Matt Gaetz is Taking His Moral Decrepitude to One America News Network

Donald Trump is finding out that putting together a Cabinet of notoriously incompetent, unqualified, dishonest, hate-mongering, sexual perverts, and pathetically sycophantic toadies is harder than he thought. His nominees to top administration posts are undergoing scrutiny of their professional and personal lives that is revealing how desperately unfit they are for public service.

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Matt Gaetz

Leading the pack of failed nominees was Trump’s first choice for Attorney General, former representative Matt Gaetz. He withdrew himself from consideration after it is was clear that he could not get enough votes from his fellow MAGA Republicans to be confirmed. Even that crowd briefly exhibited a measure of integrity when they were faced with approving someone who was credibly accused of sex trafficking a minor and indulging in illicit drug use. And he isn’t the only one with such a repulsive resume…

SEE THIS: One Down: The Demise of Matt Gaetz’ AG Aspirations Spells Trouble for Pete Hegseth at Defense

After bombing out as a potential AG, Gaetz promised that he was “still gonna be in the fight, but its gonna be from a new perch.” And as it turns out, he is indeed going to be out on a limb next year with the premiere of his new primetime TV program on the Trump-fluffing One America News (OAN) network. CNN made the announcement of Gaetz’s new hosting gig Tuesday morning. OAN confirmed it shortly after saying that…

“One America News Network, (‘OAN’) announced today that powerhouse Matt Gaetz will be joining OAN’s prime-time lineup in January. […] Matt is a remarkable talent and a principled leader. His insider access to America’s top policymakers and unwavering dedication to America-first values will bring unparalleled insight and exclusive content to OAN viewers.”

That’s an especially PR-heavy press release. Gaetz can hardly be described as a “powerhouse,” a “talent,” or a “principled leader,” by anyone who is able to actually define those words. And his alleged “access to America’s top policymakers” is notably suspect since almost all of his former congressional colleagues openly hate his guts.

Landing at OAN has to be something of a disappointment for Gaetz. He was obviously rejected by Fox News and Newsmax, both of which he has previously lobbied for a job. Consequently, this should raise the profile of OAN as the network that employs sex traffickers who committed statutory rape and bragged about using illegal drugs. And that profile boost will only be enhanced if the House Ethics Committee’s probe into the allegations against Gaetz are ever officially released or leaked.

OAN’s reputation as a Trump propaganda disseminator has been affirmed by their settlement of a defamation lawsuit brought by election workers and Smartmatic Voting Systems following the network’s deliberately dishonest 2020 election coverage.

Furthermore, there has been an incestuous relationship between the network and Trump World. For instance, Natalie Harp, a current starstruck Trump flunky, is a former OAN host who was known for writing fawning letters to Trump, saying such adoring thinks as “You are all that matters to me.” And Christina Bobb is a former OAN correspondent and an attorney who worked Trump. She was the member of Trump’s legal team who signed off on the confirmation to the FBI that Trump had returned all of the classified documents that he had stolen and stored at Mar-a-Lago. Which, of course, was not true.

For his part, Gaetz is bursting with pride for his new job. Or at least that’s what he says. But it’s hard to believe that he’s all that excited about being hired by D-List network with a miniscule audience after he resigned his seat in congress and was trashed as the AG nominee by his BFF Trump.


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Smartmatic: OAN Engaged in Potentially Criminal Activities with Trump Attorney Sidney Powell

The MAGA media confederation has suffered monumental losses lately. Particularly harsh was the 3/4 of a billion dollar judgment against Fox News for defaming Dominion Voting Systems. But that was just the beginning. Fox News, Newsmax, and One America News (OAN) remain at risk in several other pending lawsuits related to their promulgation of Donald Trump’s “Big Lie” that the 2020 presidential election was “rigged and stolen” from him.

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Donald Trump, OAN

Among the pending lawsuits is one by the voting software company, Smartmatic, against OAN. The Trump-fluffing propaganda outlet virulently attacked the company, charging falsely that they deliberately developed their software so that it could be hacked by nefarious Democratic operatives to switch votes from Trump to Joe Biden. Even though they knew that it wasn’t true.

SEE THIS: WATCH: OAN Concedes that ‘There Was No Widespread Voter Fraud’ to Settle Defamation Lawsuit

Now there is further evidence of the conspiracy concocted by OAN and the Trump legal team. A new court filing by Smartmatic reveals that its president, Charles Herring, engaged in a suspicious email exchange with Trump attorney, Sidney Powell. As reported by CNN

“In the wake of the 2020 election, the president of the far-right network One America News sent a potentially explosive email to former Trump campaign lawyer Sidney Powell, with a spreadsheet claiming to contain passwords of employees from the voting technology company Smartmatic, according to court filings. […]

“Lawyers from Smartmatic told a federal judge that the email, and the attached spreadsheet, suggest OAN executives ‘may have engaged in criminal activities’ because they ‘appear to have violated state and federal laws regarding data privacy.'”

This allegation appears to affirm the unsavory relationship between OAN and the Trump campaign clan. It’s a relationship that also includes, Christina Bobb, an attorney who worked for both Trump and as a correspondent for OAN. As part of her duties for Trump she signed off on the confirmation to the FBI that all of the materials, including classified documents, that Trump had improperly taken to Mar-a-Lago had been accounted for and returned. That was not true.

SEE ALSO: Trump’s TV Lawyer Keeps Contradicting His (Variable) Excuses for Hoarding Classified Materials

Now the bonds between Trump and OAN have been drawn even tighter. If the president of the company was conspiring with the Trump legal team to gain access to Smartmatic machines, or the accounts of their employees, or to disseminate the means of that access, they are potentially liable for criminal charges.

That will eventually come out when this case goes to trial, if it goes to trial. OAN has already settled with two poll workers who sued them for defamation. And they have tried to distance themselves from the flagrant lies perpetrated by obsessive election denier, Mike Lindell of MyPillow fame. But any settlement is likely to bankrupt them.

OAN has far fewer resources than Fox News. Who, by the way, are also facing a lawsuit by Smartmatic. So with the upcoming litigation involving Smartmatic, and Trump’s multiple indictments, there are some interesting times ahead for Trump and his purveyors of propaganda. Stay tuned.


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Trump’s TV Lawyer Keeps Contradicting His (Variable) Excuses for Hoarding Classified Materials

The legal geniuses that have represented Donald Trump over the years have not exactly distinguished themselves as paragons of their profession. They include the likes of Rudy Giuliani, whose license to practice has been suspended, and QAnon adherent, Sidney Powell. And those may be the cream of the crock.

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Trump Lies

A more recent addition to the team is Christina Bobb, who Trump recruited from her prior job as a host on the One America News Network (OAN). Bobb’s job duties didn’t change much when she joined the Trump legal staff. She made television appearances on OAN where she devotedly defended everything Trump did, no matter how obviously illegal and/or immoral. And she does precisely the same thing now as his lawyer.

RELATED: Fox News Spews Knee-Jerk Defense of Wannabe Dictator Trump After FBI Search of Mar-a-Lago

Amid the controversies surrounding the FBI search of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago bunker, Bobb has been making the rounds on TV to pitch her Trump propaganda. And for the most part she has succeeded only in making Trump look even more guilty than prior to her commentaries. For example, she visited with Sean Duffy – a former congressman and reality TV star – who was filling in for Laura Ingraham on Fox News. They united to muddy the waters with regard to whether the documents that Trump took from the White House were classified…

Duffy: You were there at Mar-a-Lago when the FBI raided the place. Do you know what was in the boxes that they took?
Bobb: It was documents, that’s all I know … So, no, at this point we don’t necessarily know what was in the boxes. But I also think it’s important to point out, as you did earlier, that president Trump had declassified everything.

So Bobb doesn’t know what was in the boxes. That’s an interesting story considering that she told a completely different one the day before to Ingraham, when she asserted that Trump’s legal team had “done a very thorough search” of the documents he had at Mar-a-Lago.

Ingraham: Is it your understanding that there were not documents related to our nuclear capabilities or nuclear issues that had national security implications in the President’s possession when the agents showed up at Mar-a-Lago?
Bobb: That’s right. I don’t believe they were…I have not specifically spoken to the [former] President about what nuclear materials may or may not have been in there. I do not believe there were any in there. The legal team has done a very thorough search and has turned over – we’ve been very cooperative with the Biden administration and the DOJ – and turned over everything we’ve found that we had. So it’s my understanding, on very good belief based on a thorough investigation, that there was nothing there.

On another occasion, Bobb contradicted Trump who posted a furious complaint claiming that the FBI “wanted to be left alone, without any witnesses to see what they were doing, taking or, hopefully not, ‘planting.'” He asked “Why did they STRONGLY insist on having nobody watching them?” However, on the right-wing webcast, Real America’s Voice, Bobb refuted that saying that…

“[Former] president Trump and his family probably had a better view than I did because they had the CCTV (closed circuit TV) that they were able to watch. I was stuck in the parking lot to collect paper and answer questions. But they were actually able to see the whole thing.”

So Trump’s charge that the FBI prevented any witnesses from observing their plot to plant evidence was another Trump lie. According to his own lawyer, he was watching the search himself.

RELATED: The Trump Cult Knows He’s Guilty, So They’re All on Fox News Yammering About Planted Evidence

In the few short days since the FBI search was done, Trump’s excuses and defenses have varied wildly. Here is a brief summary of them for the record…

  • Well, there were no documents.
  • Okay, There were documents but they were just personal mementos and family photos.
  • Okay, There were also documents that were official business that Trump took home to study.
  • Okay, Trump was allowed to have all of the documents, and besides, what about Obama?
  • Okay, Any classified documents were packed by someone else when Trump moved out of the White House and he didn’t know what was in them.
  • Okay, the classified documents that were found were planted there by the FBI.
  • Okay, none of the documents were classified because Trump secretly declassified them.

In short, the documents that don’t exist, and which Trump refused to return when subpoenaed, were actually there, but he was using them, even though someone else packed them without his knowledge, which didn’t happen because the FBI planted them, and the documents that the FBI planted were all declassified in a secret ceremony, and once declassified they still weren’t released to the public, and can’t be released now.

Got it? Good! Now back to lying about the 2020 presidential election being “rigged” and “stolen” from Trump.

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Trump Proves His Idiocy (Again): He Thinks Verizon Dropping One America News (OAN) is Illegal

The depth of Donald Trump’s ignorance is impossible to measure. He is the Mariana Trench of stupidity. And yet, he seems perpetually compelled to show off how pitifully feeble-minded he is at every opportunity. He appears to have a perverse pride in being an utter imbecile. Perhaps it makes him feel closer to his dimwitted cult followers.

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Donald Trump, OAN

On Sunday morning Trump posted a comment on his miserably failing social media website, TRUTH Social (that is currently being criminally investigated by a Grand Jury), yowling about the decision by Verizon to drop One America News (OAN), his favorite, ultra-rightist disinformation channel. That decision may be the death knell for OAN who have now lost all but one of their cable outlets.

RELATED: LOCK HIM UP: Trump’s TRUTH Social Scam is Being Criminally Investigated By a Federal Grand Jury

Naturally, Trump was shocked and outraged that a private company made a rational business decision that conflicted with Trump’s inbred biases and petulant self interests. Especially OAN, that has served as his virtual North Korean style Ministry of Propaganda from its inception. So he raged on his Twitter ripoff site that…

“One America News (OAN) is AMAZING, with great ratings and a REALLY loyal following. Despite it being so good, VERIZON, for purely political reasons, will be terminating OAN at the end of this month. Isn’t this ‘stuff’ supposed to be illegal? The good news is that the owners and management of One America News is smart and very wise. They will figure it out!”

What’s “AMAZING” is how ridiculously foolish Trump can be, and how proud he seems to be of it. Trump’s assertion that OAN has “great ratings” is laughably untrue. Their audience is so small that Nielsen doesn’t even track it. So you have to wonder what “ratings” Trump is referring to. Although Trump may be right about OAN having a loyal following, because that’s what cults do.

Trump goes on to accuse Verizon of ditching OAN for “purely political reasons.” Of course, he doesn’t offer a shred evidence to support that charge. However there is an obvious financial justification for dropping a channel that has a negligible number of viewers. What’s more, OAN is being sued for defamation by the voting software company, Smartmatic. The case revolves around the part OAN has played in promulgating Trump’s “Big Lie” about election fraud. Cable programmers would be wise to distance themselves from such potentially damaging legal exposure.

RELATED: Newsmax and OAN Added to Smartmatic’s Billion Dollar Lawsuit for Pushing Trump’s ‘Big Lie’

Finally, Trump asks his TRUTH(less) (Anti)Social followers “Isn’t this ‘stuff’ supposed to be illegal?” Sure, if you live in a totalitarian dictatorship where the media is required to obey the mandates of power mad demagogues. But in a nation where a free press is protected by its Constitution, private companies are permitted to make their own business decisions in the best interest of their shareholders, employees, and customers. In the United States it would, in fact, be illegal for the government to interfere with such decisions.

Trump, however, has always leaned toward tyranny. He prefers a country wherein he is the fuehrer making decisions that only benefit him. He had the same autocratic reaction to OAN being dropped by DirecTV earlier this year. And he couldn’t stop whining about it for months. So strap in. We can expect the same sort of obsessive ravings over the Verizon decision going forward.

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Trump’s GOP is Morphing Hunter Biden Into an Evil Cartoon Villain to Deflect From January 6th

As the House Select Committee hearings on the January 6th insurrection continue its devastating exposition of Donald Trump and his treasonous role in orchestrating a violent coup, Trump and his Republican confederates are becoming ever more frantic about sweeping their assault on democracy under the rug.

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Donald Trump, GOP

Fox News, who refused to even air the first hearing live in primetime, has devoted as little time as possible to covering the extensive incriminating evidence that is being revealed. Trump himself is suffering severe and psychotic meltdowns as he watches the Committee’s blistering presentation of his overt criminality. And the American people are paying attention as millions tune in to each session.

RELATED: The January 6th Hearings are Driving Public Opinion – And Trump’s Latest Delusional Meltdown

Consequently, the Trumpian Defense League has had to work overtime to distract the nation from the damning realities that are gushing out with each new panel of witnesses, all of whom – contrary to Trump’s frenzied rants – are former Trump associates and staffers, not partisan Democrats or Trump opponents. And topping the list of the Trump absolutionists is Rep. James Comer, ranking member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Comer stands to become chairman of the Oversight Committee if Republicans seize the majority in November. And he is openly revealing his agenda for the country under GOP leadership. During an interview on the ultra-rightist propaganda network, One America News (OAN), Comer said…

“I promise you this, and I don’t make many promises, we will have Hunter Biden hearings in the House Oversight Committee. We believe Hunter Biden is a national security threat. We believe Hunter Biden’s bad shady business dealings are influencing some decisions that Joe Biden are (sic) making. So, in other words, we think that Joe Biden is compromised because of Hunter Biden’s shady business dealings.”

So Hunter Biden, who is not now – and has never been – a government official in any capacity, is somehow a “national security threat”? Comer, like all Republican shills, doesn’t explain how that could be possible. He also has zero evidence of any allegedly “shady business dealings.” Therefore, his allegations of “influencing” President Biden are just being pulled straight out of his asinine imagination.

On the basis of that flimsy fiction, Comer is promising to waste the time Congress with blatantly partisan hearings that are strictly motivated by politics and revenge on behalf of Trump. And that’s the GOP platform for the American people in 2023 should the GOP assume majority power.

Adding to the demonization of Hunter Biden is a harangue excreted by Donald Trump Jr on Newsmax.

“Our press won’t even ask ‘Do you think like us being on the verge of World War III, do you think our decision making could be being influenced by the fact that there’s plenty more out there that we don’t even know about.’ I mean, there doesn’t seem to be an enemy country of the United States that doesn’t somehow have a Hunter Biden laptop.”

WHUT? Let’s just set aside Donnie’s six year old speaking ability and his schizoid fantasies of World War III. His unsupported assertions of Hunter Biden’s influence over his father make no sense whatsoever. What decisions does he think have been altered due to anything that has been found on the suspect laptop? Donnie doesn’t say.

Furthermore, is the Trumpy spawn really peddling the notion that it’s no longer just one laptop that was abandoned at a computer repair shop in Delaware? Now there are actually dozens of reproducing laptops scattered around the world that once belonged to Hunter, and are now in the possession of America’s enemies? And all of them have some sort of compromising data on them?

If this is the depths that Trump and the GOP are sinking to in order to deflect from the January 6th hearings, then you know that they are desperately afraid of the information that is being accumulated and made available to the public. They know what they have done, and what could soon be revealed. And they know that it’s so bad that imaginary caravans of Mexican immigrants are no longer sufficient diversions. They have had to go nuclear with what Newsmax’s chyron calls “New Revelations Come From Hunter’s Evil Laptop.”

RELATED: LOL: Donald Trump Jr is Peddling Mail-Order Meat in a Pathetic Reprise of Trump Steaks Debacle

See? No longer merely an inanimate object, the laptop itself is possessed by demons. And Hunter is the messenger of Satan. It makes you wonder what the congressional hearings that Comer is threatening would be like. Would they have an exorcist testifying? Or would they just leave that sort of fear mongering to Tucker Carlson?

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Trump’s Spokeswoman Keeps Committing the Same Violations on Twitter that Got Trump Banned

On January 8, 2020 – two days after the deadly, Trump-incited insurrection on Capitol Hill – Twitter finally made the responsible decision with regard to Donald Trump’s rancid and reckless rhetoric, saying that “we have permanently suspended the account due to the risk of further incitement of violence.” And with that the Internet was immediately improved by a whopping 73%.

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Donald Trump, Twitter

However, Trump’s decadent and dangerous voice was still heard regularly thanks to his Twitter ban defying spokes-shill, Liz Harrington. Despite repeated calls for Twitter to comply with their own terms of service, Harrington has inexplicably been allowed to act as Trump’s ventriloquist dummy, dispensing his lies and hatred. And her Trumpified tweets continue to pose real threats to America’s political stability and civil tranquility.

For the past couple of weeks Harrington has been promoting the crocumentary, “2,000 Mules,” produced by convicted election fraudster, Dinesh D’Souza (who Trump pardoned), and the disreputable hacks at “True the Vote.” The film falsely alleges that the 2020 presidential election was “rigged” and “stolen” from Donald Trump. In fact, the film is a hodgepodge of unsupported innuendo and grossly distorted misinterpretations of data. It is rife with the sort of depraved diatribes that incited the storming of Congress on January 6, 2021. And in support of this farce, Harrington baselessly accuses Democrats of committing crimes and trying to “destroy” America.

The movie has been debunked by credible experts as a scam that is devoid of factual basis and worse, is deliberately deceptive. It is “based on faulty assumptions, anonymous accounts and improper analysis of cellphone location data.” It has even been repudiated by “news” outlets that are generally friendly to Trump and his brand of dishonesty. For instance, D’Souza himself has blasted Fox News, whining that “Tucker Carlson and his team specifically instructed Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote NOT to mention the movie.”

RELATED: Tucker Carlson Hysterically Hypes Bogus Election ‘Fraud’ Film By Convicted Election Fraudster

D’Souza also complained about the Trump-fluffing Newsmax network, saying “BTW @newsmax is also blocking coverage of ‘2000 Mules.'”

Even the One America News Network recently had to walk back their incessant election fraud ranting as part of their settlement of a lawsuit by two election workers that they defamed. Which may explain why the other bootlicking Trump nets are avoiding this movie. They are already being sued for billions of dollars for lying about election fraud

See Dominion sued Fox News for $1.6 billion, and Smartmatic sued Fox News for $2.7 billion, and Newsmax and OAN added to lawsuit.

The scam that D’Souza is perpetrating was apparent in the way the movie premiered. He charged online viewers $20.00 each to watch it remotely. If you believe his claim that 80,000 people watched, that would be a $1.6 million dollar haul. And that doesn’t include the $499.00 charged to in-person guests at the Las Vegas and Mar-a-Lago premieres.

This film contributes to the madness and hostility that Trump seeks to inspire from his glassy-eyed cult followers. Harrington’s promotion of it is just another example of her role in provoking more violence. And the fact that Twitter lets her get away with it is appalling and only makes them complicit in whatever harm results.

RELATED: Trump Shill Calls Violent Insurrectionists ‘Unwitting,’ Peaceful Abortion Protesters ‘Terrorists’

And to make matters worse, if Elon Musk’s bid to acquire Twitter goes through (which is not certain), he has already said he’ll restore Trump’s account. However, Trump says that he won’t return to Twitter even if the ban is lifted. But considering Trump’s proclivity for lying, take that with a pound or two of salt.

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WATCH: OAN Concedes that ‘There Was No Widespread Voter Fraud’ to Settle Defamation Lawsuit

For more than a year and a half the crusade to keep Donald Trump’s cult convinced that the 2020 election was “rigged” has been supported by right-wing media outlets including Fox News, Newsmax and One America News Network (OAN). Their flagrant dishonesty resulted in the deadly insurrection in Washington, D.C. by brainwashed Trump disciples intent on preventing President Biden’s victory from being certified and undermining democracy.

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Donald Trump, OAN

Another result of the conservative press disseminating blatant lies about election fraud was the filing of billion dollar lawsuits against them by voting systems companies:

Dominion sued Fox News for $1.6 billion.
Smartmatic sued Fox News for $2.7 billion, and later…
Added Newsmax and OAN to the lawsuit.

In addition to these lawsuits, OAN was sued by two election workers in Georgia who the network (and Rudy Giuliani) asserted had engaged in criminal misconduct while counting votes. There was never any evidence to support the charges and the network knew it. Which is why they recently settled with the election workers. And now they have aired a concession that their “reporting” was untrue. OAN admitted that…

“Georgia officials have concluded that there was no widespread voter fraud by election workers who counted ballots at the State Farm Arena in November of 2020. The results of this investigation indicate that Ruby Freeman and Wandrea ‘Shaye’ Moss did not engage in ballot fraud or criminal misconduct while working at State Farm Arena on election night. A legal matter with this network and the two election workers has been resolved to the mutual satisfaction of the parties through a fair and reasonable settlement.”

For the record, Georgia officials concluded that “there was no widespread voter fraud” a year and a half ago. It was OAN who continued to peddle lies about it until faced with this lawsuit. And their falsehoods fueled Trump’s “Big Lie” the election was “stolen,” wherein he had even cited the falsely accused election workers by name at his cult rallies.

This admission of “fake news” by OAN only relates to the incidents in Georgia. However, the network is still on the hook for broader allegations of defamation in the other lawsuits and they have altered their editorial stance on election fraud. In fear of further litigation, they placed a disclaimer on the air prior to a crocumentary by MyPillow’s Mike Lindell, disavowing any connection to it or its preposterous assertions. It’s title, “Absolute Proof” had the conspicuous flaw of containing no proof whatsoever. Not unlike the crocumentary by convicted election fraudster, Dinesh D’Souza.

OAN is going to have considerably more trouble arriving at a settlements with Smartmatic and Dominion. Their slander was more than just defamatory. It caused substantial financial and reputational harm. But OAN’s future is already in doubt since they were dumped by their biggest distributer, DirecTV.

RELATED: Trump Freaks Out Over Cable Companies Dropping the Failing One America News Network (OAN)

And the same problem exists for Newsmax and Fox News. These propaganda pushers need to learn that there are consequences for deliberately promulgating malicious lies.

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Trump Freaks Out Over Cable Companies Dropping the Failing One America News Network (OAN)

Never let it be said that Donald Trump doesn’t know where his priorities lie. While the rest of the civilized world is consumed by the heinous war crimes being committed by Trump’s BFF Vladimir Putin against the innocent people of Ukraine, Trump is busting his prodigious gut over the dire prospects for his favorite disinformation and Russian propaganda disseminator, One America News Network (OAN).

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In a tweet posted by his Twitter ban defying spokes-shill, Trump unleashed a totally delusional diatribe against cable companies that he said were “terminating a very popular and wonderful news network (OAN).” His extended, run-on rant whined that…

“Time Warner, the owner of Fake News CNN, has just announced that they will be terminating a very popular and wonderful news network (OAN). Between heavily indebted Time Warner, and Radical Left Comcast, which runs Xfinity, there is a virtual monopoly on news, thereby making what you hear from the LameStream Media largely FAKE, hence the name FAKE NEWS! I believe the people of this Country should protest the decision to eliminate OAN, a very important voice. Likewise, Comcast is terrible and expensive. Let them know that you’re sick and tired of FAKE NEWS! In this modern age of technology, they are no longer necessary. Demand that OAN be allowed to stay on the air. It is far bigger and more popular than anyone knows, and importantly, it represents the voice of a very large group of people!”

Holy Shih Tzu! There is a lot of crazy to unwrap there. Let’s begin with the fact that there is no such thing as “Time Warner.” It ceased to exist in 2016 when it was acquired by Charter Communications and folded into Spectrum. Furthermore, the former cable company Time Warner (now Spectrum) was not the owner of CNN. That’s WarnerMedia, which was just acquired by Discovery Networks. So Trump is, as usual, pitifully ignorant of the business he is raging against.

Trump goes on to claim that OAN is “a very popular and wonderful news network [and] is far bigger and more popular than anyone knows.” Really? If no one knows how popular it is, than it is, by definition, unpopular. OAN’s audience is actually so small that it isn’t even tracked by Nielsen.

Moving on, how can Trump say that there is a “virtual monopoly on news” when Fox News is the highest rated cable news network? And what about right-wing outlets like Newsmax, Sinclair, and News Nation? Trump’s tedious wailing about “fake” news is just his description of any news with which he disagrees. If the fake label belongs anywhere, it is with OAN and Fox, where facts have been discarded in favor of propaganda.

What’s more, you have to wonder why Trump is so outraged over the loss of OAN as a part of the “LameStream Media” when he says in the same statement that “they are no longer necessary.” If that’s true, then why should anyone bother to take Trump’s advice to protest the decision and “demand that OAN be allowed to stay on the air”? Someone should tell Trump that OAN is already “allowed” to be on the air. They just need to offer a product that justifies its carriage financially. Under free market capitalism, which Republicans used to pretend to advocate, cable companies are also allowed to make business decisions as to which channels they carry.

Finally, this entire episode of Trump’s Daily Tantrum was totally contrived in his diseased brain. OAN has not been carried on Charter (Spectrum) or Comcast for years. It’s puzzling what triggered this outburst because there isn’t any news on this subject except for a report that OAN has filed a wholly meritless lawsuit to contest DirecTV’s decision not to renew their contract.

Perhaps OAN hopes to recoup some what they expect lose in the lawsuits pending against them. OAN is currently being sued by Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic software for propagating Trump’s lies about election fraud. Separately, they are being sued by two former Georgia election workers who are victims of Trump’s election deceptions that were prominently pushed by OAN.

Trump, meanwhile, is behaving in his typically deranged and utterly hypocritical manner. The rabid “cancel culture” critic has been bellowing for boycotts of DirecTV and other media companies that aren’t sufficiently worshipful. He’s been similarly barking at social media platforms, many of which have banned him for concocting and spreading dangerous lies. Perhaps he thinks people will just switch to his own Twitter rip off. But given the disastrous launch of Trump’s hysterically named TRUTH Social, that isn’t likely to happen either. SAD!

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King of Cancel Culture: Trump Urges Boycott of DirecTV (AT&T) in Retaliation for Dropping OAN

Just in case anyone needed a reminder of the flaming hypocrisy of Donald Trump and his Republican flunkies, Trump himself provided an excellent one. In a tweet posted by his Twitter ban defying spokes-shill, Trump lashed out DirecTV and AT&T for dropping the ultra-rightist propaganda promoters, One America News Network (OAN).

Donald Trump, Boycott

OAN’s future is in doubt because DirecTV was the source of most of their revenue and audience. But even though AT&T (who spun off DirecTV last year, but remains the majority stockholder) bankrolled OAN’s birth, that relationship has become financially precarious. OAN is currently being sued by Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic software for propagating Trump’s lies about election fraud. Separately, they are being sued by two former Georgia election workers who are victims of Trump’s election deceptions that were prominently pushed by OAN.

However, none of this is news right now. It was all reported two weeks ago on News Corpse. But Trump was likely triggered anew because he held another of his cult rallies in Texas on Saturday. That event was properly ignored by credible news outlets (and also Fox News) because it was just more of his paranoid and wrathful ranting. It was, however carried by OAN and Newsmax, two very low rated channels. Consequently, Trump is perturbed that his pitiful pontificating was passed over by the press. So he sobbed that…

“AT&T is closing the very popular One America News Network (OAN) because too many people are watching. They couldn’t put up with that any longer. Conservatives/Republicans should boycott Direct TV, and while you’re at it, “Concast’s” Xfinity as well. These are Radical Left Lunatics who are destroying our Nation!”

There is so much wrong embedded in that whine. First of all, AT&T is not “closing” OAN. The network just lost a distributor, albeit an important one. And since AT&T spun off DirecTV, they have nothing to do with with programming decisions anyway. Secondly, OAN is not “very popular.” Their audience is so small that Nielsen doesn’t even track it. Thirdly, it is profoundly deranged to assert that mega-corporations like AT&T and Comcast are “Radical Left Lunatics who are destroying our Nation.”

Finally, Trump’s call for a boycott is just the sort of “cancel culture” crapola that he and the rabid right routinely rail against. Never mind that Trump himself is the undisputed King of Cancel Culture. But despite that title, he is also notoriously ineffectual. He has called for a boycott of AT&T in the past, without any discernible impact. The same goes for his unheeded decree to quit Twitter.

Apparently, no one appears to be paying any attention to Trump’s bitchy boycott bulletins. And none of his targets have suffered in the slightest. It’s almost as if a Trump boycott serves as compelling advertising for sane consumers. So keep it up, Donnie. Pretty soon all the big corporations will want the success guaranteed by a Trump boycott.

UPDATE 2/8/2022: Trump dropped another demand to boycott AT&T/DirecTV saying falsely that OAN “is a very popular channel, far more popular than most would understand,” and that “If you feel infringed by what this Communist movement is doing, cancel DirecTV.” He’s too funny 😉

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly.

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Poor Baby: Trump Throws Tantrum at Rally Over DirecTV Dropping OAN, His Favorite Propaganda Channel

This week Donald Trump’s ultra-rightist media echo chamber suffered a crushing blow. One America News Network was informed by DirecTV that its contract would not be renewed when it expires in April. That is a devastating development because DirecTV is OAN’s biggest source of both audience and revenue.

Donald Trump, Snowflakes

There is considerable cause to believe that OAN cannot survive without DirecTV’s patronage. The channel would not have even existed but for DirecTV’s former parent corporation AT&T bankrolling the shameless Trump-fluffers at OAN.

However, as time went on, maintaining a relationship with the struggling network has become more of a financial risk than benefit. OAN is currently being sued by Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic software for propagating Trump’s lies about election fraud. Separately, they are being sued by two former Georgia election workers who are victims of Trump’s election deceptions that were prominently pushed by OAN.

It was inevitable that Trump would feel compelled to wax hysterical about the OAN debacle. After all, it is the TV home of his official spokes-shill, Liz Harrington, who makes nearly daily appearances, like this one. So the day after the DirecTV announcement, Trump took the opportunity to lash out at his cult rally in Arizona, praising OAN and confessing that “I watch it all the time,” and laughably that “You really get the truth.” Plus, it’s cute that this slobbering endorsement of OAN is being aired by Newsmax, as can be seen in the video below:

“All I can tell you is that the people that are telling the truth in America, like One America News (OAN), are being threatened. Does everybody like One America? I love One America. By the way, these cameras, you know they’re back there, they’re covering this, they don’t like hearing this stuff. Do you see the red lights? They go off one after another as soon as I’s gonna mention CNN and how bad their ratings are. You see the CNN camera go off.”

Trump’s fairy tale about camera lights going off is one of his standard lines at these rallies. And of course, it is utterly fictional. But his gushing affinity for OAN is the real thing. There is nothing that Trump likes better than moon-eyed TV hacks drenching him with adoration. But he was just getting started. He continued:

“But you know what? One America News has done a great job. And here’s the story, what just happened. The woke executives, I don’t know what the hell they’re doing. They have so much debt. AT&T is a company that is in serious trouble. And they need AT&T, and AT&T is saying that they may no longer agree to carry this network that’s doing very well. You know why? Because people told them not to do it. So maybe what we should do is not use AT&T.”

Trump’s goto insult against any enterprise that he dislikes is that they are failing, no matter how successful they are. Conversely, he builds up those he favors, such as his saying here that OAN is “doing very well.” They aren’t, and never have been. However, Trump is, once again, demonstrating his ignorance by attacking AT&T, which no longer owns DirecTV. Consequently, AT&T had nothing to do with DirecTV’s decision to cut ties with OAN.

Nevertheless, Trump is urging his cult disciples to boycott AT&T. Although he goes about it in a typically bizarre, Trumpian manner wherein he rants that “I’m not gonna use the word ‘boycott.’ I will not say ‘Boycott AT&T,'” in his passively aggressive voice that clearly indicates his desire to provoke a boycott.

The good news is that Trump is an increasingly impotent character who can’t even influence the behavior of his most devoted and glassy-eyed fans. He has called for a boycott of AT&T in the past, without any discernible impact. The same goes for his unheeded decree to quit Twitter. He is, in fact, the undisputed King of Cancel Culture, attempting to incite boycotts against numerous other companies that he has deemed enemies. The only problem for him is that no one appears to be listening, and none of his targets have suffered in the slightest. So sad!

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly.

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Fox Nation vs. Reality:
The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.

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