached, why America wants him impeached, then I’d be happy to have that discussion with him on a debate stage. And I challenge him to that debate. Because I would love to bring forward the evidence, and I’d like to see him try to defend himself. He’s guilty and he’s going to be impeached.”

First of all, Biden shouldn’t and wouldn’t lower himself to debate “Empty Greene.” More to the point, twice now Greene has said that the American people want Biden to be impeached. Although she doesn’t bother to reveal where she got the deranged notion. For the record, a recent University of Massachusetts Amherst Poll found that only 34% of respondents agree with her. That’s the baked in GOP/QAnon faction of the electorate. It’s made up of 68% of Republicans and Trump voters. So there are even 32% of them who don’t think Biden should be impeached.

Greene is actually being helpful in a backhanded manner. She is illustrating superbly why it is so important that Democrats turn out to vote and that Republicans are turned out of office. The GOP is wholly fixated on revenge. They couldn’t care less about the well being of the nation or the people. In fact, they have pledged to sabotage the national (and international) economy. And if they prevail in the midterms, Greene has telegraphed precisely what that would mean for the future…

BEWARE: Fascista Marjorie Taylor Greene: If I was Speaker of the House I Would Reign with an Iron Fist

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