Trump Proves His Idiocy (Again): He Thinks Verizon Dropping One America News (OAN) is Illegal

The depth of Donald Trump’s ignorance is impossible to measure. He is the Mariana Trench of stupidity. And yet, he seems perpetually compelled to show off how pitifully feeble-minded he is at every opportunity. He appears to have a perverse pride in being an utter imbecile. Perhaps it makes him feel closer to his dimwitted cult followers.

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Donald Trump, OAN

On Sunday morning Trump posted a comment on his miserably failing social media website, TRUTH Social (that is currently being criminally investigated by a Grand Jury), yowling about the decision by Verizon to drop One America News (OAN), his favorite, ultra-rightist disinformation channel. That decision may be the death knell for OAN who have now lost all but one of their cable outlets.

RELATED: LOCK HIM UP: Trump’s TRUTH Social Scam is Being Criminally Investigated By a Federal Grand Jury

Naturally, Trump was shocked and outraged that a private company made a rational business decision that conflicted with Trump’s inbred biases and petulant self interests. Especially OAN, that has served as his virtual North Korean style Ministry of Propaganda from its inception. So he raged on his Twitter ripoff site that…

“One America News (OAN) is AMAZING, with great ratings and a REALLY loyal following. Despite it being so good, VERIZON, for purely political reasons, will be terminating OAN at the end of this month. Isn’t this ‘stuff’ supposed to be illegal? The good news is that the owners and management of One America News is smart and very wise. They will figure it out!”

What’s “AMAZING” is how ridiculously foolish Trump can be, and how proud he seems to be of it. Trump’s assertion that OAN has “great ratings” is laughably untrue. Their audience is so small that Nielsen doesn’t even track it. So you have to wonder what “ratings” Trump is referring to. Although Trump may be right about OAN having a loyal following, because that’s what cults do.

Trump goes on to accuse Verizon of ditching OAN for “purely political reasons.” Of course, he doesn’t offer a shred evidence to support that charge. However there is an obvious financial justification for dropping a channel that has a negligible number of viewers. What’s more, OAN is being sued for defamation by the voting software company, Smartmatic. The case revolves around the part OAN has played in promulgating Trump’s “Big Lie” about election fraud. Cable programmers would be wise to distance themselves from such potentially damaging legal exposure.

RELATED: Newsmax and OAN Added to Smartmatic’s Billion Dollar Lawsuit for Pushing Trump’s ‘Big Lie’

Finally, Trump asks his TRUTH(less) (Anti)Social followers “Isn’t this ‘stuff’ supposed to be illegal?” Sure, if you live in a totalitarian dictatorship where the media is required to obey the mandates of power mad demagogues. But in a nation where a free press is protected by its Constitution, private companies are permitted to make their own business decisions in the best interest of their shareholders, employees, and customers. In the United States it would, in fact, be illegal for the government to interfere with such decisions.

Trump, however, has always leaned toward tyranny. He prefers a country wherein he is the fuehrer making decisions that only benefit him. He had the same autocratic reaction to OAN being dropped by DirecTV earlier this year. And he couldn’t stop whining about it for months. So strap in. We can expect the same sort of obsessive ravings over the Verizon decision going forward.

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2 thoughts on “Trump Proves His Idiocy (Again): He Thinks Verizon Dropping One America News (OAN) is Illegal

  1. From the article-“But in a nation where a free press is protected by its Constitution, private companies are permitted to make their own business decisions in the best interest of their shareholders, employees, and customers. In the United States it would, in fact, be illegal for the government to interfere with such decisions.” That maybe for now, but HOW much longer? That’s the question going forward. Also, what can DONE about it, when it comes to pass? How can you fight BACK against bulls*it like this? What happens when one does speak and get shot DEAD, in your home, or out and about, for this? What then? If you DON’T think that’s coming, you are delusional.

  2. ANYTHING that the master of the universe Donald TUMP don’t like should be illegal according to this senile, deluded walking pile of shit. I am sick of this son of a bitch getting so much attention when he is really nothing but a rambling, bumbling psychopath that should have already been imprisoned many months ago. Why is this blowhard still walking around free? Donald TUMP is the lowest life form that exists. What he says means nothing.
    As for the Fascist takeover, i am leaving the USA if there is a Fascist takeover even if i have to do something illegal to get into Canada. Anything will be better than staying here if that happens. I am not going to put up with some thug watching every move i make.

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